Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: AEHelpers.h |
Contains: Functions to help you when you are building and sending Apple events. |
Written by: Andy Bachorski |
Copyright: Copyright © 1996-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved. |
You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without |
restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the |
responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute |
this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made |
changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make |
it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source |
code, but that you've made changes. |
Change History (most recent first): |
7/22/1999 Karl Groethe Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1 |
*/ |
// |
// %%%%% need to change calls to object building function to pass a boolean |
// %%%%% parameter to control the disposal of descs passed in. |
#ifndef AEHELPERS |
#define AEHELPERS |
// System includes |
#include <AERegistry.h> |
#include <AEObjects.h> |
#include <AEPackObject.h> |
#include <Aliases.h> |
#include <Icons.h> |
#include <Processes.h> |
#include <EPPC.h> |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
extern "C" { |
#endif |
// ***************************************************************************** |
pascal OSErr FindProcessBySignature( const OSType targetType, |
const OSType targetCreator, |
ProcessSerialNumberPtr psnPtr ); |
/* The FindProcessBySignature function returns a ProcessSerialNumber |
for a process whose signature (type and creator) matches the input values. |
The ProcessSerialNumber will be kNoProcess is the requested process cannot |
be found. |
targetType input: The file type of the process to be found. |
targetCreator input: The creator type of the process to be found. |
psnPtr input: Pointer to a ProcessSerialNumber where the |
process serial number is returned. |
output: Process serial number. |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
procNotFound Ð600 No eligible process with specified descriptor |
____________ |
*/ |
// ***************************************************************************** |
pascal OSErr AEHMakeAppleEventSignatureTarget( const OSType targetType, |
const OSType targetCreator, |
const AEEventClass eventClass, |
const AEEventID eventID, |
AppleEvent *theEvent ); |
/* Create and return an AppleEvent of the given class and ID. The event will be |
targeted at the process specified by the target type and creator codes, |
with an AEAddressDesc of type typeProcessSerialNumber. |
targetType input: The file type of the process to be found. |
targetCreator input: The creator type of the process to be found. |
eventClass input: The class of the event to be created. |
eventID input: The ID of the event to be created. |
theEvent input: Pointer to an AppleEvent record where the |
event record will be returned. |
output: The Apple event. |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
memFullErr -108 Not enough room in heap zone |
procNotFound Ð600 No eligible process with specified descriptor |
____________ |
*/ |
// ***************************************************************************** |
pascal OSErr AEHMakeEventProcessTarget( const ProcessSerialNumberPtr psnPtr, |
const AEEventClass eventClass, |
const AEEventID eventID, |
AppleEvent *theEvent ); |
/* Create and return an AppleEvent of the given class and ID. The event will be |
targeted with the provided PSN. |
psnPtr input: Pointer to the PSN to target the event with. |
eventClass input: The class of the event to be created. |
eventID input: The ID of the event to be created. |
theEvent input: Pointer to an AppleEvent record where the |
event record will be returned. |
output: The Apple event. |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
memFullErr -108 Not enough room in heap zone |
procNotFound Ð600 No eligible process with specified descriptor |
____________ |
*/ |
// ***************************************************************************** |
pascal OSErr AEHMakeEventTargetID( const TargetID *targetIDPtr, |
const AEEventClass eventClass, |
const AEEventID eventID, |
AppleEvent *theEvent ); |
// ***************************************************************************** |
pascal OSErr AEHMakeAliasDescFromFSSpec( const FSSpecPtr fssPtr, |
AEDesc *aliasDesc ); |
/* Create and return an AEDesc of type typeAlias using the provided FSSpec. |
fssPtr input: Pointer to the FSSpec to use. |
theEvent input: Pointer to null AEDesc. |
output: an AEDesc of type typeAlias. |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
paramErr -50 The value of target or alias parameter, or of |
both, is NIL, or the alias record is corrupt |
memFullErr -108 Not enough room in heap zone |
____________ |
*/ |
// ***************************************************************************** |
pascal OSErr AEHMakeAliasDesc( const AliasHandle aliasHandle, |
AEDesc *aliasDesc ); |
/* Create and return an AEDesc of type typeAlias using the provided |
alias record. |
fssPtr input: Handle to an alias record. |
theEvent input: Pointer to null AEDesc. |
output: an AEDesc of type typeAlias. |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
memFullErr -108 Not enough room in heap zone |
____________ |
*/ |
// ***************************************************************************** |
pascal OSErr AEHMakeAliasObjectFromFSSpec( const FSSpecPtr fssPtr, |
AEDesc *containerObj, |
AEDesc *aliasObject ); |
/* |
Given an FSSpec, return an object descriptor containing an alias, |
contained by a null object. |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
paramErr -50 The value of target or alias parameter, or of |
both, is NIL, or the alias record is corrupt |
memFullErr -108 Not enough room in heap zone |
errAECoercionFail -1700 Data could not be coerced to the requested |
Apple event data type |
errAEWrongDataType -1703 Wrong Apple event data type |
errAENotAEDesc -1704 Not a valid descriptor record |
errAEBadListItem -1705 Operation involving a list item failed |
____________ |
*/ |
// ***************************************************************************** |
pascal OSErr AEHMakeAliasObject( const AliasHandle aliasHandle, |
AEDesc *containerObj, |
AEDesc *aliasObject ); |
/* |
Given an object descriptor, create an new object descriptor containing an |
alias, contained by the input object descriptor. |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
paramErr -50 Error in parameter list |
