Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: InlineInputSample.c |
Contains: C source file for InlineInputSample |
Copyright: © 1989-1994 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. |
*/ |
/* Segmentation strategy: |
There isn't any. Depending on which compiler you use, and whether you build for |
Mac-OS 68K, A/UX, or PowerPC, segments may look different or not exist at all. |
And with an application this small, segments don't really matter any more these |
days. So we don't try to figure out segmentation and segment unloading strategies. |
If you want to find out how to segment your application, look at some other |
sample code. |
*/ |
/* SetPort strategy: |
Toolbox routines do not change the current port. In spite of this, in this |
program we use a strategy of calling SetPort whenever we want to draw or |
make calls which depend on the current port. This makes us less vulnerable |
to bugs in other software which might alter the current port (such as the |
bug (feature?) in many desk accessories which change the port on OpenDeskAcc). |
Hopefully, this also makes the routines from this program more self-contained, |
since they don't depend on the current port setting. |
*/ |
/* Clipboard strategy: |
Under styled TextEdit, TECut and TECopy will write both the text and associated |
style information directly to the desk scrap as types 'TEXT' and 'styl'. |
Instead of using TEToScrap and TEFromScrap, a new routine TEStylPaste, will |
transfer the text and style from the desk scrap to the document. |
*/ |
#if qInline |
#define qAppleEvents 1 |
#endif |
#include <Limits.h> |
#include <Types.h> |
#include <QuickDraw.h> |
#include <Fonts.h> |
#include <Events.h> |
#include <Controls.h> |
#include <Windows.h> |
#include <Menus.h> |
#include <TextEdit.h> |
#include <Dialogs.h> |
#include <Desk.h> |
#include <Scrap.h> |
#include <ToolUtils.h> |
#include <Memory.h> |
#include <SegLoad.h> |
#include <Files.h> |
#include <OSUtils.h> |
#include <OSEvents.h> |
#include <Packages.h> |
#include <Traps.h> |
#include <Printing.h> |
#include <DiskInit.h> |
#if qAppleEvents |
#include <Errors.h> |
#include <GestaltEqu.h> |
#include <AppleEvents.h> |
#if qInline |
#include <TextServices.h> |
#include <Script.h> |
#include <TSMTE.h> |
#endif // qInline |
#endif // qAppleEvents |
#include "InlineInputSample.h" |
// Constants |
// top left corner of the disk initialization dialog |
const short kDITop = 80; |
const short kDILeft = 112; |
// the number of pixels we leave blank at the edge of the window |
const short kTextMargin = 2; |
// the maximum number of open documents at any one time. SetupMenus respects this |
// number, but the Apple event handlers don't. |
const short kMaxOpenDocuments = 4; |
// arbitrary number used to specify the width of the TERec's destination |
// rectangle so that word wrap and horizontal scrolling can be demonstrated |
const short kMaxDocWidth = 576; |
// the minimum dimension of a window for GrowWindow |
const short kMinDocDim = 64; |
// control contrlVis values to prevent or enable redrawing controls by |
// Control Manager routines such as SetCtlValue |
const unsigned char kControlInvisible = 0; |
const unsigned char kControlVisible = 0xff; |
// for calculating scroll bar positions and sizes |
const short kScrollbarWidth = 16; |
const short kScrollbarAdjust = 15; // should be kScrollbarWidth - 1, but C is too stupid |
const short kScrollTweek = 2; |
// ASCII code for delete character |
const unsigned char kDelChar = 8; |
// pixels to scroll when the button part of the horizontal scrollbar is pressed |
const short kButtonScroll = 4; |
// maximum text length we allow in a TERec; lower than 32767 to prevent errors |
const short kMaxTELength = 32000; |
// the SysEnvRec version we understand |
const short kSysEnvironsVersion = 1; |
// events mask for no events |
const short kNoEventsMask = 0; |
// the minimum heap size and minimal available heap space we require for running. |
// These are rough guesses; with styled TextEdit and printing you never really know. |
