Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: TView.cp |
Version: 1.1 |
Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Computer, Inc. |
("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your |
use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software |
constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, |
please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software. |
In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject |
to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under AppleÕs |
copyrights in this original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use, |
reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or without |
modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you redistribute |
the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain |
this notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of |
the Apple Software. Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of |
Apple Computer, Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the |
Apple Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as |
expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, |
are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that |
may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple |
Software may be incorporated. |
The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO |
Copyright © 2000-2005 Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved |
*/ |
/* |
NOTE: This is NOWHERE near a completely exhaustive implementation of a view. There are |
many more carbon events one could intercept and hook into this. |
*/ |
#include "TView.h" |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// constants |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
const EventTypeSpec kHIViewEvents[] = |
{ { kEventClassCommand, kEventCommandProcess }, |
{ kEventClassCommand, kEventCommandUpdateStatus }, |
{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlInitialize }, |
{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlDraw }, |
{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlHitTest }, |
{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlGetPartRegion }, |
{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlGetData }, |
{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlSetData }, |
{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlGetOptimalBounds }, |
{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlBoundsChanged }, |
{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlTrack }, |
{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlGetSizeConstraints }, |
{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlHit }, |
{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlHiliteChanged }, |
{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlActivate }, |
{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlDeactivate }, |
{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlValueFieldChanged }, |
{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlTitleChanged }, |
{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlEnabledStateChanged }, |
{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlOwningWindowChanged }, |
{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlVisibilityChanged }, |
}; |
// This param name was accidentally left unexported for |
// the release of Jaguar. |
const EventParamName kEventParamControlLikesDrag = 'cldg'; |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// TView constructor |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
TView::TView( |
HIViewRef inView ) |
: TObject( (HIObjectRef) inView ) |
{ |
verify_noerr( AddEventTypesToHandler( GetEventHandler(), GetEventTypeCount( kHIViewEvents ), |
kHIViewEvents ) ); |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// TView destructor |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
TView::~TView() |
{ |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Initialize |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
OSStatus |
TView::Initialize( |
TCarbonEvent& inEvent ) |
{ |
return noErr; |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// GetBehaviors |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Returns our behaviors. Any subclass that overrides this should OR in its behaviors |
// into the inherited behaviors. |
// |
UInt32 |
TView::GetBehaviors() |
{ |
return kControlSupportsDataAccess | kControlSupportsGetRegion; |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Draw |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Draw your view. You should draw based on VIEW coordinates, not frame coordinates. |
// |
void |
TView::Draw( |
RgnHandle inLimitRgn, |
CGContextRef inContext ) |
{ |
#pragma unused( inLimitRgn, inContext ) |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// HitTest |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Asks your view to return what part of itself (if any) is hit by the point given |
// to it. The point is in VIEW coordinates, so you should get the view rect to do |
// bounds checking. |
// |
ControlPartCode |
TView::HitTest( |
const HIPoint& inWhere ) |
