Resources/English.lproj/GrabBag Help/index.html

    <META HTTP-EQUIV="content-type" CONTENT="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1">
    <TITLE>GrabBag Help Page</TITLE>
    <META NAME="AppleTitle" CONTENT="GrabBag Help">
  <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
     <P>GrabBag Help Page!</P>
     <P><A HREF="#ImagesAnchor"><FONT SIZE="+2"><B>See The Images</B></FONT></A></P>
    <P><FONT SIZE="+2"><B><A NAME=ImagesAnchor></A>Mac OS X Images</B></FONT></P>
    <P><FONT SIZE="+1">This just demonstrates how to jump to a named
    anchor within your help book. To get here you may have chosen the "Go
    To Mac OS X Help" menu item under the "Help" menu.</FONT></P>
    <P>&nbsp;<IMG SRC="Images/SearchTabX.JPEG"></P>
    <P><IMG SRC="Images/SearchWindowX.JPEG"></P>
    <P><FONT SIZE="+2"><B>Mac OS 9 Images</B></FONT></P>
    <P><FONT SIZE="+1">This just demonstrates how to jump to a named
    anchor within your help book. To get here you may have chosen the "Go
    To Mac OS 9 Help" menu item under the "Help" menu.</FONT></P>
    <P><FONT SIZE="+2"><B><IMG SRC="Images/SearchTab9.JPEG"></B></FONT></P>
    <P><FONT SIZE="+2"><B><IMG SRC="Images/SearchWindow9.JPEG"></B></FONT></P>