
    copyright © 1992-1994 Apple Computer Inc.  All rights reserved.
    This file contains resources needed for old application compatiblity.
    Modification history
     7/23/92        TED             New file today
    12/20/93        dmh             Sync'd with the shipping 1.0b3 GX driver.
     8/26/94        dmh             Sync'd with the shipping 1.0.1 GX driver.
#define SystemSevenOrLater 1
#include "Types.r"
#include "SysTypes.r"
#include "BalloonTypes.r"
#include "GXPrintingResTypes.r"
#include "CommonDefines.h"          // things common to .r and .h files
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
// This resource allows us to customize the old API's behavior - all drivers
// should have a resource of this type
resource 'cust' (-8192, sysheap, purgeable)
    144, 144,                   // our DPI
    defaultUpDriver,            // we use the default up driver
    {2, 2},                     // pattern stretch of 2
    gxOptimizedTranslation + gxRasterTargetTranslation
resource 'resl' (-8192, sysheap, purgeable)
    gxDiscreteResolution,   gxDiscreteResolution,
    gxDiscreteResolution,   gxDiscreteResolution,
    72,     72;
    144,    144;
    80,     72;
    160,    144;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
// overrides for old application messages, and where to find them in the jump table
#define firstOffset 4
#define segmentID   OldSegID
resource gxOverrideType (gxDriverCompatibilityOverrideID, sysheap, purgeable)
    gxConvertPrintRecordTo,         segmentID, firstOffset + 0,
    gxConvertPrintRecordFrom,       segmentID, firstOffset + 4,
    gxPrintRecordToJob,             segmentID, firstOffset + 8,
    gxPrValidate,                   segmentID, firstOffset + 12,
    gxPrJobInit,                    segmentID, firstOffset + 16,
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* page setup dialog */
resource 'DITL' (-8192, sysheap, purgeable) {
    {   /* array DITLarray: 18 elements */
        /* [1] */
        {8, 404, 27, 464},
            Button { enabled, "OK" },
        /* [2] */
        {35, 404, 54, 464},
            Button { enabled, "Cancel" },
        /* [3] name frill */
        {4, 4, 20, 384},
            StaticText { disabled, DriverName },
        /* [4] line frill */
        {20, 4, 24, 393},
            UserItem { disabled },
        /* [5] */
        {24, 4, 40, 60},
            StaticText { disabled, "Paper:" },
        /* [6] */
        {24, 68, 40, 208},
            RadioButton { enabled, "À" },
        /* [7] */
        {24, 218, 40, 383},
            RadioButton { enabled, "À" },
        /* [8] */
        {39, 68, 55, 208},
            RadioButton { enabled, "À" },
        /* [9] */
        {39, 218, 55, 383},
            RadioButton { enabled, "À" },
        /* [10] */
        {54, 68, 70, 208},
            RadioButton { enabled, "À" },
        /* [11] */
        {54, 218, 70, 383},
            RadioButton { enabled, "À" },
        /* [12] */
        {74, 4, 90, 88},
            StaticText { disabled, "Orientation" },
        /* [13] portrait icon */
        {93, 5, 125, 37},
            UserItem { enabled },
        /* [14] landscape icon */
        {93, 45, 125, 77},
            UserItem { enabled },
        /* [15] */
        {74, 106, 90, 211},
            StaticText { disabled, "Special Effects:" },
        /* [16] */
        {74, 220, 90, 328},
            CheckBox { enabled, "Tall Adjusted" },
        /* [17] */
        {89, 220, 105, 342},
            CheckBox { enabled, "50 % Reduction" },
        /* [18] */
        {104, 220, 120, 401},
            CheckBox { enabled, "No Gaps Between Pages" },
        /* [19] version frill */
        {4, 348, 19, 384},
            UserItem { enabled },
        /* [20] default frill */
        {4, 400, 24, 460},
            UserItem { enabled },
// version string for old dialogs
resource 'STR ' (-8190, sysheap, purgeable) { "1.0" };
resource 'dctl' (-8192, sysheap, purgeable) {
    Button { 2, cancel },
    Frill { 4, line },
    PaperSizes { 0, 0, { 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 } },
    Orientation { 13, 14, 0, 0 },
    Toggle { 16, bPreciseBitmap },  // tall adjusted
    Toggle { 17, bUser0 },          // 50% reduction
    Toggle { 18, bBiggerPages },    // no gaps
    Frill { 19, version },
    Frill { 20, default },
