# HelloGameKit: A skeleton app for turn based games on watchOS
This sample is an implementation of a simple turn based game for watchOS. It demonstrates the following technologies:
  * Game Center turn based multiplayer
  * SpriteKit Scenes/Nodes/Actions
  * Haptic Feedback
  * WatchKit gestures
## Description
This is a simple turn based game that lets the user record tap and pan gestures.  A turn consists of recording any number of gestures followed by a long press gesture to indicate the end of a turn.
A turn consists of recording a series of taps and pan gestures and ending with a long tap.  
If you tap on Pick Opponent it will bring up an interface that lets you choose to Auto-Match (let Game Center pick a player) or choose from a list of players that you recently played.  When you pick a player they get assigned to the opponent field.  However the turn based game does not actually start until you create a match
Swiping left accesses the match list giving you the option to create a new match or choose an opponent.  If you choose create a new match it will a player that you have chosen as an opponent or Auto-Match if you have not.   
## App Structure
The app is structured using the Model/View/Controller design pattern
### InterfaceController
The top level controller that presents the main game scene it responds to various gestures
### GameModel
This contains a list of moves which are a collection of points recorded as part of a single gesture.  It implements logic for making a move and ending a turn.  It also provides means for loading and saving data to a GKTurnBasedMatch.
### GameScene
This provides the main user interface.  It has label nodes indicating you and your opponent on the top and bottom.  It has a green counter that indicates the total number of gestures recorded.
### ListWithButtonInterfaceController
This is a base class that provides a simple tableview that provides a single action button row plus displays a lists of items with title/detail information.  You adopt ListDataSource for loading data and to provide text for the button table.  You adopt the ListItem protocol for your items
### PlayersInterfaceController
Specializes ListWithButtonInterfaceController to load a list of recent players
### MatchesInterfaceController
Specializes ListWithButtonInterfaceController to load a list of turn based matches
## Requirements 
iOS/watchOS device only.  Simulator is not supported at this time.
### Build
Xcode 8.0 or later; iOS 10.0 SDK or later; watchOS 3.0 SDK or later
### Runtime
iOS 10.0 or later; watchOS 3.0 or later
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