Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: MainWindow.cp |
Contains: xxx put contents here xxx |
Version: xxx put version here xxx |
Copyright: © 1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. |
File Ownership: |
DRI: xxx put dri here xxx |
Other Contact: xxx put other contact here xxx |
Technology: xxx put technology here xxx |
Writers: |
(BWS) Brent Schorsch |
Change History (most recent first): |
<SP1> 7/1/99 BWS first checked in |
*/ |
#include <Controls.h> |
#include <FixMath.h> |
#include <Fonts.h> |
#include <MacWindows.h> |
#include <NumberFormatting.h> |
#include <QuickDraw.h> |
#include <ToolUtils.h> |
#include <TextUtils.h> |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include "AppShellResources.h" |
#include "ISp_SampleResources.h" |
#include "MainWindow.h" |
#include "ErrorAlert.h" |
#include "ISp_Sample.h" |
// drawing |
#define kButtonsLineStart 40 |
#define kAxisLineStart 100 |
#define kLineHeight 12 |
#define kLabelsIndent 60 |
#define kColumnIndent 150 |
// physics |
#define kMin_Angle (-180.0) |
#define kMax_Angle ( 180.0) |
#define kThrottleCoef ( 0.01) |
#define kFrictionCoef ( 0.10) |
#define k2ndFrictionCoef ( 0.01) |
MainWindow::MainWindow() |
{ |
OSStatus error; |
window = GetNewCWindow(kWIND_MainWindow, nil, (WindowPtr) -1L); |
::SetWindowKind(window, userKind); |
::SetWRefCon(window, (SInt32) this); |
CreateRootControl(window, &rootControl); |
SetTitle("\pInputSprocket Sample"); |
MakeCurrentPort(); |
Show(); |
if (!Input_Available()) |
ErrorAlert("\pInputSprocket is required." |
"Place InputSprocketLib, InputSprocketKeyboard, InputSprocketMouse, etc" |
" in your active SysyemFolder.", 1, true); |
error = Input_Initialize(); |
if (error) |
ErrorAlert("\pInputSprocket failed to initialize.", error, true); |
Input_InitializeState(&mInputState); |
} |
MainWindow::~MainWindow() |
{ |
} |
void |
MainWindow::Update(void) |
{ |
GrafPtr oldPort; |
WindowPtr theWindow = window; |
Rect r; |
::GetPort(&oldPort); |
MakeCurrentPort(); |
::BeginUpdate(theWindow); |
::ClipRect(&theWindow->portRect); |
::EraseRect(&theWindow->portRect); |
DrawContents(); |
r = window->portRect; |
r.left = r.right - 15; | = r.bottom - 15; |
::ClipRect(&r); |
::DrawGrowIcon(theWindow); |
::ClipRect(&theWindow->portRect); |
::EndUpdate(theWindow); |
::SetPort(oldPort); |
} |
OSErr |
MainWindow::Grow(const Point inWhere) |
{ |
Rect sizeRect; |
long result; | = 300; |
sizeRect.left = 450; |
sizeRect.bottom = 440; |
sizeRect.right = 640; |
result = ::GrowWindow(window, inWhere, &sizeRect); |
if (0 != result) |
{ |
GrafPtr oldPort; |
::SizeWindow(window, LoWord(result), HiWord(result), false); |
::GetPort(&oldPort); |
MakeCurrentPort(); |
::ClipRect(&window->portRect); |
::InvalRect(&window->portRect); |
::SetPort(oldPort); |
} |
AdjustControlPositions(); |
return (noErr); |
} |
OSErr |
MainWindow::Click(const Point inWhere, const short inModifiers) |
{ |
#pragma unused (inModifiers) |
Point localPoint; |
ControlHandle theControl; |
short thePart; |
if (FrontWindow() != window) |
::SelectWindow(window); |
localPoint = inWhere; |
::GlobalToLocal(&localPoint); |
theControl = ::FindControlUnderMouse(localPoint, window, &thePart); |
if (nil != theControl) |
{ |
(void) ::TrackControl(theControl, localPoint, nil); |
} |
return (noErr); |
} |
OSErr |
MainWindow::Close(void) |
{ |
::KillControls(window); |
::DisposeWindow(window); |
return (noErr); |
} |
void |
MainWindow::Idle(void) |
{ |
Boolean gameWasInProgress; |
Boolean gameWasPaused; |
ShellWindow::Idle(); |
gameWasInProgress = mInputState.gameInProgress; |
