Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: PlotIcons.c |
Contains: snippet to demonstrate the use of the system 7 icon utilities |
and the system 7 popup control cdef in a program using modal dialogs |
This shows: how to use the sys 7.0 popup |
and how to plot Icons from Icon families. |
Written by: Nick Thompson |
Copyright: Copyright © 1994-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved. |
You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without |
restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the |
responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute |
this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made |
changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make |
it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source |
code, but that you've made changes. |
Change History (most recent first): |
8/6/1999 Karl Groethe Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1 |
5/11/94 nt updated to use std file icons, in another dialog box |
8/96 old routines names changed; Str255 theItem, OSErr |
theErr and short userSelection removed from |
DoStdFileIconsDialog; line 266 - NewModalFilterProc |
added; fixed return value for OurFilter to eliminate |
compiler warnings |
*/ |
#include <Menus.h> |
#include <Fonts.h> |
#include <Dialogs.h> |
#include <icons.h> |
// prototypes |
pascal Boolean OurFilter(DialogPtr dlg, EventRecord *event, short *itemHit) ; |
void DoStdFileIconsDialog(void); |
void UpdateIconsDialog( DialogPtr thePopupDialog ); |
void FlashDialogItem(DialogPtr dlg, short itemToFlash); |
// constants used in the dialog filter proc |
const char kEnter = 0x03 ; |
const char kReturn = 0x0D ; |
const char kEscape = 0x1B ; |
const char kPeriod = '.' ; |
// constants for our dialog IDs these are used in the filterproc to do the "right thing" |
// by calling the appropriate redrawing code |
const long kIconsDialog = 1000 ; |
const long kStdFileIconsDialog = 1001 ; |
// constants for items in the dialog |
enum { |
kThePopupMenu = 4 , // popup menu is the fourth item in the dialog |
kUserTextArea = 5 , // this is a rect for us to write a string with the user selection |
kLargeIconArea = 8 , // rect to draw the lg icon into |
kSmallIconArea = 9 , // rect to draw the small icon |
kMoreIconBtn = 10 // we want to see the std file icon dialog |
} ; |
// table to tie up the menu selection with the |
// actual icon IDs defined in Icons.h |
// These are documented in the resource manager chapter |
// of Inside Macintosh: More Toolbox Essentials, Page 1-130 onwards. |
long resIDTable[] = { |
0, /* Dummy for start of the array */ |
genericDocumentIconResource, /* [1] "Generic Document" */ |
genericApplicationIconResource, /* [2] "Generic Application" */ |
genericDeskAccessoryIconResource, /* [3] "Generic Desk Accessory" */ |
genericEditionFileIconResource, /* [4] "Generic Edition File" */ |
genericStationeryIconResource, /* [5] "Generic Stationary" */ |
genericPreferencesIconResource, /* [6] "Generic Preferences" */ |
genericQueryDocumentIconResource, /* [7] "Generic Query Document" */ |
genericExtensionIconResource, /* [8] "Generic Extension" */ |
genericFolderIconResource, /* [9] "Generic Folder" */ |
privateFolderIconResource, /* [10] "Private Folder" */ |
ownedFolderIconResource, /* [11] "Owned Folder" */ |
dropFolderIconResource, /* [12] "Drop Folder" */ |
sharedFolderIconResource, /* [13] "Shared Folder" */ |
mountedFolderIconResource, /* [14] "Mounted Folder" */ |
systemFolderIconResource, /* [15] "System Folder" */ |
appleMenuFolderIconResource, /* [16] "Apple Menu Folder" */ |
