Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: InkPhraseTerminationPane.cpp |
Contains: Defintion of InkTextPhraseTerminationPane class which manages content in a |
single tab control content area, and registration & callback functions for |
HIView model. |
Version: InkSample 1.1 |
Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Computer, Inc. |
("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your |
use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software |
constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, |
please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software. |
In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject |
to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under Apple's |
copyrights in this original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use, |
reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or without |
modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you redistribute |
the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain |
this notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of |
the Apple Software. Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of |
Apple Computer, Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the |
Apple Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as |
expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, |
are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that |
may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple |
Software may be incorporated. |
The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO |
Copyright (c) 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. |
*/ |
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h> |
#include <iostream> // for std::cerr output |
#include "InkDefines.h" |
#include "InkPhraseTerminationPane.h" |
#include "MLTEUtils.h" |
#include "InkSampleUtils.h" |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ClassID |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
CFStringRef gInkPhraseTerminationPaneClassID = CFSTR( "" ); |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ClassRef |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static HIObjectClassRef gInkPhraseTerminationPaneHIObjClassRef = NULL; |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Internal C Function Prototypes |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static pascal OSStatus |
InkPhraseTerminationPaneEventHandler( EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef, |
EventRef inEvent, void* inUserData ); |
static OSStatus |
InkPhraseTerminationPaneConstruct( EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef, |
EventRef inEvent ); |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Class Constructor - more important initialization occurs in Initialize |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
InkPhraseTerminationPane::InkPhraseTerminationPane( HIViewRef parentInstance ) |
{ |
fTextInputHandler = NULL; |
fInkEventHandler = NULL; |
fMenuEventHandler = NULL; |
fMouseEventHandler = NULL; |
fParentInstance = parentInstance; |
fHIViewWindow = NULL; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Class Destructor |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
InkPhraseTerminationPane::~InkPhraseTerminationPane( void ) |
{ |
if ( fMouseEventHandler != NULL ) |
{ |
verify_noerr( ::RemoveEventHandler( fMouseEventHandler ) ); |
fTextInputHandler = NULL; |
} |
if ( fMenuEventHandler != NULL ) |
{ |
verify_noerr( ::RemoveEventHandler( fMenuEventHandler ) ); |
fMenuEventHandler = NULL; |
} |
if ( fInkEventHandler != NULL ) |
{ |
verify_noerr( RemoveEventHandler( fInkEventHandler ) ); |
fInkEventHandler = NULL; |
} |
if ( fTextInputHandler != NULL ) |
{ |
verify_noerr( RemoveEventHandler( fTextInputHandler ) ); |
fTextInputHandler = NULL; |
} |
if( fMLTEObj != NULL ) |
TXNDeleteObject( fMLTEObj ); |
return; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Initialize [PUBLIC] |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
OSStatus |
InkPhraseTerminationPane::Initialize( EventRef inEvent ) |
{ |
OSStatus status = paramErr; |
Rect userPaneBounds; |
Rect textViewBounds; |
fHIViewWindow = NULL; |
fMLTEObj = NULL; |
fAnnotateInkInput = false; |
// the parent control is the user pane control |
// created in IB in the nib |
fHIViewWindow = GetControlOwner( fParentInstance ); |
// we use the parent control to define the bounds of this pane |
GetControlBounds( fParentInstance, &userPaneBounds ); |
