Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: TImageBrowserView.cp |
Version: 1.0 |
Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Computer, Inc. |
("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your |
use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software |
constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, |
please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software. |
In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject |
to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under Apple’s |
copyrights in this original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use, |
reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or without |
modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you redistribute |
the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain |
this notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of |
the Apple Software. Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of |
Apple Computer, Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the |
Apple Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as |
expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, |
are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that |
may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple |
Software may be incorporated. |
The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO |
Copyright © 2005 Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved |
*/ |
#include "TImageBrowserView.h" |
#include "ImageBrowserView.h" |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// constants |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// |
const float kImageMargin = 2; |
const float kButtonSize = 24; |
const float kButtonMargin = 32; |
const float kButtonPad = 4; |
enum // view parts |
{ |
kImagePart = 1, |
kBrowseBackPart, |
kBrowseForwardPart, |
kDeleteImagePart |
}; |
#define kImageURLsArchiveKey CFSTR("ImageURLsKey") |
#define kImageIndexArchiveKey CFSTR("ImageIndexKey") |
#pragma mark - |
#pragma mark Client API |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// RegisterClass |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
OSStatus |
TImageBrowserView::RegisterClass() |
{ |
static bool sRegistered; |
if ( !sRegistered ) |
{ |
TView::RegisterSubclass( kImageBrowserViewClassID, Construct ); |
sRegistered = true; |
} |
return noErr; |
} |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// ImageBrowserViewCreate |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// creates a TImageBrowserView instance |
// |
OSStatus TImageBrowserView::Create( |
WindowRef inWindow, |
const HIRect* inBounds, |
CFArrayRef inImageURLs, |
HIViewRef* outView ) |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
HIViewRef content; |
EventRef event; |
// make sure the ImageBrowserView class is registered |
err = ImageBrowserViewRegister(); |
require_noerr( err, CantRegister ); |
// create an initialization event |
err = CreateEvent( NULL, kEventClassHIObject, kEventHIObjectInitialize, GetCurrentEventTime(), 0, &event ); |
require_noerr( err, CantCreateEvent ); |
// if bounds were provided, add them to the initialization event |
if ( inBounds != NULL ) |
{ |
err = SetEventParameter( event, kEventParamBounds, typeHIRect, sizeof( HIRect ), inBounds ); |
require_noerr( err, CantSetParameter ); |
} |
// if image URLs were provided, add them to the initialization event |
if ( inImageURLs != NULL ) |
{ |
err = SetEventParameter( event, kEventParamImageURLArray, typeCFTypeRef, sizeof( CFArrayRef ), inImageURLs ); |
require_noerr( err, CantSetParameter ); |
} |
// create a new instance of this class |
err = HIObjectCreate( kImageBrowserViewClassID, event, (HIObjectRef*)outView ); |
require_noerr( err, CantCreate ); |
// if a parent window was provided, place the new view into the parent window |
if ( inWindow != NULL ) |
{ |
verify_noerr( HIViewFindByID( HIViewGetRoot( inWindow ), kHIViewWindowContentID, &content ) ); |
verify_noerr( HIViewAddSubview( content, *outView ) ); |
} |
CantCreate: |
CantSetParameter: |
CantCreateEvent: |
ReleaseEvent( event ); |
CantRegister: |
return err; |
} |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// ImageBrowserViewAddImages |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// |
OSStatus TImageBrowserView::AddImages( |
HIViewRef inView, |
CFArrayRef inImageURLs ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
TImageBrowserView* data; |
data = (TImageBrowserView*)HIObjectDynamicCast( (HIObjectRef)inView, kImageBrowserViewClassID ); |
require_action( data != NULL, CantGetInstanceData, err = paramErr ); |
CFArrayAppendArray( data->fImageURLs, inImageURLs, CFRangeMake( 0, CFArrayGetCount( inImageURLs ) ) ); |
verify_noerr( data->Invalidate() ); |
CantGetInstanceData: |
return err; |
} |
#pragma mark - |
#pragma mark Methods |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// TImageBrowserView constructor |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
TImageBrowserView::TImageBrowserView( |
HIViewRef inView ) |
: TView( inView ) |
{ |
// turn on the TObject and TView accessibility, drag and drop, and keyboard focus interfaces |
verify_noerr( ActivateInterface( kAccessibility ) ); |
verify_noerr( ActivateInterface( kDragAndDrop ) ); |
verify_noerr( ActivateInterface( kKeyboardFocus ) ); |
// register for the various Carbon Events that cannot be implicitly turned on via ActivateInterface |
static const EventTypeSpec kImageBrowserViewEvents[] = |
{ |
{ kEventClassHIObject, kEventHIObjectEncode }, |
{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlGetFocusPart }, |
{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlTrackingAreaEntered }, |
{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlTrackingAreaExited } |
}; |
verify_noerr( ::AddEventTypesToHandler( GetEventHandler(), GetEventTypeCount( kImageBrowserViewEvents ), |
kImageBrowserViewEvents ) ); |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// TImageBrowserView destructor |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
TImageBrowserView::~TImageBrowserView() |
{ |
if ( fImageURLs != NULL ) |
::CFRelease( fImageURLs ); |
if ( fTrackingArea != NULL ) |
verify_noerr( ::HIViewDisposeTrackingArea( fTrackingArea ) ); |
InvalidateImageCache(); |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// GetKind |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
ControlKind |
TImageBrowserView::GetKind() |
{ |
const ControlKind kMyKind = { 'TImB', 'TImB' }; |
return kMyKind; |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Construct |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
OSStatus |
TImageBrowserView::Construct( |
HIObjectRef inObjectRef, |
TObject** outObject ) |
{ |
*outObject = new TImageBrowserView( (HIViewRef)inObjectRef ); |