const Size kMinHeap = 50 * 1024; |
const Size kMinSpace = 40 * 1024; |
// values for setting up wide open rectangles and regions |
const short kExtremeNeg = -32768; |
const short kExtremePos = 32767 -1; // required to address an old region bug |
// extra security when pre-flighting edit commands |
const short kTESlop = 1024; |
// Types |
// A DocumentRecord contains the WindowRecord for one of our document windows, |
// as well as the TEHandle for the text we are editing. Other document fields |
// can be added to this record as needed. This is similar to how the |
// Window Manager and Dialog Manager add fields after the GrafPort. |
typedef struct { |
WindowRecord docWindow; |
TEHandle docTE; |
ControlHandle docVScroll; |
ControlHandle docHScroll; |
TEClickLoopUPP docClick; |
Boolean modified; |
#if qInline |
TSMTERecHandle docTSMTERecHandle; |
TSMDocumentID docTSMDoc; |
#endif |
} DocumentRecord, *DocumentPeek; |
// Global Variables |
// environment information that's set up during initialization |
Boolean gHasWaitNextEvent; // WaitNextEvent trap is available |
#if qAppleEvents |
Boolean gHasAppleEvents; // Apple events are available, so we expect to get events from the Finder |
#if qInline |
Boolean gHasTextServices; // Text Services Manager is available and should be used |
Boolean gHasTSMTE; // Text Services for Text Edit are available and should be used |
// gHasTSMTE can only be set if gHasTextServices. |
#endif // qInline |
#endif // qAppleEvents |
// whether we are currently in the background. This accounts for major switches only. |
Boolean gInBackground; |
// the number of documents currently open |
short gNumDocuments; |
// print record shared among all documents ??? probably should be attached to documents instead |
THPrint gPrinterRecord; |
// universal procedure pointers |
ControlActionUPP gHActionUPP; |
ControlActionUPP gVActionUPP; |
#if powerc |
TEClickLoopUPP gClickLoopUPP; |
#endif |
#if qAppleEvents |
AEEventHandlerUPP gHandleOAppUPP; |
AEEventHandlerUPP gHandleDocUPP; |
AEEventHandlerUPP gHandleQuitUPP; |
#if qInline |
TSMTEPostUpdateUPP gTSMTEPostUpdateUPP; |
#endif // qInline |
#endif // qAppleEvents |
#if powerc |
// PowerPC libraries don't automatically define QuickDraw globals |
QDGlobals qd; |
#endif |
#if qAppleEvents |
// to indicate that Quit command or Apple event was successful |
Boolean gQuitting; |
#if qInline |
// variable to keep outside fontForce information |
long gSavedFontForce; |
#endif // qInline |
#endif // qAppleEvents |
// Routine Declarations |
void AlertUser(short error); |
void EventLoop(void); |
void DoEvent(EventRecord *event); |
void AdjustCursor(Point mouse, RgnHandle region); |
void GetGlobalMouse(Point *mouse); |
void DoGrowWindow(WindowPtr window, EventRecord *event); |
void DoZoomWindow(WindowPtr window, short part); |
void ResizeWindow(WindowPtr window); |
void GetLocalUpdateRgn(WindowPtr window, RgnHandle localRgn); |
void DoUpdate(WindowPtr window); |
void DoActivate(WindowPtr window, Boolean becomingActive); |
void DoContentClick(WindowPtr window, EventRecord *event); |
void DoKeyDown(EventRecord *event); |
unsigned long GetSleep(void); |
void CommonAction(ControlHandle control, short *amount); |
pascal void VActionProc(ControlHandle control, short part); |
pascal void HActionProc(ControlHandle control, short part); |
void DoIdle(void); |
void DrawWindow(WindowPtr window); |
void AdjustMenus(void); |
void DoMenuCommand(long menuResult); |
void DoNew(void); |
Boolean DoCloseWindow(WindowPtr window); |
#if qAppleEvents |
static void PrepareToQuit(void); |
#else // qAppleEvents |
static void Terminate(void); |
#endif // qAppleEvents |
void Initialize(void); |
void BigBadError(short error); |
static void FailNilUPP(UniversalProcPtr theUPP); |
void GetTERect(WindowPtr window, Rect *teRect); |
void AdjustViewRect(TEHandle docTE); |
void AdjustTE(WindowPtr window); |
void AdjustHV(Boolean isVert, ControlHandle control, TEHandle docTE, Boolean canRedraw); |
void AdjustScrollValues(WindowPtr window, Boolean canRedraw); |
void AdjustScrollSizes(WindowPtr window); |