{ |
#pragma unused( inWhere ) |
return kControlNoPart; |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// GetRegion |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// This is called when someone wants to know certain metrics regarding this view. |
// The base class does nothing. Subclasses should handle their own parts, such as |
// the content region by overriding this method. The structure region is, by default, |
// the view's bounds. If a subclass does not have a region for a given part, it |
// should always call the inherited method. |
// |
OSStatus |
TView::GetRegion( |
ControlPartCode inPart, |
RgnHandle outRgn ) |
{ |
#pragma unused( inPart, outRgn ) |
return eventNotHandledErr; |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// GetData |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Gets some data from our view. Subclasses should override to handle their own |
// defined data tags. If a tag is not understood by the subclass, it should call the |
// inherited method. As a convienience, we map the request for ControlKind into our |
// GetKind method. |
// |
OSStatus |
TView::GetData( |
OSType inTag, |
ControlPartCode inPart, |
Size inSize, |
Size* outSize, |
void* inPtr ) |
{ |
#pragma unused( inPart ) |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
switch( inTag ) |
{ |
case kControlKindTag: |
if ( inPtr ) |
{ |
if ( inSize != sizeof( ControlKind ) ) |
err = errDataSizeMismatch; |
else |
( *(ControlKind *) inPtr ) = GetKind(); |
} |
*outSize = sizeof( ControlKind ); |
break; |
default: |
err = eventNotHandledErr; |
break; |
} |
return err; |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// SetData |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Sets some data on our control. Subclasses should override to handle their own |
// defined data tags. If a tag is not understood by the subclass, it should call the |
// inherited method. |
// |
OSStatus |
TView::SetData( |
OSType inTag, |
ControlPartCode inPart, |
Size inSize, |
const void* inPtr ) |
{ |
#pragma unused( inTag, inPart, inSize, inPtr ) |
return eventNotHandledErr; |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// GetOptimalSize |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Public call to get the optimal size of this view. |
// |
void |
TView::GetOptimalSize( |
HISize* outSize, |
float* outBaseLine ) |
{ |
Rect bounds; |
SInt16 baseLine; |
TRect frame( Frame() ); |
bounds = frame; |
GetBestControlRect( GetViewRef(), &bounds, &baseLine ); |
outSize->height = bounds.bottom -; |
outSize->width = bounds.right - bounds.left; |
if ( outBaseLine ) |
*outBaseLine = (float)baseLine; |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// GetOptimalSizeSelf |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Someone wants to know this view's optimal size and text baseline, probably to help |
// do some type of layout. The base class does nothing, but subclasses should |
// override and do something meaningful here. |
// |
OSStatus |
TView::GetOptimalSizeSelf( |
HISize* outSize, |
float* outBaseLine ) |
{ |
#pragma unused( outSize, outBaseLine ) |
return eventNotHandledErr; |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// GetSizeConstraints |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Someone wants to know this view's minimum and maximum sizes, probably to help |
// do some type of layout. The base class does nothing, but subclasses should |
// override and do something meaningful here. |
// |
OSStatus |
TView::GetSizeConstraints( |
HISize* outMin, |
HISize* outMax ) |
{ |
#pragma unused( outMin, outMax ) |
return eventNotHandledErr; |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// BoundsChanged |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// The bounds of our view have changed. Subclasses can override here to make note |
// of it and flush caches, etc. The base class does nothing. |
// |
void |
TView::BoundsChanged( |
UInt32 inOptions, |
const HIRect& inOriginalBounds, |
const HIRect& inCurrentBounds ) |
{ |
#pragma unused( inOptions, inOriginalBounds, inCurrentBounds, inInvalRgn ) |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ControlHit |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// The was hit. Subclasses can overide to care about what part was hit. |
// |
OSStatus |
TView::ControlHit( |
ControlPartCode inPart, |
UInt32 inModifiers ) |
{ |
#pragma unused( inPart, inModifiers ) |
return eventNotHandledErr; |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// HiliteChanged |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// The hilite of our view has changed. Subclasses can override here to make note |
// of it and flush caches, etc. The base class does nothing. |
// |
void |
TView::HiliteChanged( |
ControlPartCode inOriginalPart, |
ControlPartCode inCurrentPart ) |
{ |
#pragma unused( inOriginalPart, inCurrentPart, inInvalRgn ) |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// DragEnter |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// A drag has entered our bounds. The Drag and Drop interface also should have been |