ActivateControl( fParentInstance ); |
status = this->InstallMenuHandlersOnTarget( GetWindowEventTarget(fHIViewWindow)); |
require_noerr( status, Initialize_err ); |
status = this->InstallInkHandlersOnTarget( GetWindowEventTarget(fHIViewWindow) ); // on window |
require_noerr( status, Initialize_err ); |
status = this->InstallMouseHandlersOnTarget( GetWindowEventTarget(fHIViewWindow) ); |
require_noerr( status, Initialize_err ); |
// mlte object is smaller than userpane bounds | =; |
textViewBounds.bottom = userPaneBounds.bottom; |
textViewBounds.left = userPaneBounds.left; |
textViewBounds.right = userPaneBounds.right; |
status = this->TextViewCreate( fHIViewWindow, textViewBounds ); |
Initialize_err: |
return status; |
} |
OSStatus |
InkPhraseTerminationPane::Draw( EventRef inEvent ) |
{ |
this->TextViewDraw(); |
if( fHIViewWindow != NULL ) |
{ |
CGrafPtr port = GetWindowPort( fHIViewWindow ); |
QDFlushPortBuffer( port, NULL ); |
} |
return noErr; |
} |
OSStatus |
InkPhraseTerminationPane::Deactivate( EventRef inEvent ) |
{ |
this->TextViewFocus( false ); |
return noErr; |
} |
OSStatus |
InkPhraseTerminationPane::Activate( EventRef inEvent ) |
{ |
this->TextViewFocus( true ); |
return noErr; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Initialize [PUBLIC] - init any class globals here? |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
void |
InkPhraseTerminationPane::StaticInit() |
{ |
return; |
}; |
#pragma mark --- |
#pragma mark CARBON EVENTS |
#pragma mark --- |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// InstallMenuHandlersOnTarget [PRIVATE] |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
OSStatus |
InkPhraseTerminationPane::InstallMenuHandlersOnTarget( EventTargetRef targetRef ) |
{ |
static const EventTypeSpec sAppEvents[] = |
{ |
{ kEventClassCommand, kEventCommandProcess }, |
{ kEventClassCommand, kEventCommandUpdateStatus } |
}; |
OSStatus status = InstallEventHandler( targetRef, InkPhraseTerminationPane::MenuEventHandler, |
GetEventTypeCount( sAppEvents ), |
sAppEvents, this, &fMenuEventHandler ); |
return status; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// InstallTextInputHandlersOnTarget [PRIVATE] |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
OSStatus |
InkPhraseTerminationPane::InstallTextInputHandlersOnTarget( EventTargetRef targetRef ) |
{ |
static const EventTypeSpec kTextInputEvents[] = |
{ |
{ kEventClassCommand, kEventCommandProcess }, |
{ kEventClassCommand, kEventCommandUpdateStatus }, |
{ kEventClassKeyboard, kEventRawKeyDown }, |
{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlVisibilityChanged }, |
{ kEventClassService, kEventServiceGetTypes }, |
{ kEventClassService, kEventServiceCopy }, |
{ kEventClassService, kEventServicePaste } |
}; |
OSStatus status = InstallEventHandler( targetRef, InkPhraseTerminationPane::TextInputHandler, |
GetEventTypeCount( kTextInputEvents ), |
kTextInputEvents, this, &fTextInputHandler ); |
require_noerr( status, InstallTextInputHandlersOnTarget_err ); |
InstallTextInputHandlersOnTarget_err: |
return status; |
} |
OSStatus |
InkPhraseTerminationPane::InstallInkHandlersOnTarget( EventTargetRef targetRef ) |
{ |
static const EventTypeSpec kInkEvents[] = |
{ |
{ kEventClassInk, kEventInkText }, |
{ kEventClassInk, kEventInkGesture }, |
{ kEventClassInk, kEventInkPoint } |
}; |
OSStatus status = InstallEventHandler( targetRef, InkPhraseTerminationPane::InkHandler, |
GetEventTypeCount( kInkEvents ), |
kInkEvents, this, &fInkEventHandler ); |
require_noerr( status, InstallInkHandlersOnTarget_err ); |
InstallInkHandlersOnTarget_err: |
return status; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// InstallMouseHandlersOnTarget [PROTECTED] |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
OSStatus |
InkPhraseTerminationPane::InstallMouseHandlersOnTarget( EventTargetRef targetRef ) |
{ |
static const EventTypeSpec sMouseEvents[] = |
{ |
{ kEventClassMouse, kEventMouseDown }, |
}; |
OSStatus status = ::InstallEventHandler( targetRef, InkPhraseTerminationPane::MouseEventHandler, |
GetEventTypeCount( sMouseEvents ), |
sMouseEvents, this, &fMouseEventHandler ); |
return status; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// MenuEventHandler [PROTECTED] |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
OSStatus |
InkPhraseTerminationPane::MenuEventHandler( EventHandlerCallRef inHandlerRef, |
EventRef inEvent, void* userData ) |
{ |
OSStatus status = eventNotHandledErr; |
HICommand hiCommand; |
