
//                              Glypha IV 1.0
//                              by  Scheherazade
// Here is the "main" file for Glypha.  Here is where the game begins and ends.
// Also included are the preference calls.
#include <Sound.h>
#include "G4Externs.h"
#define kPrefsVersion           0x0002
void ReadInPrefs (void);
void WriteOutPrefs (void);
void main (void);
prefsInfo   thePrefs;
long        wasVolume;
extern  Boolean     quitting, playing, pausing, evenFrame;
void UpdateMainWindow (void);
//==============================================================  Functions
//--------------------------------------------------------------  ReadInPrefs
//  This function loads up the preferences.  If the preferences 
//  aren't found, all settings are set to their defaults.
void ReadInPrefs (void)
    short       i;
                            // Call LoadPrefs() function - returns TRUE if it worked.
    if (LoadPrefs(&thePrefs, kPrefsVersion))
    else                    // If LoadPrefs() failed, set defaults.
        thePrefs.prefVersion = kPrefsVersion;               // version of prefs
        thePrefs.filler = 0;                                // just padding
        PasStringCopy("\pYour Name", thePrefs.highName);    // last highscores name
        for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)                            // loop through scores
            PasStringCopy("\pNemo", thePrefs.highNames[i]); // put "Nemo" in name
            thePrefs.highScores[i] = 0L;                    // set highscore to 0
            thePrefs.highLevel[i] = 0;                      // level attained = 0
        GetDefaultOutputVolume (&thePrefs.wasVolume);           // get new volume
//      GetSoundVol(&thePrefs.wasVolume);
                            // Get sound volume so we can restore it.
    GetDefaultOutputVolume (&wasVolume);            // get new volume
//  GetSoundVol(&wasVolume);
//--------------------------------------------------------------  WriteOutPrefs
//  This function writes out the preferences to disk and restores 
//  the sound volume to its setting before Glypha was launched.
void WriteOutPrefs (void)
    if (!SavePrefs(&thePrefs, kPrefsVersion))
//--------------------------------------------------------------  main
//  This is the main function.  Every C program has one of these.
//  First it initializes our program and then falls into a loop
//  until the user chooses to quit.  At that point, it cleans up
//  and exits.
void main (void)
    long        tickWait;
    OSStatus    theError;
    Boolean     wasPlaying = false;
    // startup DrawSprocket
    theError = DSpStartup();
    if( theError )
        RedAlert("\punable to init DrawSprocket!");
    // DSpSetDebugMode( true );
    ToolBoxInit();          // Call function that initializes the ToolBox managers.
    CheckEnvirons();        // Check the Mac we're on to see if we can run.
    OpenMainWindow();       // Open up the main window - it will fill the monitor.
    InitVariables();        // Initialize Glypha's variables.
    InitSound();            // Create sound channels and load up sounds.
    InitMenubar();          // Set up the game's menubar.
    ReadInPrefs();          // Load up the preferences.
    theError = DSpContext_FadeGammaIn( NULL, NULL );
    if( theError )
        RedAlert("\pUnable to unfade the display!");
    do                      // Here begins the main loop.
        HandleEvent();      // Check for events.
        if ((playing) && (!pausing))
            wasPlaying = true;
            PlayGame();     // If user began game, drop in game loop. (play mode)
        else if (pausing && playing)
        else                // If no game, animate the screen. (idle mode)
            if (Button())
                Point pt;
                pt.h += (Random() % 21) - 10;
                pt.v += (Random() % 21) - 10;
                StartPixelShatter(pt.h, pt.v, 0, 0, kShatterLightningDust);
            if (wasPlaying)
                wasPlaying = false;
            tickWait = TickCount() + 2L;
            evenFrame = !evenFrame;
    while (!quitting);
    KillSound();            // Dispose of sound channels.
    ShutItDown();           // Dispose of other structures.
    WriteOutPrefs();        // Save preferences to disk.