HelloGameKit WatchKit Extension/MatchesInterfaceController.swift

     Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
     See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
     MatchesInterfaceController is a ListWithButtinInterfaceController subclass that specialize to loading turn based matches.  It adopts the ListDataSource protocol and extends GKTurnBasedMatch with the ListItem protocol
import WatchKit
import GameKit
extension GKTurnBasedMatch: ListItem {
    // MARK: ListItem Properties
    var firstOpponentParticipant: GKTurnBasedParticipant? {
        let localPlayerID = GKLocalPlayer.localPlayer().playerID!
        let opponentParticipant = participants?.first { participant in
            let playerID = participant.player?.playerID
            return playerID != localPlayerID
        return opponentParticipant
    var title: String {
        if let opponentPlayer = firstOpponentParticipant?.player {
            return opponentPlayer.alias ?? opponentPlayer.displayName!
        else {
            return "Auto-Match"
    var detail: String {
        if let message = self.message, !message.isEmpty {
            return message
        switch status {
        case .matching:
            if currentParticipant?.player == GKLocalPlayer.localPlayer() {
                return "Your Turn"
            else {
                return "Finding Player"
        case .open:
            if currentParticipant?.player == GKLocalPlayer.localPlayer() {
                return "Your Turn"
            else {
                return "Their Turn"
        case .ended:
            return "Game Over"
            return "<unknown>"
class MatchesInterfaceController: ListWithButtonInterfaceController, ListDataSource {
    // MARK: WKInterfaceController
    override func awake(withContext context: Any?) {
        self.dataSource = self
        super.awake(withContext: context)
    // MARK: ListDataSource methods
    func buttonTitle() -> String {
        return "New Match"
    func loadItems(completionHandler: @escaping (([ListItem]) -> Void)) {
        guard loadingState != .loading else { return }
        loadingState = .loading
        GKTurnBasedMatch.loadMatches { [unowned self] (matches, error) in
            if let items = matches {
                print("***** loaded \(items.count) matches")
                let result = items.sorted { (m1, m2) -> Bool in
                    guard let creationDate1 = m1.creationDate, let creationDate2 = m2.creationDate else { return false }
                    return creationDate1 < creationDate2
            else {
                // Failed to find any matches.
            self.loadingState = error == nil ? .complete: .failed
    override func didSelect(item: ListItem?) {
        let match = item as? GKTurnBasedMatch
        if let controller = presentingController {
            loadingState = .exiting
            controller.didSelect(match: match)