gameWasPaused = mInputState.gamePaused; |
::Input_GetButtonEvents (&mInputState); |
::Input_PollAxisValues (&mInputState); |
if (mInputState.gameInProgress && !gameWasInProgress) |
StartGame (); |
else if (!mInputState.gameInProgress && gameWasInProgress) |
EndGame (); |
else if (mInputState.gamePaused != gameWasPaused) |
TogglePauseGame (); |
// do some physics calculations |
mAngleOfRoll = AdjustAngleByAxisInput (mAngleOfRoll, mInputState.rollInput); |
mAngleOfRoll = AdjustAngleByFixedDelta (mAngleOfRoll, mInputState.deltaRoll); |
mAngleOfPitch = AdjustAngleByAxisInput (mAngleOfPitch, mInputState.pitchInput);; |
mAngleOfPitch = AdjustAngleByFixedDelta (mAngleOfPitch, mInputState.deltaPitch);; |
mAngleOfYaw = AdjustAngleByAxisInput (mAngleOfYaw, mInputState.yawInput); |
mAngleOfYaw = AdjustAngleByFixedDelta (mAngleOfYaw, mInputState.deltaYaw); |
mVelocity = mVelocity + (kThrottleCoef * mInputState.throttleInput) - kFrictionCoef - (k2ndFrictionCoef * mVelocity); |
if (mVelocity < 0) mVelocity = 0; |
DrawValues(); |
} |
Boolean |
MainWindow::Menu(const UInt32 inMenuCommand, const short inModifiers) |
{ |
#pragma unused (inModifiers) |
Boolean handled = true; |
switch (inMenuCommand) |
{ |
case kMenuCMD_StartGame: |
StartGame (); |
break; |
case kMenuCMD_ConfigureInput: |
Input_ShowConfigureDialog(); |
break; |
default: |
handled = false; |
break; |
} |
return (handled); |
} |
//¥ ÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑ MainWindow::Suspend |
void |
MainWindow::Suspend(void) |
{ |
Input_Suspend (); |
} |
void |
MainWindow::Resume(void) |
{ |
Input_Resume (); |
} |
//¥ ÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑ MainWindow::DrawContents |
void |
MainWindow::DrawContents(void) |
{ |
GrafPtr oldPort; |
Rect r; |
::GetPort(&oldPort); |
MakeCurrentPort(); |
::DrawControls(window); |
::TextFace(bold); |
::TextFont(kFontIDGeneva); |
::TextSize(9); |
//¥ erase the game in progress/paused area |
r.left = 0; |
r.right = Width(); | = 0; |
r.bottom = 15; |
EraseRect (&r); |
//¥ draw the game in progress/paused area |
if (!mInputState.gameInProgress) |
DrawStringCentered("\pPress Start or select New Game to start", kLineHeight); |
else |
{ |
if (mInputState.gamePaused) |
DrawStringCentered("\pPaused", kLineHeight); |
else |
DrawStringCentered("\pGame in progress, MacOS cursor and menus disabled", kLineHeight); |
} |
//¥ draw button captions |
// skip line for 'Firing Weapon' caption |
DrawStringRightJustified ("\pShots Fired Weapon:", kLabelsIndent * 2, kButtonsLineStart + (kLineHeight * 1), 0); |
DrawStringRightJustified ("\pCurrent Weapon:", kLabelsIndent * 2, kButtonsLineStart + (kLineHeight * 2), 0); |
//¥ draw axis captions |
DrawStringRightJustified ("\pRoll:", kLabelsIndent, kAxisLineStart + (kLineHeight * 0), 0); |
DrawStringRightJustified ("\pPitch:", kLabelsIndent, kAxisLineStart + (kLineHeight * 1), 0); |
DrawStringRightJustified ("\pYaw:", kLabelsIndent, kAxisLineStart + (kLineHeight * 2), 0); |
DrawStringRightJustified ("\pThrottle:", kLabelsIndent, kAxisLineStart + (kLineHeight * 3), 0); |
DrawStringRightJustified ("\pRoll Delta:", kColumnIndent + kLabelsIndent, kAxisLineStart + (kLineHeight * 0), 0); |
DrawStringRightJustified ("\pPitch Delta:", kColumnIndent + kLabelsIndent, kAxisLineStart + (kLineHeight * 1), 0); |
DrawStringRightJustified ("\pYaw Delta:", kColumnIndent + kLabelsIndent, kAxisLineStart + (kLineHeight * 2), 0); |
DrawStringRightJustified ("\pAngle of Roll:", (kColumnIndent * 2) + kLabelsIndent, kAxisLineStart + (kLineHeight * 0), 0); |
