
// HIDElementModel.m
// HID_Calibrator
// Created by George Warner on 3/26/11.
// Copyright 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
// ****************************************************
#pragma mark - includes & imports *
// ----------------------------------------------------
#include "HID_Utilities_External.h"
#import "IOHIDElementModel.h"
@interface IOHIDElementModel ()
    IOHIDElementRef _IOHIDElementRef;
    BOOL first;
@implementation IOHIDElementModel
- (id)initWithIOHIDElementRef: (IOHIDElementRef) inIOHIDElementRef;
    //NSLogDebug(@"(IOHIDElementRef): <%@>", inIOHIDElementRef);
    self = [super init];
    if (self) {
        // Initialization code here.
        first = YES;
        self._IOHIDElementRef = inIOHIDElementRef;
    return (self);
- (void)dealloc {
    NSLogDebug(@"self: <%@>", self);
    self._IOHIDElementRef = nil;
} // dealloc
- (NSString *) description {
    NSString *result = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"<%@ %p>", [self class ], self];
    if (_IOHIDElementRef) {
        IOHIDDeviceRef tIOHIDDeviceRef = IOHIDElementGetDevice(_IOHIDElementRef);
        uint32_t vendorID = IOHIDDevice_GetVendorID(tIOHIDDeviceRef);
        uint32_t productID = IOHIDDevice_GetProductID(tIOHIDDeviceRef);
        uint32_t usagePage = IOHIDElementGetUsagePage(_IOHIDElementRef);
        uint32_t usage = IOHIDElementGetUsage(_IOHIDElementRef);
        IOHIDElementCookie cookie = IOHIDElementGetCookie(_IOHIDElementRef);
        CFStringRef tCFStringRef = IOHIDElementGetName(_IOHIDElementRef);
        if (tCFStringRef) {
            // create a copy so it's safe to release it later
            tCFStringRef = CFStringCreateCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, tCFStringRef);
        } else {
            tCFStringRef = HIDCopyElementNameFromVendorProductCookie(vendorID, productID, cookie);
            if (!tCFStringRef) {
                tCFStringRef = HIDCopyElementNameFromVendorProductUsage(vendorID, productID, usagePage, usage);
            if (!tCFStringRef) {
                tCFStringRef = HIDCopyUsageName(usagePage, usage);
        if (!tCFStringRef) {   // if everything else fails…
            tCFStringRef = CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorDefault, NULL, CFSTR("element %p"), (void *) _IOHIDElementRef);
        // append usage page & usage
        CFStringRef t2CFStringRef = CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorDefault, NULL, CFSTR("%@: {c:%d, u:{%d:%d}}"), tCFStringRef, cookie, usagePage, usage);
        CFRelease(  tCFStringRef);
        result = [NSString stringWithString:(__bridge NSString*) t2CFStringRef];
        CFRelease(  t2CFStringRef);
    // NSLogDebug(@"name: <%@>", result);
    return (result);
} // description
- (void)set_IOHIDElementRef: (IOHIDElementRef) inIOHIDElementRef {
    //NSLogDebug(@"self: %p, inIOHIDElementRef: %p", self, inIOHIDElementRef);
    if (first || (_IOHIDElementRef != inIOHIDElementRef)) {
        _IOHIDElementRef = inIOHIDElementRef;
        first = YES;
        (void) self.description;
        if (inIOHIDElementRef) {
            // save these for a second (since we're about to mess with them…)
            double tPhyMin = self.phyMin;
            double tPhyMax = self.phyMax;
            self.calMin = IOHIDElementGetLogicalMin(inIOHIDElementRef);
            self.calMax = IOHIDElementGetLogicalMax(inIOHIDElementRef);
            // note: don't use self.phyVal here;
            // we don't want the phyVal setter to mess with the
            // minmin/maxmax values after we just set them
            //phyVal = IOHIDElement_GetValue(inIOHIDElementRef, kIOHIDValueScaleTypePhysical);
            // if the previous values were valid…
            first = (tPhyMin != tPhyMax);
} // set_IOHIDElementRef
/* ************************ *\
 *                          *
 * Get/Set logical values   *
 *                          *
 \* ************************ */
- (double)logMin {
    // NSLogDebug();
    double result = NAN;
    if (_IOHIDElementRef) {
        result = IOHIDElementGetLogicalMin(_IOHIDElementRef);
    return (result);
} // logMin
- (double)logMax {
    // NSLogDebug();
    double result = NAN;
    if (_IOHIDElementRef) {
        result = IOHIDElementGetLogicalMax(_IOHIDElementRef);
    return (result);
} // logMax
/* ************************ *\
 *                          *
 * Get/Set Physical values  *
 *                          *
 \* *********************** */
- (double)phyMin {
    // NSLogDebug();
    double result = NAN;
    if (_IOHIDElementRef) {
        result = IOHIDElementGetPhysicalMin(_IOHIDElementRef);
    return (result);
} // phyMin
- (double)phyVal {
    // NSLogDebug();
    double result = NAN;
    if (_IOHIDElementRef) {