InkPhraseTerminationPane* thisPane = (InkPhraseTerminationPane*)userData; |
UInt32 eventKind = GetEventKind( inEvent ); |
require_action( thisPane->IsParentVisible(), NotFocus_err, status = eventNotHandledErr ); |
switch ( GetEventClass( inEvent ) ) |
{ |
case kEventClassCommand: |
{ |
status = GetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamDirectObject, typeHICommand, |
NULL, sizeof( HICommand ), NULL, (void *) &hiCommand ); |
require_noerr( status, HandleCommandEvent_err ); |
if( eventKind == kEventProcessCommand |
&& ( hiCommand.attributes & kHICommandFromMenu ) == true ) |
status = thisPane->ProcessHICommand( hiCommand ); |
} |
break; |
default: |
status = eventNotHandledErr; |
break; |
} |
HandleCommandEvent_err: |
NotFocus_err: |
if( status != eventNotHandledErr ) |
std::cerr << "InkPhraseTerminationPane::MenuEventHandler got status: " << status << std::endl; |
#endif |
return status; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// TextInputHandler [PROTECTED] |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
OSStatus |
InkPhraseTerminationPane::TextInputHandler( EventHandlerCallRef inHandlerRef, |
EventRef inEvent, void* userData ) |
{ |
OSStatus status = eventNotHandledErr; |
InkPhraseTerminationPane* thisPane = (InkPhraseTerminationPane*)userData; |
require_action( thisPane->IsParentVisible(), NotFocus_err, status = eventNotHandledErr ); |
NotFocus_err: |
return eventNotHandledErr; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// MouseEventHandler [PROTECTED] |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
OSStatus |
InkPhraseTerminationPane::MouseEventHandler( EventHandlerCallRef inHandlerRef, |
EventRef inEvent, void* userData ) |
{ |
OSStatus status = eventNotHandledErr; |
InkPhraseTerminationPane* thisPane = (InkPhraseTerminationPane*)userData; |
require_action( thisPane->IsMyWindowActive(), NotFocus_err, status = eventNotHandledErr ); |
require_action( thisPane->IsParentVisible(), NotFocus_err, status = eventNotHandledErr ); |
require( GetEventClass( inEvent ) == kEventClassMouse, NotMouseEvent_err ); |
switch( GetEventKind( inEvent ) ) |
{ |
case kEventMouseDown: |
status = thisPane->HandleMouseDown( inHandlerRef, inEvent ); |
break; |
default: |
status = eventNotHandledErr; |
break; |
} |
NotMouseEvent_err: |
if( status != eventNotHandledErr ) |
std::cerr << "InkPhraseTerminationPane::MouseEventHandler got status: " << status << std::endl; |
else |
std::cerr << "InkPhraseTerminationPane::MouseEventHandler got status: eventNotHandledErr" << std::endl; |
#endif |
NotFocus_err: |
return status; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// InkHandler [PROTECTED] |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
OSStatus |
InkPhraseTerminationPane::InkHandler( EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef, EventRef inEvent, |
void* inUserData ) |
{ |
OSStatus status = eventNotHandledErr; |
InkPhraseTerminationPane* thisPane = (InkPhraseTerminationPane*)inUserData; |
std::cerr << "Call InkPhraseTerminationPane::InkHandler..." << std::endl; |
#endif |
require_action( thisPane->IsParentVisible(), NotFocus_err, status = eventNotHandledErr ); |
switch( GetEventKind( inEvent ) ) |
{ |
case kEventInkText: |
{ |
status = thisPane->HandleInkTextEvent( inCallRef, inEvent ); |
} |
break; |
case kEventInkGesture: |
{ |
status = thisPane->HandleGestureEvent( inCallRef, inEvent ); |
} |
break; |
case kEventInkPoint: |
{ |
// we will only handle ink point events for mouse downs |
EventRef mouseEvent; |
status = GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamEventRef, |
typeEventRef, NULL, sizeof(EventRef), |
NULL, (void*) &mouseEvent); |
if( status == noErr && GetEventKind( mouseEvent ) == kEventMouseDown ) |
status = thisPane->HandleInkPointEvent( inCallRef, inEvent, mouseEvent ); |
else |
status = eventNotHandledErr; |
} |
} |
NotFocus_err: |
if( status == eventNotHandledErr ) |
std::cerr << "InkPhraseTerminationPane::InkHandler won't handle the event" << std::endl; |
#endif |
return status; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// HandleInkTextEvent [PROTECTED] |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
OSStatus |
InkPhraseTerminationPane::HandleInkTextEvent( EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef, EventRef inEvent ) |
{ |
OSStatus status = noErr; |
InkTextRef inkRef = NULL; |
CFStringRef cfString = NULL; |
Boolean isShortCut = false; |
std::cerr << "kEventInkText event..." << std::endl; |
#endif |
status = GetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamInkKeyboardShortcut, typeBoolean, |
NULL, sizeof(Boolean), NULL, &isShortCut ); |
if( isShortCut ) |
{ |
this->UISignalInkEvent( kMyInkShortcutEventSignal ); |
return eventNotHandledErr; |
} |
this->UISignalInkEvent( kMyInkTextEventSignal ); |
status = GetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamInkTextRef, typePtr, |
NULL, sizeof(Ptr), NULL, &inkRef ); |
require_noerr( status, CantGetInkRef ); |
cfString = InkTextCreateCFString( inkRef, 0 ); |
require( cfString, CantGetString ); |
status = this->TextViewAppendCFString( cfString ); |
require_noerr( status, CantSetString ); |
// auto space between words |
this->TextViewAppendString( " ", 1 ); |
CantSetString: |
if( cfString != NULL ) |
CFRelease( cfString ); |
CantGetString: |
CantGetInkRef: |
if (status==noErr) |
return noErr; |
else |
return eventNotHandledErr; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// HandleGestureEvent [PROTECTED] |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
OSStatus |
InkPhraseTerminationPane::HandleGestureEvent( EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef, EventRef inEvent ) |
{ |
OSErr status = noErr; |
UInt32 gestureKind = NULL; |
HICommand hiCmd; |
HIRect bounds; |
Boolean hasHotSpot; |
HIPoint hotspot; |
status = GetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamInkGestureKind, |
typeUInt32, NULL, sizeof(UInt32), |
NULL, &gestureKind ); |
require_noerr( status, CantGetGestureKind ); |
this->UISignalInkEvent( gestureKind ); |
status = GetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamInkGestureBounds, |
typeHIRect, NULL, sizeof(HIRect), |
NULL, &bounds ); |
require_noerr( status, CantGetGestureBounds ); |
status = GetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamInkGestureHotspot, |
typeHIPoint, NULL, sizeof(HIPoint), |
NULL, &hotspot ); |
hasHotSpot = (status == noErr); |
//require_noerr( status, CantGetGestureHotspot ); |
switch( gestureKind ) |
{ |
/* Context-independent (non-tentative) gestures */ |
case kInkGestureUndo: //'undo' |
hiCmd.commandID = kHICommandUndo; |
status = TextViewProcessHICommand( hiCmd ); |
break; |
case kInkGestureCut: //'cut ' |
hiCmd.commandID = kHICommandCut; |
status = TextViewProcessHICommand( hiCmd ); |
break; |
case kInkGestureCopy: //'copy' |
hiCmd.commandID = kHICommandCopy; |
status = TextViewProcessHICommand( hiCmd ); |
break; |
case kInkGesturePaste: //'past' |
hiCmd.commandID = kHICommandPaste; |
if( hasHotSpot == true ) |
{ |
status = this->TextViewSetOffsetWithHIPoint( hotspot ); |
} |
status = TextViewProcessHICommand( hiCmd ); |
break; |
case kInkGestureClear: //'cler' |
hiCmd.commandID = kHICommandClear; |
status = TextViewProcessHICommand( hiCmd ); |
break; |
case kInkGestureSelectAll: //'sall' |
hiCmd.commandID = kHICommandSelectAll; |
status = TextViewProcessHICommand( hiCmd ); |
break; |
case kInkGestureEscape: //'esc ' |
hiCmd.commandID = kHICommandCancel; |
status = TextViewProcessHICommand( hiCmd ); |
break; |
case kInkGestureTab: //'tab ' |
{ |
if( hasHotSpot == true ) |
{ |
status = this->TextViewSetOffsetWithHIPoint( hotspot ); |
} |
// insert at the current insertion point, or replace the current selection, with a tab |
status = TextViewReplaceString( "\t", 1, kTXNUseCurrentSelection, kTXNUseCurrentSelection ); |
} |
break; |
case kInkGestureLeftSpace: //'lspc' |
case kInkGestureRightSpace: //'rspc' |
{ |
if( hasHotSpot == true ) |
{ |
status = this->TextViewSetOffsetWithHIPoint( hotspot ); |
} |
// insert at the current insertion point, or replace the current selection, with a |
// space. We're not distinguishing between left or right spaces. |
status = TextViewReplaceString( " ", kTXNUseCurrentSelection, kTXNUseCurrentSelection ); |
} |
break; |
case kInkGestureLeftReturn: //'lrtn' |
case kInkGestureRightReturn: //'rrtn' |
{ |
if( hasHotSpot == true ) |
{ |
status = this->TextViewSetOffsetWithHIPoint( hotspot ); |
} |
// insert at the current insertion point, or replace the current selection, with a |
// return. We're not distinguishing between left or right returns. |
status = TextViewReplaceString( "\r", kTXNUseCurrentSelection, kTXNUseCurrentSelection ); |
} |
break; |
case kInkGestureDelete: //'del ' |
hiCmd.commandID = kHICommandClear; |
// maybe check context and set selection here based on bounding box |
status = TextViewProcessHICommand( hiCmd ); |
break; |
/* Context-dependent (tentative) gestures*/ |
case kInkGestureJoin: //'join' |
status = TextViewJoin( bounds ); |