void AdjustScrollbars(WindowPtr window, Boolean needsResize); |
#if powerc |
pascal Boolean ClickLoopProc(TEPtr pTE); |
#else |
extern pascal void AsmClickLoopProc(void); |
#endif |
pascal void ClickLoopAddOn(void); |
pascal TEClickLoopUPP GetOldClickLoop(void); |
Boolean IsDocumentWindow(WindowPtr window); |
Boolean IsDAWindow(WindowPtr window); |
Boolean TrapAvailable(short theTrap); |
static void PrintText(TEHandle theText); |
#if qAppleEvents |
static void CheckAppleEvents(void); |
static OSErr InstallRequiredAppleEvents(void); |
static OSErr GotRequiredParameters(const AppleEvent *theAppleEvent); |
pascal OSErr HandleOAppEvent(const AppleEvent *theEvent, const AppleEvent *reply, long refCon); |
pascal OSErr HandleDocEvent(const AppleEvent *theEvent, const AppleEvent *reply, long refCon); |
pascal OSErr HandleQuitEvent(const AppleEvent *theEvent, const AppleEvent *reply, long refCon); |
#if qInline |
static void CheckForTextServices(void); |
static pascal void MyTSMTEPreUpdateProc(TEHandle textH, long refCon); |
static pascal void MyTSMTEPostUpdateProc(TEHandle textH, long fixLen, long inputAreaStart, |
long inputAreaEnd, long pinStart, long pinEnd, long refCon); |
static void ExitApplication(void); |
#endif // qInline |
#endif // qAppleEvents |
// Set up the whole world, including global variables, Toolbox managers. |
// If a problem occurs here, we alert the user and exit from the application. |
void Initialize(void) |
{ |
EventRecord event; |
short count; |
SysEnvRec systemEnvironment; |
long total, contig; |
Handle menuBar; |
gInBackground = false; |
#if qAppleEvents |
gQuitting = false; |
#endif // qAppleEvents |
InitGraf((Ptr) &qd.thePort); |
InitFonts(); |
InitWindows(); |
InitMenus(); |
TEInit(); |
InitDialogs(nil); |
InitCursor(); |
// the following loop is necessary to allow the default button of our |
// alert to be outlined. We use EventAvail instead of GetNextEvent so we |
// don't lose events. |
for (count = 1; count <= 3; count++) |
EventAvail(everyEvent, &event); |
// collect environment information |
// ignore the error returned from SysEnvirons; even if an error occurred, |
// the SysEnvirons glue will fill in the SysEnvRec. |
SysEnvirons(kSysEnvironsVersion, &systemEnvironment); |
// make sure that the machine has at least 128K ROMs. If it doesn't, exit. |
if (systemEnvironment.machineType < 0) |
BigBadError(eOldROM); |
// also, require at least system 6.0. The app should be able to run on system |
// software 4.1 (where styled TextEdit was introduced) and later, but it's not really |
// worth the trouble of testing on all those old systems anymore. |
if (systemEnvironment.systemVersion < 0x600) |
BigBadError(eOldSystemSoftware); |
// It is better to first check the size of the application heap against a value |
// that you have determined is the smallest heap the application can reasonably |
// work in. This number should be derived by examining the size of the heap that |
// is actually provided by MultiFinder when the minimum size requested is used. |
// The check should be made because the preferred size can end up being set smaller |
// than the minimum size by the user. This extra check acts to insure that your |
// application is starting from a solid memory foundation. |
if ((long) GetApplLimit() - (long) ApplicationZone() < kMinHeap) |
BigBadError(eSmallSize); |
// Next, make sure that enough memory is free for your application to run. It |
// is possible for a situation to arise where the heap may have been of required |
// size, but a large scrap was loaded which left too little memory. To check for |
// this, call PurgeSpace and compare the result with a value that you have determined |
// is the minimum amount of free memory your application needs at initialization. |
// This number can be derived several different ways. One way that is fairly |
// straightforward is to run the application in the minimum size configuration |
// as described previously. Call PurgeSpace at initialization and examine the value |
// returned. However, you should make sure that this result is not being modified |
