Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
file History.c |
Description: |
These routines are used to store visitled links. |
HTMLSample is an application illustrating how to use the new |
HTMLRenderingLib services found in Mac OS 9. HTMLRenderingLib |
is Apple's light-weight HTML rendering engine capable of |
displaying HTML files. |
by John Montbriand, 1999. |
Copyright: © 1999 by Apple Computer, Inc. |
all rights reserved. |
Disclaimer: |
You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without |
restriction, though the sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the |
responsibility for its operation is 100% yours. However, what you are |
not permitted to do is to redistribute the source as "DSC Sample Code" |
after having made changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, |
we require that you make it clear in the source that the code was |
descended from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made changes. |
Change History (most recent first): |
10/16/99 created by John Montbriand |
*/ |
#include "History.h" |
#include "SampleUtils.h" |
#include <stddef.h> |
#ifdef __APPLE_CC__ |
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h> |
#else |
#include <Carbon.h> |
#endif |
#include <string.h> |
/* individual elements in the history are stored in a linked |
list. it's a two way list for easy insertions and deletions. */ |
typedef struct HistoryStruct HistoryRecord; |
typedef HistoryRecord *HistoryPtr, **HistoryHandle; |
struct HistoryStruct { |
HistoryHandle prev, next; |
char url[1]; |
unsigned char printName[1]; |
}; |
/* the history data handle contains a list of history |
elements along with a pointer to the current |
element being displayed. */ |
struct HistoryData { |
HistoryHandle first, last; |
HistoryHandle current; |
}; |
/* NewHistory creats a new history and returns |
a handle to it. Here, we just return an handled |
set to zero. */ |
HistoryDataHandle NewHistory(void) { |
return (HistoryDataHandle) NewHandleClear(sizeof(HistoryData)); |
} |
/* DisposeHistory disposes of a history and all of the |
structures allocated for it. */ |
void DisposeHistory(HistoryDataHandle hd) { |
HistoryHandle rover, temp; |
rover = (**hd).first; |
/* delete all of the elements in the history list */ |
while (rover != NULL) { |
temp = rover; |
rover = (**rover).next; |
DisposeHandle((Handle) temp); |
} |
DisposeHandle((Handle) hd); |
} |
/* AddToHistory adds a new element to the history. Both |
the URL and the printed representation of its url |
are stored. NOTE: if we have called GoBack a few times |
before this call, then those previously viewed items |
are removed from the history. This is so if we choose |
GoBack again, then we will arrive at the same link we |
are looking at now. */ |
OSErr AddToHistory(HistoryDataHandle hd, char const* url, StringPtr printName) { |
HistoryHandle hrec, rover; |
long strbytes; |
/* create a new history record */ |
strbytes = SUstrlen(url); |
hrec = (HistoryHandle) NewHandle(offsetof(HistoryRecord, url) + strbytes + 1 + printName[0] + 1); |
if (hrec == NULL) return memFullErr; |
BlockMoveData(url, (**hrec).url, strbytes + 1); |
BlockMoveData(printName, (**hrec).url + strbytes + 1, printName[0] + 1); |
(**hrec).prev = (**hrec).next = NULL; |
/* clear out records after current. We do this |
so the next time we choose the go back command, |
we'll arrive at the same one that was the current |
one before this routine was called. Essentially, the |
user is conducting a depth first search of the html, |
and here we are branching. */ |
while ((**hd).current != (**hd).last && (**hd).current != NULL) { |
rover = (**(**hd).current).next; |
if ((**rover).next != NULL) |
(**(**rover).next).prev = (**rover).prev; |
else (**hd).last = (**rover).prev; |
if ((**rover).prev != NULL) |
(**(**rover).prev).next = (**rover).next; |
else (**hd).first = (**rover).next; |
DisposeHandle((Handle) rover); |
} |
/* add the new record to the end of the list */ |
if ((**hd).first == NULL) |
(**hd).first = (**hd).last = hrec; |
else { |
(**hrec).prev = (**hd).last; |
(**(**hd).last).next = hrec; |
(**hd).last = hrec; |
} |
(**hd).current = hrec; |
return noErr; |
} |
/* InHistory returns true if the URL is among the urls |
currently stored in the history. */ |
Boolean InHistory(HistoryDataHandle hd, char const* url) { |
HistoryHandle rover; |
Boolean isequal; |
for (rover = (**hd).first; rover != NULL; rover = (**rover).next) { |
