
    File:       MoreFinderEvents.c
    Contains:   Functions to help you build and sending Apple events to the Finder.
    Written by: Andy Bachorski  
    Copyright:  Copyright © 1996-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
                You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without
                restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the
                responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute
                this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made
                changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make
                it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source
                code, but that you've made changes.
    Change History (most recent first):
                7/22/1999   Karl Groethe    Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1
//  Constant used to #undef PASCAL when not compiling a library
//  System includes
#include <Aliases.h>
#include <AppleScript.h>
#include <Components.h>
#include <Folders.h>
#include <Icons.h>
#include <OSA.h>
//  C standard library includes
#include <string.h>
//  MoreFinderEvents includes
#include "FinderRegistry.h"
#include "AEHelpers.h"
//  Export symbols in this header for shared libraries
#pragma export on
#include "MoreFinderEvents.h"
#pragma export off
const   Boolean     flagNotSet = -1;
static  Boolean     hasAppleEvents = flagNotSet;
static  Boolean     finderCallsAEProcess = flagNotSet;
static  Boolean     finderIsOSLCompliant = flagNotSet;
// *****************************************************************************
pascal OSErr MFESetSelectionToNone( const AEIdleUPP idleProcUPP )
    OSErr       anErr = noErr;
    AppleEvent  theEvent = { typeNull, nil };
    anErr = AEHMakeAppleEventSignatureTarget( kFinderFileType, kFinderCreatorType,
                                              kAECoreSuite, kAESetData, &theEvent );
    if ( anErr == noErr )
        AEDesc      propertyObject = { typeNull, nil };
        AEDesc      containerObj = { typeNull, nil };   // start with the null (application) container
        anErr = AEHMakePropertyObject( pSelection, &containerObj, &propertyObject );
        if ( anErr == noErr )
            anErr = AEPutParamDesc( &theEvent, keyDirectObject, &propertyObject );
            AEDisposeDesc( &propertyObject );
            if ( anErr == noErr )
                AEDescList      emptyList = { typeNull, nil };
                anErr = AECreateList( nil, 0, false, &emptyList );
                if ( anErr == noErr )
                    anErr = AEPutParamDesc( &theEvent, keyAEData, &emptyList );
                    if ( anErr == noErr )
                        AppleEvent  theReply = { typeNull, nil };
                        AESendMode  sendMode;
                        if ( idleProcUPP == nil )
                            sendMode = kAENoReply;
                            sendMode = kAEWaitReply;
                        anErr = AESend( &theEvent, &theReply, sendMode, kAENormalPriority,
                                        kNoTimeOut, idleProcUPP, nil );
                        AEDisposeDesc( &theEvent );
                        if ( anErr == noErr && idleProcUPP != nil )
                            anErr =  AEHGetHandlerError( &theReply );
                            AEDisposeDesc( &theReply );
    return anErr;
} // MFESetSelectionToNone
// *****************************************************************************
pascal OSErr MFEChangeFolderViewNewSuite( const FSSpecPtr fssPtr,
                                          const long viewStyle,
                                          const AEIdleUPP idleProcUPP )
    OSErr       anErr = noErr;
    AppleEvent  theEvent = {typeNull, nil};
    anErr = AEHMakeAppleEventSignatureTarget( kFinderFileType, kFinderCreatorType,
                                              kAECoreSuite, kAESetData, &theEvent );
    if ( anErr == noErr )
        AEDesc      folderObject = {typeNull, nil};
        AEDesc      containerObj = { typeNull, nil };   // start with the null (application) container
        anErr = AEHMakeAliasObjectFromFSSpec( fssPtr, &containerObj, &folderObject );
        if ( anErr == noErr )
            AEDesc      propertyObject = {typeNull, nil};