startupFolderIconResource, /* [17] "Startup Items Folder" */ |
controlPanelFolderIconResource, /* [18] "Control Panels" */ |
printMonitorFolderIconResource, /* [19] "Printmonitor Folder" */ |
preferencesFolderIconResource, /* [20] "Preferences Folder" */ |
extensionsFolderIconResource, /* [21] "Extensions" */ |
-3968, /* [22] "Fonts" */ |
floppyIconResource, /* [23] "Floppy Icon" */ |
trashIconResource, /* [24] "Trash Icon" */ |
fullTrashIconResource /* [25] "Full Trash Icon" */ |
} ; |
long stdFileResTablep[] = { |
1, |
2, |
3, |
4, |
5 |
} ; |
// Structure for the private data for a popup control. |
// This structure is documented on page 5-77 |
// Inside Macintosh: Macintosh Toolbox Essentials |
typedef struct popupPrivateData { |
MenuHandle mHandle; // the popup menu handle |
short mID; // the popup menu ID |
// after these two public fields is the mPrivate private data, |
// which may be any old size and should not be messed with |
} popupPrivateData; |
void DoIconsDialog(void) ; |
void main(void) { |
// initialize the toolbox |
InitGraf(&qd.thePort); InitFonts(); InitWindows(); InitMenus(); |
TEInit(); InitDialogs(nil); InitCursor(); FlushEvents(everyEvent,0); |
DoIconsDialog() ; |
} |
void DoStdFileIconsDialog(void) |
{ |
popupPrivateData **myPopupPrivateDataPtr ; |
short iKind; |
Handle iHandle; |
Rect iRect; |
MenuHandle thePopupMenuHdl ; |
DialogPtr thePopupDialog ; |
short itemHit ; |
GrafPtr savedPort ; |
short index ; |
thePopupDialog = GetNewDialog ( 129, nil, (WindowPtr)-1 ); |
SetWRefCon((WindowPtr)thePopupDialog, kStdFileIconsDialog ) ; |
GetPort( &savedPort ) ; |
SetPort( thePopupDialog ) ; |
// get a reference to the popup control, this is item 4 in the dialog |
// we need to get the menuhandle associated with the control, it is in the private |
// control data field, as documented in Inside Macintosh: Toolbox page 5-77 |
// get the control handle for the popup |
GetDialogItem ( thePopupDialog, kThePopupMenu, &iKind, &iHandle, &iRect) ; |
// extract from the control the menuhandle |
myPopupPrivateDataPtr = (popupPrivateData **)(**(ControlHandle)iHandle).contrlData ; |
thePopupMenuHdl = (**myPopupPrivateDataPtr).mHandle ; |
// set up the Icons - we have 5 items here |
for( index = 0; index < 5; index++ ) |
SetItemIcon( thePopupMenuHdl, index + 1, stdFileResTablep[index]) ; |
do { |
ModalDialog ( NewModalFilterProc(OurFilter), &itemHit ); |
switch ( itemHit ) { |
default : |
break ; |
} |
} while( itemHit != ok ) ; |
DisposeDialog ( thePopupDialog ); |
SetPort( savedPort ) ; |
} |
// this function ensures that the correct Icons are drawn in the dialog |
// corresponding with the current user selection. |
void UpdateIconsDialog( DialogPtr thePopupDialog ) // dialog pointer for the popup dialog |
{ |
popupPrivateData **myPopupPrivateDataPtr ; |
short iKind; |
Handle iHandle; |
Rect iRect; |
MenuHandle thePopupMenuHdl ; |
Str255 theItem ; |
OSErr theErr ; |
short userSelection ; // the current menu selection |
// the user choose the popup. The item number selected will be the control value |
// we need to get the menuhandle associated with the control, it is in the private |
// control data field, as documented in Inside Macintosh: Toolbox page 5-77 |
// get the control handle for the popup |
GetDialogItem ( thePopupDialog, kThePopupMenu, &iKind, &iHandle, &iRect) ; |
// extract from the control the menuhandle |
myPopupPrivateDataPtr = (popupPrivateData **)(**(ControlHandle)iHandle).contrlData ; |
thePopupMenuHdl = (**myPopupPrivateDataPtr).mHandle ; |
