Geometric Primitives.playground/Sources/Support.swift

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Support code for the `simd` geometric primitive playground.
import simd
/// Enum for possible results of an incircle test.
public enum IncircleResult {
    case insideCircle
    case onCircle
    case outsideCircle
    case nan
    /// Initialize incircle result from a floating-point value.
    public init<T: FloatingPoint>(_ value: T) {
        if value < T(0) { self = .outsideCircle }
        else if value > T(0) { self = .insideCircle }
        else if value == T(0) { self = .onCircle }
        else { self = .nan }
/// Enum for possible results of an orientation test.
public enum Orientation {
    case positivelyOriented
    case degenerate
    case negativelyOriented
    case nan
    /// Initialize orientation result from a floating-point value.
    public init<T: FloatingPoint>(_ value: T) {
        if value < T(0) { self = .negativelyOriented }
        else if value > T(0) { self = .positivelyOriented }
        else if value == T(0) { self = .degenerate }
        else { self = .nan }
public extension float2x2 {
    /// Determinant of `self`.
    var determinant: Float { return matrix_determinant(self.cmatrix) }
public extension float3x3 {
    /// Determinant of `self`.
    var determinant: Float { return matrix_determinant(self.cmatrix) }
public extension float4x4 {
    /// Determinant of `self`.
    var determinant: Float { return matrix_determinant(self.cmatrix) }