Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: ImageMapView.cp |
Project: ImageMapView |
Abstract: ImageMapView custom HIView subclass for displaying HTML-like Image Maps, |
using the map areas as view parts. |
Version: 1.0 |
Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Computer, Inc. |
("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your |
use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software |
constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, |
please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software. |
In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject |
to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under AppleÕs |
copyrights in this original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use, |
reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or without |
modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you redistribute |
the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain |
this notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of |
the Apple Software. Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of |
Apple Computer, Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the |
Apple Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as |
expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, |
are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that |
may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple |
Software may be incorporated. |
The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO |
Copyright © 2005 Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved |
*/ |
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h> |
#include "TView.h" |
#include "ImageMapView.h" |
#include "ImageMap.h" |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// constants |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
const CFStringRef kImageMapViewClassID = CFSTR( "" ); |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// TImageMapView declaration |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
class TImageMapView |
: public TView |
{ |
public: |
static OSStatus Create( |
HIViewRef* outView ); |
static void RegisterClass(); |
CFStringRef GetMapName() const |
{ return fImageMap->GetMapName(); } |
CFStringRef GetSelectedName() |
{ return fImageMap->GetName( GetValue() - 1 ); } |
OSStatus SetHotSpots( |
ImageMapHotSpots inHotSpots ); |
protected: |
// Constructor/Destructor |
TImageMapView( |
HIViewRef inView ); |
virtual ~TImageMapView(); |
virtual OSStatus ControlHit( |
ControlPartCode inPart, |
UInt32 inModifiers ); |
virtual void Draw( |
RgnHandle inLimitRgn, |
CGContextRef inContext ); |
virtual ControlKind GetKind(); |
virtual OSStatus GetRegion( |
ControlPartCode inPart, |
RgnHandle outRgn ); |
virtual ControlPartCode HitTest( |
const HIPoint& inWhere ); |
virtual OSStatus Initialize( |
TCarbonEvent& inEvent ); |
virtual OSStatus GetOptimalSizeSelf( |
HISize* outSize, |
float* outBaseLine ); |
virtual OSStatus HandleEvent( |
EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef, |
TCarbonEvent& inEvent ); |
virtual OSStatus SetFocusPart( |
ControlPartCode inDesiredFocus, |
Boolean inFocusEverything, |
ControlPartCode* outActualFocus ); |
virtual OSStatus TextInput( |
TCarbonEvent& inEvent ); |
// *** These are the method declarations for overriding the accessibility |
// methods. |
virtual OSStatus GetAccessibleAttributeNames( |
EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef, |
EventRef inEvent, |
AXUIElementRef inElement, |
UInt64 inIdentifier, |
CFMutableArrayRef outNames ); |
virtual OSStatus GetAccessibleNamedAttribute( |
EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef, |
EventRef inEvent, |
AXUIElementRef inElement, |
UInt64 inIdentifier, |
CFStringRef inAttribute ); |
virtual OSStatus IsAccessibleNamedAttributeSettable( |
EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef, |
EventRef inEvent, |
AXUIElementRef inElement, |
UInt64 inIdentifier, |
CFStringRef inName, |
Boolean* outIsSettable ); |
virtual OSStatus SetAccessibleNamedAttribute( |
EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef, |
EventRef inEvent, |