DrawStringRightJustified ("\pAngle of Pitch:", (kColumnIndent * 2) + kLabelsIndent, kAxisLineStart + (kLineHeight * 1), 0); |
DrawStringRightJustified ("\pAngle of Yaw:", (kColumnIndent * 2) + kLabelsIndent, kAxisLineStart + (kLineHeight * 2), 0); |
DrawStringRightJustified ("\pVelocity:", (kColumnIndent * 2) + kLabelsIndent, kAxisLineStart + (kLineHeight * 3), 0); |
DrawValues(); |
::SetPort(oldPort); |
} |
//¥ ÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑ MainWindow::DrawValues |
void |
MainWindow::DrawValues(void) |
{ |
GrafPtr oldPort; |
Str255 string; |
::GetPort(&oldPort); |
MakeCurrentPort(); |
::TextMode(srcCopy); |
if (mInputState.gameInProgress) |
{ |
// Firing weapon |
SInt16 numbersIndent = (kLabelsIndent * 2) + 3; |
if (mInputState.fireWeaponState) |
DrawStringRightJustified ("\pFiring _Now_", kLabelsIndent * 2, kButtonsLineStart + (kLineHeight * 0), 100); |
else |
DrawStringRightJustified ("\p", kLabelsIndent * 2, kButtonsLineStart + (kLineHeight * 0), 100); |
::NumToString (mInputState.fireWeaponCount, string); |
DrawStringLeftJustified (string, numbersIndent, kButtonsLineStart + (kLineHeight * 1), 20); |
GetWeaponString (mInputState.currentWeapon, string); |
DrawStringLeftJustified (string, numbersIndent, kButtonsLineStart + (kLineHeight * 2), 150); |
// axis values |
numbersIndent -= kLabelsIndent; |
::NumToString (mInputState.rollInput, string); |
DrawStringLeftJustified (string, numbersIndent, kAxisLineStart + (kLineHeight * 0), 30); |
::NumToString (mInputState.pitchInput, string); |
DrawStringLeftJustified (string, numbersIndent, kAxisLineStart + (kLineHeight * 1), 30); |
::NumToString (mInputState.yawInput, string); |
DrawStringLeftJustified (string, numbersIndent, kAxisLineStart + (kLineHeight * 2), 30); |
::NumToString (mInputState.throttleInput, string); |
DrawStringLeftJustified (string, numbersIndent, kAxisLineStart + (kLineHeight * 3), 30); |
// delta values |
numbersIndent += kColumnIndent; |
FixedToString (mInputState.deltaRoll, string); |
DrawStringLeftJustified (string, numbersIndent, kAxisLineStart + (kLineHeight * 0), 30); |
FixedToString (mInputState.deltaPitch, string); |
DrawStringLeftJustified (string, numbersIndent, kAxisLineStart + (kLineHeight * 1), 30); |
FixedToString (mInputState.deltaYaw, string); |
DrawStringLeftJustified (string, numbersIndent, kAxisLineStart + (kLineHeight * 2), 30); |
// physics values |
numbersIndent += kColumnIndent; |
FloatToString (mAngleOfRoll, string); |
DrawStringLeftJustified (string, numbersIndent, kAxisLineStart + (kLineHeight * 0), 30); |
FloatToString (mAngleOfPitch, string); |
DrawStringLeftJustified (string, numbersIndent, kAxisLineStart + (kLineHeight * 1), 30); |
FloatToString (mAngleOfYaw, string); |
DrawStringLeftJustified (string, numbersIndent, kAxisLineStart + (kLineHeight * 2), 30); |
FloatToString (mVelocity, string); |
DrawStringLeftJustified (string, numbersIndent, kAxisLineStart + (kLineHeight * 3), 30); |
} |
::TextMode(srcOr); |
::SetPort(oldPort); |
} |
//¥ ÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑ MainWindow::AdjustControlPositions |
void |
MainWindow::AdjustControlPositions(void) |
{ |
} |
//¥ ÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑ MainWindow::StartGame |
void |
MainWindow::StartGame(void) |
{ |
Input_InitializeState(&mInputState); |
mInputState.gameInProgress = true; |
mInputState.gamePaused = false; |
Input_DisableKeyboardForTyping(); |
Input_DisableMouseForCursor(); |
::HideCursor(); |
mAngleOfRoll = 0.0; |
mAngleOfPitch = 0.0; |
mAngleOfYaw = 0.0; |