// activated or else this method will NOT be called. If true is returned, this view |
// likes the drag and will receive drag within/leave/receive messages as appropriate. |
// If false is returned, it is assumed the drag is not valid for this view, and no |
// further drag activity will flow into this view unless the drag leaves and is |
// re-entered. |
// |
bool |
TView::DragEnter( |
DragRef inDrag ) |
{ |
#pragma unused( inDrag ) |
return false; |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// DragWithin |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// A drag has moved within our bounds. In order for this method to be called, the |
// view must have signaled the drag as being desirable in the DragEnter method. The |
// Drag and Drop interface also should have been activated. |
// |
bool |
TView::DragWithin( |
DragRef inDrag ) |
{ |
#pragma unused( inDrag ) |
return false; |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// DragLeave |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// A drag has left. Deal with it. Subclasses should override as necessary. The |
// Drag and Drop interface should be activated in order for this method to be valid. |
// The drag must have also been accepted in the DragEnter method, else this method |
// will NOT be called. |
// |
bool |
TView::DragLeave( |
DragRef inDrag ) |
{ |
#pragma unused( inDrag ) |
return false; |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// DragReceive |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Deal with receiving a drag. By default we return dragNotAcceptedErr. I'm not sure |
// if this is correct, or eventNotHandledErr. Time will tell... |
// |
OSStatus |
TView::DragReceive( |
DragRef inDrag ) |
{ |
#pragma unused( inDrag ) |
return dragNotAcceptedErr; |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Track |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Default tracking method. Subclasses should override as necessary. We do nothing |
// here in the base class, so we return eventNotHandledErr. |
// |
OSStatus |
TView::Track( |
TCarbonEvent& inEvent, |
ControlPartCode* outPart ) |
{ |
#pragma unused( inEvent, outPart ) |
return eventNotHandledErr; |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// SetFocusPart |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Handle focusing. Our base behavior is to punt. |
// |
OSStatus |
TView::SetFocusPart( |
ControlPartCode inDesiredFocus, |
Boolean inFocusEverything, |
ControlPartCode* outActualFocus ) |
{ |
#pragma unused( inDesiredFocus, inFocusEverything, outActualFocus ) |
return eventNotHandledErr; |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ProcessCommand |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Process a command. Subclasses should override as necessary. |
// |
OSStatus |
TView::ProcessCommand( |
const HICommand& inCommand ) |
{ |
#pragma unused( inCommand ) |
return eventNotHandledErr; |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// UpdateCommandStatus |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Update the status for a command. Subclasses should override as necessary. |
// |
OSStatus |
TView::UpdateCommandStatus( |
const HICommand& inCommand ) |
{ |
#pragma unused( inCommand ) |
return eventNotHandledErr; |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ActivateInterface |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// This routine is used to allow a subclass to turn on a specific event or suite of |
// events, like Drag and Drop. This allows us to keep event traffic down if we are |
// not interested, but register for the events if we are. |
// |
OSStatus |
TView::ActivateInterface( |
UInt32 inInterface ) |
{ |
OSStatus result = noErr; |
switch( inInterface ) |
{ |
case kDragAndDrop: |
{ |
static const EventTypeSpec kDragEvents[] = |
{ |
{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlDragEnter }, |
{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlDragLeave }, |
{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlDragWithin }, |
{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlDragReceive } |
}; |
result = AddEventTypesToHandler( GetEventHandler(), GetEventTypeCount( kDragEvents ), |
kDragEvents ); |
} |
break; |
case kKeyboardFocus: |
{ |
static const EventTypeSpec kKeyboardFocusEvents[] = |
{ |
{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlSetFocusPart }, |
{ kEventClassTextInput, kEventTextInputUnicodeForKeyEvent } |
}; |
result = AddEventTypesToHandler( GetEventHandler(), GetEventTypeCount( kKeyboardFocusEvents ), |
kKeyboardFocusEvents ); |
} |
break; |
default: |
result = TObject::ActivateInterface( inInterface ); |
break; |
} |
return result; |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// HandleEvent |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Per-instance event handler. Override this method to handle additional events. |
// From the overridden method, be sure to call the superclass method to give it a |
// chance to handle events or event classes not handled by this override. |
// |
OSStatus |
TView::HandleEvent( |
EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef, |
TCarbonEvent& inEvent ) |
{ |
