
// MyLevelIndicatorView.m
// HID_Calibrator
// Created by George Warner on 4/1/11.
// Copyright 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
#import "MyLevelIndicatorView.h"
@interface MyLevelIndicatorView () {
    // instance variables for our properties.
    __unsafe_unretained IOHIDElementModel *representedObject;
    double reDraw;
@end @implementation MyLevelIndicatorView - (id) initWithFrame:(NSRect)frame {
    // NSLogDebug(@"(NSRect): %@", NSStringFromRect(frame));
    self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
    if (self) {
        // Initialization code here.
        [self setToolTip:@"Physical is red (range is pink); calibrated is green"];
    return (self);
}                                                                               // initWithFrame
- (void) dealloc {
    NSLogDebug(@"self(%p): <%@>",
} // dealloc
- (void) setRepresentedObject:(IOHIDElementModel *)inRepresentedObject {
    representedObject = inRepresentedObject;
#if true
    // reDraw is a fake property used as a binding so changes to our element
    // model's calVal property will tell this view to update.
    [self bind:@"reDraw" toObject:representedObject withKeyPath:@"calVal" options:NULL];
#endif // if true
} // setRepresentedObject
- (IOHIDElementModel *) representedObject {
    return (representedObject);
- (double) reDraw {
    // NSLogDebug(@"(double) %6.2f", reDraw);
    [self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
    return (reDraw);
} // reDraw
- (void) setReDraw:(double)newReDraw {
    // NSLogDebug(@"(double) %6.2f", newReDraw);
    reDraw = newReDraw;
    // [self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
} // setReDraw
- (void) drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect {
    NSRect bounds = [self bounds];
#if true
    [[NSColor colorWithDeviceWhite:0.85f alpha:1.f] set];
#endif // if true
    IOHIDElementModel *elementModel = self.representedObject;
    NSRect newBounds = bounds;
#if true
    double width = NSWidth(bounds);
    // draw the saturated range
    double phyMin = elementModel.phyMin;
    double phyMax = elementModel.phyMax;
    double phyRange = phyMax - phyMin;
    double satMin = elementModel.satMin;
    double satMax = elementModel.satMax;
    double satMinX = (satMin - phyMin) * width / phyRange;
    double satMaxX = (satMax - phyMin) * width / phyRange;
    newBounds.origin.x += satMinX;
    newBounds.size.width = (satMaxX - satMinX);
    NSColor *pinkColor = [NSColor colorWithDeviceRed:1.0f green:0.75f blue:1.0f alpha:1.f];
    [pinkColor set];
#if true
    // draw the deadzone range
    double deadzoneMin = elementModel.deadzoneMin;
    double deadzoneMax = elementModel.deadzoneMax;
    if (deadzoneMin < deadzoneMax) {
        double deadzoneMinX = (deadzoneMin - phyMin) * width / phyRange;
        double deadzoneMaxX = (deadzoneMax - phyMin) * width / phyRange;
        newBounds = bounds;
        newBounds.origin.x += deadzoneMinX;
        newBounds.origin.y += newBounds.size.height * 3.f / 4.f;
        newBounds.size.height /= 4.f;
        newBounds.size.width = deadzoneMaxX - deadzoneMinX + 1.f;
        [[NSColor redColor] set];
#endif // if true
    // draw the current physical value
#if true
    double phyVal = elementModel.phyVal;
    double phyX = (phyVal - phyMin) * width / phyRange;
    newBounds = bounds;
    newBounds.origin.x += phyX;
    newBounds.size.width = 1.f;
    [[NSColor redColor] set];
#endif // if true
    // draw the current calibrated value
#if true
    double logMin = elementModel.logMin;
    double logMax = elementModel.logMax;
    double logRange = logMax - logMin;
    double calX = (elementModel.calVal - logMin) * width / logRange;
    newBounds = bounds;
    newBounds.origin.x += calX;
    newBounds.size.width = 1.f;
    NSColor *darkGreenColor = [NSColor colorWithDeviceRed:0.f green:0.5f blue:0.f alpha:1.f];
    [darkGreenColor set];
#endif // if true
    // draw the computed calibrated value
#if true
    double ccalX = (phyVal - satMin) * width / (satMax - satMin);
    if (deadzoneMin < deadzoneMax) {
        double halfWidth = width / 2.f;
        if (phyVal < deadzoneMin) {
            ccalX = (phyVal - satMin) * halfWidth / (deadzoneMin - satMin);
        } else if (deadzoneMax < phyVal) {
            ccalX = ((phyVal - deadzoneMax) * halfWidth / (satMax - deadzoneMax)) + halfWidth;
        } else {
            ccalX = halfWidth;
    newBounds = bounds;
    newBounds.origin.x += ccalX;
    newBounds.size.width = 1.f;
    [[NSColor blackColor] set];
#endif // if true
#endif // if true
#if true
    [[NSColor blackColor] set];
#endif // if true
}                                                                               // drawRect
@synthesize representedObject;
@synthesize reDraw;