HLock((Handle) rover); |
isequal = (SUstrcmp(url, (**rover).url) == 0); |
HUnlock((Handle) rover); |
if (isequal) return true; |
} |
return false; |
} |
/* CanGoBack returns true if it makes sense to call the |
GoBack command. i.e. if there are one or more links |
in the history beyond the current one. */ |
Boolean CanGoBack(HistoryDataHandle hd) { |
if ((**hd).current == NULL) |
return false; |
else return ((**(**hd).current).prev != NULL); |
} |
/* GoBack copies the previous url in the history |
into a new handle and returns that handle in |
*url. It is the caller's responsibility to dispose |
of the handle after it has been used. */ |
OSErr GoBack(HistoryDataHandle hd, Handle *url) { |
OSErr err; |
HistoryHandle nextcurrent; |
if ((**hd).current == NULL) return paramErr; |
nextcurrent = (**(**hd).current).prev; |
HLock((Handle) nextcurrent); |
err = PtrToHand((**nextcurrent).url, url, SUstrlen((**nextcurrent).url) + 1); |
HUnlock((Handle) nextcurrent); |
if (err == noErr) |
(**hd).current = nextcurrent; |
return err; |
} |
/* CanGoForward returns true if it makes sense to call the |
GoForward command. i.e. if there are one or more links |
in the history ahead of the current one. This can only |
happen after the user has chosen GoBack one or more |
times. */ |
Boolean CanGoForward(HistoryDataHandle hd) { |
if ((**hd).current == NULL) |
return false; |
else return ((**(**hd).current).next != NULL); |
} |
/* GoForward copies the next url in the history |
into a new handle and returns that handle in |
*url. It is the caller's responsibility to dispose |
of the handle after it has been used. */ |
OSErr GoForward(HistoryDataHandle hd, Handle *url) { |
OSErr err; |
HistoryHandle nextcurrent; |
if ((**hd).current == NULL) return paramErr; |
nextcurrent = (**(**hd).current).next; |
HLock((Handle) nextcurrent); |
err = PtrToHand((**nextcurrent).url, url, SUstrlen((**nextcurrent).url) + 1); |
HUnlock((Handle) nextcurrent); |
if (err == noErr) |
(**hd).current = nextcurrent; |
return err; |
} |
/* CanGoHome returns true if it makes sense to call the |
GoHome command. i.e. if there are one or more links |
in the history. This can only happen after AddToHistory |
has been called one or more times. */ |
Boolean CanGoHome(HistoryDataHandle hd) { |
return ((**hd).first != (**hd).current) && ((**hd).current != NULL); |
} |
/* GoBack copies the first url in the history |
into a new handle and returns that handle in |
*url. It is the caller's responsibility to dispose |
of the handle after it has been used. */ |
OSErr GoHome(HistoryDataHandle hd, Handle *url) { |
OSErr err; |
if ((**hd).first == NULL) return paramErr; |
HLock((Handle) (**hd).first); |
err = PtrToHand((**(**hd).first).url, url, SUstrlen((**(**hd).first).url) + 1); |
HUnlock((Handle) (**hd).first); |
if (err == noErr) |
(**hd).current = (**hd).first; |
return err; |
} |
/* AppendHistoryToMenu rebuilds the Go menu adding items to the |
bottom of the menu according to the items in the |
history. The names of the items are the same as |
the printNames provided in the AddToHistory command. */ |
OSErr AppendHistoryToMenu(HistoryDataHandle hd, MenuHandle theMenu) { |
HistoryHandle rover; |
Str255 title; |
unsigned char *titlep; |
if ((**hd).last == NULL) return noErr; |
AppendMenu(theMenu, "\p(-"); |
for (rover = (**hd).last; rover != NULL; rover = (**rover).prev) { |
HUnlock((Handle) rover); |
titlep = (unsigned char *) ((**rover).url + SUstrlen((**rover).url) + 1); |
BlockMoveData(titlep, title, titlep[0] + 1); |
AppendMenu(theMenu, title); |
HUnlock((Handle) rover); |
} |
return noErr; |
} |
/* GoToMenuItem copies the itemIndex'th url in the history |
into a new handle and returns that handle in |
*url. It is the caller's responsibility to dispose |
of the handle after it has been used. This routine |
should only be called after a menu selection has |
been made in a menu built by AppendHistoryToMenu. */ |
OSErr GoToMenuItem(HistoryDataHandle hd, Handle *url, short itemIndex) { |
HistoryHandle rover; |
short i; |
OSErr err; |
if ((**hd).last == NULL) return paramErr; |
for (i = 1, rover = (**hd).last; rover != NULL; rover = (**rover).prev, i++) { |
if (i == itemIndex) { |
HLock((Handle) rover); |
err = PtrToHand((**rover).url, url, SUstrlen((**rover).url) + 1); |
HUnlock((Handle) rover); |
if (err == noErr) |
(**hd).current = rover; |
return err; |
} |
} |
return noErr; |
} |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-01-30