AXUIElementRef inElement, |
UInt64 inIdentifier, |
CFStringRef inAttribute ); |
virtual OSStatus CopyAccessibleChildAtPoint( |
EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef, |
EventRef inEvent, |
AXUIElementRef inElement, |
UInt64 inIdentifier, |
const HIPoint& inWhere, |
CFTypeRef* outChild ); |
virtual OSStatus GetAccessibleActionNames( |
EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef, |
EventRef inEvent, |
AXUIElementRef inElement, |
UInt64 inIdentifier, |
CFMutableArrayRef outNames ); |
virtual OSStatus CopyAccessibleNamedActionDescription( |
EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef, |
EventRef inEvent, |
AXUIElementRef inElement, |
UInt64 inIdentifier, |
CFStringRef inName, |
CFStringRef* outDescription ); |
virtual OSStatus PerformAccessibleNamedAction( |
EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef, |
EventRef inEvent, |
AXUIElementRef inElement, |
UInt64 inIdentifier, |
CFStringRef inName ); |
private: |
static OSStatus Construct( |
HIObjectRef inObjectRef, |
TObject** outObject ); |
CGColorRef GetHiliteFill(); |
CGColorRef GetRolloverFill(); |
CGImageRef GetImage() const |
{ return fImageMap->GetImage(); } |
CFIndex GetPartCount() const |
{ return fImageMap->GetCount(); } |
CGRect GetPartBounds( |
CFIndex inIndex ) const |
{ return fImageMap->GetPathBounds( inIndex ); } |
CFStringRef GetPartName( |
CFIndex inIndex ) const |
{ return fImageMap->GetName( inIndex ); } |
CGPathRef GetPartPath( |
CFIndex inIndex ) const |
{ return fImageMap->GetPath( inIndex ); } |
ImageMapHotSpots fHotSpots; |
CFIndex fCurrentHotSpot; |
ImageMap *fImageMap; |
}; |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// TImageMapView constructor |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
TImageMapView::TImageMapView( |
HIViewRef inView ) |
: TView( inView ) |
{ |
ChangeAutoInvalidateFlags( kAutoInvalidateOnValueChange |
| kAutoInvalidateOnHilite |
| kAutoInvalidateOnActivate, 0 ); |
fImageMap = NULL; |
fHotSpots = kImageMapHotSpotsInvisible; |
fCurrentHotSpot = 0; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// TImageMapView destructor |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
TImageMapView::~TImageMapView() |
{ |
delete fImageMap; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Construct |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
OSStatus |
TImageMapView::Construct( |
HIObjectRef inObject, |
TObject** outObject ) |
{ |
*outObject = new TImageMapView( (HIViewRef) inObject ); |
return noErr; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ControlHit |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
OSStatus |
TImageMapView::ControlHit( |
ControlPartCode inPart, |
UInt32 inModifiers ) |
{ |
SetValue( inPart ); |
return eventNotHandledErr; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Create |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
OSStatus |
TImageMapView::Create( |
HIViewRef* outView ) |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
EventRef event = CreateInitializationEvent(); |
// Register this class |
RegisterClass(); |
// Make a new instantiation of this class |
err = ::HIObjectCreate( kImageMapViewClassID, event, (HIObjectRef*) outView ); |
ReleaseEvent( event ); |
return err; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Draw |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Here's the fun stuff. |
// |
void |
TImageMapView::Draw( |
RgnHandle inLimitRgn, |
CGContextRef inContext ) |
{ |
TRect bounds = Bounds(); |
ControlPartCode focusedPart; |
CFIndex i; |
CGColorRef fillColor; |
// This code assumes that the size of the view and the size of the image are the same. |
::HIViewDrawCGImage( inContext, bounds, GetImage() ); |
::HIViewGetFocusPart( GetViewRef(), &focusedPart ); |
for ( i = 0; i < GetPartCount(); i++ ) |
{ |
// Draw hilite, rollover and normal differently |
if ( (CFIndex) GetHilite() == i + 1 ) |
fillColor = GetHiliteFill(); |
else if ( fHotSpots == kImageMapHotSpotsVisible |
|| ( fHotSpots == kImageMapHotSpotsRollover && fCurrentHotSpot == i + 1 ) ) |
fillColor = GetRolloverFill(); |
else |
fillColor = NULL; |
if ( fillColor != NULL ) |
{ |
