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Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
HTMLSample Help/buttons.html
<HTML> |
<HEAD> |
<TITLE>Customizing HTMLSample</TITLE> |
</HEAD> |
<H1><A NAME=top></A></H1> |
<H1>Customizing HTMLSample</H1> |
<H3>Contents</H3> |
<UL> |
<LI><A HREF="#overview">Overview</A></LI> |
<LI><A HREF="#defaultpage">Setting the default page</A></LI> |
<LI><A HREF="#errorpage">Setting the error page</A></LI> |
<LI><A HREF="#custombuttons">Adding custom buttons</A></LI> |
<LI><A HREF="#example">An Example Button</A> |
<UL> |
<LI><A HREF="#target">The target file</A></LI> |
<LI><A HREF="#appearance">The button's appearance</A></LI> |
<LI><A HREF="#cicb">The CICB resource</A></LI> |
<LI><A HREF="#rbcl">The RBCL resource</A></LI> |
</UL> |
</LI> |
<LI><A HREF="#applinks">Adding application links</A></LI> |
</UL> |
<P><A NAME=overview></A></P> |
<P> </P> |
<H3>Overview</H3> |
<P>HTMLSample is an application that demonstrates the capabilities of |
the HTMLRenderingLib that is new for Mac OS 9. Facilities have been |
provided for adding custom buttons to the control bar at the top of |
the window, and for setting the default page displayed in a windows |
when no other file has been specified.</P> |
<P><A NAME=defaultpage></A></P> |
<P> </P> |
<H3>Setting the default page</H3> |
<P>To set the default file displayed by HTMLSample, edit the 'CSTR' |
ID=128 resource. This resource contains a HTML link referring to a |
file relative to the application's folder. Whenever an empty window |
is created by default, the application will display this file. For |
example, to display the file 'index.html' that is located in the |
folder 'HTMLSample Pages' that is located in the same directory as |
the HTMLSample application, we would save the following link in the |
'CSTR' ID=128 resource:</P> |
<BLOCKQUOTE>HTMLSample%20Pages/index.html</BLOCKQUOTE> |
<P>To display this link, the HTMLSample catenates it together the URL |
referring to the application's directory. Once the full URL has been |
determined, the program displays the page in the window.</P> |
<P><A NAME=errorpage></A></P> |
<P> </P> |
<H3>Setting the error page</H3> |
<P>To set the HTML file displayed by HTMLSample when a page cannot be |
located, edit the 'CSTR' ID=129 resource. This resource contains a |
HTML link referring to a file relative to the application's folder. |
Whenever the HTMLRenderingLib is asked to display a URL that does not |
map to a file on disk, the application will display this file. In |
this example, the 'CSTR' ID=129 resource contains the following |
application relative link:</P> |
<BLOCKQUOTE>HTMLSample%20Pages/error.html</BLOCKQUOTE> |
<P>To display this link, the HTMLSample catenates it together the URL |
referring to the application's directory. Once the full URL has been |
determined, the program displays the page in the window.</P> |
<P><A NAME=custombuttons></A></P> |
<P> </P> |
<H3>Adding custom buttons</H3> |
<P>Navigation controls built in to the top of the window are grouped |
into two types. As shown in figure 1, there are the built in |
navigation buttons (back, home, and forward) and there are custom |
buttons that you can add via a utility such as ResEdit.</P> |
<P><IMG SRC="images/buttons.gif" WIDTH=231 HEIGHT=90 ALIGN=bottom></P> |
<P><B>Figure 1</B>. Built-in and custom buttons.</P> |
<P>ResEdit templates have been included in the resource fork of this |
application for accessing the necessary resources. Be sure to make a |
backup of the application before doing any editing.</P> |
<P>Buttons are described in a 'CICB' resources. These resources |
include the following information:</P> |
<UL> |
<LI>A boundary rectangle for the icon. For this version of |
HTMLSample, for custom buttons this should always be the bounding |
rectangle { 0, 0, 32, 32 }</LI> |
<LI>A state value. This is used internally by HTMLSample and |
should be set to zero.</LI> |
<LI>Three 'cicn' id numbers for drawing the button in one of three |
states. These include disabled, enabled, and pressed. These id |