resource 'hdlg' (-8192, sysheap, purgeable) {
    HMStringResItem {
        {0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0},
        -8192, 1,
        -8192, 2,
        -8192, 3,
        -8192, 4
    {   /* array HDialogArray: 18 elements */
        /* [1] */
        HMStringResItem {
            {0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0},
            -8192, 5,
            -8192, 6,
            -8192, 7,
            -8192, 8
        /* [2] */
        HMStringResItem {
            {0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0},
            -8192, 9,
            -8192, 10,
            -8192, 11,
            -8192, 12
        /* [3] */
        HMSkipItem { },
        /* [4] */
        HMSkipItem { },
        /* [5] */
        HMSkipItem { },
        /* [6] */
        HMStringResItem {
            {0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0},
            -8192, 13,
            -8192, 14,
            -8192, 15,
            -8192, 16
        /* [7] */
        HMStringResItem {
            {0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0},
            -8192, 17,
            -8192, 18,
            -8192, 19,
            -8192, 20
        /* [8] */
        HMStringResItem {
            {0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0},
            -8192, 21,
            -8192, 22,
            -8192, 23,
            -8192, 24
        /* [9] */
        HMStringResItem {
            {0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0},
            -8192, 25,
            -8192, 26,
            -8192, 27,
            -8192, 28
        /* [10] */
        HMStringResItem {
            {0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0},
            -8192, 29,
            -8192, 30,
            -8192, 31,
            -8192, 32
        /* [11] */
        HMStringResItem {
            {0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0},
            -8192, 53,
            -8192, 54,
            -8192, 55,
            -8192, 56
        /* [12] */
        HMSkipItem { },
        /* [13] */
        HMStringResItem {
            {0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0},
            -8192, 33,
            -8192, 34,
            -8192, 35,
            -8192, 36
        /* [14] */
        HMStringResItem {
            {0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0},
            -8192, 37,
            -8192, 38,
            -8192, 39,
            -8192, 40
        /* [15] */
        HMSkipItem { },
        /* [16] */
        HMStringResItem {
            {0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0},
            -8192, 41,
            -8192, 42,
            -8192, 43,
            -8192, 44
        /* [17] */
        HMStringResItem {
            {0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0},
            -8192, 45,
            -8192, 46,
            -8192, 47,
            -8192, 48
        /* [18] */
        HMStringResItem {
            {0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0},
            -8192, 49,
            -8192, 50,
            -8192, 51,
            -8192, 52,
        /* [19] */
        HMSkipItem { },
        /* [20] */
        HMSkipItem { },
resource 'STR#' (-8192, sysheap, purgeable) {
    {   /* array StringArray: 55 elements */
        /* [1] */   "",
        /* [2] */   "",
        /* [3] */   "",
        /* [4] */   "",
        /* [5] */   "To confirm the settings and close the dialog "
                    "box, click this button (or press the "
                    "Return or Enter key).",
        /* [6] */   "",
        /* [7] */   "",
        /* [8] */   "",
        /* [9] */   "To cancel any changes and close the box, "
                    "click this button.",
        /* [10] */  "",
        /* [11] */  "",
        /* [12] */  "",
        /* [13] */  "To print on standard U.S. letter paper ("
                    "8 1/2 by 11 inches), click this button.",
        /* [14] */  "",
        /* [15] */  "When this button is selected, your document "
                    "is set up for standard U.S. letter paper "
                    "(8 1/2 by 11 inches).",
        /* [16] */  "",
        /* [17] */  "To print on A4 paper (a standard European "
                    "letter size, 8 1/2 by 11 2/3 inches), "
                    "click this button.",
        /* [18] */  "",