mVelocity = 0.0; |
DrawContents(); |
} |
void |
MainWindow::EndGame(void) |
{ |
mInputState.gameInProgress = false; |
mInputState.gamePaused = false; |
Input_EnableKeyboardForTyping(); |
Input_EnableMouseForCursor(); |
::InitCursor(); |
DrawContents(); |
} |
//¥ ÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑ MainWindow::TogglePauseGame |
void |
MainWindow::TogglePauseGame(void) |
{ |
if (mInputState.gamePaused) |
{ |
Input_EnableKeyboardForTyping(); |
Input_EnableMouseForCursor(); |
::ShowCursor(); |
} |
else |
{ |
Input_DisableKeyboardForTyping(); |
Input_DisableMouseForCursor(); |
::HideCursor(); |
} |
DrawContents(); |
} |
//¥ ÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑ MainWindow::GetWeaponString |
void |
MainWindow::GetWeaponString (SInt16 inWeapon, StringPtr ioString) |
{ |
GetIndString (ioString, kSTRn_WeaponNames, inWeapon + 1); |
} |
//¥ ÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑ MainWindow::DrawStringCentered |
void |
MainWindow::DrawStringCentered (StringPtr string, SInt16 height) |
{ |
UInt32 width; |
width = StringWidth(string); |
::MoveTo((Width() / 2) - (width / 2), height); |
::DrawString(string); |
} |
//¥ ÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑ MainWindow::DrawStringLeftJustified |
void |
MainWindow::DrawStringLeftJustified (StringPtr string, SInt16 indent, SInt16 height, SInt16 eraseSize) |
{ |
UInt32 width; |
Rect r; |
width = StringWidth(string); |
if (eraseSize) |
{ |
r.left = indent + width; |
r.right = r.left + eraseSize; | = height - 10; |
r.bottom = height + 2; |
EraseRect (&r); |
} |
::MoveTo(indent, height); |
::DrawString(string); |
} |
//¥ ÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑ MainWindow::DrawStringRightJustified |
void |
MainWindow::DrawStringRightJustified (StringPtr string, SInt16 indent, SInt16 height, SInt16 eraseSize) |
{ |
UInt32 width; |
Rect r; |
width = StringWidth(string); |
if (eraseSize) |
{ |
r.right = indent - width; |
r.left = r.right - eraseSize; | = height - 10; |
r.bottom = height + 2; |
EraseRect (&r); |
} |
::MoveTo(indent - width, height); |
::DrawString(string); |
} |
//¥ ÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑ MainWindow::FixedToString |
void |
MainWindow::FixedToString (Fixed inFixed, StringPtr ioString) |
{ |
float inches = Fix2X (inFixed); |
sprintf((char *) ioString, "%01.02f", inches * 100.0); |
c2pstr((char *) ioString); |
} |
//¥ ÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑ MainWindow::FloatToString |
void |
MainWindow::FloatToString (float inFloat, StringPtr ioString) |
{ |
sprintf((char *) ioString, "%01.01f", inFloat); |
c2pstr((char *) ioString); |
} |
//¥ ÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑ MainWindow::AdjustAngleByAxisInput |
float |
MainWindow::AdjustAngleByAxisInput (float inCurrentAngle, SInt32 inAxisValue) |
{ |
float newAngle = inCurrentAngle + (inAxisValue / (kMax_Roll * 0.5)); |
while (newAngle < kMin_Angle) |
newAngle += (kMax_Angle - kMin_Angle); |
while (newAngle > kMax_Angle) |
newAngle -= (kMax_Angle - kMin_Angle); |
return newAngle; |
} |
//¥ ÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑ MainWindow::AdjustAngleByFixedDelta |
float |
MainWindow::AdjustAngleByFixedDelta (float inCurrentAngle, Fixed inDeltaValue) |
{ |
float newAngle = inCurrentAngle + (Fix2X(inDeltaValue) * 50.0); |
while (newAngle < kMin_Angle) |
newAngle += (kMax_Angle - kMin_Angle); |
while (newAngle > kMax_Angle) |
newAngle -= (kMax_Angle - kMin_Angle); |
return newAngle; |
} |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-10-14