break; |
default: |
break; |
} |
CantGetGestureBounds: |
CantGetGestureKind: |
if (status==noErr) |
return noErr; |
else |
return eventNotHandledErr; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// HandleInkPointEvent [PROTECTED] |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
OSStatus |
InkPhraseTerminationPane::HandleInkPointEvent( EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef, EventRef inEvent, EventRef mouseEvent ) |
{ |
OSErr status = eventNotHandledErr; |
WindowRef windowHit; |
// the global mouse location, which will be converted in place to |
// local window coordinates |
Point qdGlobalPoint; |
std::cerr << "InkPhraseTerminationPane::HandleInkPointEvent..." << std::endl; |
#endif |
status = GetEventParameter(mouseEvent, kEventParamMouseLocation, |
typeQDPoint, NULL, sizeof(Point), |
NULL, (void*) &qdGlobalPoint); |
require_action( status == noErr, noMousePoint_err, status = eventNotHandledErr ); |
#if MY_DEBUG |
std::cerr << "Inkpoint v: " << qdGlobalPoint.v << " h: " << qdGlobalPoint.h << std::endl; |
#endif |
// Did the mouse land on a window?, if so the event contains a WindowRef |
// it is cheaper (performance wise) to get this way than to use FindWindow |
status = GetEventParameter(mouseEvent, kEventParamWindowRef, |
typeWindowRef, NULL, sizeof(WindowRef), |
NULL, (void*) &windowHit); |
// reset status |
status = eventNotHandledErr; |
// Did the mouse land on this window ? |
if( windowHit != NULL && windowHit == this->GetWindow() ) |
{ |
ControlRef controlHit = NULL; |
SInt16 part; |
ControlID controlID = {0,0}; |
GrafPtr savePort; |
// Move the point into local coordinates |
GetPort( &savePort ); |
SetPortWindowPort( windowHit ); |
GlobalToLocal( &qdGlobalPoint ); |
SetPort( savePort ); |
// did the mouse land on a control? |
controlHit = FindControlUnderMouse( qdGlobalPoint, windowHit, &part); |
require_action( controlHit != NULL, noControl_err, status = eventNotHandledErr ); |
status = GetControlID( controlHit, &controlID ); |
require_action( status == noErr, noControl_err, status = eventNotHandledErr ); |
if( controlID.signature == kMyInkPhraseTerminate ) |
{ |
//if( InkIsInking() ) |
// InkTerminateCurrentPhrase(); |
status = noErr; |
} |
else |
{ |
#if MY_DEBUG |
std::cerr << "Control found, but ink phrase termination button not hit..." << std::endl; |
#endif |
status = eventNotHandledErr; |
} |
} else // mouse not on this window |
status = eventNotHandledErr; |
noMousePoint_err: |
noControl_err: |
std::cerr << "InkPhraseTerminationPane::HandleInkPointEvent returns status: " |
<< status << std::endl; |
#endif |
return status; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// HandleMouseDown [PROTECTED] |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
OSStatus |
InkPhraseTerminationPane::HandleMouseDown( EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef, EventRef inEvent ) |
{ |
#pragma unused( inCallRef ) |
OSErr status = eventNotHandledErr; |
WindowRef windowHit; |
// the global mouse location, which will be converted in place to |
// local window coordinates |
Point qdGlobalPoint; |
std::cerr << "InkPhraseTerminationPane::HandleMouseEvent..." << std::endl; |
#endif |
status = GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamMouseLocation, |
typeQDPoint, NULL, sizeof(Point), |
NULL, (void*) &qdGlobalPoint); |
require_action( status == noErr, noMousePoint_err, status = eventNotHandledErr ); |
#if MY_DEBUG |
std::cerr << "Inkpoint v: " << qdGlobalPoint.v << " h: " << qdGlobalPoint.h << std::endl; |
#endif |
// Did the mouse land on a window?, if so the event contains a WindowRef |
// it is cheaper (performance wise) to get this way than to use FindWindow |
status = GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamWindowRef, |
typeWindowRef, NULL, sizeof(WindowRef), |
NULL, (void*) &windowHit); |
// reset status |
status = eventNotHandledErr; |
// Did the mouse land on this window ? |
if( windowHit != NULL && windowHit == this->GetWindow() ) |
{ |
ControlRef controlHit = NULL; |
SInt16 part; |
ControlID controlID = {0,0}; |
GrafPtr savePort; |
// Move the point into local coordinates |
GetPort( &savePort ); |
SetPortWindowPort( windowHit ); |
GlobalToLocal( &qdGlobalPoint ); |
SetPort( savePort ); |
controlHit = FindControlUnderMouse( qdGlobalPoint, windowHit, &part); |
require_action( controlHit != NULL, noControl_err, status = eventNotHandledErr ); |
status = GetControlID( controlHit, &controlID ); |
require_action( status == noErr, noControl_err, status = eventNotHandledErr ); |