// by the scrap's presence. You can do that by calling ZeroScrap before calling |
// PurgeSpace. Make sure to remove that call before shipping, though. |
// ZeroScrap(); |
PurgeSpace(&total, &contig); |
if (total < kMinSpace) |
if (UnloadScrap() != noErr) |
BigBadError(eNoMemory); |
else |
{ |
PurgeSpace(&total, &contig); |
if (total < kMinSpace) |
BigBadError(eNoMemory); |
}; |
// The extra benefit to waiting until after the Toolbox Managers have been initialized |
// to check memory is that we can now give the user an alert to tell him/her what |
// happened. Although it is possible that the memory situation could be worsened by |
// displaying an alert, MultiFinder would gracefully exit the application with |
// an informative alert if memory became critical. Here we are acting more |
// in a preventative manner to avoid future disaster from low-memory problems. |
// check for newer system services and set up our environment to make use of what's available. |
gHasWaitNextEvent = TrapAvailable(_WaitNextEvent); |
#if qAppleEvents |
CheckAppleEvents(); |
if (gHasAppleEvents) |
(void) InstallRequiredAppleEvents(); |
#if qInline |
CheckForTextServices(); |
// this application uses TextEdit as the only text engine, and we don't support |
// inline input without TSMTE. Therefore we call InitTSMAwareApplication only if |
// TSMTE is available. A word processor that uses TextEdit only for dialogs |
// and uses Text Services directly with the word processing engine would make this |
// call depend on gHasTextServices. |
if (!(gHasTSMTE && InitTSMAwareApplication() == noErr)) |
{ |
// if this happens, just move on without text services |
gHasTextServices = false; |
gHasTSMTE = false; |
}; |
// get global fontForce flag, make sure it's off whenever we run |
gSavedFontForce = GetScriptManagerVariable(smFontForce); |
(void) SetScriptManagerVariable(smFontForce, 0); |
#endif // qInline |
#endif // qAppleEvents |
// set up the menu bar and the menus that depend on the system environment |
menuBar = GetNewMBar(rMenuBar); |
if ( menuBar == nil ) |
BigBadError(eNoMemory); |
SetMenuBar(menuBar); |
DisposeHandle(menuBar); |
AppendResMenu(GetMenuHandle(mApple), 'DRVR'); // build the Apple menu |
AppendResMenu(GetMenuHandle(mFont), 'FONT'); // build the Font menu |
DrawMenuBar(); |
// we have no document open yet |
gNumDocuments = 0; |
// set up printer stuff - this will allow the default page setup parameters to be used, |
// so if the user decides to print without using the Page Setup command everything will |
// be OK |
gPrinterRecord = (THPrint) NewHandle(sizeof(TPrint)); |
if (gPrinterRecord != nil) |
{ |
// if we got a print handle, initialize it to default values |
PrOpen(); |
PrintDefault(gPrinterRecord); |
PrClose(); |
}; |
// initialize the universal procedure pointers that we need |
#if qAppleEvents |
// (Apple event handler UPPs are set up in InstallRequiredAppleEvents) |
#endif // qAppleEvents |
gHActionUPP = NewControlActionProc(HActionProc); |
FailNilUPP((UniversalProcPtr) gHActionUPP); |
gVActionUPP = NewControlActionProc(VActionProc); |
FailNilUPP((UniversalProcPtr) gVActionUPP); |
#if powerc |
gClickLoopUPP = NewTEClickLoopProc(ClickLoopProc); |
FailNilUPP((UniversalProcPtr) gClickLoopUPP); |
#endif |
#if qInline |
if (gHasTSMTE) |
{ |
gTSMTEPreUpdateUPP = NewTSMTEPreUpdateProc(MyTSMTEPreUpdateProc); |
FailNilUPP((UniversalProcPtr) gTSMTEPreUpdateUPP); |
gTSMTEPostUpdateUPP = NewTSMTEPostUpdateProc(MyTSMTEPostUpdateProc); |
FailNilUPP((UniversalProcPtr) gTSMTEPostUpdateUPP); |
}; |
#endif // qInline |
} |
// report a fatal error to the user and exit from the application |
void BigBadError(short error) |
{ |
AlertUser(error); |
#if qInline |
ExitApplication(); |
#else // qInline |
ExitToShell(); |
#endif // qInline |
} |
// check whether a valid UPP was allocated |
static void FailNilUPP(UniversalProcPtr theUPP) |
{ |
if (theUPP == nil) |
BigBadError(eNoMemory); |
} |
#if qAppleEvents |
// check to see if a given bit in a long word is set. |
static Boolean BTst(long value, short bit) |
