Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
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;File: CallLAPMgr.a |
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; C prototype |
; pascal long CallLAPMgr(short selector); |
; Pascal prototype |
; Function CallLAPMgr(selector : integer): longint; |
******************* |
LAPMgrPtr EQU $B18 ; This points to our start (???ATalkHk2?) |
LAPMgrCall EQU 2 ; Offset to make LAP manager calls |
LINK A6,#0 ; set up stack frame |
MOVE.W 8(A6),D0 ; move selector parameter into D0 |
MOVE.L A2,-(A7) ; store A2 on stack |
MOVEA.L LAPMgrPtr,A2 ; Set A2 to address of LAP Mgr. |
JSR LAPMgrCall(A2) ; Call LAP Manager |
MOVE.L D1,$A(A6) ; Place result onto stack |
MOVE.L (A7)+,A2 ; Restore A2 |
UNLK A6 ; restore stack frame |
MOVEA.L (A7)+,A0 ; put return address into A0 |
ADDQ.W #$2,A7 ; clear off the parameter |
JMP (A0) ; return to caller |
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;End of file |
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