Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
Start Code/ImagesFromURL.c
// Graphics Importer and Exporter Samples |
// This example creates a URL data reference and opens |
// the image from this created reference |
// Originally written by Sam Bushell for QuickTime "Live" '99 |
// WWDC 2000 Introduction to QuickTime |
#include "MacShell.h" |
void ImageFromURL( void ) |
{ |
OSErr err = noErr; |
DialogPtr dialog; |
short itemHit; |
short itemKind; |
Handle itemHandle; |
Rect itemRect; |
GraphicsImportComponent importer = 0; |
Rect naturalBounds, windowBounds; |
WindowPtr window = NULL; |
Str255 str; |
Handle urlDataRef = NULL; |
// show a dialog and prompt for the URL |
dialog = GetNewDialog( 1006, NULL, (WindowPtr)-1 ); |
SetDialogDefaultItem( dialog, kStdOkItemIndex ); |
SetDialogCancelItem( dialog, kStdCancelItemIndex ); |
SelectDialogItemText( dialog, 3, 0, 1000 ); |
ModalDialog( NULL, &itemHit ); |
GetDialogItem( dialog, 3, &itemKind, &itemHandle, &itemRect ); |
GetDialogItemText( itemHandle, str ); |
DisposeDialog( dialog ); |
if( kStdCancelItemIndex == itemHit ) return; |
// the default URL is |
// "" |
// URL data references must be nul-terminated |
PtrToHand( &str[1], &urlDataRef, 1 + str[0] ); |
(*urlDataRef)[ str[0] ] = 0; |
// locate and open a graphics importer component for the data reference |
// Step 1. Insert ImporterForDataRef.clp here... |
// get the native size of the image associated with the importer |
err = GraphicsImportGetNaturalBounds( importer, &naturalBounds ); |
windowBounds = naturalBounds; |
OffsetRect( &windowBounds, 10, 45 ); |
window = NewCWindow( NULL, &windowBounds, "\pImage From URL", true, documentProc, (WindowPtr)-1, true, 0); |
// set the graphics port for drawing |
err = GraphicsImportSetGWorld( importer, GetWindowPort( window ), NULL ); |
// draw the image |
err = GraphicsImportDraw( importer ); |
CloseComponent( importer ); |
DisposeHandle( urlDataRef ); |
} |
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