memFullErr -108 Not enough room in heap zone |
errAECoercionFail -1700 Data could not be coerced to the requested |
Apple event data type |
errAEWrongDataType -1703 Wrong Apple event data type |
errAENotAEDesc -1704 Not a valid descriptor record |
errAEBadListItem -1705 Operation involving a list item failed |
____________ |
*/ |
// ***************************************************************************** |
pascal OSErr AEHMakePropertyObject( const DescType propType, |
AEDesc *containerObj, |
AEDesc *propertyObj ); |
/* |
Given an object descriptor, create an new object descriptor containing |
an property, contained by the input object descriptor. |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
paramErr -50 Error in parameter list |
memFullErr -108 Not enough room in heap zone |
errAECoercionFail -1700 Data could not be coerced to the requested |
Apple event data type |
errAEWrongDataType -1703 Wrong Apple event data type |
errAENotAEDesc -1704 Not a valid descriptor record |
errAEBadListItem -1705 Operation involving a list item failed |
____________ |
*/ |
// ***************************************************************************** |
pascal OSErr AEHMakeProcessObject( const ProcessSerialNumber *psnPtr, |
AEDesc *containerObj, |
AEDesc *propertyObj ); |
// ***************************************************************************** |
pascal OSErr AEHMakeSelectionObject( const DescType selection, |
AEDesc *containerObj, |
AEDesc *propertyObj ); |
/* |
Given an object descriptor, create an new object descriptor containing |
a selection object using the selection specifier, contained by the |
input object descriptor. |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
paramErr -50 Error in parameter list |
memFullErr -108 Not enough room in heap zone |
errAECoercionFail -1700 Data could not be coerced to the requested |
Apple event data type |
errAEWrongDataType -1703 Wrong Apple event data type |
errAENotAEDesc -1704 Not a valid descriptor record |
errAEBadListItem -1705 Operation involving a list item failed |
__________ |
*/ |
// ***************************************************************************** |
pascal OSErr AEHMakeIconSuite( const AEDescList *iconFamilyRecPtr, |
Handle *iconSuitePtr ); |
// ***************************************************************************** |
pascal OSErr AEHMakeIconFamilyRecord( const Handle iconSuite, |
const IconSelectorValue iconSelector, |
AEDescList *iconFamilyRecPtr ); |
/* ¦ Make an icon family record containing the icons specified in the |
iconSelector parameter. |
The iconSuite parameter should contain an icon suite, as returned by a |
call to GetIconSuite. |
iconSuite input: The icon suite to build the record from. |
iconSelector input: Which icons to include in the record. |
iconFamilyRecPtr input: A null descriptor record. |
output: An AERecord that's been coerced to an |
icon family record. |
Result Codes |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
paramErr -50 The value of target or alias parameter, or of |
both, is NIL, or the alias record is corrupt |
memFullErr -108 Not enough room in heap zone |
errAECoercionFail -1700 Data could not be coerced to the requested |
Apple event data type |
____________ |
Also see: |
*/ |
// ***************************************************************************** |
pascal OSErr AEHGetHandlerError( const AppleEvent *reply ); |
/* |
Given a reply event, checks for errors returned by the event handler, |
and returns any that are found. |
reply input: The reply event to be checked. |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
paramErr -50 The value of target or alias parameter, or of |
both, is NIL, or the alias record is corrupt |
memFullErr -108 Not enough room in heap zone |
errAECoercionFail -1700 Data could not be coerced to the requested |
Apple event data type |
errAEWrongDataType -1703 Wrong Apple event data type |
errAENotAEDesc -1704 Not a valid descriptor record |
errAEBadListItem -1705 Operation involving a list item failed |
???? Pretty much any error, depending on what the handler |
of the event sent does. |
____________ |
*/ |
// ***************************************************************************** |
pascal Boolean AEHSimpleIdleFunction( EventRecord *event, |
long *sleepTime, |
RgnHandle *mouseRgn ); |
/* |
A very simple idle function. It simply ignors an event it receives, |
returns 30 for the sleep time and nil for the mouse region. |
Your application would normally supply a more robust idle function, |
especially if you have any window. See the tech note on Pending Update |
Perils. |
*/ |
// ***************************************************************************** |
pascal Boolean HasAppleEvents( void ); |
/* |
Calls Gestalt and checks if the Apple Event Manager is available. |
Use this routine together with FinderCallsAEProcess to determine which |
suite of events the Finder supports. If FinderCallsAEProcess returns false |
the Finder supports the subset of the older Finder event suite. |
____________ |
true The Apple Event Manager is present |
false It isn't |
*/ |
// ***************************************************************************** |
pascal Boolean FinderCallsAEProcess( void ); |
/* |
Calls Gestalt and checks if the Finder calls AEProcessAppleEvent. |
If true, the Finder is version 7.1.3 or later. |
Use this routine together with FinderIsOSLCompliant to determine which |
suite of events the Finder supports. If FinderIsOSLCompliant returns false |
the Finder supports the full older Finder event suite. |
____________ |
true The Finder calls supports the full old Finder event suite |
false It doesn't |
*/ |
// ***************************************************************************** |
pascal Boolean FinderIsOSLCompliant( void ); |
/* |
Calls Gestalt and checks if the Finder is OSL compliant, i.e., it supports |
the new Finder event suite. |
If true, the Finder is version 7.5 or later. This means the Finder supports, |
and that you should use, the new Finder event suite. It also means that |
support for the events present in old Finder event suite is either missing |
or incomplete. |
____________ |
true The Finder supports the new Finder event suite, not the old |
false It doesn't |
*/ |
// ***************************************************************************** |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
} |
#endif |
#undef pascal |
#endif |
#endif// AEHELPERS |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-01-14