return noErr; |
} |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// IInitialize |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// |
OSStatus TImageBrowserView::Initialize( |
TCarbonEvent& inEvent ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
HIArchiveRef decoder = NULL; |
HIViewRef view = GetViewRef(); |
CFArrayRef imageURLs = NULL; |
CFStringRef imagePath; |
// look for the optional HIArchive decoder in the event |
inEvent.GetParameter( kEventParamHIArchive, typeCFTypeRef, sizeof( HIArchiveRef ), &decoder ); |
// defult to the first image |
fImageIndex = 0; |
if ( decoder != NULL ) // if we're unarchiving, initialize from the decoder ... |
{ |
// decode our persistant state |
err = ::HIArchiveCopyDecodedCFType( decoder, kImageURLsArchiveKey, (CFTypeRef*)&imageURLs ); |
require_noerr( err, CantDecodeImageURLs ); |
err = ::HIArchiveDecodeNumber( decoder, kImageIndexArchiveKey, kCFNumberCFIndexType, &fImageIndex ); |
require_noerr( err, CantDecodeImageIndex ); |
} |
else // ... otherwise initialize as normal |
{ |
// extract the optional image URLs from the initialization event |
inEvent.GetParameter( kEventParamImageURLArray, typeCFTypeRef, sizeof( CFArrayRef ), &imageURLs ); |
} |
// create a mutable version of the image URLs array for later modification |
if ( imageURLs != NULL ) |
fImageURLs = ::CFArrayCreateMutableCopy( kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, imageURLs ); |
else |
fImageURLs = ::CFArrayCreateMutable( kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks ); |
require_action( fImageURLs != NULL, CantCreateImageURLArray, err = coreFoundationUnknownErr ); |
// extract the optional image path from the initialization event |
if ( inEvent.GetParameter( kEventParamImageURL, typeCFStringRef, sizeof( CFStringRef ), &imagePath ) == noErr ) |
{ |
CFURLRef imageURL = ::CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath( kCFAllocatorDefault, imagePath, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, false ); |
require_action( imageURL != NULL, CantCreateImageURL, err = coreFoundationUnknownErr ); |
::CFArrayAppendValue( fImageURLs, imageURL ); |
::CFRelease( imageURL ); |
} |
// we're not tracking any drags by default |
fTrackingDrag = false; |
// install a tracking area on the entire view to implement a mouse over effect |
verify_noerr( ::HIViewNewTrackingArea( view, NULL, 0, &fTrackingArea ) ); |
// the mouse is not in the view by default |
fMouseInView = false; |
// default to a non-focused state |
fCurrentFocusPart = kHIViewFocusNoPart; |
// we have no cached image |
fImageCache = NULL; |
fImageCacheDisabled = NULL; |
fImageCacheIndex = -1; |
// allow the view to be archived |
verify_noerr( HIObjectSetArchivingIgnored( (HIObjectRef)GetViewRef(), false ) ); |
// let HIToolbox know that we're an opaque view for performance |
verify_noerr( ::HIViewChangeFeatures( view, kHIViewFeatureIsOpaque, 0 ) ); |
// always invalidate on enable and activate changes |
ChangeAutoInvalidateFlags( kAutoInvalidateOnEnable | kAutoInvalidateOnActivate, 0 ); |
CantCreateImageURL: |
CantCreateImageURLArray: |
CantDecodeImageIndex: |
CantDecodeImageURLs: |
InitBoundsParameterMissing: |
CantInitializeSuperclass: |
return err; |
} |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// Encode |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// |
OSStatus TImageBrowserView::Encode( |
HIArchiveRef inEncoder ) |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
// encode our persistant state |
err = HIArchiveEncodeCFType( inEncoder, kImageURLsArchiveKey, fImageURLs ); |
require_noerr( err, CantEncodeImageURLs ); |
err = HIArchiveEncodeNumber( inEncoder, kImageIndexArchiveKey, kCFNumberCFIndexType, &fImageIndex ); |
require_noerr( err, CantEncodeImageIndex ); |
CantEncodeImageIndex: |
CantEncodeImageURLs: |
CantEncodeSuperclass: |
return err; |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Draw |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
void TImageBrowserView::Draw( |
RgnHandle inLimitRgn, |
CGContextRef inContext ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
HIRect bounds = Bounds(); |
CFIndex imageURLCount = CFArrayGetCount( fImageURLs ); |
// draw a black background/frame |
::CGContextSetRGBFillColor( inContext, 0, 0, 0, 1 ); |
::CGContextFillRect( inContext, bounds ); |
// draw the current image if it exists |
if ( imageURLCount > 0 ) |
{ |
CGImageSourceRef imageSource; |
HIRect insetBounds = ::CGRectInset( bounds, kImageMargin, kImageMargin ); |
HIRect imageBounds = insetBounds; |
float scale; |
CGImageRef image; |
if ( fImageCacheIndex != fImageIndex ) |
InvalidateImageCache(); |
// don't rerender the image if the cache is still valid |
if ( fImageCache == NULL ) |
{ |
CFURLRef imageURL = (CFURLRef)::CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( fImageURLs, fImageIndex ); |
// dynamically load and cache the image from the URL with ImageIO as necessary |
imageSource = ::CGImageSourceCreateWithURL( imageURL, NULL ); |
require_action( imageSource != NULL, CantCreateImageSource, err = coreFoundationUnknownErr ); |
fImageCache = ::CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex( imageSource, 0, NULL ); |
CFRelease( imageSource ); |
require_action( fImageCache != NULL, CantCreateImage, err = coreFoundationUnknownErr ); |
// cache the image data in a bitmap context to improve drawing performance |
ConvertImageToBitmapImage( &fImageCache ); |
// create a disabled version of the image |
::HICreateTransformedCGImage( fImageCache, kHITransformDisabled, &fImageCacheDisabled ); |
fImageCacheIndex = fImageIndex; |
} |
imageBounds.size.width = ::CGImageGetWidth( fImageCache ); |
imageBounds.size.height = ::CGImageGetHeight( fImageCache ); |
// determine image scale factor based on relative sizes of view and image bounds |
if ( imageBounds.size.width/insetBounds.size.width > imageBounds.size.height/insetBounds.size.height ) |
scale = insetBounds.size.width/imageBounds.size.width; |
else |
scale = insetBounds.size.height/imageBounds.size.height; |
// scale and center the image |
imageBounds.size.width *= scale; |
imageBounds.size.height *= scale; |
imageBounds.origin.x += (insetBounds.size.width - imageBounds.size.width )/2; |
imageBounds.origin.y += (insetBounds.size.height - imageBounds.size.height )/2; |
// determine whether to use the regular or disabled image |
if ( !(IsEnabled() && IsActive()) && fImageCacheDisabled != NULL ) |
image = fImageCacheDisabled; |
else |
image = fImageCache; |
// draw the image |
verify_noerr( ::HIViewDrawCGImage( inContext, &imageBounds, image ) ); |
CantCreateImageSource: |
CantCreateImage: |
; |
} |
// draw a drag hilight if necessary |
if ( fTrackingDrag ) |
{ |
RGBColor dragColor; |
// draw with the appropriate theme brush |