        /* [19] */  "When this button is selected, your document "
                    "is set up for A4 paper (a standard European "
                    "letter size, 8 1/2 by 11 2/3 inches).",
        /* [20] */  "",
        /* [21] */  "To print on U.S. legal paper (8 1/2 by 14 inches), "
                    "click this button.",
        /* [22] */  "",
        /* [23] */  "When this button is selected, your document "
                    "is set up for U.S. legal paper (8 1/2 by 14 inches).",
        /* [24] */  "",
        /* [25] */  "To print on international fanfold paper "
                    "(8 1/4 by 12 inches), click this button.",
        /* [26] */  "",
        /* [27] */  "When this button is selected, your document "
                    "is set up for international fanfold "
                    "paper (8 1/4 by 12 inches).",
        /* [28] */  "",
        /* [29] */  "To print on standard computer paper (15 "
                    "by 11 inches), click this button.",
        /* [30] */  "",
        /* [31] */  "When this button is selected, your document "
                    "is set up for standard computer paper "
                    "(15 by 11 inches).",
        /* [32] */  "",
        /* [33] */  "To set up your document for portrait (tall) "
                    "printing, click this icon.",
        /* [34] */  "",
        /* [35] */  "When this icon is selected, your document "
                    "is set up for portrait (tall) printing.",
        /* [36] */  "",
        /* [37] */  "To set up your document for landscape (wide) "
                    "printing, click this icon.",
        /* [38] */  "",
        /* [39] */  "When this icon is selected, your document "
                    "is set up for landscape (wide) printing.",
        /* [40] */  "",
        /* [41] */  "To correct the proportions of graphic images "
                    "printed in portrait (tall) orientation, "
                    "click this box.",
        /* [42] */  "To correct the proportions of images printed "
                    "in portrait (tall) orientation, click "
                    "this box.  Not available because landscape "
                    "orientation is selected, or because "
                    "the application program you are using "
                    "automatically uses correct proportions.",
        /* [43] */  "When this box is checked, graphic images "
                    "printed in portrait (tall) orientation "
                    "will be correctly proportioned.",
        /* [44] */  "",
        /* [45] */  "To print your document at half its actual "
                    "size, click this box.",
        /* [46] */  "To print your document at half its actual "
                    "size, click this box.  Not available because "
                    "the application program you are using "
                    "always prints images at actual size."
        /* [47] */  "When this box is checked, your document "
                    "is printed at half its actual size.",
        /* [48] */  "",
        /* [49] */  "To print your document without gaps between "
                    "pages, click this box.",
        /* [50] */  "",
        /* [51] */  "When this box is checked, your document "
                    "is printed without gaps between pages.",
        /* [52] */  "",
resource 'DLOG' (-8192, sysheap, purgeable) {
    {30, 20, 174, 492},
resource 'dctb' (-8192, sysheap, purgeable) {
    {   /* array ColorSpec: 0 elements */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* print dialog */
resource 'DITL' (-8191, sysheap, purgeable) {
    {   /* array DITLarray: 19 elements */
        /* [1] */
        {8, 404, 27, 464},
            Button { enabled, "Print" },
        /* [2] */
        {35, 404, 54, 464},
            Button { enabled, "Cancel" },
        /* [3] name frill */
        {4, 4, 20, 384},
            StaticText { disabled, DriverName },
        /* [4] line frill */
        {20, 5, 24, 393},
            UserItem { disabled },
        /* [5] */
        {24, 4, 40, 88},
            StaticText { disabled, "Quality:" },
        /* [6] */
        {24, 100, 40, 188},
            RadioButton { enabled, "Best" },
        /* [7] */
        {24, 200, 40, 288},
            RadioButton { enabled, "Faster" },
        /* [8] */
        {24, 300, 40, 388},
