
    copyright © 1992-1996 Apple Computer Inc.  All rights reserved.
    This file implements old application message overrides for the specific driver.
    Included in this file is the old PrintRecord emulation.  Note that the ImageWriter
    PrintRecord is a wonder of misdirection and special cases.  You'll have fun
    figuring out the code - so unless you really want to exactly emulate the ImageWriter
    pages, you shouldn't spend too much time looking at this code.
    Modification history
    7/23/92         TED             New file today
    12/20/93        dmh             Sync'd with the shipping 1.0b3 GX driver.
     8/26/94        dmh             Sync'd with the shipping 1.0.1 GX driver.
    28/03/96        JHH             
/****   Macintosh Toolbox Headers   ****/
#include <Types.h>
#include <QuickDraw.h>
#include <Fonts.h>
#include <Lists.h>
#include <Devices.h>
#include <Resources.h>
#include <Script.h>
#include <ToolUtils.h>
#include <LowMem.h>
#ifndef __GXPRINTING__
    #include <GXPrinting.h>
/****   ChooserSupport.c prototypes     ****/
// typedef for structure to hold globals for PACK code.
typedef struct PACKglobal
    gxJob       job;
    Str31       driverName;
} PACKglobalRec, *PACKglobalPtr;
pascal OSErr Device(short message, short caller,
                    StringPtr objName,
                    StringPtr zoneName,
                    ListHandle theList,
                    long p2,
                    PACKglobalPtr global);
pascal void LDEF(
    short       message,
    Boolean     select,
    Rect        *theRect,
    Cell        theCell,
    short       dataOffset,
    short       dataLen,
    ListHandle  theList);