verify_noerr( ::GetThemeBrushAsColor( kThemeBrushDragHilite, 32, true, &dragColor ) ); |
::CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor( inContext, (float), (float), |
(float), 1 ); |
::CGContextSetLineWidth( inContext, 5 ); |
::CGContextStrokeRect( inContext, GetPartFrame( kImagePart ) ); |
} |
// draw the currently focused area if necessary |
if ( fCurrentFocusPart != kHIViewFocusNoPart && IsEnabled() && IsActive() ) |
{ |
RGBColor hiliteColor; |
HIRect focusFrame = GetPartFrame( fCurrentFocusPart ); |
// draw with the appropriate theme brush |
verify_noerr( ::GetThemeBrushAsColor( kThemeBrushFocusHighlight, 32, true, &hiliteColor ) ); |
::CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor( inContext, (float), (float), |
(float), 1 ); |
::CGContextSetLineWidth( inContext, (fCurrentFocusPart == kImagePart) ? 5 : 3 ); // thicker for the image part |
::CGContextStrokeRect( inContext, focusFrame ); |
} |
// only draw the browse buttons when we're enable, active and the mouse button is inside the view or they're focused |
if ( IsEnabled() && IsActive() && ( fMouseInView || fCurrentFocusPart == kBrowseBackPart || |
fCurrentFocusPart == kBrowseForwardPart || fCurrentFocusPart == kDeleteImagePart) ) |
{ |
HISize shadowOffset = { 0, -2 }; |
HIRect frame; |
HIViewPartCode hilite = GetHilite(); |
// add a little shadow to the buttons for effect |
::CGContextSetShadow( inContext, shadowOffset, 2 ); |
// draw the browse back button |
frame = GetPartFrame( kBrowseBackPart ); |
::CGContextBeginPath( inContext ); |
::CGContextMoveToPoint( inContext, frame.origin.x + frame.size.width - kButtonPad, frame.origin.y ); |
::CGContextAddLineToPoint( inContext, frame.origin.x, frame.origin.y + kButtonSize/2 ); |
::CGContextAddLineToPoint( inContext, frame.origin.x + frame.size.width - kButtonPad, frame.origin.y + kButtonSize ); |
::CGContextAddLineToPoint( inContext, frame.origin.x + frame.size.width - kButtonPad, frame.origin.y ); |
::CGContextClosePath( inContext ); |
// display hilited or disabled if necessary |
if ( hilite == kBrowseBackPart ) |
::CGContextSetRGBFillColor( inContext, .66, .66, .66, 1 ); |
else |
::CGContextSetRGBFillColor( inContext, 1, 1, 1, IsPartAvailable( kBrowseBackPart ) ? 1 : .33 ); |
::CGContextFillPath( inContext ); |
// draw the browse forward button (appearing disabled if necessary) |
frame = GetPartFrame( kBrowseForwardPart ); |
::CGContextBeginPath( inContext ); |
::CGContextMoveToPoint( inContext, frame.origin.x + kButtonPad, frame.origin.y ); |
::CGContextAddLineToPoint( inContext, frame.origin.x + frame.size.width, frame.origin.y + kButtonSize/2 ); |
::CGContextAddLineToPoint( inContext, frame.origin.x + kButtonPad, frame.origin.y + kButtonSize ); |
::CGContextAddLineToPoint( inContext, frame.origin.x + kButtonPad, frame.origin.y ); |
::CGContextClosePath( inContext ); |
// display hilited or disabled if necessary |
if ( hilite == kBrowseForwardPart ) |
::CGContextSetRGBFillColor( inContext, .66, .66, .66, 1 ); |
else |
::CGContextSetRGBFillColor( inContext, 1, 1, 1, IsPartAvailable( kBrowseForwardPart ) ? 1 : .33 ); |
::CGContextFillPath( inContext ); |
// draw the delete image button (appearing disabled if necessary) |
frame = ::CGRectInset( GetPartFrame( kDeleteImagePart ), 2, 2 ); |
::CGContextBeginPath( inContext ); |
::CGContextMoveToPoint( inContext, frame.origin.x, frame.origin.y ); |
::CGContextAddLineToPoint( inContext, frame.origin.x + frame.size.width, frame.origin.y + frame.size.height ); |
::CGContextMoveToPoint( inContext, frame.origin.x, frame.origin.y + frame.size.height ); |
::CGContextAddLineToPoint( inContext, frame.origin.x + frame.size.width, frame.origin.y ); |
::CGContextClosePath( inContext ); |
// display hilited or disabled if necessary |
if ( hilite == kDeleteImagePart ) |
::CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor( inContext, .66, .66, .66, 1 ); |
else |
::CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor( inContext, 1, 1, 1, IsPartAvailable( kDeleteImagePart ) ? 1 : .33 ); |
::CGContextSetLineWidth( inContext, 3 ); |
::CGContextStrokePath( inContext ); |
} |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// HitTest |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
ControlPartCode |
TImageBrowserView::HitTest( |
const HIPoint& inWhere ) |
{ |
HIViewPartCode part; |
// find the part that was hit, and make sure that part is currently available |
part = GetViewPart( inWhere ); |
if ( !IsPartAvailable( part ) ) |
part = kControlNoPart; |
return part; |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// GetRegion |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
OSStatus |
TImageBrowserView::GetRegion( |
ControlPartCode inPart, |
RgnHandle outRgn ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
TRect bounds; |
Rect qdBounds; |
if ( inPart == kControlContentMetaPart |
|| inPart == kControlStructureMetaPart |
/* || inPart == kControlOpaqueRegionMetaPart */ ) |
{ |
bounds = Bounds(); |
qdBounds = bounds; |
::RectRgn( outRgn, &qdBounds ); |
} |
return err; |
} |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// Track |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// |
OSStatus TImageBrowserView::Track( |
TCarbonEvent& inEvent, |
ControlPartCode* outPartHit ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = eventNotHandledErr; |
HIPoint mouse; |
HIViewPartCode part; |
// get the mouse location in view coordinates |
verify_noerr( inEvent.GetParameter( kEventParamMouseLocation, typeHIPoint, sizeof( HIPoint ), &mouse ) ); |
part = GetViewPart( mouse ); |
if ( part == kImagePart ) |
err = noErr; |
// return the part that was tracked |
*outPartHit = part; |
return err; |
} |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// Hit |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// |
OSStatus TImageBrowserView::ControlHit( |
ControlPartCode inPart, |
UInt32 inModifiers ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
// don't handle the Hit event if this part isn't currently available |
if ( !IsPartAvailable( inPart ) ) |
return eventNotHandledErr; |
switch ( inPart ) |
{ |
case kBrowseBackPart: |
PreviousImage(); |
break; |
case kBrowseForwardPart: |
NextImage(); |
break; |
case kDeleteImagePart: |
DeleteCurrentImage(); |
break; |
default: |
err = eventNotHandledErr; |
break; |
} |
return err; |
} |
#pragma mark - |
#pragma mark Keyboard Focus |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// SetFocusPart |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// |
OSStatus TImageBrowserView::SetFocusPart( |
ControlPartCode inDesiredFocus, |
Boolean inFocusEverything, |
ControlPartCode* outActualFocus ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
HIViewPartCode oldFocusPart = fCurrentFocusPart; |
HIViewPartCode newFocusPart = oldFocusPart; |
switch ( inDesiredFocus ) |