            RadioButton { enabled, "Draft" },
        /* [9] */
        {44, 4, 60, 88},
            StaticText { disabled, "Page Range:" },
        /* [10] */
        {44, 100, 60, 188},
            RadioButton { enabled, "All" },
        /* [11] */
        {44, 200, 60, 260},
            RadioButton { enabled, "From:" },
        /* [12] */
        {44, 264, 60, 296},
            EditText { disabled, "" },
        /* [13] */
        {44, 304, 60, 332},
            StaticText { disabled, "To:" },
        /* [14] */
        {44, 332, 60, 364},
            EditText { disabled, "" },
        /* [15] */
        {64, 4, 80, 88},
            StaticText { disabled, "Copies:" },
        /* [16] */
        {64, 100, 80, 132},
            EditText { disabled, "1" },
        /* [17] */
        {84, 4, 100, 92},
            StaticText { disabled, "Paper Feed:" },
        /* [18] */
        {84, 100, 100, 192},
            RadioButton { enabled, "Automatic" },
        /* [19] */
        {84, 200, 100, 292},
            RadioButton { enabled, "Hand Feed" },
        /* [20] version frill */
        {4, 348, 19, 384},
            UserItem { enabled },
        /* [21] default frill */
        {4, 400, 24, 460},
            UserItem { enabled },
resource 'dctl' (-8191, sysheap, purgeable) {
    Button { 2, cancel },
    Frill { 4, line },
    Cluster { quality, { 6, 7, 8 } },
    PageRange { 10, 11, 12, 14},
    Copies { 16 },
    Cluster { feed, { 18, 19 } },
    Frill { 20, version },
    Frill { 21, default },
resource 'hdlg' (-8191, sysheap, purgeable) {
    HMStringResItem {
        {0, 0},
        {0, 0, 0, 0},
        -8191, 1,
        -8191, 2,
        -8191, 3,
        -8191, 4
    {   /* array HDialogArray: 19 elements */
        /* [1] */
        HMStringResItem {
            {0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0},
            -8191, 5,
            -8191, 6,
            -8191, 7,
            -8191, 8
        /* [2] */
        HMStringResItem {
            {0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0},
            -8191, 9,
            -8191, 10,
            -8191, 11,
            -8191, 12
        /* [3] */
        HMSkipItem { },
        /* [4] */
        HMSkipItem { },
        /* [5] */
        HMSkipItem { },
        /* [6] */
        HMStringResItem {
            {0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0},
            -8191, 13,
            -8191, 14,
            -8191, 15,
            -8191, 16
        /* [7] */
        HMStringResItem {
            {0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0},
            -8191, 17,
            -8191, 18,
            -8191, 19,
            -8191, 20 },
        /* [8] */
        HMStringResItem {
            {0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0},
            -8191, 21,
            -8191, 22,
            -8191, 23,
            -8191, 24
        /* [9] */
        HMSkipItem { },
        /* [10] */
        HMStringResItem {
            {0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0},
            -8191, 25,
            -8191, 26,
            -8191, 27,
            -8191, 28
        /* [11] */
        HMStringResItem {
            {0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0},
            -8191, 29,
            -8191, 30,
            -8191, 31,
            -8191, 32
        /* [12] */
        HMStringResItem {
            {0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0},
            -8191, 33,
            -8191, 34,
            -8191, 35,
            -8191, 36
        /* [13] */
        HMSkipItem { },
        /* [14] */
        HMStringResItem {
            {0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0},
            -8191, 37,
            -8191, 38,
            -8191, 39,
            -8191, 40
        /* [15] */
        HMSkipItem { },
        /* [16] */
        HMStringResItem {
            {0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0},
            -8191, 41,
            -8191, 42,
            -8191, 43,
            -8191, 44
        /* [17] */
        HMSkipItem { },
        /* [18] */
        HMStringResItem {
            {0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0},
            -8191, 45,
            -8191, 46,
            -8191, 47,
            -8191, 48
        /* [19] */
        HMStringResItem {