::CGContextSetFillColorWithColor( inContext, fillColor ); |
::CGContextAddPath( inContext, GetPartPath( i ) ); |
::CGContextFillPath( inContext ); |
} |
// Draw the focus if the part if focused and the view is active |
if ( (CFIndex) focusedPart == i + 1 && IsActive() ) |
{ |
HIRect partBounds = GetPartBounds( i ); |
::HIThemeDrawFocusRect( &partBounds, true, inContext, kHIThemeOrientationNormal ); |
} |
} |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// GetKind |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
ControlKind |
TImageMapView::GetKind() |
{ |
const ControlKind kMyKind = { 'IMap', 'IMap' }; |
return kMyKind; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// GetHiliteFill |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
CGColorRef |
TImageMapView::GetHiliteFill() |
{ |
static CGColorRef sHiliteFill = NULL; |
if ( sHiliteFill == NULL ) |
{ |
CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace = ::CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(); |
float hiliteComponents[] = { 1, 1, 1, 0.75 }; |
sHiliteFill = ::CGColorCreate( colorSpace, hiliteComponents ); |
::CFRelease( colorSpace ); |
} |
return sHiliteFill; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// GetRolloverFill |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
CGColorRef |
TImageMapView::GetRolloverFill() |
{ |
static CGColorRef sRolloverFill = NULL; |
if ( sRolloverFill == NULL ) |
{ |
CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace = ::CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(); |
float rolloverComponents[] = { 1, 1, 1, 0.25 }; |
sRolloverFill = ::CGColorCreate( colorSpace, rolloverComponents ); |
::CFRelease( colorSpace ); |
} |
return sRolloverFill; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// GetRegion |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
OSStatus |
TImageMapView::GetRegion( |
ControlPartCode inPart, |
RgnHandle outRgn ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
TRect bounds; |
Rect qdBounds; |
if ( inPart == kControlContentMetaPart |
|| inPart == kControlStructureMetaPart |
/* || inPart == kControlOpaqueRegionMetaPart */ ) |
{ |
bounds = Bounds(); |
qdBounds = bounds; |
// Leave room for focus drawing |
::InsetRect( &qdBounds, -3, -3 ); |
::RectRgn( outRgn, &qdBounds ); |
} |
return err; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// GetOptimalSizeSelf |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
OSStatus |
TImageMapView::GetOptimalSizeSelf( |
HISize* outSize, |
float* outBaseLine ) |
{ |
#pragma unused( outBaseLine ) |
if ( outSize ) |
*outSize = CGSizeMake( ::CGImageGetWidth( GetImage() ), ::CGImageGetHeight( GetImage() ) ); |
return noErr; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// HandleEvent |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
OSStatus |
TImageMapView::HandleEvent( |
EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef, |
TCarbonEvent& inEvent ) |
{ |
#pragma unused( inCallRef ) |
OSStatus err = eventNotHandledErr; |
if ( inEvent.GetClass() == kEventClassControl ) |
{ |
HIPoint where; |
HIViewTrackingAreaRef trackingArea; |
HIViewTrackingAreaID id; |
switch ( inEvent.GetKind() ) |
{ |
case kEventControlTrackingAreaEntered: |
inEvent.GetParameter<HIViewTrackingAreaRef>( kEventParamHIViewTrackingArea, typeHIViewTrackingAreaRef, &trackingArea ); |
inEvent.GetParameter<HIPoint>( kEventParamMouseLocation, typeHIPoint, &where ); |
verify_noerr( ::HIViewGetTrackingAreaID( trackingArea, &id ) ); |
fCurrentHotSpot = id; |
Invalidate(); |
break; |
case kEventControlTrackingAreaExited: |
inEvent.GetParameter<HIViewTrackingAreaRef>( kEventParamHIViewTrackingArea, typeHIViewTrackingAreaRef, &trackingArea ); |
inEvent.GetParameter<HIPoint>( kEventParamMouseLocation, typeHIPoint, &where ); |
verify_noerr( ::HIViewGetTrackingAreaID( trackingArea, &id ) ); |
if ( fCurrentHotSpot == (CFIndex) id ) |
fCurrentHotSpot = 0; |
Invalidate(); |
break; |
} |
} |
// Not handled, let the parent class have a go at the event |
if ( err == eventNotHandledErr ) |
err = TView::HandleEvent( inCallRef, inEvent ); |
return err; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// HitTest |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Check to see if a point hits the view |