{ |
case kControlFocusNextPart: |
// focus the next part, if there is one that is available |
if ( !inFocusEverything ) |
{ |
if ( oldFocusPart != kImagePart ) |
newFocusPart = kImagePart; |
else |
newFocusPart = kHIViewFocusNoPart; |
} |
else |
{ |
while ( ++newFocusPart >= kImagePart && newFocusPart <= kDeleteImagePart ) |
{ |
if ( IsPartAvailable( newFocusPart ) ) |
break; |
} |
if ( newFocusPart > kDeleteImagePart ) |
newFocusPart = kHIViewFocusNoPart; |
} |
break; |
case kControlFocusPrevPart: |
if ( !inFocusEverything ) |
{ |
if ( oldFocusPart != kImagePart ) |
newFocusPart = kImagePart; |
else |
newFocusPart = kHIViewFocusNoPart; |
} |
else |
{ |
// if no focus, set up so that we move to the DeleteImage part first |
if ( newFocusPart == kHIViewFocusNoPart ) |
newFocusPart = kDeleteImagePart + 1; |
// focus the previous part, if there is one that is available |
while ( --newFocusPart >= kImagePart && newFocusPart <= kDeleteImagePart ) |
{ |
if ( IsPartAvailable( newFocusPart ) ) |
break; |
} |
if ( newFocusPart < kImagePart ) |
newFocusPart = kHIViewFocusNoPart; |
} |
break; |
default: |
if ( IsPartAvailable( inDesiredFocus ) ) |
newFocusPart = inDesiredFocus; |
else |
newFocusPart = inDesiredFocus + (inDesiredFocus - oldFocusPart); // request the next part if necessary |
break; |
} |
fCurrentFocusPart = newFocusPart; |
*outActualFocus = newFocusPart; |
// invalidate ourselves if the focus changed |
if ( fCurrentFocusPart != oldFocusPart ) |
{ |
// if focus was changing to or from the image part, invalidate the entire view ... |
if ( fCurrentFocusPart == kImagePart || oldFocusPart == kImagePart ) |
{ |
verify_noerr( Invalidate() ); |
} |
else // ... otherwise, only invalidate the subparts for better performance |
{ |
HIViewRef view = GetViewRef(); |
HIRect focusUpdateFrame = ::CGRectUnion( GetPartFrame( (HIViewPartCode)kBrowseBackPart ), |
GetPartFrame( (HIViewPartCode)kDeleteImagePart ) ); |
// make sure to invalidate the entire focus area |
focusUpdateFrame = ::CGRectInset( focusUpdateFrame, -2, -2 ); |
verify_noerr( ::HIViewSetNeedsDisplayInRect( view, &focusUpdateFrame, true ) ); |
} |
} |
return err; |
} |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// GetFocusPart |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// |
OSStatus TImageBrowserView::GetFocusPart( |
HIViewPartCode* outCurrentFocusPart ) |
{ |
*outCurrentFocusPart = fCurrentFocusPart; |
return noErr; |
} |
#pragma mark - |
#pragma mark Drag and Drop |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// DragEnter |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// |
bool TImageBrowserView::DragEnter( |
DragRef inDrag ) |
{ |
PasteboardRef pasteboard; |
CFURLRef fileURL = NULL; |
Boolean wouldAccept = false; |
verify_noerr( ::GetDragPasteboard( inDrag, &pasteboard ) ); |
fileURL = CreateFileURLFromPasteboard( pasteboard, 1 ); |
wouldAccept = (fileURL != NULL); // accept the drag if it contains an image file URL |
if ( wouldAccept ) |
{ |
// note that we're tracking an acceptable drag |
fTrackingDrag = true; |
// invalidate ourseleves so we can display drag feedback |
verify_noerr( Invalidate() ); |
} |
if ( fileURL != NULL ) |
::CFRelease( fileURL ); |
return wouldAccept; |
} |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// DragLeave |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// |
bool TImageBrowserView::DragLeave( |
DragRef inDrag ) |
{ |
// note that we are no longer tracking a drag |
fTrackingDrag = false; |
// invalidate ourseleves so we can turn off our drag feedback |
verify_noerr( Invalidate() ); |
return true; |
} |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// DragReceive |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// |
OSStatus TImageBrowserView::DragReceive( |
DragRef inDrag ) |
{ |
PasteboardRef pasteboard; |
verify_noerr( ::GetDragPasteboard( inDrag, &pasteboard ) ); |
if ( pasteboard != NULL ) |
{ |
ItemCount itemCount; |
CFIndex itemIndex; |
verify_noerr( ::PasteboardGetItemCount( pasteboard, &itemCount ) ); |
for ( itemIndex = 1; itemIndex <= itemCount; itemIndex++ ) |
{ |
CFURLRef fileURL = CreateFileURLFromPasteboard( pasteboard, itemIndex ); |
// insert the image file URL after the current index and increment |
if ( fileURL != NULL ) |
{ |
AddImage( fileURL ); |
::CFRelease( fileURL ); |
} |
} |
} |
return noErr; |
} |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// TextInput |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// |
OSStatus TImageBrowserView::TextInput( |
TCarbonEvent& inEvent ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
UniChar uniChar; |
HIViewRef view = GetViewRef(); |
err = inEvent.GetParameter( kEventParamTextInputSendText, typeUnicodeText, sizeof( UniChar ), &uniChar ); |
require_noerr( err, CantGetTextInputParameter ); |
switch ( uniChar ) |
{ |
case kSpaceCharCode: |
if ( fCurrentFocusPart == kBrowseBackPart || fCurrentFocusPart == kBrowseForwardPart || |
fCurrentFocusPart == kDeleteImagePart ) |
err = ::HIViewSimulateClick( view, fCurrentFocusPart, 0, NULL ); |
else |
err = eventNotHandledErr; // otherwise let someone else deal with the keystroke |
break; |
case kBackspaceCharCode: |
case kDeleteCharCode: |
case kClearCharCode: |
if ( fCurrentFocusPart == kImagePart ) |
err = ::HIViewSimulateClick( view, kDeleteImagePart, 0, NULL ); |
break; |
case kLeftArrowCharCode: |
case kRightArrowCharCode: |
if ( fCurrentFocusPart == kImagePart ) |
{ |
if ( uniChar == kLeftArrowCharCode ) |
PreviousImage(); |
else |
NextImage(); |
} |
else |
{ |
Boolean foundFocusablePart = false; |
HIViewPartCode focusPart = fCurrentFocusPart; |
// loop forward or backward through the focusable subparts |
while ( !foundFocusablePart ) |
{ |
focusPart += (uniChar == kLeftArrowCharCode) ? -1 : 1; |
// cycle through the subparts |
if ( focusPart == kBrowseBackPart - 1 ) |
focusPart = kDeleteImagePart; |
if ( focusPart == kDeleteImagePart + 1 ) |
focusPart = kBrowseBackPart; |
// if the part is enabled we've got it |
if ( IsPartAvailable( focusPart ) ) |
{ |
foundFocusablePart = true; |
break; |
} |
// check to see if we've cycled all the way around looking for an enabled part |
if ( focusPart == fCurrentFocusPart ) |
{ |
focusPart = kImagePart; |
foundFocusablePart = true; |
break; |
} |
} |
err = ::SetKeyboardFocus( GetWindowRef(), view, focusPart ); |
} |
break; |
default: |
err = eventNotHandledErr; // otherwise let someone else deal with the keystroke |
break; |
} |
CantGetTextInputParameter: |
return err; |
} |
#pragma mark - |
#pragma mark Accessibility |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// CopyAccessibleChildAtPoint |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// |
OSStatus TImageBrowserView::CopyAccessibleChildAtPoint( |
EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef, |