{ |
long mask = 1L << bit; |
return (value & mask) == mask; |
} |
#endif // qAppleEvents |
// check to see if a given trap is implemented. We follow IM VI-3-8. |
Boolean TrapAvailable(short theTrap) |
{ |
TrapType theTrapType; |
short numToolboxTraps; |
if ((theTrap & 0x0800) > 0) |
theTrapType = ToolTrap; |
else |
theTrapType = OSTrap; |
if (theTrapType == ToolTrap) |
{ |
theTrap = theTrap & 0x07ff; |
if (NGetTrapAddress(_InitGraf, ToolTrap) == NGetTrapAddress(0xaa6e, ToolTrap)) |
numToolboxTraps = 0x0200; |
else |
numToolboxTraps = 0x0400; |
if (theTrap >= numToolboxTraps) |
theTrap = _Unimplemented; |
}; |
return (NGetTrapAddress(theTrap, theTrapType) != NGetTrapAddress(_Unimplemented, ToolTrap)); |
} |
#if qAppleEvents |
static void CheckAppleEvents(void) |
{ |
long gestaltResponse; |
gHasAppleEvents = false; |
if (TrapAvailable(_Gestalt)) |
{ |
if (Gestalt(gestaltAppleEventsAttr, &gestaltResponse) == noErr) |
gHasAppleEvents = BTst(gestaltResponse, gestaltAppleEventsPresent); |
}; |
} |
#if qInline |
// check whether the Text Services Manager and the extension for using Text Services with |
// TextEdit (TSMTE) are available, and sets gHasTextServices and gHasTSMTE accordingly. |
static void CheckForTextServices(void) |
{ |
long gestaltResponse; |
gHasTextServices = false; // unless proven otherwise |
gHasTSMTE = false; // unless proven otherwise |
if (TrapAvailable(_Gestalt)) |
{ |
if ((Gestalt(gestaltTSMgrVersion, &gestaltResponse) == noErr) && (gestaltResponse >= 1)) |
{ |
gHasTextServices = true; |
if (Gestalt(gestaltTSMTEAttr, &gestaltResponse) == noErr) |
gHasTSMTE = BTst(gestaltResponse, gestaltTSMTEPresent); |
}; |
}; |
} |
#endif // qInline |
#endif // qAppleEvents |
void main(void) |
{ |
/* If you have stack requirements that differ from the default, |
then you could use SetApplLimit to increase StackSpace at |
this point, before calling MaxApplZone. */ |
MaxApplZone(); /* expand the heap */ |
Initialize(); /* initialize the program */ |
#if qAppleEvents |
if (!gHasAppleEvents) |
DoNew(); |
#else // qAppleEvents |
DoNew(); |
#endif // qAppleEvents |
EventLoop(); /* call the main event loop */ |
#if qAppleEvents |
#if qInline |
ExitApplication(); |
#else // qInline |
ExitToShell(); |
#endif // qInline |
#endif // qAppleEvents |
} |
#if qInline |
// IntlTSMEvent works around a bug in Kotoeri 1.0 (the Japanese input method), |
// which has been fixed in 1.1.1. |
static Boolean IntlTSMEvent(EventRecord *event) |
{ |
short oldFont; |
ScriptCode keyboardScript; |
// make sure we have a port and it's not the Window Manager port |
if (qd.thePort != nil && FrontWindow() != nil) |
{ |
oldFont = qd.thePort->txFont; |
keyboardScript = GetScriptManagerVariable(smKeyScript); |
if (FontToScript(oldFont) != keyboardScript) |
TextFont(GetScriptVariable(keyboardScript, smScriptAppFond)); |
}; |
return TSMEvent(event); |
} |
#endif // qInline |
/* Get events forever, and handle them by calling DoEvent. |
Also call AdjustCursor each time through the loop. */ |
void EventLoop(void) |
{ |
RgnHandle cursorRgn; |
Boolean gotEvent; |
EventRecord event; |
Point mouse; |
cursorRgn = NewRgn(); /* weÕll pass WNE an empty region the 1st time thru */ |
#if qAppleEvents |
while (!gQuitting) |
#else // qAppleEvents |
while (true) // loop forever, quit via ExitToShell |
#endif // qAppleEvents |
{ |
#if qInline |
// set global fontForce flag so other apps don't get confused |
(void) SetScriptManagerVariable(smFontForce, gSavedFontForce); |
#endif // qInline |
/* use WNE if it is available */ |
if ( gHasWaitNextEvent ) { |
GetGlobalMouse(&mouse); |
AdjustCursor(mouse, cursorRgn); |
gotEvent = WaitNextEvent(everyEvent, &event, GetSleep(), cursorRgn); |
} |
else { |
SystemTask(); |
gotEvent = GetNextEvent(everyEvent, &event); |
}; |
#if qInline |
// clear fontForce again so it doesn't upset our operations |
gSavedFontForce = GetScriptManagerVariable(smFontForce); |
(void) SetScriptManagerVariable(smFontForce, 0); |
// if we use inline input, we have to call IntlTSMEvent even with null events - |
// some input methods rely on receiving them. |
