# IconCollection |
IconCollection is a Cocoa sample application that demonstrates how to use NSCollectionView with Cocoa Bindings along with NSWorkspace and named images to determine its content. |
## Using the Sample |
Simply build and run the sample using Xcode. Use the window's toolbar items to manipulate the contents of the collection view. |
1) Ascending/Descending sort order - |
Affects the collection view's sort order indirectly by setting the NSArrayController sort descriptors. |
2) Alternate colors - |
Set on the collection view's background colors (alternate colors) by calling: |
- (void)setBackgroundColors:(NSArray *)colors; |
If alternate colors is turned off, the NSCollectionView's enclosing scroll view draws its background using NSGradient. |
3) Searching - |
Changes what the collection view displays based on the icon display name indirectly by setting the NSArrayController's filterPredicate. |
4) Uses NSBox "Transparent" binding to affect the collection view's selection appearance. |
5) Collection view selection - |
A text label binds to the array controller selection to detect selection changes. |
This is done by binding to MyWindowController, |
model key path = "". |
It also overrides both "Multiple Values Placeholder" and "No Selection Placeholder" for this this value binding. |
## Requirements |
### Build |
OS X 10.11 SDK or later |
### Runtime |
OS X 10.11 or later |
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