EventRef inEvent, |
AXUIElementRef inElement, |
UInt64 inIdentifier, |
const HIPoint& inWhere, |
CFTypeRef* outChild ) |
{ |
OSStatus result = eventNotHandledErr; |
HIViewPartCode part; |
HIPoint localWhere; |
// Only handle events for the basic target/identifier pair. Anything else is custom. |
require_quiet( inIdentifier == 0, NotTheBasicElement ); |
// convert to view coordinates |
ConvertGlobalToLocalPoint( inWhere, &localWhere ); |
// get the part that is at this point |
part = GetViewPart( localWhere ); |
// if the part is the image part, we consider that to be "the control" for |
// purposes of accessibility |
if ( part == kImagePart ) |
part = kControlNoPart; |
if ( part != kControlNoPart ) |
{ |
// create a AXUIElementRef that represents this part |
CFTypeRef child = AXUIElementCreateWithHIObjectAndIdentifier( GetObjectRef(), part ); |
require_action( child != NULL, CantCreateChild, result = memFullErr ); |
*outChild = child; |
result = noErr; |
} |
CantCreateChild: |
NotTheBasicElement: |
return result; |
} |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// CopyAccessibleFocusedChild |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// |
OSStatus TImageBrowserView::CopyAccessibleFocusedChild( |
EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef, |
EventRef inEvent, |
AXUIElementRef inElement, |
UInt64 inIdentifier, |
CFTypeRef* outChild ) |
{ |
OSStatus result = eventNotHandledErr; |
HIViewPartCode part; |
part = fCurrentFocusPart; |
// Only handle events for the basic target/identifier pair. Anything else is custom. |
require_quiet( inIdentifier == 0, NotTheBasicElement ); |
// for the purposes of accessibility, the image part is the control |
if ( part == kImagePart ) |
part = kControlNoPart; |
if ( fCurrentFocusPart != kControlNoPart ) |
{ |
CFTypeRef child = AXUIElementCreateWithHIObjectAndIdentifier( GetObjectRef(), fCurrentFocusPart ); |
require_action( child != NULL, CantCreateChild, result = memFullErr ); |
*outChild = child; |
result = noErr; |
} |
CantCreateChild: |
NotTheBasicElement: |
return result; |
} |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// GetAccessibleAttributeNames |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// |
OSStatus TImageBrowserView::GetAccessibleAttributeNames( |
EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef, |
EventRef inEvent, |
AXUIElementRef inElement, |
UInt64 inIdentifier, |
CFMutableArrayRef outNames ) |
{ |
OSStatus result = eventNotHandledErr; |
// If this request is for the entire control |
if ( inIdentifier == 0 ) |
{ |
// Have the base class report its attributes and report its error |
result = CallNextEventHandler( inCallRef, inEvent ); |
CFArrayAppendValue( outNames, kAXFocusedAttribute ); |
CFArrayAppendValue( outNames, kAXChildrenAttribute ); |
} |
else |
{ |
CFArrayAppendValue( outNames, kAXFocusedAttribute ); |
CFArrayAppendValue( outNames, kAXEnabledAttribute ); |
CFArrayAppendValue( outNames, kAXSizeAttribute ); |
CFArrayAppendValue( outNames, kAXPositionAttribute ); |
} |
return result; |
} |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// GetAccessibleNamedAttribute |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// |
OSStatus TImageBrowserView::GetAccessibleNamedAttribute( |
EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef, |
EventRef inEvent, |
AXUIElementRef inElement, |
UInt64 inIdentifier, |
CFStringRef inAttribute ) |
{ |
OSStatus result = eventNotHandledErr; |
if ( inIdentifier == 0 ) |
{ |
if ( CFStringCompare( inAttribute, kAXRoleAttribute, 0 ) == kCFCompareEqualTo ) |
{ |
CFStringRef role = CFSTR( "ImageBrowser" ); |
result = SetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamAccessibleAttributeValue, |
typeCFStringRef, sizeof( role ), &role ); |
} |
else if ( CFStringCompare( inAttribute, kAXRoleDescriptionAttribute, 0 ) == kCFCompareEqualTo ) |
{ |
CFStringRef roleDescription = CFSTR( "Image Browser" ); |
result = SetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamAccessibleAttributeValue, |
typeCFStringRef, sizeof( roleDescription ), &roleDescription ); |
} |
else if ( CFStringCompare( inAttribute, kAXFocusedAttribute, 0 ) == kCFCompareEqualTo ) |
{ |
Boolean focused = fCurrentFocusPart == (HIViewPartCode)kImagePart; |
result = SetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamAccessibleAttributeValue, |
typeBoolean, sizeof( focused ), &focused ); |
} |
else if ( CFStringCompare( inAttribute, kAXChildrenAttribute, 0 ) == kCFCompareEqualTo ) |
{ |
AXUIElementRef child; |
CFMutableArrayRef array = NULL; |
OSStatus err; |
// get the array from the event |
err = GetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamAccessibleAttributeValue, typeCFTypeRef, |
NULL, sizeof( array ), NULL, &array ); |
// if the array hasn't yet been created, create it here |
if ( err != noErr && array == NULL ) |
array = CFArrayCreateMutable( kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks ); |
// must report back all of the parts of the view |
child = AXUIElementCreateWithHIObjectAndIdentifier( GetObjectRef(), kBrowseBackPart ); |
require_action( child != NULL, CantCreateChild, result = memFullErr ); |
CFArrayAppendValue( array, child ); |
CFRelease( child ); |
child = AXUIElementCreateWithHIObjectAndIdentifier( GetObjectRef(), kBrowseForwardPart ); |
require_action( child != NULL, CantCreateChild, result = memFullErr ); |
CFArrayAppendValue( array, child ); |
CFRelease( child ); |
child = AXUIElementCreateWithHIObjectAndIdentifier( GetObjectRef(), kDeleteImagePart ); |
require_action( child != NULL, CantCreateChild, result = memFullErr ); |
CFArrayAppendValue( array, child ); |
CFRelease( child ); |
result = noErr; |
// if the array hadn't been created, we need to stuff it into the event |
if ( err != noErr ) |
{ |
verify_noerr( SetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamAccessibleAttributeValue, typeCFTypeRef, |
sizeof( array ), &array ) ); |
CFRelease( array ); |
} |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
// this request is for the navigation buttons |
if ( CFStringCompare( inAttribute, kAXRoleAttribute, 0 ) == kCFCompareEqualTo ) |
{ |
CFStringRef role = kAXButtonRole; |
result = SetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamAccessibleAttributeValue, |
typeCFStringRef, sizeof( role ), &role ); |
} |
else if ( CFStringCompare( inAttribute, kAXRoleDescriptionAttribute, 0 ) == kCFCompareEqualTo ) |
{ |
CFStringRef description = HICopyAccessibilityRoleDescription( kAXButtonRole, NULL ); |
if ( description != NULL ) |
{ |
result = SetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamAccessibleAttributeValue, |
typeCFStringRef, sizeof( description ), &description ); |
CFRelease( description ); |
} |
} |
else if ( CFStringCompare( inAttribute, kAXFocusedAttribute, 0 ) == kCFCompareEqualTo ) |