if( controlID.signature == kMyInkPhraseTerminate ) |
{ |
status = noErr; |
InkTerminateCurrentPhrase(kInkSourceUser); |
} |
else |
{ |
#if MY_DEBUG |
std::cerr << "Control found, but ink phrase termination button not hit..." << std::endl; |
#endif |
status = eventNotHandledErr; |
} |
} else // mouse not on this window |
status = eventNotHandledErr; |
noMousePoint_err: |
noControl_err: |
std::cerr << "InkPhraseTerminationPane::HandleMouseEvent returns status: " |
<< status << std::endl; |
#endif |
return status; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ProcessHICommand [PROTECTED] |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
OSStatus |
InkPhraseTerminationPane::ProcessHICommand( const HICommand& hiCommand ) |
{ |
OSStatus status = eventNotHandledErr; |
switch( hiCommand.commandID ) |
{ |
case kMyAnnotateInkEventsCommand: |
fAnnotateInkInput = !fAnnotateInkInput; |
status = noErr; |
break; |
default: |
status = this->TextViewProcessHICommand( hiCommand ); |
} |
return status; |
} |
#pragma mark --- |
#pragma mark TEXT VIEW INTERFACE |
#pragma mark --- |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// TextViewCreate [PUBLIC] |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
OSStatus |
InkPhraseTerminationPane::TextViewCreate( WindowRef window, Rect& bounds ) |
{ |
OSStatus status = paramErr; |
fMLTEObj = MLTECreateObject( window, bounds ); |
if( fMLTEObj != NULL ) |
status = noErr; |
return status; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// TextViewSetVisibility [PUBLIC] |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
void |
InkPhraseTerminationPane::TextViewSetVisibility( Boolean vis ) |
{ |
// do not adjust your tablet, we will control the termination... |
if( vis == true ) |
InkSetPhraseTerminationMode(kInkSourceUser,kInkTerminationNone); |
else |
{ |
InkSetPhraseTerminationMode(kInkSourceUser,kInkTerminationAll); |
// unfocus before going invisible |
TextViewFocus(false); |
} |
MLTESetObjectVisibility(fMLTEObj, vis); |
if( vis == true ) |
TextViewFocus(true); // focus after going visible |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// TextViewDraw [PUBLIC] |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
void |
InkPhraseTerminationPane::TextViewDraw() |
{ |
::TXNDraw( fMLTEObj, NULL ); |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// TextViewFocus [PUBLIC] |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
void |
InkPhraseTerminationPane::TextViewFocus( Boolean focus) |
{ |
::TXNFocus( fMLTEObj, focus ); |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// TextViewAppendCFString [PUBLIC] - append a CFString to the text view for this pane |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
OSStatus |
InkPhraseTerminationPane::TextViewAppendCFString( CFStringRef cfString ) |
{ |
if( cfString != NULL ) |
{ |
#if MY_DEBUG |
OutputCFStringToStdErr( cfString ); |
#endif |
return MLTESetCFStringToObject( fMLTEObj, cfString, kTXNEndOffset, kTXNEndOffset ); |
} |
return paramErr; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// TextViewAppendString [PUBLIC] - append a C string to the text view for this pane |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
OSStatus |
InkPhraseTerminationPane::TextViewAppendString( char* str, CFIndex len ) |
{ |
if( str != NULL ) |
{ |
#if MY_DEBUG |
std::cerr << str; |
#endif |
return MLTESetStringToObject( fMLTEObj, str, len, kTXNEndOffset, kTXNEndOffset ); |
} |
return paramErr; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// TextViewReplaceCFString [PROTECTED] |
// |
// Replace whatever is at the given offsets of text view for this pane |
// with the CFString parameter |
// |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
OSStatus |
InkPhraseTerminationPane::TextViewReplaceCFString( CFStringRef cfString, UInt32 start, UInt32 end ) |
{ |
if( cfString != NULL ) |
{ |
#if MY_DEBUG |
std::cerr << "Replacing offsets start: " << start << " to end: " << end << " with: "; |
OutputCFStringToStdErr( cfString ); |
std::cerr << std::endl; |
#endif |
return MLTESetCFStringToObject( fMLTEObj, cfString, start, end ); |
} |
return paramErr; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// TextViewReplaceString [PROTECTED] |
// |
// Replace whatever is at the given offsets of text view for this pane |
// with the string parameter |
// |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
OSStatus |
InkPhraseTerminationPane::TextViewReplaceString( char* str, CFIndex len, UInt32 start, UInt32 end ) |
