
//  TNetworkStream.cp - Macintosh OpenTransport Network Stream IO class object
// Apple Macintosh Developer Technical Support
// Written by:  Vinne Moscaritolo
//  Copyright (work in progress)  Apple Computer, Inc All rights reserved.
// You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without
// restriction, though the sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the
// responsibility for its operation is 100% yours.  However, what you are
// not permitted to do is to redistribute the source as "DSC Sample Code"
// after having made changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source,
// we require that you make it clear in the source that the code was
// descended from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made changes.
#include "TNetworkStream.h"
#include <iomanip.h>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------- Network Output Stream -------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//   ~TNetworkIOStream()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Destructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------- Network Stream Buffer -------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//   ~TNetworkBuf
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Destructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//   attach(ep)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  attach Network stream to endpoint
void TNetworkBuf::attach(EndpointRef ep, TEndpointInfo* info)
// insure that it isn't open already
    if (is_open()) return;
// OK to set up
    fEndPoint = ep;
    fInfo =     info;
// calculate optimal chunk size
    fChunkSize = (fInfo->tsdu < 1) ? DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE :fInfo->tsdu;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//   close()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  close network stream
void  TNetworkBuf::close()
    if (is_open())  {
// blow ya load
        if(fBuffer) sync();
// clean up after
        fEndPoint = kOTInvalidRef;
        fBuffer = nil;
        setp(0, 0);
// initiate teardown here???
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//   sync()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  sync buffer
int TNetworkBuf::sync()
// can only output when open.
    if (! is_open()) return EOF;
// flush buffers
    return 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//   overflow(c)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  process chars in bufffer area 
int TNetworkBuf::overflow(int c)
// allocate buffer space if needed
    if(pbase() == 0 && !doallocate())  return EOF;
// if flush requested force output
    if(c == EOF) return flush_output();
// check if we are at end of buffer
    if ((pptr() >= epptr()) && flush_output(T_MORE) && !doallocate()) return EOF;
// store char
    *pptr() = c; pbump(1);
    return c;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//   doallocate()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  return true if alocation
Boolean TNetworkBuf::doallocate()
    if(!pbase() && (fBuffer = (char*) ::OTAllocMem(fChunkSize) )) {
        setp(fBuffer, fBuffer + fChunkSize );
        return true;
    return  false;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//   xputn(char*, len)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  stuff chars into output buffer
int TNetworkBuf::xsputn( const char *s, int len)
    const unsigned char *p = (const unsigned char*) s;
    if(len <= 0) return 0;
    for(int i = 0; i<len; i++, p++)
        if( sputc(*p) == EOF ) return i;
    return len;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//   flush_output()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  flush output buffer
int TNetworkBuf::flush_output(OTFlags flags)
    int len = fBuffer ? pptr() - pbase(): 0;
// can only output when open.
    if (! is_open()) return EOF;
// out any data
    if (len || (fInfo->flags & T_SENDZERO) ) {
        ::OTSnd(fEndPoint, fBuffer, len , flags);
        fBuffer = nil;
    return len;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//   underflow()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  flush output buffer
int TNetworkBuf::underflow()
    return EOF;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//   uflow()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
int TNetworkBuf::uflow()
    return EOF;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//   Release(buf);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Release buffer chain
void TNetworkBuf::Release(void* buf)
    ::OTFreeMem( buf );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//   buf = ReserveBuffer(req, resp );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
////// WRITE ME
char* TNetworkBuf::ReserveBuffer(size_t  reqCount, size_t  *actCount )
    *actCount  =  (reqCount > BUFFSIZE) ? BUFFSIZE : reqCount ; 
    return ( (char*) Buffer );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//   EnqueueBuffer(buf, size );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
////// WRITE ME
void  TNetworkBuf::EnqueueBuffer(char* buf, size_t count )
    if(buf) if( count);