Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
•HTTP Server/THTTPServer.cp
// THTTPServer.cp - Macintosh OpenTransport Network HTTP Server class object |
// |
// Apple Macintosh Developer Technical Support |
// Written by: Vinne Moscaritolo |
// |
// Copyright (work in progress) Apple Computer, Inc All rights reserved. |
// |
// You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without |
// restriction, though the sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the |
// responsibility for its operation is 100% yours. However, what you are |
// not permitted to do is to redistribute the source as "DSC Sample Code" |
// after having made changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, |
// we require that you make it clear in the source that the code was |
// descended from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made changes. |
// |
#include <Resources.h> |
#include <OSUtils.h> |
#include <strstream.h> |
#include <iomanip.h> |
#include "THTTPServer.h" |
#include "TGMT.h" |
#include "TAddrInet.h" |
//Get Flagship name |
Boolean GetFlagshipName( char str[] ); |
Boolean GetFlagshipName( char str[] ) |
{ |
Handle h ; |
if(h = GetResource('STR ',-16413)); // get flagship name |
else if(h = GetResource('STR ',-16096)); // get user name |
else { str[0] = '\0'; return false;} |
HLock(h); |
strncpy(str,*h +1, **h); |
str[**h] = '\0'; |
HUnlock(h); |
return true; |
} |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// THTTPServerApp |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Default Constructor |
THTTPServerApp::THTTPServerApp() |
{ |
GetFlagshipName(fDescriptor.GetServiceName()); // ***** fix this latter |
fDescriptor.Unstream( "????" ); |
fServer = new THTTPServer(); |
fServer->Open( &fDescriptor); |
} |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ~TNetworkServerApp |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Destructor |
THTTPServerApp::~THTTPServerApp() |
{ |
if(fServer) delete fServer; |
}; |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// THTTPServerApp::Start() |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
void THTTPServerApp::Start() |
{ |
// handle any specific startup issues. |
TNetworkServerApp::Start(); // call the inherited Start |
} |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// THTTPServer |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Default Constructor |
THTTPServer::THTTPServer() |
{ |
} |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ~THTTPServer |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Destructor |
THTTPServer::~THTTPServer() |
{ |
}; |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// THTTPServer:: Factory() |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Factory |
TNetworkSession* THTTPServer:: SessionFactory() |
{ |
return new THTTPSession(this); |
} |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// THTTPSession |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Default Constructor |
THTTPSession::THTTPSession(THTTPServer* theServer): TNetworkSession(theServer) |
{ |
} |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ~THTTPSession |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Destructor |
THTTPSession::~THTTPSession() |
{ |
}; |
void dumpInterfaceInfo (ostream &os, EndpointRef ep); |
void dumpPortInfo(ostream &os, EndpointRef ep); |
#define CRLF "\r\n" |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// THTTPSession::Run |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// THTTP Session thread |
void* THTTPSession::Run() |
{ |
TNetworkIOStream& nio = GetStreamRef(); |
TGmt currentTime; |
// record time |
currentTime.Now(); |
// send Reply |
// header |
nio << "HTTP/1.0 200 OK" << CRLF; |
nio << "MIME-Version: 1.0" << CRLF; |
nio << "Content-type: text/html" << CRLF; |
nio << "Date: " << currentTime << CRLF; |
nio << "Server: Knucklehead /1.0" << CRLF; |
nio << CRLF; |
// body |
TNetworkEndpointDescriptor* epd = fServer->GetEPD(); |
TAddrInet addr = &fCallInfo.addr ; |
TAcceptorInfo stats; |
nio << "<HEAD>"; |
// nio << "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Refresh\" CONTENT=0>"; |
nio << "<TITLE>Test Page</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>"; |
