# ImageBrowserAppearance |
## Description |
This sample demonstrates and customizes the ImageKit’s `IKImageBrowserView` in a basic Cocoa application |
Usual steps to customize the appearance of the image browser : |
1) configure the view |
The `IKImageBrowserView` class allows you to: |
- set the font of the titles / subtitles |
- set the inter cell spacing |
- set the size of the cells |
- set the background color |
- set the selection color |
- set a background layer |
- set a foreground layer |
2) implement your own cell |
Subclass the `IKImageBrowserView` and implement `newCellForRepresentedItem:`. |
In this method, return an instance of your own subclass of `IKImageBrowserCell`. |
In you subclass of `IKImageBrowserCell`, override some of the following methods to modify the layout: |
- (NSRect) imageContainerFrame; |
- (NSRect) imageFrame; |
- (NSRect) selectionFrame; |
- (NSRect) titleFrame; |
- (NSRect) subtitleFrame; |
- (NSImageAlignment) imageAlignment; |
In you subclass of `IKImageBrowserCell`, override some of the following methods to modify the appearance: |
- (CGFloat) opacity; |
- (CALayer *) layerForType:(NSString *) type; |
## Requirements |
### Build |
macOS 10.13 SDK or later |
### Runtime |
OS X 10.10 or later |
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