{ |
if( str != NULL && len > 0 ) |
{ |
#if MY_DEBUG |
std::cerr << "Replacing offsets start: " << start << " to end: " << end << " with: " |
<< str << std::endl; |
#endif |
return MLTESetStringToObject( fMLTEObj, str, len, start, end ); |
} |
return paramErr; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// TextViewProcessHICommand [PUBLIC] |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
OSStatus |
InkPhraseTerminationPane::TextViewProcessHICommand(const HICommand& hiCommand) |
{ |
return MLTEProcessHICommand( fMLTEObj, hiCommand ); |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// TextViewKeyDown [PUBLIC] |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
OSStatus |
InkPhraseTerminationPane::TextViewKeyDown( UniChar uChar ) |
{ |
return paramErr; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// TextViewSetSelectionOffsets [PROTECTED] |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
OSStatus |
InkPhraseTerminationPane::TextViewSetSelectionOffsets( UInt32 start, UInt32 end ) |
{ |
return ::TXNSetSelection( fMLTEObj, start, end ); |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// TextViewSetOffsetWithHIPoint [PUBLIC] |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
OSStatus |
InkPhraseTerminationPane::TextViewSetOffsetWithHIPoint( HIPoint hiPoint ) |
{ |
OSStatus status = paramErr; |
UInt32 offset = kTXNUseCurrentSelection; |
status = TextViewHIPointToOffset( hiPoint, offset ); |
if( status == noErr ) |
status = TextViewSetSelectionOffsets( offset, offset ); |
else |
{ |
Point qdPoint = {0,0}; |
GrafPtr savePort; |
GetPort(&savePort); |
SetPortWindowPort( this->GetWindow() ); |
HIPointToQDPoint( hiPoint, qdPoint ); |
GlobalToLocal( &qdPoint ); |
SetPort( savePort ); |
// mysterious coordinate mismatch requires this correction |
qdPoint.v -=20; |
qdPoint.h +=5; |
status = TextViewSetOffsetWithQDPoint( qdPoint ); |
} |
return status; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// TextViewSetOffsetWithQDPoint [PUBLIC] |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
OSStatus |
InkPhraseTerminationPane::TextViewSetOffsetWithQDPoint( Point pt ) |
{ |
OSStatus status = paramErr; |
UInt32 offset = kTXNUseCurrentSelection; |
status = TextViewQDPointToOffset( pt, offset ); |
if( status == noErr ) |
status = TextViewSetSelectionOffsets( offset, offset ); |
return status; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// TextViewQDPointToOffset [PROTECTED] |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
OSStatus |
InkPhraseTerminationPane::TextViewQDPointToOffset( Point& pt, UInt32& offset ) |
{ |
return TXNPointToOffset( fMLTEObj, pt, &offset ); |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// TextViewHIPointToOffset [PROTECTED] |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
OSStatus |
InkPhraseTerminationPane::TextViewHIPointToOffset( HIPoint& hiPoint, UInt32& offset ) |
{ |
return MLTEGlobalHIPointToOffset( fMLTEObj, hiPoint, offset ); |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// TextViewJoin [PUBLIC] |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
OSStatus |
InkPhraseTerminationPane::TextViewJoin( HIRect bounds ) |
{ |
return paramErr; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// UISignalInkGestureEvent [PUBLIC] - show some UI indicating what gesture |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
OSStatus |
InkPhraseTerminationPane::UISignalInkEvent( UInt32 signalInkEventKind ) |
{ |
OSStatus status = paramErr; |
ControlRef staticTextControl = NULL; |
ControlID controlID; |
controlID.signature = kMyStaticTextInkTerminationPane; | = 1; |
char string[50]; |
string[0] = 0; // default to zero terminated |
status = GetControlByID( fHIViewWindow, &controlID, &staticTextControl); |
if( status == noErr && IsValidControlHandle(staticTextControl) ) |
{ |
GetStringForInkUISignal( signalInkEventKind, string ); |
status = SetControlData( staticTextControl, kControlEntireControl /*part*/, |
kControlEditTextTextTag, strlen(string), string ); |
require_noerr( status, fail_updatecontrol); |
Draw1Control( staticTextControl ); |
} |
fail_updatecontrol: |
return status; |
} |
#pragma mark --- |
#pragma mark HIVIEW SETUP |
#pragma mark --- |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// InkPhraseTerminationPaneRegister [EXPORT] |
// |
// Register the class description of our pane with the HIView system |
// This will cause our callbacks to be invoked when an object in a |