            {0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0},
            -8191, 49,
            -8191, 50,
            -8191, 51,
            -8191, 52
        /* [20] */
        HMSkipItem { },
        /* [21] */
        HMSkipItem { },
resource 'STR#' (-8191, sysheap, purgeable) {
    {   /* array StringArray: 52 elements */
        /* [1] */   "",
        /* [2] */   "",
        /* [3] */   "",
        /* [4] */   "",
        /* [5] */   "To start printing using the settings in "
                    "this dialog box, click this button (or press "
                    "the Return or Enter key).",
        /* [6] */   "",
        /* [7] */   "",
        /* [8] */   "",
        /* [9] */   "To cancel the Print command without saving any "
                    "changes to settings in this box, click this button.",
        /* [10] */  "",
        /* [11] */  "",
        /* [12] */  "",
        /* [13] */  "To print your document with the highest "
                    "resolution (144 dots per inch), click this "
                    "button.  Best quality takes the longest "
                    "to print.",
        /* [14] */  "",
        /* [15] */  "When this button is selected, the ImageWriter "
                    "will print your document with the "
                    "highest resolution (144 dots per inch).  "
                    "Best quality takes the longest to print."
        /* [16] */  "",
        /* [17] */  "To print your document with medium resolution "
                    "(72 dots per inch), click this button.  "
                    "Faster quality prints more quickly "
                    "than Best, but more slowly than Draft.",
        /* [18] */  "To print your document with medium resolution "
                    "(72 dots per inch), click this button.  "
                    "Not available because the application "
                    "program you are using always prints "
                    "at the full resolution of the printer.",
        /* [19] */  "When this button is selected, the ImageWriter "
                    "will print your document with medium "
                    "resolution (72 dots per inch).  Faster "
                    "quality prints more quickly than Best, "
                    "but more slowly than Draft.",
        /* [20] */  "",
        /* [21] */  "To get a quick printout, click this button.  "
                    "Text only is printed, using one font "
                    "and font size, in plain, bold, and underline "
        /* [22] */  "To get a quick printout, click this button.  "
                    "Text only is printed, using one font "
                    "and font size, in plain, bold, and underline "
                    "styles.  Not available because you have formatted your "
                    "document in landscape orientation.",
        /* [23] */  "When this box is checked, the ImageWriter "
                    "will produce a quick printout containing "
                    "text only, using one font and font size, "
                    "with plain, bold, and underline styles "
        /* [24] */  "",
        /* [25] */  "To print all the pages in the document, click this button.",
        /* [26] */  "",
        /* [27] */  "When this button is selected, the ImageWriter "
                    "will print all the pages in the document.",
        /* [28] */  "",
        /* [29] */  "To print a specified range of pages, click "
                    "this button and type page numbers in "
                    "the boxes to the right.  To print one page, "
                    "type its number in both boxes.",
        /* [30] */  "",
        /* [31] */  "When this button is selected, the ImageWriter "
                    "will print only the page range specified "
                    "in the boxes to the right.",
        /* [32] */  "",
        /* [33] */  "",
        /* [34] */  "To specify a range of pages to be printed, "
                    "type the number of the first page here.",
        /* [35] */  "",
        /* [36] */  "",
        /* [37] */  "",
        /* [38] */  "To specify a range of pages to be printed, "
                    "type the number of the last page here.",
        /* [39] */  "",
        /* [40] */  "",
        /* [41] */  "",
        /* [42] */  "Type the number of copies to be printed here."