        IOHIDValueRef tIOHIDValueRef;
        IOReturn ioReturn = IOHIDDeviceGetValue(IOHIDElementGetDevice(_IOHIDElementRef), _IOHIDElementRef, &tIOHIDValueRef);
        if (kIOReturnSuccess == ioReturn) {
            result = IOHIDValueGetScaledValue(tIOHIDValueRef, kIOHIDValueScaleTypePhysical);
            if (first || (result < self.satMin)) {
                self.satMin = result;
            if (first || (result > self.satMax)) {
                self.satMax = result;
            first = NO;
        } else {
            NSLogDebug(@"IOHIDDeviceGetValue error: %08x.", (int) ioReturn);
    return (result);
} // phyVal
- (void)setPhyVal: (double) newVal {
    // NSLogDebug(@"(double) %6.2f", newVal);
    self.calVal = self.calVal; // this will force the view to reload its calibrated value
} // setPhyVal
- (double)phyMax {
    // NSLogDebug();
    double result = NAN;
    if (_IOHIDElementRef) {
        result = IOHIDElementGetPhysicalMax(_IOHIDElementRef);
    return (result);
} // phyMax
/* **************************** *\
 *                              *
 * Get/Set saturation values    *
 *                              *
 \* *************************** */
- (double)satMin {
    // NSLogDebug();
    double result = NAN;
    if (_IOHIDElementRef) {
        result = IOHIDElement_GetCalibrationSaturationMin(_IOHIDElementRef);
    return (result);
} // satMin
- (void)setSatMin: (double) newVal {
    //NSLogDebug(@"(double) %6.2f", newVal);
    IOHIDElement_SetCalibrationSaturationMin(_IOHIDElementRef, newVal);
    self.calVal = self.calVal; // this will force the view to reload its calibrated value
} // setSatMin
- (double)satMax {
    // NSLogDebug();
    double result = NAN;
    if (_IOHIDElementRef) {
        result = IOHIDElement_GetCalibrationSaturationMax(_IOHIDElementRef);
    return (result);
} // satMax
- (void)setSatMax: (double) newVal {
    //NSLogDebug(@"(double) %6.2f", newVal);
    IOHIDElement_SetCalibrationSaturationMax(_IOHIDElementRef, newVal);
    self.calVal = self.calVal; // this will force the view to reload its calibrated value
} // setSatMax
/* **************************** *\
 *                              *
 * Get/Set calibration values   *
 *                              *
 \* *************************** */
- (double)calMin {
    // NSLogDebug();
    double result = NAN;
    if (_IOHIDElementRef) {
        result = IOHIDElement_GetCalibrationMin(_IOHIDElementRef);
    return (result);
} // calMin
- (void)setCalMin: (double) newVal {
    // NSLogDebug(@"(double) %6.2f", newVal);
    IOHIDElement_SetCalibrationMin(_IOHIDElementRef, newVal);
} // setCalMin
- (double)calVal {
    // NSLogDebug();
    double result = NAN;
    if (_IOHIDElementRef) {
        IOHIDValueRef tIOHIDValueRef = NULL;
        IOReturn ioReturn = IOHIDDeviceGetValue(IOHIDElementGetDevice(_IOHIDElementRef), _IOHIDElementRef, &tIOHIDValueRef);
        if (kIOReturnSuccess == ioReturn) {
            result = IOHIDValueGetScaledValue(tIOHIDValueRef, kIOHIDValueScaleTypeCalibrated);
        } else {
            NSLogDebug(@"IOHIDDeviceGetValue error: %08x.", (int) ioReturn);
    return (result);
} // calVal
- (void)setCalVal: (double) newVal {
    // NSLogDebug(@"(double) %6.2f", newVal);
    //calVal = newVal;
- (double)calMax {
    // NSLogDebug();
    double result = NAN;
    if (_IOHIDElementRef) {
        result = IOHIDElement_GetCalibrationMax(_IOHIDElementRef);
    return (result);
} // calMax
- (void)setCalMax: (double) newVal {
    // NSLogDebug(@"(double) %6.2f", newVal);
    IOHIDElement_SetCalibrationMax(_IOHIDElementRef, newVal);
} // setCalMax
/* ************************* *\
 *                           *
 * Get/Set deadzone values   *
 *                           *
 \* ************************ */
- (double)deadzoneMin {
    // NSLogDebug();
    double result = NAN;
    if (_IOHIDElementRef) {
        result = IOHIDElement_GetCalibrationDeadZoneMin(_IOHIDElementRef);
    return (result);
} // deadzoneMin
- (void)setDeadzoneMin: (double) newVal {
    // NSLogDebug(@"(double) %6.2f", newVal);
    IOHIDElement_SetCalibrationDeadZoneMin(_IOHIDElementRef, newVal);
    self.calVal = self.calVal; // this will force the view to reload its calibrated value
} // setDeadzoneMin
- (double)deadzoneMax {
    // NSLogDebug();
    double result = NAN;
    if (_IOHIDElementRef) {
        result = IOHIDElement_GetCalibrationDeadZoneMax(_IOHIDElementRef);
    return (result);
} // deadzoneMax
- (void)setDeadzoneMax: (double) newVal {
    // NSLogDebug(@"(double) %6.2f", newVal);
    IOHIDElement_SetCalibrationDeadZoneMax(_IOHIDElementRef, newVal);
    self.calVal = self.calVal; // this will force the view to reload its calibrated value
} // setDeadzoneMax
@dynamic description;
@synthesize _IOHIDElementRef;