// |
ControlPartCode |
TImageMapView::HitTest( |
const HIPoint& inWhere ) |
{ |
ControlPartCode part = kControlNoPart; |
TRect bounds( Bounds() ); |
if ( bounds.Contains( inWhere ) ) |
{ |
HIRect frame = Frame(); |
CFIndex i; |
for ( i = 0; part == kControlNoPart && i < GetPartCount(); i++ ) |
{ |
if ( ::CGPathContainsPoint( GetPartPath( i ), NULL, inWhere, true ) ) |
part = i + 1; |
} |
} |
return part; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Initialize |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// The control is set up. Do the last minute stuff that needs to be done like |
// setting up the images. |
// |
OSStatus |
TImageMapView::Initialize( |
TCarbonEvent& inEvent ) |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
CFStringRef imageName, imageMapName; |
CFURLRef imageUrl, mapUrl; |
const EventTypeSpec kMouseTrackingEvents[] = { |
{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlTrackingAreaEntered }, |
{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlTrackingAreaExited }, |
}; |
CFIndex i; |
err = TView::Initialize( inEvent ); |
require_noerr( err, CantInitializeParent ); |
// Extract the image and image map names |
inEvent.GetParameter( kEventParamImageMapImageName, typeCFStringRef, &imageName ); |
inEvent.GetParameter( kEventParamImageMapMapName, typeCFStringRef, &imageMapName ); |
// Make them into resource URLs |
imageUrl = ::CFBundleCopyResourceURL( CFBundleGetMainBundle(), imageName, NULL, NULL ); |
check( imageUrl != NULL ); |
mapUrl = ::CFBundleCopyResourceURL( CFBundleGetMainBundle(), imageMapName, NULL, NULL ); |
check( imageUrl != NULL ); |
// Make a new image map object with those URLs |
fImageMap = new ImageMap( imageUrl, mapUrl ); |
::CFRelease( imageUrl ); |
::CFRelease( mapUrl ); |
// Do view-specific initialization here |
SetMaximum( GetPartCount() ); |
// Set up the hot spot tracking areas |
for ( i = 0; i < GetPartCount(); i++ ) |
{ |
HIRect pathBounds = GetPartBounds( i ); |
HIShapeRef shape; |
HIViewTrackingAreaRef trackingArea; |
shape = ::HIShapeCreateWithRect( &pathBounds ); |
verify_noerr( ::HIViewNewTrackingArea( GetViewRef(), shape, i + 1, &trackingArea ) ); |
::CFRelease( shape ); |
} |
// Start listening to mouse tracking events |
verify_noerr( AddEventTypesToHandler( GetEventHandler(), GetEventTypeCount( kMouseTrackingEvents ), |
kMouseTrackingEvents ) ); |
ActivateInterface( kKeyboardFocus ); |
// *** Let HIFramework know that we are interested in having the accessibility |
// methods called. |
ActivateInterface( kAccessibility ); |
CantInitializeParent: |
return err; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// RegisterClass |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Register this class with the HIObject registry. |
// |
// This API can be called multiple times, but will only register once. |
// |
void |
TImageMapView::RegisterClass() |
{ |
static bool sRegistered; |
if ( !sRegistered ) |
{ |
TView::RegisterSubclass( kImageMapViewClassID, Construct ); |
sRegistered = true; |
} |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// SetHotSpots |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
OSStatus |
TImageMapView::SetHotSpots( |
ImageMapHotSpots inHotSpots ) |
{ |
fHotSpots = inHotSpots; |
Invalidate(); |
return noErr; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// SetFocusPart |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
OSStatus |
TImageMapView::SetFocusPart( |
ControlPartCode inDesiredFocus, |
Boolean inFocusEverything, |
ControlPartCode* outActualFocus ) |
{ |
ControlPartCode currentFocus; |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
HIViewGetFocusPart( GetViewRef(), ¤tFocus ); |
if ( inFocusEverything ) |
{ |
switch ( inDesiredFocus ) |
{ |
case kControlFocusNextPart: |
if ( currentFocus == kControlNoPart ) |
inDesiredFocus = 1; |
else if ( (CFIndex) currentFocus == GetPartCount() ) |
inDesiredFocus = kControlNoPart; |
else |
inDesiredFocus = currentFocus + 1; |
break; |
case kControlFocusPrevPart: |
if ( currentFocus == kControlNoPart ) |
inDesiredFocus = GetPartCount(); |
else if ( currentFocus == 1 ) |
