Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/****************************************************/ |
/* */ |
/* File: Imageer.protos.h */ |
/* */ |
/* Program: Imageer */ |
/* */ |
/* By: Jason Hodges-Harris */ |
/* */ |
/* Created: 26/10/95 00:00:00 AM */ |
/* */ |
/* Version: 1.0.0d3 */ |
/* */ |
/* Copyright: © 1995-96 Apple Computer, Inc., */ |
/* all rights reserved. */ |
/* */ |
/****************************************************/ |
/**** Macintosh Toolbox Headers *****/ |
#include <ImageCompression.h> |
#endif |
/**** Application headers and prototypes ****/ |
#include "" |
#endif |
/**** doevent.c prototypes ****/ |
void DoEvent (EventRecord *EventPtr); // process event |
void HandleMouseDown(EventRecord *eventPtr); // handle mouse down events |
void DoDiskEvt(EventRecord *eventPtr); // handle disk inserted events |
OSErr ScrollBarHandler(Point Position, WindowPtr theWindow); |
void UpdateImageWindCntrl(ControlHandle theControlHndl, WindowPtr theWindow, short stepSize); |
pascal void ImageWindVertAction(ControlHandle theControl, short theControlPart); |
pascal void ImageWindHorizAction(ControlHandle theControl, short theControlPart); |
/**** eventloop.c prototypes ****/ |
void EventLoop (void); |
/**** fileCache.c prototypes ****/ |
OSErr FindTempFolder(void); |
OSErr RemoveTempFile(ImageDocHndl theDocHndl, Boolean delUndoFile, Boolean delRedoFile); |
OSErr SaveTempImageFile(ImageDocHndl theDocHndl, short tempFileOp); |
OSErr LoadTempImageFile(ImageDocHndl theDocHndl); |
OSErr SavePixMaptoTemp(ImageDocHndl theDocHndl, Boolean isRedoFile); |
OSErr LoadTemptoPixMap(ImageDocHndl theDocHndl, Boolean isRedoFile); |
OSErr SaveCTabtoTemp(ImageDocHndl theDocHndl, Boolean isRedoFile); |
OSErr LoadTemptoCTab(ImageDocHndl theDocHndl, Boolean isRedoFile); |
/**** fileIO.c prototypes ****/ |
OSErr LoadSupportedImage(void); |
pascal short CustomGetFileHook(short item,DialogPtr theDlogPtr,void* theData); |
pascal Boolean CustomFileDlogFilter(CInfoPBPtr theParamBlok, Ptr theDataPtr); |
void GetTIFFHdrInfo(ImageDocHndl theDocHndl,TiffInfo *theTiffHeader); |
OSErr GetTIFFIFDirectory(ImageDocHndl theDocHndl, TiffInfo *theTiffHeader); |
OSErr LoadTiffToGWorld (ImageDocHndl theImageDocHndl, TiffInfoPtr theTiffInfo, short bitDepth); |
long SwapByteOrder(long theData,short theDataLength); |
PicHandle LoadPictImageFile(ImageDocHndl theDocHndl); |
OSErr DrawPictToGWorld (ImageDocHndl theDocHndl,PicHandle thePictHndl); |
OSErr SaveSupportedImageFile(ImageDocHndl theDocHndl); |
pascal short CustomPutFileHook(short item,DialogPtr theDlogPtr,void* theData); |
OSErr SavePictImage(ImageDocHndl theDocHndl, StandardFileReply* thePictFile); |
short ProcessPictCompDlog(void); |
void RemoveOldSaveData(ImageDescriptionHandle theImageDescH, Handle theDataH, PixMapHandle thePixMapHndl); |
void SaveGXShapeToFile(gxShape theShape, gxFlattenFlag theFlags, short fileRefNum); |
OSErr SaveQdGxShape(ImageDocHndl theDocHndl, StandardFileReply* thePictFile); |
OSErr LoadQdGxShape(ImageDocHndl theDocHndl, StandardFileReply* thePictFile); |
OSErr LoadGxFileToShape(ImageDocHndl theDocHndl, short theFileRefNum); |
static long FileSpoolProc(gxSpoolCommand command, UserGXSpool *dataBlock); |
OSErr RevertToSavedFile(ImageDocHndl theDocHndl, WindowPtr theWindow); |
void CleanLoadAbort(ImageDocHndl theDocHndl); |
/**** gxGraphics.c prototypes ****/ |
OSErr ConvPixMapToGXShape(ImageDocHndl theDocHndl, WindowPtr theWindow); |
OSErr QDShapeSpooler (gxShape theShape, void *ref); |
OSErr CreateGXviewPorts(ImageDocHndl theDocHndl, WindowPtr theWindow); |
void UpdateGXObjectDisplay(ImageDocHndl theWindDocHndl, WindowPtr theWindow); |
void InitTransferMatrix (ImageDocHndl theDocHndl, |
gxComponentMode comp1TransferMode, |
gxComponentMode comp2TransferMode, |
gxComponentMode comp3TransferMode); |
OSErr RotateGxShape(ImageDocHndl theDocHndl, WindowPtr theWindow, Fixed angle); |
OSErr MirrorGxShape(ImageDocHndl theDocHndl, WindowPtr theWindow, Boolean isXaxis); |
OSErr GxShapeInkInvert (ImageDocHndl theDocHndl, WindowPtr theWindow); |
OSErr RGBColorComponent (ImageDocHndl theDocHndl, WindowPtr theWindow, short colorComponent); |