// get the string associated with the users selection |
userSelection = GetControlValue((ControlHandle)iHandle) ; |
GetMenuItemText ( thePopupMenuHdl, userSelection, theItem ); |
// get the rect we are drawing in |
GetDialogItem ( thePopupDialog, kUserTextArea, &iKind, &iHandle, &iRect) ; |
// erase the area to draw in |
EraseRect( &iRect ) ; |
// and draw the current user selection |
MoveTo(iRect.left + 1, iRect.bottom - 6) ; |
DrawString( theItem ) ; |
// now plot the Icons. The id of the item selected in |
// the menu will be in userSelection. |
// first draw the large icon |
// get the rect we are drawing in |
GetDialogItem ( thePopupDialog, kLargeIconArea, &iKind, &iHandle, &iRect) ; |
// erase the area to draw in |
EraseRect( &iRect ) ; |
theErr = PlotIconID( &iRect, atVerticalCenter, ttNone, resIDTable[ userSelection ] ) ; |
// now draw the small icon |
// get the rect we are drawing in |
GetDialogItem ( thePopupDialog, kSmallIconArea, &iKind, &iHandle, &iRect) ; |
// erase the area to draw in |
EraseRect( &iRect ) ; |
theErr = PlotIconID( &iRect, atVerticalCenter, ttNone, resIDTable[ userSelection ] ) ; |
} |
void DoIconsDialog(void) |
{ |
DialogPtr thePopupDialog ; |
short itemHit ; |
GrafPtr savedPort ; |
ModalFilterUPP modalFilterUPP; |
modalFilterUPP = NewModalFilterProc(OurFilter); |
if (modalFilterUPP) |
{ |
thePopupDialog = GetNewDialog ( 128, nil, (WindowPtr)-1 ); |
if (thePopupDialog) |
{ |
SetWRefCon((WindowPtr)thePopupDialog, kIconsDialog ) ; |
GetPort( &savedPort ) ; |
SetPort( thePopupDialog ) ; |
UpdateIconsDialog( thePopupDialog ) ; |
// get a reference to the popup control, this is item 4 in the dialog |
do { |
ModalDialog ( modalFilterUPP, &itemHit ); |
switch ( itemHit ) { |
case kThePopupMenu : |
UpdateIconsDialog( thePopupDialog ) ; |
// reset itemHit to something else or we'll continually redraw |
itemHit = 0 ; |
break ; |
case kMoreIconBtn : |
SetPort( savedPort ) ; |
DoStdFileIconsDialog() ; |
SetPort( thePopupDialog ) ; |
break ; |
} |
} while( itemHit != ok ) ; |
DisposeDialog ( thePopupDialog ); |
SetPort( savedPort ) ; |
} |
DisposeRoutineDescriptor (modalFilterUPP); |
} |
} |
void FlashDialogItem(DialogPtr dlg, short itemToFlash) |
{ |
short iKind; |
Handle iHandle; |
Rect iRect; |
unsigned long ignored; |
GetDialogItem(dlg, itemToFlash, &iKind, &iHandle, &iRect); |
HiliteControl((ControlHandle) iHandle, 1); |
Delay(8, &ignored); |
HiliteControl((ControlHandle) iHandle, 0); |
} |
pascal Boolean OurFilter(DialogPtr dlg, EventRecord *event, short *itemHit) |
{ |
Boolean result = false; |
short iKind; |
Handle iHandle; |
Rect iRect; |
char key; |
short radius; |
switch (event->what) { |
case keyDown: |
case autoKey: |
key = event->message & charCodeMask; |
if (event->modifiers & cmdKey) { /* Command key down */ |
if (key == kPeriod) { |
*itemHit = ok; |
FlashDialogItem(dlg, *itemHit); |
} |
result = true; /* This says we handle ALL command keys */ |
} else { |
if ((key == kReturn) || (key == kEnter)) { |
*itemHit = ok; |
FlashDialogItem(dlg, *itemHit); |
result = true; |
} |
else if (key == kEscape) { |
*itemHit = ok; |
FlashDialogItem(dlg, *itemHit); |
result = true; |
} |
} |
break; |
case updateEvt: |
SetPort(dlg); |
GetDialogItem(dlg, ok, &iKind, &iHandle, &iRect); |
InsetRect(&iRect, -4, -4); |
radius = (iRect.bottom - / 2; |
if (radius < 16) |
radius = 16; |
PenSize(3,3); |
FrameRoundRect(&iRect, radius, radius); |
PenNormal(); |
if( GetWRefCon((WindowPtr)dlg ) == kIconsDialog ) |
UpdateIconsDialog( dlg ) ; |
break; |
} |
return result; |
} |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-01-30