            anErr = AEHMakePropertyObject( pView, &folderObject, &propertyObject ); // disposes of folderObject for us
            if ( anErr == noErr )
                anErr = AEPutParamDesc( &theEvent, keyDirectObject, &propertyObject );
                AEDisposeDesc( &propertyObject );
                if ( anErr == noErr )
                    anErr = AEPutParamPtr( &theEvent, keyAEData,
                                           typeLongInteger, &viewStyle, sizeof(viewStyle) );
                    if ( anErr == noErr )
                        AppleEvent  theReply = {typeNull, nil};
                        AESendMode  sendMode;
                        if ( idleProcUPP == nil )
                            sendMode = kAENoReply;
                            sendMode = kAEWaitReply;
                        anErr = AESend( &theEvent, &theReply, sendMode, kAENormalPriority,
                                        kNoTimeOut, idleProcUPP, nil );
                        AEDisposeDesc( &theEvent );
                        if ( anErr == noErr && idleProcUPP != nil )
                            anErr =  AEHGetHandlerError( &theReply );
                            AEDisposeDesc( &theReply );
    return anErr;
} // MFEChangeFolderView
// *****************************************************************************
pascal OSErr MFEChangeFolderViewOldSuite( const FSSpecPtr fssPtr,
                                          const long viewStyle,
                                          const AEIdleUPP idleProcUPP )
    OSErr       anErr = noErr;
    AppleEvent  theEvent = {typeNull, nil};
    anErr = AEHMakeAppleEventSignatureTarget( kFinderFileType, kFinderCreatorType,
                                              kAEFinderEvents, kAEChangeView, &theEvent );
    if ( anErr == noErr )
        AEDesc  aliasObject = { typeNull, nil };    // start with the null (application) container
        anErr = AEHMakeAliasDescFromFSSpec( fssPtr, &aliasObject );
        if ( anErr == noErr )
            anErr = AEPutParamDesc( &theEvent, keyDirectObject, &aliasObject );
            AEDisposeDesc( &aliasObject );
            if ( anErr == noErr )
                anErr = AEPutParamPtr( &theEvent, keyMiscellaneous,
                                       typeLongInteger, &viewStyle, sizeof( viewStyle ) );
                if ( anErr == noErr )
                    AppleEvent  theReply = {typeNull, nil};
                    AESendMode  sendMode;
                    if ( idleProcUPP == nil )
                        sendMode = kAENoReply;
                        sendMode = kAEWaitReply;
                    anErr = AESend( &theEvent, &theReply, sendMode, kAENormalPriority,
                                    kNoTimeOut, idleProcUPP, nil );
                    AEDisposeDesc( &theEvent );
                    if ( anErr == noErr && idleProcUPP != nil )
                        anErr =  AEHGetHandlerError( &theReply );
                        AEDisposeDesc( &theReply );
    return anErr;
} // MFEChangeFolderViewOldSuite
// *****************************************************************************
pascal OSErr MFEChangeFolderView( const FSSpecPtr fssPtr,
                                  const long viewStyle,
                                  const AEIdleUPP idleProcUPP )
    OSErr   anErr = noErr;
    if ( FinderCallsAEProcess() )
        if ( FinderIsOSLCompliant() )
            anErr = MFEChangeFolderViewNewSuite( fssPtr, viewStyle, idleProcUPP );
            anErr = MFEChangeFolderViewOldSuite( fssPtr, viewStyle, idleProcUPP );
        anErr = errAEEventNotHandled;
    return anErr;
}//end MFEChangeFolderView
// *****************************************************************************
pascal OSErr MFEAddCustomIconToItem( const FSSpecPtr fssPtr,
                                     const Handle theIconSuite,
                                     const IconSelectorValue iconSelector,
                                     const AEIdleUPP idleProcUPP )
    OSErr       anErr = noErr;
    AppleEvent  theEvent = {typeNull, nil};
    anErr = AEHMakeAppleEventSignatureTarget( kFinderFileType, kFinderCreatorType,
                                              kAECoreSuite, kAESetData, &theEvent );
    if ( anErr == noErr )
        AEDesc      itemObject = {typeNull, nil};
        AEDesc      containerObj = { typeNull, nil };       // start with the null (application) container