{ |
Boolean focused = fCurrentFocusPart == (HIViewPartCode)inIdentifier; |
result = SetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamAccessibleAttributeValue, |
typeBoolean, sizeof( focused ), &focused ); |
} |
else if ( CFStringCompare( inAttribute, kAXEnabledAttribute, 0 ) == kCFCompareEqualTo ) |
{ |
Boolean enabled = IsPartAvailable( (HIViewPartCode)inIdentifier ); |
result = SetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamAccessibleAttributeValue, |
typeBoolean, sizeof( enabled ), &enabled ); |
} |
else if ( CFStringCompare( inAttribute, kAXParentAttribute, 0 ) == kCFCompareEqualTo ) |
{ |
AXUIElementRef parent = AXUIElementCreateWithHIObjectAndIdentifier( GetObjectRef(), 0 ); |
require_action( parent != NULL, CantCreateParent, result = memFullErr ); |
result = SetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamAccessibleAttributeValue, |
typeCFTypeRef, sizeof( parent ), &parent ); |
CFRelease( parent ); |
} |
else if ( CFStringCompare( inAttribute, kAXSizeAttribute, 0 ) == kCFCompareEqualTo ) |
{ |
HIRect frame = GetPartFrame( (HIViewPartCode)inIdentifier ); |
result = SetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamAccessibleAttributeValue, |
typeHISize, sizeof( frame.size ), &frame.size ); |
} |
else if ( CFStringCompare( inAttribute, kAXPositionAttribute, 0 ) == kCFCompareEqualTo ) |
{ |
HIRect frame = GetPartFrame( (HIViewPartCode)inIdentifier ); |
ConvertLocalToGlobalPoint( &frame.origin, &frame.origin ); |
result = SetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamAccessibleAttributeValue, |
typeHIPoint, sizeof( frame.origin ), &frame.origin ); |
} |
} |
// If we didn't handle it, pass it off to the base class |
if ( result == eventNotHandledErr ) |
result = CallNextEventHandler( inCallRef, inEvent ); |
CantCreateParent: |
CantCreateChild: |
NotTheBasicElement: |
return result; |
} |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// GetAccessibleActionNames |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// |
OSStatus TImageBrowserView::GetAccessibleActionNames( |
EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef, |
EventRef inEvent, |
AXUIElementRef inElement, |
UInt64 inIdentifier, |
CFMutableArrayRef outNames ) |
{ |
OSStatus result = eventNotHandledErr; |
// If the control is being asked this, pass it to the base class, otherwise |
// provide the actions that the children attributes handle |
if ( inIdentifier == 0 ) |
{ |
result = CallNextEventHandler( inCallRef, inEvent ); |
} |
else |
{ |
// the buttons handle the pressed action |
CFArrayAppendValue( outNames, kAXPressAction ); |
result = noErr; |
} |
return result; |
} |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// PerformAccessibleNamedAction |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// |
OSStatus TImageBrowserView::PerformAccessibleNamedAction( |
EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef, |
EventRef inEvent, |
AXUIElementRef inElement, |
UInt64 inIdentifier, |
CFStringRef inName ) |
{ |
OSStatus result = eventNotHandledErr; |
// handle the action for the children attributes |
if ( inIdentifier != 0 ) |
{ |
if ( CFStringCompare( inName, kAXPressAction, 0 ) == kCFCompareEqualTo ) |
{ |
// Simulate a click in the part |
if ( IsPartAvailable( (HIViewPartCode)inIdentifier ) ) |
::HIViewSimulateClick( GetViewRef(), (HIViewPartCode)inIdentifier, 0, NULL ); |
result = noErr; |
} |
} |
return result; |
} |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// CopyAccessibleNamedActionDescription |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// |
OSStatus TImageBrowserView::CopyAccessibleNamedActionDescription( |
EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef, |
EventRef inEvent, |
AXUIElementRef inElement, |
UInt64 inIdentifier, |
CFStringRef inName, |
CFStringRef* outDescription ) |
{ |
OSStatus result = eventNotHandledErr; |
// We only handle pressed events, so if this is for a pressed action, |
// we need to determine which child the request is for and supply the |
// appropriate string |
if ( CFStringCompare( inName, kAXPressAction, 0 ) == kCFCompareEqualTo ) |
{ |
switch ( inIdentifier ) |
{ |
case kBrowseBackPart: |
{ |
*outDescription = (CFStringRef)::CFRetain( CFSTR( "Go to the previous image" ) ); |
result = noErr; |
} |
break; |
case kBrowseForwardPart: |
{ |
*outDescription = (CFStringRef)::CFRetain( CFSTR( "Go to the next image" ) ); |
result = noErr; |
} |
break; |
case kDeleteImagePart: |
{ |
*outDescription = (CFStringRef)::CFRetain( CFSTR( "Delete the current image" ) ); |
result = noErr; |
} |
break; |
} |
} |
return result; |
} |
#pragma mark - |
#pragma mark Notifications |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// ActiveStateChanged |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// |
void TImageBrowserView::ActiveStateChanged() |
{ |
Boolean invalidate = false; |
// invalidate on activation/deactivation when the view is focused |
if ( fCurrentFocusPart != kHIViewFocusNoPart ) |
invalidate = true; |
if ( IsActive() ) |
{ |
Point mouse; |
::GetGlobalMouse( &mouse ); |
HIPoint pt = { mouse.h, mouse.v }; |
ConvertGlobalToLocalPoint( pt, &pt ); |
if ( GetViewPart( pt ) != 0 ) |
{ |
fMouseInView = true; |
invalidate = true; |
} |
} |
else if ( fMouseInView ) |
{ |
// invalidate on deactivation if the mouse is inside a part that shows rollover behavior |
fMouseInView = false; |
invalidate = true; |
} |
if ( invalidate ) |
verify_noerr( Invalidate() ); |
} |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// HiliteChanged |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// |
void TImageBrowserView::HiliteChanged( |
ControlPartCode inOriginalPart, |
ControlPartCode inCurrentPart ) |
{ |
HIViewRef view = GetViewRef(); |
// get bounds of old and new hilited parts, and also invalidate shadow and focus |
HIRect originalFrame = CGRectInset( GetPartFrame( inOriginalPart ), -2, -2 ); |
HIRect currentFrame = CGRectInset( GetPartFrame( inCurrentPart ), -2, -2 ); |
if ( inOriginalPart != kHIViewNoPart ) |
verify_noerr( ::HIViewSetNeedsDisplayInRect( view, &originalFrame, true ) ); |
if ( inCurrentPart != kHIViewNoPart ) |
verify_noerr( ::HIViewSetNeedsDisplayInRect( view, ¤tFrame, true ) ); |
} |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// OwningWindowChanged |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// |
void TImageBrowserView::OwningWindowChanged( |
WindowRef oldWindow, |
WindowRef newWindow ) |
{ |
// turn on drag tracking for the window and view |
verify_noerr( SetAutomaticControlDragTrackingEnabledForWindow( newWindow, true ) ); |
verify_noerr( SetControlDragTrackingEnabled( GetViewRef(), true ) ); |
} |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// TrackingAreaEvent |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// |