#pragma unused( inCallRef ) |
OSStatus result = eventNotHandledErr; |
HIPoint where; |
OSType tag; |
void * ptr; |
Size size, outSize; |
UInt32 features; |
RgnHandle region = NULL; |
ControlPartCode part; |
switch ( inEvent.GetClass() ) |
{ |
case kEventClassCommand: |
{ |
HICommand command; |
result = inEvent.GetParameter( kEventParamDirectObject, &command ); |
require_noerr( result, MissingParameter ); |
switch ( inEvent.GetKind() ) |
{ |
case kEventCommandProcess: |
result = ProcessCommand( command ); |
break; |
case kEventCommandUpdateStatus: |
result = UpdateCommandStatus( command ); |
break; |
} |
} |
break; |
case kEventClassControl: |
switch ( inEvent.GetKind() ) |
{ |
case kEventControlInitialize: |
features = GetBehaviors(); |
inEvent.SetParameter( kEventParamControlFeatures, features ); |
result = noErr; |
break; |
case kEventControlDraw: |
{ |
CGContextRef context = NULL; |
inEvent.GetParameter( kEventParamRgnHandle, ®ion ); |
inEvent.GetParameter<CGContextRef>( kEventParamCGContextRef, typeCGContextRef, &context ); |
Draw( region, context ); |
result = noErr; |
} |
break; |
case kEventControlHitTest: |
inEvent.GetParameter<HIPoint>( kEventParamMouseLocation, typeHIPoint, &where ); |
part = HitTest( where ); |
inEvent.SetParameter<ControlPartCode>( kEventParamControlPart, typeControlPartCode, part ); |
result = noErr; |
break; |
case kEventControlGetPartRegion: |
inEvent.GetParameter<ControlPartCode>( kEventParamControlPart, typeControlPartCode, &part ); |
inEvent.GetParameter( kEventParamControlRegion, ®ion ); |
result = GetRegion( part, region ); |
break; |
case kEventControlGetData: |
inEvent.GetParameter<ControlPartCode>( kEventParamControlPart, typeControlPartCode, &part ); |
inEvent.GetParameter<OSType>( kEventParamControlDataTag, typeEnumeration, &tag ); |
inEvent.GetParameter<Ptr>( kEventParamControlDataBuffer, typePtr, (Ptr*)&ptr ); |
inEvent.GetParameter<Size>( kEventParamControlDataBufferSize, typeLongInteger, &size ); |
result = GetData( tag, part, size, &outSize, ptr ); |
if ( result == noErr ) |
verify_noerr( inEvent.SetParameter<Size>( kEventParamControlDataBufferSize, typeLongInteger, outSize ) ); |
break; |
case kEventControlSetData: |
inEvent.GetParameter<ControlPartCode>( kEventParamControlPart, typeControlPartCode, &part ); |
inEvent.GetParameter<OSType>( kEventParamControlDataTag, typeEnumeration, &tag ); |
inEvent.GetParameter<Ptr>( kEventParamControlDataBuffer, typePtr, (Ptr*)&ptr ); |
inEvent.GetParameter<Size>( kEventParamControlDataBufferSize, typeLongInteger, &size ); |
result = SetData( tag, part, size, ptr ); |
break; |
case kEventControlGetOptimalBounds: |
{ |
HISize size; |
float floatBaseLine; |
result = GetOptimalSizeSelf( &size, &floatBaseLine ); |
if ( result == noErr ) |
{ |
Rect bounds; |
SInt16 baseLine; |
GetControlBounds( GetViewRef(), &bounds ); |
bounds.bottom = + (SInt16)size.height; |
bounds.right = bounds.left + (SInt16)size.width; |
baseLine = (SInt16)floatBaseLine; |
inEvent.SetParameter( kEventParamControlOptimalBounds, bounds ); |
inEvent.SetParameter<SInt16>( kEventParamControlOptimalBaselineOffset, typeShortInteger, baseLine ); |
} |
} |
break; |
case kEventControlBoundsChanged: |
{ |
HIRect prevRect, currRect; |
UInt32 attrs; |
inEvent.GetParameter( kEventParamAttributes, &attrs ); |
inEvent.GetParameter( kEventParamOriginalBounds, &prevRect ); |
inEvent.GetParameter( kEventParamCurrentBounds, &currRect ); |
BoundsChanged( attrs, prevRect, currRect ); |
return noErr; |
} |
break; |
case kEventControlHit: |
{ |
UInt32 modifiers; |
inEvent.GetParameter<ControlPartCode>( kEventParamControlPart, typeControlPartCode, &part ); |
inEvent.GetParameter( kEventParamKeyModifiers, &modifiers ); |
result = ControlHit( part, modifiers ); |
} |
break; |
case kEventControlHiliteChanged: |
{ |
ControlPartCode prevPart, currPart; |
prevPart = inEvent.GetParameter<ControlPartCode>( kEventParamControlPreviousPart, typeControlPartCode ); |
currPart = inEvent.GetParameter<ControlPartCode>( kEventParamControlCurrentPart, typeControlPartCode ); |
HiliteChanged( prevPart, currPart ); |
if ( GetAutoInvalidateFlags() & kAutoInvalidateOnHilite ) |
Invalidate(); |
result = noErr; |
} |
break; |
case kEventControlActivate: |
ActiveStateChanged(); |
if ( GetAutoInvalidateFlags() & kAutoInvalidateOnActivate ) |
Invalidate(); |
result = noErr; |
break; |
case kEventControlDeactivate: |
ActiveStateChanged(); |
if ( GetAutoInvalidateFlags() & kAutoInvalidateOnActivate ) |
Invalidate(); |
result = noErr; |
break; |
case kEventControlValueFieldChanged: |
ValueChanged(); |
if ( GetAutoInvalidateFlags() & kAutoInvalidateOnValueChange ) |
Invalidate(); |
result = noErr; |
break; |
case kEventControlTitleChanged: |
TitleChanged(); |
if ( GetAutoInvalidateFlags() & kAutoInvalidateOnTitleChange ) |
Invalidate(); |
result = noErr; |
break; |
case kEventControlEnabledStateChanged: |
EnabledStateChanged(); |
if ( GetAutoInvalidateFlags() & kAutoInvalidateOnEnable ) |
Invalidate(); |
result = noErr; |
break; |
case kEventControlOwningWindowChanged: |
{ |
WindowRef oldWindow, newWindow; |
inEvent.GetParameter<WindowRef>( kEventParamControlOriginalOwningWindow, typeWindowRef, &oldWindow ); |