inDesiredFocus = kControlNoPart; |
else |
inDesiredFocus = currentFocus - 1; |
break; |
// default: |
// Focus part is being set manually |
} |
// if the focus changes, make sure we redraw |
if ( currentFocus != inDesiredFocus ) |
Invalidate(); |
*outActualFocus = inDesiredFocus; |
} |
return err; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// TextInput |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
OSStatus |
TImageMapView::TextInput( |
TCarbonEvent& inEvent ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = eventNotHandledErr; |
if ( inEvent.GetKind() == kEventTextInputUnicodeForKeyEvent ) |
{ |
UniChar uch = 0; |
inEvent.GetParameter<UniChar>( kEventParamTextInputSendText, typeUnicodeText, &uch ); |
if ( uch == kSpaceCharCode ) |
{ |
ControlPartCode currentFocus; |
::HIViewGetFocusPart( GetViewRef(), ¤tFocus ); |
::HIViewSimulateClick( GetViewRef(), currentFocus, 0, NULL ); |
err = noErr; |
} |
} |
return err; |
} |
// *** The implementations of the overridden accessibility methods. |
// (please note that there is limited error checking in the code to simplify it) |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// GetAccessibleAttributeNames |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Read about kEventAccessibleGetAllAttributeNames in CarbonEvents.h to |
// understand what the appended values mean for this implementation. |
// |
OSStatus |
TImageMapView::GetAccessibleAttributeNames( |
EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef, |
EventRef inEvent, |
AXUIElementRef inElement, |
UInt64 inIdentifier, |
CFMutableArrayRef outNames ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = eventNotHandledErr; |
if ( inIdentifier == 0 ) |
{ |
// Identifier 0 means "the whole view". |
CallNextEventHandler( inCallRef, inEvent ); |
// Let accessibility know that this view has children and can |
// return a list of them. |
CFArrayAppendValue( outNames, kAXChildrenAttribute ); |
err = noErr; |
} |
else if ( (CFIndex) inIdentifier <= GetPartCount() ) |
{ |
// Identifier > 0 means "sub elements of the view" -- in this case, parts. |
CallNextEventHandler( inCallRef, inEvent ); |
// Let accessibility know that this view's children can return description, |
// size, position, parent window, top level element and isFocused attributes. |
CFArrayAppendValue( outNames, kAXDescriptionAttribute ); |
CFArrayAppendValue( outNames, kAXSizeAttribute ); |
CFArrayAppendValue( outNames, kAXPositionAttribute ); |
CFArrayAppendValue( outNames, kAXWindowAttribute ); |
CFArrayAppendValue( outNames, kAXTopLevelUIElementAttribute ); |
CFArrayAppendValue( outNames, kAXFocusedAttribute ); |
err = noErr; |
} |
return err; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// GetAccessibleNamedAttribute |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Read about kEventAccessibleGetNamedAttribute in CarbonEvents.h to |
// understand what the output event parameters mean for this implementation. |
// |
OSStatus |
TImageMapView::GetAccessibleNamedAttribute( |
EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef, |
EventRef inEvent, |
AXUIElementRef inElement, |
UInt64 inIdentifier, |
CFStringRef inAttribute ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = eventNotHandledErr; |
if ( inIdentifier == 0 ) |
{ |
// String compare the incoming attribute name and return the appropriate accessibility |
// information as an event parameter. |
if ( CFStringCompare( inAttribute, kAXChildrenAttribute, 0 ) == kCFCompareEqualTo ) |
{ |
// Create and return an array of AXUIElements describing the children of this view. |
CFMutableArrayRef children; |
AXUIElementRef child; |
CFIndex i; |
children = CFArrayCreateMutable( kCFAllocatorDefault, GetPartCount(), &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks ); |
for ( i = 0; i < GetPartCount(); i++ ) |
{ |
child = AXUIElementCreateWithHIObjectAndIdentifier( GetObjectRef(), i + 1 ); |
CFArrayAppendValue( children, child ); |
CFRelease( child ); |
} |
SetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamAccessibleAttributeValue, typeCFTypeRef, sizeof( children ), &children ); |
CFRelease( children ); |
err = noErr; |
} |