// window with our gInkPhraseTerminationPaneClassID is created |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
OSStatus InkPhraseTerminationPaneRegister( void ) |
{ |
OSStatus status = noErr; |
// check to see if we've already registered the class. If not, then go ahead |
// and register it. |
if ( gInkPhraseTerminationPaneHIObjClassRef == NULL ) |
{ |
// what our pane can handle |
static const EventTypeSpec eventTypes[] = |
{ |
{ kEventClassHIObject, kEventHIObjectConstruct }, |
{ kEventClassHIObject, kEventHIObjectInitialize }, |
{ kEventClassHIObject, kEventHIObjectDestruct }, |
{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlInitialize }, |
{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlDraw }, |
{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlActivate }, |
{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlDeactivate }, |
{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlVisibilityChanged } |
}; |
// register the pane with the HIObject system |
status = HIObjectRegisterSubclass( gInkPhraseTerminationPaneClassID, |
kHIViewClassID, 0/*optionBits*/, |
InkPhraseTerminationPaneEventHandler, |
GetEventTypeCount( eventTypes ), |
eventTypes, NULL/*constructData*/, |
&gInkPhraseTerminationPaneHIObjClassRef ); |
check_noerr( status ); |
} |
return status; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// InkPhraseTerminationPaneConstruct [INTERNAL] |
// |
// If a window containing an object matching our gInkPhraseTerminationPaneClassID is created, |
// this callback is invoked, and we instantiate an instance of the InkPhraseTerminationPane class |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static |
OSStatus InkPhraseTerminationPaneConstruct( EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef, EventRef inEvent ) |
{ |
OSStatus status; |
// save off the default instance data |
HIViewRef defaultInstanceData; |
status = GetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamHIObjectInstance, typeHIObjectRef, |
NULL, sizeof( HIObjectRef ), NULL, &defaultInstanceData ); |
check_noerr( status ); |
// allocate our own custom C++ object |
InkPhraseTerminationPane *newPane = new InkPhraseTerminationPane( defaultInstanceData ); |
// store a pointer to it as a param that will be carried in event callbacks |
status = SetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamHIObjectInstance, typeVoidPtr, |
sizeof( HIObjectRef ), (void *) &newPane ); |
check_noerr( status ); |
return status; |
} |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// InkPhraseTerminationPaneEventHandler [INTERNAL] |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static pascal OSStatus |
InkPhraseTerminationPaneEventHandler( EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef, EventRef inEvent, |
void *inUserData ) |
{ |
OSStatus status = eventNotHandledErr; |
UInt32 eventClass = GetEventClass( inEvent ); |
UInt32 eventKind = GetEventKind( inEvent ); |
// cast away the user data for easier handling |
InkPhraseTerminationPane *thisPane = (InkPhraseTerminationPane *) inUserData; |
switch ( eventClass ) |
{ |
// handle our HIObject events here |
case kEventClassHIObject: |
{ |
switch ( eventKind ) |
{ |
case kEventHIObjectConstruct: |
status = InkPhraseTerminationPaneConstruct( inCallRef, inEvent ); |
break; |
case kEventHIObjectInitialize: |
// for this one, we need to call the parent class for |
// any initialization that they need to do |
status = CallNextEventHandler( inCallRef, inEvent ); |
check_noerr( status ); |
if ( status == noErr ) |
{ |
check( thisPane != NULL ); |
status = thisPane->Initialize( inEvent ); |
} |
break; |
case kEventHIObjectDestruct: |
check( thisPane != NULL ); |
delete thisPane; |
status = noErr; |
break; |
} |
} |
break; |
// handle our control class events here |
case kEventClassControl: |
{ |
switch ( eventKind ) |
{ |
case kEventControlInitialize: |
status = noErr; |
break; |
case kEventControlDraw: |
status = thisPane->Draw( inEvent ); |
break; |
case kEventControlActivate: |
status = thisPane->Activate( inEvent ); |
break; |
case kEventControlDeactivate: |
status = thisPane->Deactivate( inEvent ); |
break; |
case kEventControlVisibilityChanged: |
{ |
Boolean becomeVisible = thisPane->IsParentVisible(); |
thisPane->TextViewSetVisibility( becomeVisible ); |
if( becomeVisible ) |
thisPane->Activate( inEvent ); |
else |
{ |
thisPane->Deactivate( inEvent ); |
} |
} |
break; |
} |
} |
break; |
} |
return status; |
} |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-10-27