OSStatus TImageBrowserView::TrackingAreaEvent( |
bool inIsEnterEvent ) |
{ |
// support rollover subpart hide/show |
if ( IsEnabled() && IsActive() ) |
{ |
HIViewRef view = GetViewRef(); |
fMouseInView = inIsEnterEvent; |
HIRect trackingUpdateFrame = ::CGRectUnion( GetPartFrame( (HIViewPartCode)kBrowseBackPart ), |
GetPartFrame( (HIViewPartCode)kDeleteImagePart ) ); |
// also invalidate shadow and focus areas |
trackingUpdateFrame = CGRectInset( trackingUpdateFrame, -2, -2 ); |
verify_noerr( ::HIViewSetNeedsDisplayInRect( view, &trackingUpdateFrame, true ) ); |
} |
return noErr; |
} |
#pragma mark - |
#pragma mark Generic Event Handling |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// HandleEvent |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// |
OSStatus TImageBrowserView::HandleEvent( |
EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef, |
TCarbonEvent& inEvent ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = eventNotHandledErr; |
switch( inEvent.GetClass() ) |
{ |
case kEventClassHIObject: |
{ |
switch ( inEvent.GetKind() ) |
{ |
case kEventHIObjectEncode: |
{ |
HIArchiveRef encoder; |
// allow the superclass to encode itself |
err = CallNextEventHandler( inCallRef, inEvent ); |
require_noerr( err, CantEncodeSuperclass ); |
// get the HIArchive encoder from the event |
verify_noerr( inEvent.GetParameter( kEventParamHIArchive, typeCFTypeRef, |
sizeof( HIArchiveRef ), &encoder ) ); |
err = Encode( encoder ); |
} |
break; |
} |
break; |
case kEventClassControl: |
{ |
switch ( inEvent.GetKind() ) |
{ |
case kEventControlGetFocusPart: |
{ |
HIViewPartCode part; |
err = GetFocusPart( &part ); |
return inEvent.SetParameter( kEventParamControlPart, part ); |
} |
break; |
case kEventControlTrackingAreaEntered: |
case kEventControlTrackingAreaExited: |
err = TrackingAreaEvent( inEvent.GetKind() == kEventControlTrackingAreaEntered ); |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
break; |
} |
if ( err == eventNotHandledErr ) |
err = TView::HandleEvent( inCallRef, inEvent ); |
CantEncodeSuperclass: |
return err; |
} |
#pragma mark - |
#pragma mark Helper Routines |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// GetPartFrame |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// |
HIRect TImageBrowserView::GetPartFrame( |
HIViewPartCode inPart ) |
{ |
HIRect viewBounds = Bounds(), partFrame; |
// generate the frame for the requested part |
switch ( inPart ) |
{ |
case kBrowseBackPart: |
partFrame.origin.x = viewBounds.size.width/2 - kButtonSize; |
partFrame.origin.y = viewBounds.size.height - kButtonSize - kButtonMargin; |
partFrame.size.width = partFrame.size.height = kButtonSize; |
break; |
case kBrowseForwardPart: |
partFrame.origin.x = viewBounds.size.width/2; |
partFrame.origin.y = viewBounds.size.height - kButtonSize - kButtonMargin; |
partFrame.size.width = partFrame.size.height = kButtonSize; |
break; |
case kDeleteImagePart: |
partFrame.origin.x = viewBounds.size.width - kButtonSize - kButtonMargin; |
partFrame.origin.y = viewBounds.size.height - kButtonSize - kButtonMargin; |
partFrame.size.width = partFrame.size.height = kButtonSize; |
break; |
case kImagePart: |
partFrame = ::CGRectInset( viewBounds, 1, 1 ); |
break; |
} |
return partFrame; |
} |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// IsPartAvailable |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// Returns whether a particular part is currently available, based on the |
// contents of the view. |
// |
bool |
TImageBrowserView::IsPartAvailable( |
HIViewPartCode inPart ) |
{ |
bool enabled = true; |
switch ( inPart ) |
{ |
case kImagePart: |
enabled = IsEnabled(); |
break; |
case kBrowseBackPart: |
enabled = fImageIndex > 0; |
break; |
case kBrowseForwardPart: |
enabled = fImageIndex < ( ::CFArrayGetCount( fImageURLs ) - 1 ); |
break; |
case kDeleteImagePart: |
enabled = ::CFArrayGetCount( fImageURLs ) > 0; |
break; |
} |
return enabled; |
} |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// CreateFileURLFromPasteboard |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// |
CFURLRef TImageBrowserView::CreateFileURLFromPasteboard( |
PasteboardRef inPasteboard, |
CFIndex inIndex ) |
{ |
PasteboardItemID item; |
CFDataRef fileURLData; |
CFURLRef fileURL = NULL; |
LSItemInfoRecord info; |
CFStringRef uti = NULL; |
bool isSupported = false; |
require_noerr( ::PasteboardGetItemIdentifier( inPasteboard, inIndex, &item ), CantGetPasteboardIdentifier ); |
require_noerr_quiet( ::PasteboardCopyItemFlavorData( inPasteboard, item, kUTTypeFileURL, &fileURLData ), |
CantCopyFileURLFromPasteboard ); |
// create the file URL with the dragged data |
fileURL = ::CFURLCreateWithBytes( kCFAllocatorDefault, CFDataGetBytePtr( fileURLData ), CFDataGetLength( fileURLData ), |
kCFStringEncodingMacRoman, NULL ); |
// get the UTI for the dragged file |
require_noerr( ::LSCopyItemInfoForURL( fileURL, kLSRequestExtension | kLSRequestTypeCreator, &info ), CantCopyItemInfo ); |
if ( info.extension != NULL ) |
{ |
uti = ::UTTypeCreatePreferredIdentifierForTag( kUTTagClassFilenameExtension, info.extension, kUTTypeData ); |
::CFRelease( info.extension ); |
} |
if ( uti == NULL ) |
{ |
CFStringRef typeString = ::UTCreateStringForOSType( info.filetype ); |
if ( typeString != NULL ) |
{ |
uti = ::UTTypeCreatePreferredIdentifierForTag( kUTTagClassOSType, typeString, kUTTypeData ); |
::CFRelease( typeString ); |
} |
} |
require( uti != NULL, CantCreateFileUTI ); |
// verify we're dealing with a file that ImageIO can understand |
{ |
CFArrayRef supportedTypes = ::CGImageSourceCopyTypeIdentifiers(); |
CFIndex i, typeCount = ::CFArrayGetCount( supportedTypes ); |
for( i = 0; i < typeCount; i++ ) |
{ |
if ( ::UTTypeConformsTo( uti, (CFStringRef)::CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( supportedTypes, i ) ) ) |
{ |
isSupported = true; |
break; |
} |
} |
::CFRelease( supportedTypes ); |
} |
::CFRelease( uti ); |
CantCreateFileUTI: |
CantCopyItemInfo: |
if ( !isSupported ) |
{ |
::CFRelease( fileURL ); |
fileURL = NULL; |
} |
::CFRelease( fileURLData ); |
CantCopyFileURLFromPasteboard: |
CantGetPasteboardIdentifier: |
return fileURL; |
} |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// InvalidateImageCache |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// |
void TImageBrowserView::InvalidateImageCache( void ) |
{ |
if ( fImageCache != NULL ) |
{ |
::CFRelease( fImageCache ); |
fImageCache = NULL; |
} |
if ( fImageCacheDisabled != NULL ) |
{ |
::CFRelease( fImageCacheDisabled ); |
fImageCacheDisabled = NULL; |
} |
} |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// PreviousImage |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// |
void TImageBrowserView::PreviousImage( void ) |
{ |
if ( fImageIndex > 0 ) |
{ |
