
    File:       AEHelpers.h
    Contains:   Functions to help you when you are building and sending Apple events.
    Written by: Andy Bachorski  
    Copyright:  Copyright © 1996-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
                You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without
                restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the
                responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute
                this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made
                changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make
                it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source
                code, but that you've made changes.
    Change History (most recent first):
                7/22/1999   Karl Groethe    Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1
// %%%%% need to change calls to object building function to pass a boolean
// %%%%% parameter to control the disposal of descs passed in.
//  System includes
#include <AERegistry.h>
#include <AEObjects.h>
#include <AEPackObject.h>
#include <Aliases.h>
#include <Icons.h>
#include <Processes.h>
#include <EPPC.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// *****************************************************************************
pascal  OSErr   FindProcessBySignature( const OSType targetType,
                                        const OSType targetCreator,
                                              ProcessSerialNumberPtr psnPtr );
/*  The FindProcessBySignature function returns a ProcessSerialNumber
    for a process whose signature (type and creator) matches the input values.
    The ProcessSerialNumber will be kNoProcess is the requested process cannot
    be found. 
    targetType      input:  The file type of the process to be found.
    targetCreator   input:  The creator type of the process to be found.
    psnPtr          input:  Pointer to a ProcessSerialNumber where the
                            process serial number is returned.
                    output: Process serial number.
    noErr              0    No error
    procNotFound    Ð600    No eligible process with specified descriptor
// *****************************************************************************
pascal  OSErr   AEHMakeAppleEventSignatureTarget( const OSType targetType,
                                                  const OSType targetCreator,
                                                  const AEEventClass eventClass,
                                                  const AEEventID eventID,
                                                        AppleEvent *theEvent );
/*  Create and return an AppleEvent of the given class and ID. The event will be
    targeted at the process specified by the target type and creator codes, 
    with an AEAddressDesc of type typeProcessSerialNumber.
    targetType      input:  The file type of the process to be found.
    targetCreator   input:  The creator type of the process to be found.
    eventClass      input:  The class of the event to be created.
    eventID         input:  The ID of the event to be created.
    theEvent        input:  Pointer to an AppleEvent record where the
                            event record will be returned.
                    output: The Apple event.
    noErr              0    No error    
    memFullErr      -108    Not enough room in heap zone    
    procNotFound    Ð600    No eligible process with specified descriptor
// *****************************************************************************
pascal  OSErr   AEHMakeEventProcessTarget( const ProcessSerialNumberPtr psnPtr,
                                           const AEEventClass eventClass,
                                           const AEEventID eventID,
                                                 AppleEvent *theEvent );
/*  Create and return an AppleEvent of the given class and ID. The event will be
    targeted with the provided PSN.
    psnPtr          input:  Pointer to the PSN to target the event with.
    eventClass      input:  The class of the event to be created.
    eventID         input:  The ID of the event to be created.
    theEvent        input:  Pointer to an AppleEvent record where the
                            event record will be returned.
                    output: The Apple event.
    noErr              0    No error    
    memFullErr      -108    Not enough room in heap zone    
    procNotFound    Ð600    No eligible process with specified descriptor
// *****************************************************************************
pascal  OSErr   AEHMakeEventTargetID( const TargetID *targetIDPtr,
                                      const AEEventClass eventClass,
                                      const AEEventID eventID,
                                            AppleEvent *theEvent );
// *****************************************************************************
pascal  OSErr   AEHMakeAliasDescFromFSSpec( const FSSpecPtr fssPtr,
                                                  AEDesc *aliasDesc );
/*  Create and return an AEDesc of type typeAlias using the provided FSSpec.
    fssPtr          input:  Pointer to the FSSpec to use.
    theEvent        input:  Pointer to null AEDesc.
                    output: an AEDesc of type typeAlias.
    noErr              0    No error    
    paramErr         -50    The value of target or alias parameter, or of
                            both, is NIL, or the alias record is corrupt
    memFullErr      -108    Not enough room in heap zone    
// *****************************************************************************
pascal OSErr AEHMakeAliasDesc( const AliasHandle aliasHandle,
                                     AEDesc *aliasDesc );
/*  Create and return an AEDesc of type typeAlias using the provided 
    alias record.
    fssPtr          input:  Handle to an alias record.
    theEvent        input:  Pointer to null AEDesc.
                    output: an AEDesc of type typeAlias.
    noErr              0    No error    
    memFullErr      -108    Not enough room in heap zone    
// *****************************************************************************
pascal  OSErr   AEHMakeAliasObjectFromFSSpec( const FSSpecPtr fssPtr,
                                                    AEDesc *containerObj,
                                                    AEDesc *aliasObject );
    Given an FSSpec, return an object descriptor containing an alias,
    contained by a null object.
    noErr                   0   No error    
    paramErr              -50   The value of target or alias parameter, or of
                                both, is NIL, or the alias record is corrupt
    memFullErr           -108   Not enough room in heap zone    
    errAECoercionFail   -1700   Data could not be coerced to the requested 
                                Apple event data type   
    errAEWrongDataType  -1703   Wrong Apple event data type 
    errAENotAEDesc      -1704   Not a valid descriptor record   
    errAEBadListItem    -1705   Operation involving a list item failed  
// *****************************************************************************
pascal  OSErr   AEHMakeAliasObject( const AliasHandle aliasHandle,
                                          AEDesc *containerObj,
                                          AEDesc *aliasObject );
    Given an object descriptor, create an new object descriptor containing an
    alias, contained by the input object descriptor.