if (gHasTextServices && (gotEvent || event.what == nullEvent)) |
if (IntlTSMEvent(&event)) |
gotEvent = false; |
#endif // qInline |
if ( gotEvent ) |
{ |
/* make sure we have the right cursor before handling the event */ |
AdjustCursor(event.where, cursorRgn); |
DoEvent(&event); |
} |
else |
DoIdle(); /* perform idle tasks when itÕs not our event */ |
/* If you are using modeless dialogs that have editText items, |
you will want to call IsDialogEvent to give the caret a chance |
to blink, even if WNE/GNE returned FALSE. However, check FrontWindow |
for a non-NIL value before calling IsDialogEvent. */ |
}; |
} |
/* Do the right thing for an event. Determine what kind of event it is, and call |
the appropriate routines. */ |
void DoEvent(EventRecord *event) |
{ |
short part, err; |
WindowPtr window; |
char key; |
Point aPoint; |
#if qInline |
long menuResult; |
#endif // qInline |
switch ( event->what ) { |
case nullEvent: |
/* we idle for null/mouse moved events ands for events which arenÕt |
ours (see EventLoop) */ |
DoIdle(); |
break; |
case mouseDown: |
part = FindWindow(event->where, &window); |
switch ( part ) { |
case inMenuBar: /* process a mouse menu command (if any) */ |
AdjustMenus(); |
#if qInline |
menuResult = MenuSelect(event->where); |
if (!(gHasTextServices && TSMMenuSelect(menuResult))) |
DoMenuCommand(menuResult); |
HiliteMenu(0); // needed even if TSM or Script Manager handle the menu |
#else // qInline |
DoMenuCommand(MenuSelect(event->where)); |
#endif // qInline |
break; |
case inSysWindow: /* let the system handle the mouseDown */ |
SystemClick(event, window); |
break; |
case inContent: |
if ( window != FrontWindow() ) { |
SelectWindow(window); |
AdjustMenus(); |
} else |
DoContentClick(window, event); |
break; |
case inDrag: /* pass screenBits.bounds to get all gDevices */ |
DragWindow(window, event->where, &qd.screenBits.bounds); |
break; |
case inGoAway: |
if ( TrackGoAway(window, event->where) ) |
DoCloseWindow(window); /* we donÕt care if the user cancelled */ |
break; |
case inGrow: |
DoGrowWindow(window, event); |
break; |
case inZoomIn: |
case inZoomOut: |
if ( TrackBox(window, event->where, part) ) |
DoZoomWindow(window, part); |
break; |
} |
break; |
case keyDown: |
case autoKey: /* check for menukey equivalents */ |
key = event->message & charCodeMask; |
if ( event->modifiers & cmdKey ) { /* Command key down */ |
if ( event->what == keyDown ) { |
AdjustMenus(); /* enable/disable/check menu items properly */ |
DoMenuCommand(MenuKey(key)); |
} |
} else |
DoKeyDown(event); |
break; |
case activateEvt: |
DoActivate((WindowPtr) event->message, (event->modifiers & activeFlag) != 0); |
break; |
case updateEvt: |
DoUpdate((WindowPtr) event->message); |
break; |
/* 1.01 - It is not a bad idea to at least call DIBadMount in response |
to a diskEvt, so that the user can format a floppy. */ |
case diskEvt: |
if ( HiWord(event->message) != noErr ) { |
SetPt(&aPoint, kDILeft, kDITop); |
err = DIBadMount(aPoint, event->message); |
} |
break; |
case osEvt: |
/* 1.02 - must BitAND with 0x0FF to get only low byte */ |
switch ((event->message >> 24) & 0x0FF) { /* high byte of message */ |
case mouseMovedMessage: |
DoIdle(); /* mouse-moved is also an idle event */ |
break; |
case suspendResumeMessage: /* suspend/resume is also an activate/deactivate */ |
gInBackground = (event->message & resumeFlag) == 0; |
DoActivate(FrontWindow(), !gInBackground); |
break; |
} |
break; |
#if qAppleEvents |
case kHighLevelEvent: |
if (AEProcessAppleEvent(event) != noErr) |
; // any ideas for error handling? |
break; |
#endif // qAppleEvents |
} |
} /*DoEvent*/ |
/* Change the cursor's shape, depending on its position. This also calculates the region |
where the current cursor resides (for WaitNextEvent). When the mouse moves outside of |
this region, an event is generated. If there is more to the event than just |
Òthe mouse movedÓ, we get called before the event is processed to make sure |
the cursor is the right one. In any (ahem) event, this is called again before we |
fall back into WNE. */ |