fImageIndex--; // decrement the image index if possible |
// if the focused part is no longer available, advance the focus to the next part |
if ( !IsPartAvailable( fCurrentFocusPart ) ) |
::SetKeyboardFocus( GetWindowRef(), GetViewRef(), kControlFocusNextPart ); |
// invalidate due to index change |
verify_noerr( Invalidate() ); |
} |
} |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// NextImage |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// |
void TImageBrowserView::NextImage( void ) |
{ |
if ( fImageIndex < ::CFArrayGetCount( fImageURLs ) - 1 ) |
{ |
fImageIndex++; // increment the image index if possible |
// if the focused part is no longer available, advance the focus to the previous part |
if ( !IsPartAvailable( fCurrentFocusPart ) ) |
::SetKeyboardFocus( GetWindowRef(), GetViewRef(), kControlFocusPrevPart ); |
// invalidate due to index change |
verify_noerr( Invalidate() ); |
} |
} |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// AddImage |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// |
void TImageBrowserView::AddImage( |
CFURLRef inFileURL ) |
{ |
// |
// If we already have images in the array, then put our new image after the current image index. |
// If we have no images in the array, then imageIndex is zero, and that's the index for the new image. |
// |
if ( CFArrayGetCount( fImageURLs ) > 0 ) |
fImageIndex++; |
CFArrayInsertValueAtIndex( fImageURLs, fImageIndex, inFileURL ); |
// invalidate due to index change |
InvalidateImageCache(); |
verify_noerr( Invalidate() ); |
} |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// DeleteCurrentImage |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// |
void TImageBrowserView::DeleteCurrentImage( void ) |
{ |
if ( ::CFArrayGetCount( fImageURLs ) > 0 ) |
{ |
::CFArrayRemoveValueAtIndex( fImageURLs, fImageIndex ); |
if ( fImageIndex > 0 ) |
fImageIndex--; |
// if the focused part is no longer available, set focus to the image part |
if ( !IsPartAvailable( fCurrentFocusPart ) ) |
::SetKeyboardFocus( GetWindowRef(), GetViewRef(), kImagePart ); |
// invalidate due to index change |
InvalidateImageCache(); |
verify_noerr( Invalidate() ); |
} |
} |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// ReleaseImageBits |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// |
static void |
ReleaseImageBits( void *info, const void *data, size_t size ) |
{ |
free( (void*) data ); |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ConvertImageToBitmapImage |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Draws an image into a bitmap context and replaces the original image with |
// a new image created from the bitmap. This greatly improves performance when |
// the original image potentially needs to be decoded from source data in order |
// to be drawn. |
// |
void TImageBrowserView::ConvertImageToBitmapImage( |
CGImageRef* ioImage ) |
{ |
HIRect bounds; |
CGImageRef image = NULL; |
size_t bytesPerRow; |
size_t size; |
size_t height, width; |
void * ptr; |
CGContextRef context; |
CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace; |
CGDataProviderRef provider; |
bounds.origin.x = bounds.origin.y = 0; |
bounds.size.width = ::CGImageGetWidth( *ioImage ); |
bounds.size.height = ::CGImageGetHeight( *ioImage ); |
height = (size_t)::ceil( bounds.size.height ); |
width = (size_t)::ceil( bounds.size.width ); |
bytesPerRow = ( ( width * 8 * 4 + 7 ) / 8 ); |
size = bytesPerRow * height; |
ptr = ::calloc( 1, size ); |
require( ptr != NULL, CantAllocateImageTemp ); |
colorSpace = ::CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(); |
context = ::CGBitmapContextCreate( ptr, width, height, 8, bytesPerRow, colorSpace, kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst ); |
require( context != NULL, CouldntCreateContext ); |
::CGContextDrawImage( context, bounds, *ioImage ); |
::CGContextRelease( context ); |
// Create a CGImage from our offscreen. |
provider = ::CGDataProviderCreateWithData( 0, ptr, size, ReleaseImageBits ); |
image = ::CGImageCreate( width, height, 8, 32, bytesPerRow, colorSpace, kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst, |
provider, NULL, false, kCGRenderingIntentDefault ); |
::CGColorSpaceRelease( colorSpace ); |
::CGDataProviderRelease( provider ); |
::CFRelease( *ioImage ); |
*ioImage = image; |
CantAllocateImageTemp: |
CouldntCreateContext: |
return; |
} |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// ConvertGlobalToLocalPoint |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// |
HIPoint* TImageBrowserView::ConvertGlobalToLocalPoint( |
const HIPoint& inPoint, |
HIPoint* outPoint ) |
{ |
HIPoint hiPoint = inPoint; |
HIViewRef view = GetViewRef(); |
Rect bounds; |
check( outPoint != NULL ); |
// use HIPointConvert if available |
if ( ::HIPointConvert != NULL ) |
{ |
*outPoint = inPoint; |
::HIPointConvert( outPoint, kHICoordSpace72DPIGlobal, NULL, kHICoordSpaceView, view ); |
} |
else |
{ |
// default |
outPoint->x = outPoint->y = 0; |
// convert global to local window coordinates |
::GetWindowBounds( GetWindowRef(), kWindowStructureRgn, &bounds ); |
hiPoint.x -= bounds.left; |
hiPoint.y -=; |
// convert from window to view |
if ( ::HIViewConvertPoint( &hiPoint, NULL, view ) == noErr ) |
*outPoint = hiPoint; |
} |
return outPoint; |
} |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// ConvertLocalToGlobalPoint |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// |
HIPoint* TImageBrowserView::ConvertLocalToGlobalPoint( |
const HIPoint* inPoint, |
HIPoint* outPoint ) |
{ |
HIPoint hiPoint = *inPoint; |
HIViewRef view = GetViewRef(); |
check( inPoint != NULL ); |
check( outPoint != NULL ); |
// use HIPointConvert if available |
if ( ::HIPointConvert != NULL ) |
{ |
*outPoint = *inPoint; |
::HIPointConvert( outPoint, kHICoordSpaceView, view, kHICoordSpace72DPIGlobal, NULL ); |
} |
else |
{ |
// default |
outPoint->x = outPoint->y = 0; |
// convert view to window |
if ( ::HIViewConvertPoint( &hiPoint, view, NULL ) == noErr ) |
{ |
Rect bounds; |
::GetWindowBounds( GetWindowRef(), kWindowStructureRgn, &bounds ); |
// convert to global |
outPoint->x = hiPoint.x + bounds.left; |
outPoint->y = hiPoint.y +; |
} |
} |
return outPoint; |
} |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// GetViewPart |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// Returns the part corresponding to the given point in local coordinates |
// |
HIViewPartCode TImageBrowserView::GetViewPart( |
const HIPoint& inPoint ) |
{ |
HIViewPartCode part = kDeleteImagePart; |
do // test which part the mouse is within cycling backwards from smallest to largest |
{ |
if ( ::CGRectContainsPoint( GetPartFrame( part ), inPoint ) ) |
break; |
} |
while ( part-- > kImagePart ); |
return part; |
} |
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