
Demonstrates how to create location-aware iPhone web applications using the GeoLocation API.
This sample displays a Google static map that shows the current location of a user. It also shows the latitude and longitude data associated with this location. The application updates the location as the user changes position. This sample illustrates how to register, update, and unregister for location change as well as how to handle location errors. See the "Getting Geographic Locations" section in the Safari Web Content Guide for more information about geographic location classes.
Getting Geographic Locations
Dashcode 3.0 or later, Mac OS X 10.6 or later
iOS 3.0 or later
Open this sample using Dashcode 3.0 or later, click the Run button in the toolbar to run it in the iPhone Simulator.
If you have your own web server (for example, Mac OS X Personal Web Server), deploy this sample's files on it, then open index.html in an iPad or iPhone/iPod touch running iOS 3.0 or later. 
Note: Constantly watching for position updates may drain your device's battery since the GPS hardware is enabled while in tracking mode.
Feedback and Bug Reports
Please send all feedback about this sample by using the Feedback form on the bottom of the sample's webpage. Please submit any bug reports about this sample to the Bug Reporting page. 
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