
 Copyright (C) 2018 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
 IKImageBrowserView subclass used to override newCellForRepresentedItem.
#import "ImageBrowserView.h"
#import "ImageBrowserCell.h"
@interface ImageBrowserView ()
@property NSRect lastVisibleRect;
#pragma mark -
@implementation ImageBrowserView
// newCellForRepresentedItem:
// Allocate and return our own cell class for the specified item. The returned cell must not be autoreleased.
- (IKImageBrowserCell *)newCellForRepresentedItem:(id)cell
    return [[ImageBrowserCell alloc] init];
// drawRect:
// Override draw rect and force the background layer to redraw if the view did resize or did scroll.
- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)rect
    // retrieve the visible area
    NSRect visibleRect = self.visibleRect;
    // compare with the visible rect at the previous frame
    if (!NSEqualRects(visibleRect, self.lastVisibleRect))
        // we did scroll or resize, redraw the background
        [[self backgroundLayer] setNeedsDisplay];
        // update last visible rect
        _lastVisibleRect = visibleRect;
    [super drawRect:rect];