        anErr = AEHMakeAliasObjectFromFSSpec( fssPtr, &containerObj, &itemObject );
        if ( anErr == noErr )
            AEDesc      propertyObject = {typeNull, nil};
            anErr = AEHMakePropertyObject( pIconBitmap, &itemObject, &propertyObject ); // disposes of itemObject for us
            if ( anErr == noErr )
                anErr = AEPutParamDesc( &theEvent, keyDirectObject, &propertyObject );
                AEDisposeDesc( &propertyObject );
                if ( anErr == noErr )
                    AEDescList  iconFamilyRec = { typeNull, nil };
                    anErr = AEHMakeIconFamilyRecord( theIconSuite, iconSelector, &iconFamilyRec );
                    if ( anErr == noErr )
                        anErr = AEPutParamDesc( &theEvent, keyAEData, &iconFamilyRec );
                        if ( anErr == noErr )
                            AppleEvent  theReply = {typeNull, nil};
                            AESendMode  sendMode;
                            if ( idleProcUPP == nil )
                                sendMode = kAENoReply;
                                sendMode = kAEWaitReply;
                            anErr = AESend( &theEvent, &theReply, sendMode, kAENormalPriority,
                                            kNoTimeOut, idleProcUPP, nil );
                            AEDisposeDesc( &theEvent );
                            if ( anErr == noErr )
                                anErr =  AEHGetHandlerError( &theReply );
                                AEDisposeDesc( &theReply );
    return anErr;
} // MFEAddCustomIconToItem
// *****************************************************************************
pascal OSErr MFEGetItemIcon( const FSSpecPtr fssPtr,
                             const AEIdleUPP idleProcUPP,
                                   Handle    *theIconSuite )
    OSErr   anErr = noErr;
    AppleEvent  theEvent = {typeNull, nil};
    anErr = AEHMakeAppleEventSignatureTarget( kFinderFileType, kFinderCreatorType,
                                              kAECoreSuite, kAEGetData, &theEvent );
    if ( anErr == noErr )
        AEDesc      itemObject = {typeNull, nil};
        AEDesc      containerObj = { typeNull, nil };       // start with the null (application) container
        anErr = AEHMakeAliasObjectFromFSSpec( fssPtr, &containerObj, &itemObject );
        if ( anErr == noErr )
            AEDesc      propertyObject = {typeNull, nil};
            anErr = AEHMakePropertyObject( pIconBitmap, &itemObject, &propertyObject ); // disposes of itemObject for us
            if ( anErr == noErr )
                anErr = AEPutParamDesc( &theEvent, keyDirectObject, &propertyObject );
                AEDisposeDesc( &propertyObject );
                if ( anErr == noErr )
                    AppleEvent  theReply = {typeNull, nil};
                    AESendMode  sendMode;
                    if ( idleProcUPP == nil )
                        sendMode = kAENoReply;
                        sendMode = kAEWaitReply;
                    anErr = AESend( &theEvent, &theReply, sendMode, kAENormalPriority,
                                    kNoTimeOut, idleProcUPP, nil );
                    AEDisposeDesc( &theEvent );
                    if ( anErr == noErr )
                        anErr =  AEHGetHandlerError( &theReply );
                        if ( anErr == noErr )
                            AEDesc  iconFamilyRec = { typeNull, nil };
                            anErr = AEGetParamDesc( &theReply, keyDirectObject, typeWildCard, &iconFamilyRec );
                            AEDisposeDesc( &theReply );
                            if ( anErr == noErr )
                                anErr = AEHMakeIconSuite( &iconFamilyRec, theIconSuite );
                            AEDisposeDesc( &iconFamilyRec );
    return anErr;
} // MFEGetItemIcon
// *****************************************************************************
pascal OSErr MFEGetEveryItemOnDesktop( const AEIdleUPP idleProcUPP,
                                             AEDescList *objectList )
    OSErr       anErr = noErr;
    AppleEvent  theEvent = {typeNull, nil};
    objectList->descriptorType = typeNull;
    objectList->dataHandle = nil;
    anErr = AEHMakeAppleEventSignatureTarget( kFinderFileType, kFinderCreatorType,