void AdjustCursor(Point mouse, RgnHandle region) |
{ |
WindowPtr window; |
RgnHandle arrowRgn; |
RgnHandle iBeamRgn; |
Rect iBeamRect; |
window = FrontWindow(); /* we only adjust the cursor when we are in front */ |
if ( (! gInBackground) && (! IsDAWindow(window)) ) { |
/* calculate regions for different cursor shapes */ |
arrowRgn = NewRgn(); |
iBeamRgn = NewRgn(); |
/* start arrowRgn wide open */ |
SetRectRgn(arrowRgn, kExtremeNeg, kExtremeNeg, kExtremePos, kExtremePos); |
/* calculate iBeamRgn */ |
if ( IsDocumentWindow(window) ) { |
iBeamRect = (*((DocumentPeek) window)->docTE)->viewRect; |
SetPort(window); /* make a global version of the viewRect */ |
// ??? following two lines depend on Rect structure layout |
LocalToGlobal((Point *) &(iBeamRect).top); |
LocalToGlobal((Point *) &(iBeamRect).bottom); |
RectRgn(iBeamRgn, &iBeamRect); |
/* we temporarily change the portÕs origin to ÒglobalfyÓ the visRgn */ |
SetOrigin(-window->portBits.bounds.left, -window->; |
SectRgn(iBeamRgn, window->visRgn, iBeamRgn); |
SetOrigin(0, 0); |
} |
/* subtract other regions from arrowRgn */ |
DiffRgn(arrowRgn, iBeamRgn, arrowRgn); |
#if qInline |
// before we commit to anything, let's check whether some text service has a |
// different idea |
if (!(gHasTextServices && SetTSMCursor(mouse))) |
{ |
// change the cursor and the region parameter |
if (PtInRgn(mouse, iBeamRgn)) |
{ |
SetCursor(*GetCursor(iBeamCursor)); |
CopyRgn(iBeamRgn, region); |
} |
else |
{ |
SetCursor(&qd.arrow); |
CopyRgn(arrowRgn, region); |
}; |
}; |
// and no matter how nice the region, with text services it cannot be bigger than |
// a point. Yes, this defeats the purpose of all the calculations... |
if (gHasTextServices) |
SetRectRgn(region, mouse.h, mouse.v, mouse.h, mouse.v); |
#else // qInline |
// change the cursor and the region parameter |
if (PtInRgn(mouse, iBeamRgn)) |
{ |
SetCursor(*GetCursor(iBeamCursor)); |
CopyRgn(iBeamRgn, region); |
} |
else |
{ |
SetCursor(&qd.arrow); |
CopyRgn(arrowRgn, region); |
}; |
#endif // qInline |
DisposeRgn(arrowRgn); |
DisposeRgn(iBeamRgn); |
} |
} /*AdjustCursor*/ |
/* Get the global coordinates of the mouse. When you call OSEventAvail |
it will return either a pending event or a null event. In either case, |
the where field of the event record will contain the current position |
of the mouse in global coordinates and the modifiers field will reflect |
the current state of the modifiers. Another way to get the global |
coordinates is to call GetMouse and LocalToGlobal, but that requires |
being sure that thePort is set to a valid port. */ |
void GetGlobalMouse(Point *mouse) |
{ |
EventRecord event; |
OSEventAvail(kNoEventsMask, &event); /* we aren't interested in any events */ |
*mouse = event.where; /* just the mouse position */ |
} /*GetGlobalMouse*/ |
/* Called when a mouseDown occurs in the grow box of an active window. In |
order to eliminate any 'flicker', we want to invalidate only what is |
necessary. Since ResizeWindow invalidates the whole portRect, we save |
the old TE viewRect, intersect it with the new TE viewRect, and |
remove the result from the update region. However, we must make sure |
that any old update region that might have been around gets put back. */ |
void DoGrowWindow(WindowPtr window, EventRecord *event) |
{ |
long growResult; |
Rect tempRect; |
RgnHandle tempRgn; |
DocumentPeek doc; |
tempRect = qd.screenBits.bounds; /* set up limiting values */ |
tempRect.left = kMinDocDim; | = kMinDocDim; |
growResult = GrowWindow(window, event->where, &tempRect); |
/* see if it really changed size */ |
if ( growResult != 0 ) { |
doc = (DocumentPeek) window; |
tempRect = (*doc->docTE)->viewRect; /* save old text box */ |
tempRgn = NewRgn(); |
GetLocalUpdateRgn(window, tempRgn); /* get localized update region */ |
SizeWindow(window, LoWord(growResult), HiWord(growResult), true); |
ResizeWindow(window); |
/* calculate & validate the region that hasnÕt changed so it wonÕt get redrawn */ |
SectRect(&tempRect, &(*doc->docTE)->viewRect, &tempRect); |
ValidRect(&tempRect); /* take it out of update */ |