else if ( CFStringCompare( inAttribute, kAXRoleAttribute, 0 ) == kCFCompareEqualTo ) |
{ |
// Return a string indicating the role of this view. Use the system group role. |
CFStringRef role = kAXGroupRole; |
SetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamAccessibleAttributeValue, typeCFTypeRef, sizeof( role ), &role ); |
err = noErr; |
} |
else if ( CFStringCompare( inAttribute, kAXRoleDescriptionAttribute, 0 ) == kCFCompareEqualTo ) |
{ |
// Return a string describing the role of this view. Use the system group role description. |
CFStringRef roleDesc = HICopyAccessibilityRoleDescription( kAXGroupRole, NULL ); |
SetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamAccessibleAttributeValue, typeCFTypeRef, sizeof( roleDesc ), &roleDesc ); |
CFRelease( roleDesc ); |
err = noErr; |
} |
} |
else if ( (CFIndex) inIdentifier <= GetPartCount() ) |
{ |
if ( CFStringCompare( inAttribute, kAXDescriptionAttribute, 0 ) == kCFCompareEqualTo ) |
{ |
// Return a string describing this part of the view. Use the part name retrieved from the image map. |
CFStringRef description = GetPartName( inIdentifier - 1 ); |
SetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamAccessibleAttributeValue, typeCFTypeRef, sizeof( description ), &description ); |
err = noErr; |
} |
else if ( CFStringCompare( inAttribute, kAXParentAttribute, 0 ) == kCFCompareEqualTo ) |
{ |
// Return the parent of this part. It's always the view. |
AXUIElementRef parent; |
parent = AXUIElementCreateWithHIObjectAndIdentifier( GetObjectRef(), 0 ); |
SetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamAccessibleAttributeValue, typeCFTypeRef, sizeof( parent ), &parent ); |
CFRelease( parent ); |
err = noErr; |
} |
else if ( CFStringCompare( inAttribute, kAXRoleAttribute, 0 ) == kCFCompareEqualTo ) |
{ |
// Return a string indicating the role of this part. The parts of the view behave like |
// buttons, so use that system role. |
CFStringRef role = kAXButtonRole; |
SetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamAccessibleAttributeValue, typeCFTypeRef, sizeof( role ), &role ); |
err = noErr; |
} |
else if ( CFStringCompare( inAttribute, kAXRoleDescriptionAttribute, 0 ) == kCFCompareEqualTo ) |
{ |
// Return a string describing the role of this part. Use the system description. |
CFStringRef roleDesc = HICopyAccessibilityRoleDescription( kAXButtonRole, NULL ); |
SetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamAccessibleAttributeValue, typeCFTypeRef, sizeof( roleDesc ), &roleDesc ); |
CFRelease( roleDesc ); |
err = noErr; |
} |
else if ( CFStringCompare( inAttribute, kAXSizeAttribute, 0 ) == kCFCompareEqualTo ) |
{ |
// Return the size of this part as an HISize. |
HIRect partBounds = GetPartBounds( inIdentifier - 1 ); |
SetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamAccessibleAttributeValue, typeHISize, sizeof( partBounds.size ), &partBounds.size ); |
err = noErr; |
} |
else if ( CFStringCompare( inAttribute, kAXPositionAttribute, 0 ) == kCFCompareEqualTo ) |
{ |
// Return the position of this part as an HIPoint. |
HIRect partBounds = GetPartBounds( inIdentifier - 1 ); |
HIPointConvert( &partBounds.origin, kHICoordSpaceView, GetViewRef(), kHICoordSpace72DPIGlobal, NULL ); |
SetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamAccessibleAttributeValue, typeHIPoint, sizeof( partBounds.origin ), &partBounds.origin ); |
err = noErr; |
} |
else if ( CFStringCompare( inAttribute, kAXWindowAttribute, 0 ) == kCFCompareEqualTo |
|| CFStringCompare( inAttribute, kAXTopLevelUIElementAttribute, 0 ) == kCFCompareEqualTo ) |
{ |
// Return the window or top level ui element for this part. They are both the same so re-use the code. |
AXUIElementRef windOrTopUI; |
windOrTopUI = AXUIElementCreateWithHIObjectAndIdentifier( (HIObjectRef) GetOwner(), 0 ); |
SetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamAccessibleAttributeValue, typeCFTypeRef, sizeof( windOrTopUI ), &windOrTopUI ); |
CFRelease( windOrTopUI ); |
err = noErr; |
} |
else if ( CFStringCompare( inAttribute, kAXFocusedAttribute, 0 ) == kCFCompareEqualTo ) |
{ |
// Return whether or not this part is focused. |
ControlPartCode focusedPart; |
Boolean focused; |