nio << "<H2>Vinnie's OpenTransport HTTP Test Server</H2>"; |
nio << "<Table BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=2 CELLPADDING=0><b>"; |
nio << "<b>Server Info: </b>"; |
nio << "<TR><TD><b>Name:</b></TD><TD>" << epd->GetServiceName() << "</TD></TR>"; |
nio << "<TR><TD><b>Date:</b></TD><TD>" << currentTime << "</TD></TR>"; |
if( fServer->GetStats(&stats)){ |
nio << "<TR><TD><b>Active Sessions:</b></TD><TD>" << stats.fActiveSessions << "</TD></TR>"; |
nio << "<TR><TD><b>Free:</b></TD><TD>" << stats.fFreeSessions << "</TD></TR>"; |
nio << "<TR><TD><b>Accepted:</b></TD><TD>" << stats.fAcceptedSessions << "</TD></TR>"; |
nio << "<TR><TD><b>Rejected:</b></TD><TD>" << stats.fRejectedSessions << "</TD></TR>"; |
nio << "<TR><TD><b>Up Time:</b></TD><TD>" << (int) (stats.fUpTime / 60) << " min </TD></TR>"; |
nio << "<TR><TD><b>Client:</b></TD><TD>" << addr << "</TD></TR>"; |
nio << "<TR><TD><b>StackSpace:</b></TD><TD>" << StackSpace() << "</TD></TR>"; |
}; |
nio << "</Table><p>" << flush; |
dumpInterfaceInfo(nio, fEndPoint); |
nio << "</BODY>\r\n" << CRLF ; |
nio << CRLF << flush ; |
int cntr = 16; |
while(cntr--) { |
Yield(); |
} |
return nil; |
} |
static char* busNames[] = |
{ |
"Unknown", |
"MthrBrd", |
"NuBus", |
"PCI", |
"GeoPort", |
"Bus6", |
"Bus7", |
"Bus8", |
"Bus9", |
"Bus10", |
"Bus11", |
"Bus12", |
"Bus13", |
"Bus14", |
"Bus15" |
}; |
static char* MACtypes[] = { |
"<<unknown type(0)>>", |
"ADEV Devices", |
"MDEV Devices", |
"LocalTalk Devices", |
"IRTalk Devices", |
"TokenRing Devices", |
"ISDN Devices", |
"ATM Devices", |
"SMDS Devices", |
"Serial Devices", |
"Ethernet Devices", |
"SLIP Devices", |
"PPP Devices", |
"Modem Devices", |
"100MB Ethernet Devices", |
"FDDI Devices", |
"ATM LANE Devices", |
"ATM SNAP Devices" |
}; |
void dumpPortInfo(ostream &os, EndpointRef ep) |
{ |
// OTPortRef port; |
OTPortRecord portInfo; |
int index = 0; |
// port = ::OTGetProviderPortRef(ep); // doesnt work yet |
// if( ::OTFindPortByRef(&portInfo, port) ){ |
os << "<TR></TR>"; |
if ( ::OTGetIndexedPort(&portInfo, index) ) { |
UInt16 dev = ::OTGetDeviceTypeFromPortRef(portInfo.fRef); |
UInt16 Bus = ::OTGetBusTypeFromPortRef(portInfo.fRef); |
os << "<TR><TD><b>Port " << index << "</b></TD></TR>"; |
os << "<TR><TD>Name:</TD><TD>" << portInfo.fPortName << "</TD></TR>"; |
os << "<TR><TD>Bus:</TD><TD> " << MACtypes[dev] << "</TD></TR>"; |
os << "<TR><TD>Module:</TD><TD>" << portInfo.fModuleName << "</TD></TR>"; |
os << "<TR><TD>Bus:</TD><TD> " << busNames[Bus] << "</TD></TR>"; |
if( portInfo.fSlotID[0] ) os << "<TR><TD>SlotInfo:</TD><TD>" << portInfo.fSlotID << "</TD></TR>"; |
if( portInfo.fResourceInfo[0] ) os << "<TR><TD>ResourceInfo:</TD><TD>" << portInfo.fResourceInfo << "</TD></TR>"; |
os << "<TR><TD>Flags:</TD><TD>"; |
if( portInfo.fInfoFlags & kOTPortIsDLPI) os << "DLPI "; |
if( portInfo.fInfoFlags & kOTPortIsTPI) os << "TPI "; |
if( portInfo.fInfoFlags & kOTPortCanYield) os << "Can-Yield "; |
if( portInfo.fInfoFlags & kOTPortIsSystemRegistered) os << "System "; |
if( portInfo.fInfoFlags & kOTPortIsAlias) os << "Alias "; |
os << "</TD></TR>"; |
}; |
} |
void dumpInterfaceInfo (ostream &os, EndpointRef ep) |
{ |
InetInterfaceInfo info; |
int index = 0; |
char buf[32]; |
while ( ! ::OTInetGetInterfaceInfo( &info, index) ) |
{ |
os << "<Table BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=2 CELLPADDING=0><b>"; |
if(index == kDefaultInetInterface) os << "Default"; else os << "Provider: " << index; os << "</b> "; |
::OTInetHostToString( info.fAddress, buf); os << "<TR><TD>Address:</TD><TD>" << buf << "</TD></TR>"; |
::OTInetHostToString( info.fNetmask, buf); os << "<TR><TD>NetMask:</TD><TD>" << buf << "</TD></TR>"; |
::OTInetHostToString( info.fBroadcastAddr, buf); os << "<TR><TD>Broadcast:</TD><TD>" << buf << "</TD></TR>"; |
::OTInetHostToString( info.fDefaultGatewayAddr, buf); os << "<TR><TD>Gateway:</TD><TD>" << buf << "</TD></TR>"; |
::OTInetHostToString( info.fAddress, buf); os << "<TR><TD>DNS:</TD><TD>" << buf << "</TD></TR>"; |
os << "<TR><TD>Domain:</TD><TD>" << info.fDomainName << "</TD></TR>"; |
dumpPortInfo(os,ep); |
os << "</Table><p>"; |
index++; |
}; |
} |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-01-14