Start Code/ScaleAndRotate.c

// Graphics Importer and Exporter Samples
// This example uses graphics importers to draw an image
// then demonstrates how to perform scaling, rotation and perspective
// manipulation using matrix operations
// Originally written by Sam Bushell for QuickTime "Live" '99
// WWDC 2000 Introduction to QuickTime
#include "MacShell.h"
void ScaleAndRotate( void )
    OSErr err = noErr;
    Handle hOpenTypeList = NewHandle(0);
    long    numTypes = 0;
    FSSpec  theFSSpec;
    GraphicsImportComponent importer = 0;
    Rect naturalBounds, windowBounds, scaledBounds;
    WindowPtr window = NULL;
    MatrixRecord matrix;
    Fixed naturalWidth, naturalHeight;
    FixedPoint fromQuad[4], toQuad[4];
    BuildGraphicsImporterValidFileTypes( hOpenTypeList, &numTypes );
    HLock( hOpenTypeList );
    err = GetOneFileWithPreview(numTypes, (OSTypePtr)*hOpenTypeList, &theFSSpec, NULL);
    DisposeHandle( hOpenTypeList );
    if ( err ) return;
// Step 1. Insert Step1.clp here... 
    // scale the image by a factor of 2x.  
    // the top-left coordinate of an image's natural bounds is always (0,0).
    scaledBounds = naturalBounds;
    scaledBounds.right = scaledBounds.right * 2;
    scaledBounds.bottom = scaledBounds.bottom * 2;
    // define the rectangle in which to draw an image
// Step 2. Insert SetBoundsRect.clp here...
    // resize the window to fit, and redraw.
// Step 3. Insert Step3.clp here...
    // rotate the image ninety degrees clockwise
// Step 4. Insert Rotate.clp here...
    // resize the window to fit, and redraw.
    // get the new bounds rect, size the window then draw
// Step 5. Insert Step5.clp here...
    // give the image some hefty perspective.
    // set up two quadrilateral coordinates and create a translation matrix
    // from one to the other using QuadToQuadMatrix()
    // QuadToQuadMatrix was added in QuickTime 4.0.
    naturalWidth = Long2Fix( naturalBounds.right );
    naturalHeight = Long2Fix( naturalBounds.bottom );
    fromQuad[0].x = 0;
    fromQuad[0].y = 0;
    fromQuad[1].x = naturalWidth;
    fromQuad[1].y = 0;
    fromQuad[2].x = naturalWidth;
    fromQuad[2].y = naturalHeight;
    fromQuad[3].x = 0;
    fromQuad[3].y = naturalHeight;
    toQuad[0].x = naturalWidth/8;
    toQuad[0].y = naturalHeight/4;
    toQuad[1].x = naturalWidth*9/8;
    toQuad[1].y = 0;
    toQuad[2].x = naturalWidth;
    toQuad[2].y = naturalHeight*6/4;
    toQuad[3].x = 0;
    toQuad[3].y = naturalHeight;
    SetIdentityMatrix( &matrix );
    QuadToQuadMatrix( (Fixed *)fromQuad, (Fixed *)toQuad, &matrix );
    err = GraphicsImportSetMatrix( importer, &matrix );
    // resize the window to fit, and redraw
    // get the new bounds rect, size the window then draw
    err = GraphicsImportGetBoundsRect( importer, &scaledBounds );
    SizeWindow( window, scaledBounds.right, scaledBounds.bottom, false );
    SetPortWindowPort( window );
    EraseRect( &scaledBounds );
    err = GraphicsImportDraw( importer );
    CloseComponent( importer );