HIViewGetFocusPart( GetViewRef(), &focusedPart ); |
focused = ( focusedPart == (ControlPartCode) inIdentifier ); |
SetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamAccessibleAttributeValue, typeBoolean, sizeof( focused ), &focused ); |
err = noErr; |
} |
} |
return err; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// IsAccessibleNamedAttributeSettable |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Read about kEventAccessibleIsNamedAttributeSettable in CarbonEvents.h to |
// understand what return values mean for this implementation. |
// |
OSStatus |
TImageMapView::IsAccessibleNamedAttributeSettable( |
EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef, |
EventRef inEvent, |
AXUIElementRef inElement, |
UInt64 inIdentifier, |
CFStringRef inName, |
Boolean* outIsSettable ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = eventNotHandledErr; |
// The focused attribute is the only settable attribute for this view, |
// and it can only be set on part (or subelements), not the whole view. |
if ( inIdentifier > 0 && (CFIndex) inIdentifier <= GetPartCount() ) |
{ |
if ( CFStringCompare( inName, kAXFocusedAttribute, 0 ) == kCFCompareEqualTo ) |
{ |
*outIsSettable = true; |
err = noErr; |
} |
} |
return err; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// SetAccessibleNamedAttribute |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Read about kEventAccessibleSetNamedAttribute in CarbonEvents.h to understand |
// what this implementation should do. |
// |
OSStatus |
TImageMapView::SetAccessibleNamedAttribute( |
EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef, |
EventRef inEvent, |
AXUIElementRef inElement, |
UInt64 inIdentifier, |
CFStringRef inAttribute ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = eventNotHandledErr; |
if ( inIdentifier > 0 && (CFIndex) inIdentifier <= GetPartCount() ) |
{ |
if ( CFStringCompare( inAttribute, kAXFocusedAttribute, 0 ) == kCFCompareEqualTo ) |
{ |
Boolean focused; |
GetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamAccessibleAttributeValue, typeBoolean, NULL, sizeof( focused ), NULL, &focused ); |
// Don't allow unfocusing |
if ( focused == true ) |
{ |
SetKeyboardFocus( GetWindowRef(), GetViewRef(),(ControlPartCode) inIdentifier ); |
err = noErr; |
} |
else |
{ |
err = kAXErrorIllegalArgument; |
} |
} |
} |
return err; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// CopyAccessibleChildAtPoint |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Read about kEventAccessibleGetChildAtPoint in CarbonEvents.h to |
// understand what gets set to outChild in this implementation. |
// |
OSStatus |
TImageMapView::CopyAccessibleChildAtPoint( |
EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef, |
EventRef inEvent, |
AXUIElementRef inElement, |
UInt64 inIdentifier, |
const HIPoint& inWhere, |
CFTypeRef* outChild ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = eventNotHandledErr; |
// Only the whole view can be tested since the parts don't have sub-parts. |
if ( inIdentifier == 0 ) |
{ |
// This is like hit testing for accessibility. So much so, in fact, that |
// it is a wrapper around this view's HitTest method. |
ControlPartCode part; |
HIPoint localPoint = inWhere; |
HIPointConvert( &localPoint, kHICoordSpace72DPIGlobal, NULL, kHICoordSpaceView, GetViewRef() ); |
part = HitTest( localPoint ); |
if ( part != kControlNoPart ) |
{ |
*outChild = AXUIElementCreateWithHIObjectAndIdentifier( GetObjectRef(), part ); |
err = noErr; |
} |
} |
return err; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// GetAccessibleActionNames |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Read about kEventAccessibleGetAllActionNames in CarbonEvents.h to |
// understand what the appended values mean for this implementation. |
// |
OSStatus |
TImageMapView::GetAccessibleActionNames( |
EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef, |
EventRef inEvent, |
AXUIElementRef inElement, |
UInt64 inIdentifier, |
CFMutableArrayRef outNames ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = eventNotHandledErr; |
// Only the parts have actions. |
if ( inIdentifier > 0 && (CFIndex) inIdentifier <= GetPartCount() ) |
{ |