    noErr                   0   No error    
    paramErr              -50   Error in parameter list
    memFullErr           -108   Not enough room in heap zone    
    errAECoercionFail   -1700   Data could not be coerced to the requested 
                                Apple event data type   
    errAEWrongDataType  -1703   Wrong Apple event data type 
    errAENotAEDesc      -1704   Not a valid descriptor record   
    errAEBadListItem    -1705   Operation involving a list item failed  
// *****************************************************************************
pascal  OSErr   AEHMakePropertyObject( const DescType propType,
                                             AEDesc *containerObj,
                                             AEDesc *propertyObj );
    Given an object descriptor, create an new object descriptor containing
    an property, contained by the input object descriptor.
    noErr                   0   No error    
    paramErr              -50   Error in parameter list
    memFullErr           -108   Not enough room in heap zone    
    errAECoercionFail   -1700   Data could not be coerced to the requested 
                                Apple event data type   
    errAEWrongDataType  -1703   Wrong Apple event data type 
    errAENotAEDesc      -1704   Not a valid descriptor record   
    errAEBadListItem    -1705   Operation involving a list item failed  
// *****************************************************************************
pascal  OSErr   AEHMakeProcessObject( const ProcessSerialNumber *psnPtr,
                                             AEDesc *containerObj,
                                             AEDesc *propertyObj );
// *****************************************************************************
pascal  OSErr   AEHMakeSelectionObject( const DescType selection,
                                              AEDesc *containerObj,
                                              AEDesc *propertyObj );
    Given an object descriptor, create an new object descriptor containing
    a selection object using the selection specifier, contained by the 
    input object descriptor.
    noErr                   0   No error    
    paramErr              -50   Error in parameter list
    memFullErr           -108   Not enough room in heap zone    
    errAECoercionFail   -1700   Data could not be coerced to the requested 
                                Apple event data type   
    errAEWrongDataType  -1703   Wrong Apple event data type 
    errAENotAEDesc      -1704   Not a valid descriptor record   
    errAEBadListItem    -1705   Operation involving a list item failed  
// *****************************************************************************
pascal  OSErr   AEHMakeIconSuite( const AEDescList *iconFamilyRecPtr,
                                        Handle *iconSuitePtr );
// *****************************************************************************
pascal  OSErr   AEHMakeIconFamilyRecord( const Handle iconSuite,
                                         const IconSelectorValue iconSelector,
                                               AEDescList *iconFamilyRecPtr );
/*  ¦ Make an icon family record containing the icons specified in the
    iconSelector parameter.
    The iconSuite parameter should contain an icon suite, as returned by a
    call to GetIconSuite.
    iconSuite           input:  The icon suite to build the record from.
    iconSelector        input:  Which icons to include in the record.
    iconFamilyRecPtr    input:  A null descriptor record.
                        output: An AERecord that's been coerced to an
                                icon family record.
    Result Codes
    noErr                   0   No error    
    paramErr              -50   The value of target or alias parameter, or of
                                both, is NIL, or the alias record is corrupt
    memFullErr           -108   Not enough room in heap zone    
    errAECoercionFail   -1700   Data could not be coerced to the requested 
                                Apple event data type   
    Also see:
// *****************************************************************************
pascal  OSErr   AEHGetHandlerError( const AppleEvent *reply );
    Given a reply event, checks for errors returned by the event handler,
    and returns any that are found.
    reply               input:  The reply event to be checked.
    noErr                   0   No error    
    paramErr              -50   The value of target or alias parameter, or of
                                both, is NIL, or the alias record is corrupt
    memFullErr           -108   Not enough room in heap zone    
    errAECoercionFail   -1700   Data could not be coerced to the requested 
                                Apple event data type   
    errAEWrongDataType  -1703   Wrong Apple event data type 
    errAENotAEDesc      -1704   Not a valid descriptor record   
    errAEBadListItem    -1705   Operation involving a list item failed
    ????                Pretty much any error, depending on what the handler
                        of the event sent does.
// *****************************************************************************
pascal  Boolean AEHSimpleIdleFunction( EventRecord *event,
                                      long *sleepTime,
                                      RgnHandle *mouseRgn );
    A very simple idle function. It simply ignors an event it receives,
    returns 30 for the sleep time and nil for the mouse region.
    Your application would normally supply a more robust idle function,
    especially if you have any window. See the tech note on Pending Update
// *****************************************************************************
pascal  Boolean HasAppleEvents( void );
    Calls Gestalt and checks if the Apple Event Manager is available.
    Use this routine together with FinderCallsAEProcess to determine which
    suite of events the Finder supports. If FinderCallsAEProcess returns false
    the Finder supports the subset of the older Finder event suite.
    true    The Apple Event Manager is present
    false   It isn't
// *****************************************************************************
pascal  Boolean FinderCallsAEProcess( void );
    Calls Gestalt and checks if the Finder calls AEProcessAppleEvent.
    If true, the Finder is version 7.1.3 or later.
    Use this routine together with FinderIsOSLCompliant to determine which
    suite of events the Finder supports. If FinderIsOSLCompliant returns false
    the Finder supports the full older Finder event suite.
    true    The Finder calls supports the full old Finder event suite
    false   It doesn't
// *****************************************************************************
pascal  Boolean FinderIsOSLCompliant( void );
    Calls Gestalt and checks if the Finder is OSL compliant, i.e., it supports
    the new Finder event suite.
    If true, the Finder is version 7.5 or later. This means the Finder supports,
    and that you should use, the new Finder event suite. It also means that 
    support for the events present in old Finder event suite is either missing
    or incomplete.
    true    The Finder supports the new Finder event suite, not the old
    false   It doesn't
// *****************************************************************************
#ifdef __cplusplus
    #undef pascal
#endif// AEHELPERS