
;       NewApp.a
;       Contains the code necessary to dispatch from a routine in one code
;       module to a code segment in another module or within the same module
;       Copyright © Apple Computer, Inc. 1989-1996
;       All rights reserved. 
;       04/23/90        Tom Dowdy   New Today
;       12/20/93        dmh         Sync'd with the shipping 1.0b3 GX driver.
;       08/26/94        dmh         Sync'd with the shipping 1.0.1 GX driver.
;       05/21/96        Jason H-H   Updated for ETO#19/MW.
;       05/21/96        Don Swatman Modifications for halftoning, dithering and plane seperations.
                CASE    OBJ
                STRING  ASIS
SD_JumpTable    PROC    EXPORT
                dc.l    0           
    ; Universal messages
                IMPORT SD_Initialize
                JMP SD_Initialize
                IMPORT SD_ShutDown
                JMP SD_ShutDown
                IMPORT SD_DefaultPrinter
                JMP SD_DefaultPrinter
                IMPORT SD_DefaultFormat
                JMP SD_DefaultFormat
                IMPORT SD_DefaultJob
                JMP SD_DefaultJob
                IMPORT SD_JobFormatDialog
                JMP SD_JobFormatDialog
                IMPORT SD_JobFormatModeQuery
                JMP SD_JobFormatModeQuery
                IMPORT SD_RenderPage
                JMP SD_RenderPage
                IMPORT SD_OpenConnection
                JMP SD_OpenConnection
                IMPORT SD_CloseConnection
                JMP SD_CloseConnection
                IMPORT SD_StartSendPage
                JMP SD_StartSendPage
                IMPORT SD_FinishSendPage
                JMP SD_FinishSendPage
                IMPORT SD_DumpBuffer
                JMP SD_DumpBuffer
                IMPORT SD_FreeBuffer
                JMP SD_FreeBuffer
                IMPORT SD_SetupImageData
                JMP SD_SetupImageData
                IMPORT SD_JobIdle
                JMP SD_JobIdle
    ; print dialog stuff
                IMPORT SD_JobPrintDialog
                JMP SD_JobPrintDialog
                IMPORT SD_HandlePanelEvent
                JMP SD_HandlePanelEvent
    ; Raster messages
                IMPORT SD_PackageBitmap
                JMP SD_PackageBitmap
                IMPORT SD_LineFeed
                JMP SD_LineFeed