                                              kAECoreSuite, kAEGetData, &theEvent );
    if ( anErr == noErr )
        AEDesc      containerObj = { typeNull, nil };       // start with the null (application) container
        AEDesc      propertyObject = {typeNull, nil};
        anErr = AEHMakePropertyObject( kDesktopFolderType, &containerObj, &propertyObject );
        if ( anErr == noErr )
            DescType    selectAll = kAEAll;
            AEDesc      allObjectsDesc = { typeNull, nil };
            anErr = AEHMakeSelectionObject( selectAll, &propertyObject, &allObjectsDesc );
            if ( anErr == noErr )
                anErr = AEPutParamDesc( &theEvent, keyDirectObject, &allObjectsDesc );
                AEDisposeDesc( &allObjectsDesc );
                if ( anErr == noErr )
                    AppleEvent  theReply = {typeNull, nil};
                    AESendMode  sendMode;
                    if ( idleProcUPP == nil )
                        sendMode = kAENoReply;
                        sendMode = kAEWaitReply;
                    anErr = AESend( &theEvent, &theReply, sendMode, kAENormalPriority,
                                    kNoTimeOut, idleProcUPP, nil );
                    AEDisposeDesc( &theEvent );
                    if ( anErr == noErr )
                        anErr =  AEHGetHandlerError( &theReply );
                        if ( !anErr && theReply.descriptorType != typeNull )
                            anErr = AEGetParamDesc( &theReply, keyDirectObject, typeAEList, objectList );
                        AEDisposeDesc( &theReply );
    return anErr;
} // MFEGetEveryItemOnDesktop
// *****************************************************************************
pascal OSErr MFEUpdateItemFSS( const FSSpecPtr fssPtr )
    OSErr           anErr = noErr;
    AliasHandle     aliasHandle;
    anErr = NewAlias( nil, fssPtr, &aliasHandle);
    if ( anErr == noErr )
        anErr = MFEUpdateItemAlias( aliasHandle );
    DisposeHandle( (Handle)aliasHandle );
    return anErr;
} // MFEChangeFolderView
// *****************************************************************************
pascal OSErr MFEUpdateItemAlias( const AliasHandle aliasHandle )
    OSErr       anErr = noErr;
    AppleEvent  theEvent = {typeNull, nil};
    anErr = AEHMakeAppleEventSignatureTarget( kFinderFileType, kFinderCreatorType,
                                              kAEFinderSuite, kAEUpdate, &theEvent );
    if ( anErr == noErr )
        AEDesc      aliasDesc = {typeNull, nil};
        anErr = AEHMakeAliasDesc( aliasHandle, &aliasDesc );
        if ( anErr == noErr )
            anErr = AEPutParamDesc( &theEvent, keyDirectObject, &aliasDesc );
            AEDisposeDesc( &aliasDesc );
            if ( anErr == noErr )
                AppleEvent  theReply = {typeNull, nil};
                anErr = AESend( &theEvent, &theReply, kAENoReply, kAENormalPriority,
                                kAEDefaultTimeout, nil, nil );
                AEDisposeDesc( &theEvent );
                if ( anErr == noErr )
                    anErr =  AEHGetHandlerError( &theReply );
                    AEDisposeDesc( &theReply );
    return anErr;
} // MFEChangeFolderView
// *****************************************************************************
pascal OSErr MFEOpenFile( const AEIdleUPP idleProcUPP,
                                FSSpec *fssPtr )
    OSErr       anErr = noErr;
    AppleEvent  theEvent = { typeNull, nil };
    anErr = AEHMakeAppleEventSignatureTarget( kFinderFileType, kFinderCreatorType,
                                              kAECoreSuite, kAEOpen, &theEvent );
    if ( anErr == noErr )
        anErr = AEPutParamPtr( &theEvent, keyDirectObject, typeFSS, fssPtr, sizeof( FSSpec ) );
        if ( anErr == noErr )
            AppleEvent  theReply = {typeNull, nil};
            AESendMode  sendMode;
            if ( idleProcUPP == nil )
                sendMode = kAENoReply;
                sendMode = kAEWaitReply;
            anErr = AESend( &theEvent, &theReply, sendMode, kAENormalPriority,
                            kNoTimeOut, idleProcUPP, nil );
            AEDisposeDesc( &theEvent );
            if ( anErr == noErr )
                anErr =  AEHGetHandlerError( &theReply );
                AEDisposeDesc( &theReply );
    return anErr;
}//end MFELaunchApplication