        /* [43] */  "",
        /* [44] */  "",
        /* [45] */  "To print on paper automatically fed into "
                    "the printer, click this button.",
        /* [46] */  "",
        /* [47] */  "When this button is selected, the ImageWriter "
                    "will print on paper fed into the printer "
        /* [48] */  "",
        /* [49] */  "To print on paper fed into the printer by "
                    "hand (one sheet at a time), click this "
        /* [50] */  "",
        /* [51] */  "When this button is selected, the ImageWriter "
                    "will pause before printing each page "
                    "so that you can insert a new sheet of "
        /* [52] */  "",
resource 'DLOG' (-8191, sysheap, purgeable) {
    {50, 20, 154, 492},
resource 'dctb' (-8191, sysheap, purgeable) {
    {   /* array ColorSpec: 0 elements */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/*  resource which associates the 'hdlg's with their DLOGs.  This is
    done to avoid resource ID renumbering, and because old dialog appending
    code can't handle the help item type.
resource 'hwin' (-8192, sysheap, purgeable) {
    {   /* array HWinArray: 2 elements */
        /* [1] */
        /* ID   type    compare length  string */
        -8192,  'hdlg', 3,              "Stl",
        /* [2] */
        -8191,  'hdlg', 3,              "Job"
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/*  The default print record for this driver.
type 'PREC' (0) {
    integer;                /*iPrVersion        */
                        /*PrInfo        */
    integer;                /*  iDev        */
    integer;                /*  iVRes       */
    integer;                /*  iHRes       */
    rect;                   /*  rPage       */
    rect;               /*rPaper        */
                        /*PrStl         */
    byte;                   /*  wDev refNum */
    boolean;                        /*  wDev lo bit 7   */
    boolean NoDftBts, DftBts;       /*  wDev lo bit 6   */
    boolean NoResSet, ResSet;       /*  wDev lo bit 5   */
    boolean NoScroll, Scroll;       /*  wDev fScroll    */
    boolean NoZoom, Zoom2X;         /*  wDev f2XZoom    */
    boolean NormPix, SqPix;         /*  wDev fSqPix */
    boolean Landscape, Portrait;        /*  wDev fPortrait  */
    boolean LowRes, HighRes;        /*  wDev fHiRes */
    integer;                /*  iPageV      */
    integer;                /*  iPageH      */
    byte;                   /*  bPort       */
    byte Cut, Fanfold, MechCut, Other;  /*  feed        */
                        /*PrInfoPT      */
    integer;                /*  iDev        */
    integer;                /*  iVRes       */
    integer;                /*  iHRes       */
    rect;                   /*  rPage       */
                        /*PrXInfo       */
    integer;                /*  iRowBytes   */
    integer;                /*  iBandV      */
    integer;                /*  iBandh      */
    integer;                /*  iDevBytes   */
    integer;                /*  iBands      */
    byte dbl=-2, norm=0;            /*  bPatScale   */
    byte;                   /*  bULThick    */
    byte;                   /*  bULOffset   */
    byte;                   /*  bULShadow   */
    byte scanTB, scanBT, scanLR, scanRL;    /*  scan        */
    fill byte;              /*  bXInfoX     */
                        /*PrJob         */
    integer;                /*  iFstPage    */
    integer;                /*  iLstPage    */
    integer;                /*  iCopies     */
    byte Draft, Spool, User1, User2;    /*  bJDocLoop   */
    byte;                   /*  fFromUsr    */
    longint;                /*  pIdleProc   */
    longint;                /*  pFileName   */
    integer;                /*  iFileVol    */
    byte;                   /*  bFileVers   */
    byte;                   /*  bJobFlags   */
    longint;                /*  lImageBytes for Solo    */
    integer;                /*  iCpies for Solo         */
    fill word [16];             /*Make 120 byte total   */
resource 'PREC' (0, sysheap, purgeable) {
    4,                      /* increase from 3 to 4 for QuickDraw GX */
    {0, 0, 752, 640},
    {-36, -20, 756, 660},
    {0, 0, 752, 640},
// This 'STR#' contains a list of all of the qualities that are supported.
resource 'STR#' (kOldQualityID, sysheap, purgeable) 