
   <TITLE>HTMLRenderingLib - Utility Routines</TITLE>
<H3>HTMLRenderingLib - Utility routines</H3>
<H4><A NAME=HRUtilCreateFullURL></A></H4>
<H4><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">HRUtilCreateFullURL</FONT></H4>
        const char *rootURL,
        const char *linkURL,
        Handle fullURLH);</PRE>
   <P><B>rootURL</B> - a pointer to a C - style string or NULL if no
   root is specified.</P>
   <P><B>linkURL</B> - a pointer to a C - style string or NULL if no
   link is specified.</P>
   <P><B>fullURLH</B> - a handle. This handle must be allocated by
   the caller before this routine is called. on return the handle
   will contain a C-style string.</P></BLOCKQUOTE>
<P>HRUtilCreateFullURL can be called to build a complete URL by
combining a root and a link together. The resulting URL is returned
in a C-style string stored in the handle you provide in the fullURLH
<P><A HREF="index.html">return to index</A></P>
<H4><A NAME=HRUtilGetFSSpecFromURL></A></H4>
<H4><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">HRUtilGetFSSpecFromURL</FONT></H4>
        const char * rootURL,
        const char * linkURL,
        FSSpec * destSpec);
   <P><B>rootURL</B> - a pointer to a C - style string or NULL if no
   root is specified.</P>
   <P><B>linkURL</B> - a pointer to a C - style string or NULL if no
   link is specified.</P>
   <P><B>destSpec</B> - A file system specification record.</P>
   <P>function result - an error code.</P></BLOCKQUOTE>
<P>HRUtilGetFSSpecFromURL converts a root/link combination into a
FSSpec structure referring to a file on disk.</P>
<P><A HREF="index.html">return to index</A></P>
<H4><A NAME=HRUtilGetURLFromFSSpec></A></H4>
<H4><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">HRUtilGetURLFromFSSpec</FONT></H4>
        const FSSpec *fsspec,
        Handle urlHandle);</PRE>
   <P><B>fsspec</B> - A pointer to a file system specification
   <P><B>urlHandle</B> - a handle. This handle must be allocated by
   the caller before this routine is called. on return the handle
   will contain a C-style string.</P>
   <P>function result - an error code.</P></BLOCKQUOTE>
<P>HRUtilGetURLFromFSSpec converts a file system specification record
into a URL.</P>
<P><A HREF="index.html">return to index</A></P>