inEvent.GetParameter<WindowRef>( kEventParamControlCurrentOwningWindow, typeWindowRef, &newWindow ); |
OwningWindowChanged( oldWindow, newWindow ); |
result = noErr; |
} |
break; |
case kEventControlVisibilityChanged: |
{ |
VisibilityChanged(); |
result = noErr; |
} |
break; |
case kEventControlDragEnter: |
case kEventControlDragLeave: |
case kEventControlDragWithin: |
{ |
DragRef drag; |
bool likesDrag; |
inEvent.GetParameter( kEventParamDragRef, &drag ); |
switch ( inEvent.GetKind() ) |
{ |
case kEventControlDragEnter: |
likesDrag = DragEnter( drag ); |
result = inEvent.SetParameter( kEventParamControlLikesDrag, likesDrag ); |
break; |
case kEventControlDragLeave: |
likesDrag = DragLeave( drag ); |
result = inEvent.SetParameter( kEventParamControlLikesDrag, likesDrag ); |
break; |
case kEventControlDragWithin: |
likesDrag = DragWithin( drag ); |
result = inEvent.SetParameter( kEventParamControlLikesDrag, likesDrag ); |
break; |
} |
} |
break; |
case kEventControlDragReceive: |
{ |
DragRef drag; |
inEvent.GetParameter( kEventParamDragRef, &drag ); |
result = DragReceive( drag ); |
} |
break; |
case kEventControlTrack: |
{ |
ControlPartCode part; |
result = Track( inEvent, &part ); |
if ( result == noErr ) |
verify_noerr( inEvent.SetParameter<ControlPartCode>( kEventParamControlPart, typeControlPartCode, part ) ); |
} |
break; |
case kEventControlGetSizeConstraints: |
{ |
HISize minSize, maxSize; |
result = GetSizeConstraints( &minSize, &maxSize ); |
if ( result == noErr ) |
{ |
verify_noerr( inEvent.SetParameter( kEventParamMinimumSize, minSize ) ); |
verify_noerr( inEvent.SetParameter( kEventParamMaximumSize, maxSize ) ); |
} |
} |
break; |
case kEventControlSetFocusPart: |
{ |
ControlPartCode desiredFocus; |
Boolean focusEverything; |
ControlPartCode actualFocus; |
result = inEvent.GetParameter<ControlPartCode>( kEventParamControlPart, typeControlPartCode, &desiredFocus ); |
require_noerr( result, MissingParameter ); |
focusEverything = false; // a good default in case the parameter doesn't exist |
inEvent.GetParameter( kEventParamControlFocusEverything, &focusEverything ); |
result = SetFocusPart( desiredFocus, focusEverything, &actualFocus ); |
if ( result == noErr ) |
verify_noerr( inEvent.SetParameter<ControlPartCode>( kEventParamControlPart, typeControlPartCode, actualFocus ) ); |
} |
break; |
// some other kind of Control event |
default: |
// If you are reading this code to model your subclass, this would be a good |
// place to call your superclasses' method. TObject::HandleEvent doesn't care |
// about control events, so we don't pass the buck, but you should if you |
// are subclassing TView, calling TView::HandleEvent for your unhandled events |
break; |
} |
break; |
case kEventClassTextInput: |
result = TextInput( inEvent ); |
break; |
default: |
// Some other event class, let the superclass handle it |
result = TObject::HandleEvent( inCallRef, inEvent ); |
break; |
} |
MissingParameter: |
return result; |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Frame |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
HIRect |
TView::Frame() |
{ |
HIRect frame; |
HIViewGetFrame( GetViewRef(), &frame ); |
return frame; |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// SetFrame |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
void |
TView::SetFrame( |
const HIRect& inFrame ) |
{ |
verify_noerr( HIViewSetFrame( GetViewRef(), &inFrame ) ); |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Bounds |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
HIRect |
TView::Bounds() |
{ |
HIRect bounds; |
verify_noerr( HIViewGetBounds( GetViewRef(), &bounds ) ); |
return bounds; |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Show |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
void |
TView::Show() |
{ |
verify_noerr( HIViewSetVisible( GetViewRef(), true ) ); |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Hide |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
void |
TView::Hide() |
{ |
verify_noerr( HIViewSetVisible( GetViewRef(), false ) ); |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// AddSubView |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
OSStatus |
TView::AddSubView( |
TView* inSubView ) |
{ |
return HIViewAddSubview( GetViewRef(), inSubView->GetViewRef() );; |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// RemoveFromSuperView |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
OSStatus |
TView::RemoveFromSuperView() |
{ |
return HIViewRemoveFromSuperview( GetViewRef() ); |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// GetHilite |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
ControlPartCode |
TView::GetHilite() |
{ |
return GetControlHilite( GetViewRef() ); |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// GetValue |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
SInt32 |
TView::GetValue() |
{ |
return GetControl32BitValue( GetViewRef() ); |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// SetValue |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
void |
TView::SetValue( |
SInt32 inValue ) |
{ |