numbers are used to retrieve the 'cicn' resource used to draw the |
button in whatever state it happens to be in.</LI> |
<LI>Button link. For custom buttons, this string should be a html |
link relative to the application's directory that refers to a html |
file to be displayed when the user clicks on the button.</LI> |
</UL> |
<H3><A NAME=example></A></H3> |
<P> </P> |
<H3>An Example</H3> |
<P>Consider the button that opened this page. Here, the button opens |
the HTML file named 'buttons.html' located in the 'HTMLSample Help' |
folder that is in the application's directory.</P> |
<H4><A NAME=target></A></H4> |
<P> </P> |
<H4>The target file</H4> |
<P>The html link referring to this file is:</P> |
<BLOCKQUOTE>HTMLSample%20Help/buttons.html</BLOCKQUOTE> |
<P>When the HTMLSample application attempts to display this page, it |
calculates the URL for the application's directory and catenates it |
with the link to determine the page's URL. Once the URL has been |
determined, the application displays the page in the window.</P> |
<H4><A NAME=appearance></A></H4> |
<P> </P> |
<H4>The button's appearance</H4> |
<P>To define the appearance of the button, we have used the three |
color icons ('cicn' resources) shown in figure 2. The ID numbers for |
these resources are stored in the <A HREF="#cicb">CICB |
resource</A>.</P> |
<TR> |
<TD> |
<P ALIGN=center><B>Disabled 'cicn'</B></P> |
</TD> |
<TD> |
<P ALIGN=center><B>Enabled 'cicn'</B></P> |
</TD> |
<TD> |
<P ALIGN=center><B>Pressed 'cicn'</B></P> |
</TD> |
</TR> |
<TR> |
<TD> |
<P ALIGN=center><IMG SRC="images/disabled.gif" WIDTH=32 HEIGHT=32 ALIGN=bottom><BR> |
'cicn' ID = 136</P> |
</TD> |
<TD> |
<P ALIGN=center><IMG SRC="images/moofbutton.gif" WIDTH=32 HEIGHT=32 ALIGN=bottom><BR> |
'cicn' ID = 137</P> |
</TD> |
<TD> |
<P ALIGN=center><IMG SRC="images/pressedmoof.gif" WIDTH=32 HEIGHT=32 ALIGN=bottom><BR> |
'cicn' ID = 138</P> |
</TD> |
</TR> |
</TABLE> |
<BR> |
<B>Figure 2</B>. Custom buttons used in this example.</P> |
<P>IMPORTANT: The disabled color icon resource ('cicn' ID = 136) is |
used by the default buttons. Do not remove or delete this 'cicn' if |
you are editing the file.</P> |
<P><A NAME=cicb></A></P> |
<P> </P> |
<H4>The CICB resource</H4> |
<P>The CICB (Color ICon Button) resource provides a place to store |
icon's target and appearance information. In this example, we have |
created a 'CICB' resource with ID number 132. Figure 3 shows how this |
resource appears in a ResEdit window using the 'CICB' template in |
application's resource fork.</P> |
<P><IMG SRC="images/CICB.gif" WIDTH=408 HEIGHT=274 ALIGN=bottom></P> |
<P><B>Figure 3</B>. ResEdit window displaying the 'CICB' resource |
used in this example.</P> |
<P>Here, the disabled, enabled, and down fields contain id numbers |
referring to the color icon 'cicn' resources we will be using, and |
the string data field contains the path name referring to the file we |
want displayed when the button is clicked.</P> |
<P><A NAME=rbcl></A></P> |
<P> </P> |
<H4>The RBCL resource</H4> |
<P>The RBCL resource provides a place to store id numbers of all of |
the custom icon button resources that the application should display |
to the right of the default buttons. In the illustration shown in |
figure 4, there are two resources. ID number 131 refers to the help |
or question mark button, and ID number 132 refers to the button |
created in this example.</P> |
<P><IMG SRC="images/RBCL.gif" WIDTH=408 HEIGHT=274 ALIGN=bottom></P> |
<P><B>Figure 4</B>. ResEdit window displaying the 'RBCL' resource |
used in this example.</P> |
<P>In this implementation, the RBCL resource may contain up to 4 |
custom buttons.</P> |
<P> <A NAME=applinks></A></P> |
<P> </P> |
<H3>Adding application links</H3> |
<P>Any links in the HTML being displayed by this application that |
refer to application files will launch those applications when they |
are clicked.</P> |
<P> </P> |
<P> </P> |
<P></P> |
</BODY> |
</HTML> |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-01-30