Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; |
; ChooserSupport.a |
; |
; Contains the code to form the first part of the Chooser 'PACK' for |
; this driver. |
; |
; Copyright © Apple Computer, Inc. 1992-1994 |
; All rights reserved. |
; |
; 12/20/93 dmh Sync'd with the shipping 1.0b3 GX driver. |
; |
;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
kAppleTalkDevice EQU $80000000 |
kIsPAPDevice EQU $40000000 |
kIsPostScriptDevice EQU $20000000 |
kMultiSelect EQU $10000000 |
kLeftButton EQU $08000000 |
kRightButton EQU $04000000 |
kNoSavedZone EQU $02000000 |
kActualZoneNames EQU $01000000 |
kNoIntlChars EQU $00800000 |
kEvenUpName EQU $00400000 |
kLengthOnRename EQU $00200000 |
kUsesOnAndOff EQU $00100000 |
kNoSetSelfSend EQU $00080000 |
kUnused18 EQU $00040000 |
kAcceptsInit EQU $00020000 |
kAcceptsNewSel EQU $00010000 |
kAcceptsFillList EQU $00008000 |
kAcceptsGetSel EQU $00004000 |
kAcceptsSelect EQU $00002000 |
kAcceptsDeselect EQU $00001000 |
kAcceptsTerminate EQU $00000800 |
IMPORT DEVICE ; from ChooserSupport.c |
EntryPoint PROC EXPORT |
BRA.S code ; branch to our actual code |
DC.W 169 ; device ID |
DC.L 'PACK' ; device Type |
DC.W $F000 ; master ID for resources (-4096) |
DC.W 2 ; version |
DC.L kLeftButton+kUsesOnAndOff+kAcceptsInit+kAcceptsTerminate ; flags |
data: |
ds.b 38 ; sizeof(PACKglobalRec) |
code: |
MOVE.L (a7)+,a0 ; move return address into a0 |
PEA data ; add a pointer to our global data onto stack as last parameter |
MOVE.L a0,-(a7) ; put the return address back on the stack |
jmp DEVICE ; jump to it, so when it does the return, it goes to OUR caller |
rts |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-01-14