SetControl32BitValue( GetViewRef(), inValue ); |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// GetMinimum |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
SInt32 |
TView::GetMinimum() |
{ |
return GetControl32BitMinimum( GetViewRef() ); |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// SetMinimum |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
void |
TView::SetMinimum( |
SInt32 inMinimum ) |
{ |
SetControl32BitMinimum( GetViewRef(), inMinimum ); |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// GetMaximum |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
SInt32 |
TView::GetMaximum() |
{ |
return GetControl32BitMaximum( GetViewRef() ); |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// SetMaximum |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
void |
TView::SetMaximum( |
SInt32 inMaximum ) |
{ |
SetControl32BitMaximum( GetViewRef(), inMaximum ); |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// GetOwner |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
WindowRef |
TView::GetOwner() |
{ |
return GetControlOwner( GetViewRef() ); |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Hilite |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
void |
TView::Hilite( |
ControlPartCode inPart ) |
{ |
return HiliteControl( GetViewRef(), inPart ); |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Invalidate |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
OSStatus |
TView::Invalidate() |
{ |
return HIViewSetNeedsDisplay( GetViewRef(), true ); |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// IsVisible |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
Boolean |
TView::IsVisible() |
{ |
return IsControlVisible( GetViewRef() ); |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// IsEnabled |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
Boolean |
TView::IsEnabled() |
{ |
return IsControlEnabled( GetViewRef() ); |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// IsActive |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
Boolean |
TView::IsActive() |
{ |
return IsControlActive( GetViewRef() ); |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ActiveStateChanged |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Default activation method. Subclasses should override as necessary. We do nothing |
// here in the base class. |
// |
void |
TView::ActiveStateChanged() |
{ |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ValueChanged |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Default value changed method. Subclasses should override as necessary. We do |
// nothing here in the base class. |
// |
void |
TView::ValueChanged() |
{ |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// TitleChanged |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Default title changed method. Subclasses should override as necessary. We |
// do nothing here in the base class. |
// |
void |
TView::TitleChanged() |
{ |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// EnabledStateChanged |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Default enable method. Subclasses should override as necessary. We |
// do nothing here in the base class. |
// |
void |
TView::EnabledStateChanged() |
{ |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// OwningWindowChanged |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Default owning window changed method. Subclasses should override as necessary. |
// We do nothing here in the base class. |
// |
void |
TView::OwningWindowChanged( |
WindowRef oldWindow, |
WindowRef newWindow ) |
{ |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// VisibilityChanged |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Default title changed method. Subclasses should override as necessary. We |
// do nothing here in the base class. |
// |
void |
TView::VisibilityChanged() |
{ |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// TextInput |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Default text (Unicode) input method. Subclasses should override as necessary. We |
// do nothing here in the base class, so we return eventNotHandledErr. |
// |
OSStatus |
TView::TextInput( |
TCarbonEvent& inEvent ) |
{ |
#pragma unused( inEvent ) |
return eventNotHandledErr; |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ChangeAutoInvalidateFlags |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Change behavior for auto-invalidating views on certain actions. |
// |
void |
TView::ChangeAutoInvalidateFlags( |
OptionBits inSetThese, |
OptionBits inClearThese ) |
{ |
fAutoInvalidateFlags = ( ( fAutoInvalidateFlags | inSetThese ) & ( ~inClearThese ) ); |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// PrintDebugInfoSelf |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Prints debugging info specific to this object. Subclasses should call the |
// inherited method at the end of handling this so that superclass debugging info |
// also gets printed out. |
// |
void |
TView::PrintDebugInfoSelf() |
{ |
fprintf( stdout, "TView\n" ); |
TObject::PrintDebugInfoSelf(); |
} |
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