// Let accessibility know that the parts can be pressed like buttons. |
CFArrayAppendValue( outNames, kAXPressAction ); |
err = noErr; |
} |
return err; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// CopyAccessibleNamedActionDescription |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Read about kEventAccessibleGetNamedActionDescription in CarbonEvents.h to |
// understand what the returned values mean for this implementation. |
// |
OSStatus |
TImageMapView::CopyAccessibleNamedActionDescription( |
EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef, |
EventRef inEvent, |
AXUIElementRef inElement, |
UInt64 inIdentifier, |
CFStringRef inName, |
CFStringRef* outDescription ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = eventNotHandledErr; |
// Only the parts have actions. |
if ( inIdentifier > 0 && (CFIndex) inIdentifier <= GetPartCount() ) |
{ |
// Return the system description for the action. |
*outDescription = HICopyAccessibilityActionDescription( inName ); |
err = noErr; |
} |
return err; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// PerformAccessibleNamedAction |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Read about kEventAccessiblePerformNamedAction in CarbonEvents.h to |
// understand what should occur in this implementation. |
// |
OSStatus |
TImageMapView::PerformAccessibleNamedAction( |
EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef, |
EventRef inEvent, |
AXUIElementRef inElement, |
UInt64 inIdentifier, |
CFStringRef inName ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = eventNotHandledErr; |
// Only the parts have actions. |
if ( inIdentifier > 0 && (CFIndex) inIdentifier <= GetPartCount() ) |
{ |
// Pressing a part is like clicking it. Let's pretend that is happening. |
HIViewSimulateClick( GetViewRef(), inIdentifier, 0, NULL ); |
err = noErr; |
} |
return err; |
} |
// ============================================================================= |
// Public APIs |
// ============================================================================= |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ImageMapViewCreate |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Public API |
// |
OSStatus |
ImageMapViewCreate( |
HIViewRef* outView ) |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
err = TImageMapView::Create( outView ); |
require_noerr( err, CantCreateView ); |
CantCreateView: |
return err; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ImageMapViewRegister |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Public API |
// |
void |
ImageMapViewRegister() |
{ |
TImageMapView::RegisterClass(); |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ImageMapViewSetHotSpots |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Public API |
// |
OSStatus |
ImageMapViewSetHotSpots( |
HIViewRef inView, |
ImageMapHotSpots inHotSpots ) |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
TImageMapView* view; |
view = (TImageMapView*) HIObjectDynamicCast( (HIObjectRef) inView, kImageMapViewClassID ); |
require_action( view != NULL, BadParam, err = paramErr ); |
err = view->SetHotSpots( inHotSpots ); |
BadParam: |
return err; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ImageMapViewGetSelectedName |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Public API |
// |
CFStringRef |
ImageMapViewGetMapName( |
HIViewRef inView ) |
{ |
CFStringRef outName; |
TImageMapView* view; |
view = (TImageMapView*) HIObjectDynamicCast( (HIObjectRef) inView, kImageMapViewClassID ); |
require_action( view != NULL, BadParam, outName = NULL ); |
outName = view->GetMapName(); |
BadParam: |
return outName; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ImageMapViewGetSelectedName |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Public API |
// |
CFStringRef |
ImageMapViewGetSelectedName( |
HIViewRef inView ) |
{ |
CFStringRef outName; |
TImageMapView* view; |
view = (TImageMapView*) HIObjectDynamicCast( (HIObjectRef) inView, kImageMapViewClassID ); |
require_action( view != NULL, BadParam, outName = NULL ); |
outName = view->GetSelectedName(); |
BadParam: |
return outName; |
} |
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