OSErr GxShapeInkBrightness (ImageDocHndl theDocHndl, WindowPtr theWindow, Boolean isBrighter); |
void CreateGXRect(gxRectangle* theGXRect, short top, short left, short bottom, short right); |
OSErr SaveTransformCopy(ImageDocHndl theDocHndl, Boolean isUndoOp); |
OSErr RestoreOldTransformCopy(ImageDocHndl theDocHndl, Boolean isUndoOp); |
/**** imageFilter.c prototypes ****/ |
OSErr ImageSmoothFilter (ImageDocHndl theDocHndl, WindowPtr theWindow); |
OSErr ImageHiPassFilter (ImageDocHndl theDocHndl, WindowPtr theWindow); |
pascal Boolean InvertDirectColor(RGBColor *color,long *position); |
OSErr InvertColorTable(ImageDocHndl theDocHndl); |
OSErr ColorImageInverter (ImageDocHndl theDocHndl, WindowPtr theWindow); |
OSErr MirrorImageVertical(ImageDocHndl theDocHndl, WindowPtr theWindow); |
OSErr MirrorImageHorizontal(ImageDocHndl theDocHndl, WindowPtr theWindow); |
OSErr RotateImage180(ImageDocHndl theDocHndl, WindowPtr theWindow); |
OSErr ImageBrightness(ImageDocHndl theDocHndl, WindowPtr theWindow, Boolean isBrighter); |
OSErr ImageContrast(ImageDocHndl theDocHndl, WindowPtr theWindow, Boolean isGreater); |
pascal Boolean DirectColorBrightenProc(RGBColor *color,long *position); |
pascal Boolean DirectColorDarkenProc(RGBColor *color,long *position); |
void BrightnessColorTable(ImageDocHndl theDocHndl,Boolean isBrighter); |
pascal Boolean DirectColorIncContrastProc(RGBColor *color,long *position); |
pascal Boolean DirectColorDecContrastProc(RGBColor *color,long *position); |
void ContrastColorTable(ImageDocHndl theDocHndl,Boolean isGreater); |
OSErr RemoveColorComponent(ImageDocHndl theDocHndl, WindowPtr theWindow, short theColorComponent); |
pascal Boolean RemoveRedCompProc(RGBColor *color,long *position); |
pascal Boolean RemoveGreenCompProc(RGBColor *color,long *position); |
pascal Boolean RemoveBlueCompProc(RGBColor *color,long *position); |
void RemoveComponentColorTable(ImageDocHndl theDocHndl,short theColorComponent); |
/**** menu.c prototypes ****/ |
void MenuBarInit (void); |
void DoAdjustMenus(void); |
void DoMenuCommand(long menuResult); |
void DoAdjustFileMenu(void); |
void DoAdjustEditMenu(void); |
void DoAdjustWindowsMenu(void); |
void DoAdjustFilterMenu(void); |
void DoAdjustEffectsMenu(void); |
void DoAdjustModelMenu(void); |
OSErr AddDocNameToMenu (ImageDocHndl theWindDocHndl); |
OSErr DeleteDocNameFromMenu (ImageDocHndl theWindDocHndl); |
OSErr RearrangeMenuItems(ImageDocHndl theWindDocHndl); |
OSErr SetCurrentWindowMark(WindowPtr theWindow); |
void AddSubMenu(short menuID); |
void DisableAllMenus(Boolean isDisabled); |
OSErr SetImagingModel(void); |
void SetUndoItemText(short canUndo); |
void SetMenuItemAvailable(Boolean isQDGX); |
/**** offscrnGraphics.c prototypes ****/ |
GWorldPtr CreateOffscreen (CTabHandle myCTabHndl, short myXlength, |
short myYlength, short myBitDepth, GWorldFlags theFlags); |
OSErr DrawImageColors(WindowPtr theWindow); |
void ForceRestoreColors(void); |
OSErr TransferImageToWindow(ImageDocHndl theWindDocHndl, WindowPtr theWindow); |
Rect* CalcVisibleImage(ImageDocHndl theWindDocHndl,const Rect *destRect); |
void SaveSetMMUMode(Boolean isSaveMode); |
OSErr UpdateColorsWindPalette(ImageDocHndl theWindDocHndl, WindowPtr theImageWindow); |
/**** start.c prototypes ****/ |
void InitialiseApp(void); |
Boolean TestforQuickDrawGX(void); |
/**** windows.c prototypes ****/ |
long DisplayAlert (short dialogID,short errStrID,short StrIDindex); |
void DragSelWind(WindowPtr window,Point mouseLoc); |
void DoGoAwayWind(WindowPtr window,Point mouseLoc); |
OSErr CreateImageWindow (ImageDocHndl theWindDocHndl); |
void DisposeImageWindow (WindowPtr window); |
void DoWindowUpdate(WindowPtr theWindow); |
OSErr CreateColorsWindow(void); |
OSErr DisposeColorsWindow(void); |
OSErr CalcMaxImageWindowSize(ImageDocHndl theWindDocHndl); |
Point CalcNextWindowPosition(ImageDocHndl theDocHndl); |
void TestWindowFitMainScrn(ImageDocHndl theDocHndl, Point *windowOffset); |
void HandleWindowReSize(WindowPtr theWindow,Point startPoint); |
void DisplayProgressBarDlog(short updateState, short controlValue, |
short theStrGroup, short theStrID); |
void SplashScreen(short theDelayLength); |
Boolean ColorWindowVisible(void); |
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