InvalRgn(tempRgn); /* put back any prior update */ |
DisposeRgn(tempRgn); |
} |
} /* DoGrowWindow */ |
/* Called when a mouseClick occurs in the zoom box of an active window. |
Everything has to get re-drawn here, so we don't mind that |
ResizeWindow invalidates the whole portRect. */ |
void DoZoomWindow(WindowPtr window, short part) |
{ |
EraseRect(&window->portRect); |
ZoomWindow(window, part, window == FrontWindow()); |
ResizeWindow(window); |
} /* DoZoomWindow */ |
/* Called when the window has been resized to fix up the controls and content. */ |
void ResizeWindow(WindowPtr window) |
{ |
AdjustScrollbars(window, true); |
AdjustTE(window); |
InvalRect(&window->portRect); |
} /* ResizeWindow */ |
/* Returns the update region in local coordinates */ |
void GetLocalUpdateRgn(WindowPtr window, RgnHandle localRgn) |
{ |
CopyRgn(((WindowPeek) window)->updateRgn, localRgn); /* save old update region */ |
OffsetRgn(localRgn, window->portBits.bounds.left, window->; |
} /* GetLocalUpdateRgn */ |
/* This is called when an update event is received for a window. |
It calls DrawWindow to draw the contents of an application window. |
As an efficiency measure that does not have to be followed, it |
calls the drawing routine only if the visRgn is non-empty. This |
will handle situations where calculations for drawing or drawing |
itself is very time-consuming. */ |
void DoUpdate(WindowPtr window) |
{ |
if ( IsDocumentWindow(window) ) { |
BeginUpdate(window); /* this sets up the visRgn */ |
if ( ! EmptyRgn(window->visRgn) ) /* draw if updating needs to be done */ |
DrawWindow(window); |
EndUpdate(window); |
} |
} /*DoUpdate*/ |
/* This is called when a window is activated or deactivated. |
It calls TextEdit to deal with the selection. */ |
void DoActivate(WindowPtr window, Boolean becomingActive) |
{ |
RgnHandle tempRgn, clipRgn; |
Rect growRect; |
DocumentPeek doc; |
if ( IsDocumentWindow(window) ) { |
doc = (DocumentPeek) window; |
if ( becomingActive ) { |
/* since we donÕt want TEActivate to draw a selection in an area where |
weÕre going to erase and redraw, weÕll clip out the update region |
before calling it. */ |
tempRgn = NewRgn(); |
clipRgn = NewRgn(); |
GetLocalUpdateRgn(window, tempRgn); /* get localized update region */ |
GetClip(clipRgn); |
DiffRgn(clipRgn, tempRgn, tempRgn); /* subtract updateRgn from clipRgn */ |
SetClip(tempRgn); |
TEActivate(doc->docTE); |
SetClip(clipRgn); /* restore the full-blown clipRgn */ |
DisposeRgn(tempRgn); |
DisposeRgn(clipRgn); |
/* the controls must be redrawn on activation: */ |
(*doc->docVScroll)->contrlVis = kControlVisible; |
(*doc->docHScroll)->contrlVis = kControlVisible; |
InvalRect(&(*doc->docVScroll)->contrlRect); |
InvalRect(&(*doc->docHScroll)->contrlRect); |
/* the growbox needs to be redrawn on activation: */ |
growRect = window->portRect; |
/* adjust for the scrollbars */ | = growRect.bottom - kScrollbarAdjust; |
growRect.left = growRect.right - kScrollbarAdjust; |
InvalRect(&growRect); |
#if qInline |
if (doc->docTSMDoc != nil) |
(void) ActivateTSMDocument(doc->docTSMDoc); |
#endif // qInline |
} |
else |
{ |
#if qInline |
if (doc->docTSMDoc != nil) |
(void) DeactivateTSMDocument(doc->docTSMDoc); |
#endif // qInline |
TEDeactivate(doc->docTE); |
/* the controls must be hidden on deactivation: */ |
HideControl(doc->docVScroll); |
HideControl(doc->docHScroll); |
/* the growbox should be changed immediately on deactivation: */ |
DrawGrowIcon(window); |
} |
} |
} /*DoActivate*/ |
/* This is called when a mouseDown occurs in the content of a window. */ |
void DoContentClick(WindowPtr window, EventRecord *event) |
{ |
Point mouse; |
ControlHandle control; |
short part, value; |
Boolean shiftDown; |
DocumentPeek doc; |
Rect teRect; |
if ( IsDocumentWindow(window) ) { |
SetPort(window); |
mouse = event->where; /* get the click position */ |
GlobalToLocal(&mouse); |
doc = (DocumentPeek) window; |
/* see if we are in the viewRect. if so, we wonÕt check the controls */ |
GetTERect(window, &teRect); |
if ( PtInRect(mouse, &teRect) ) { |
/* see if we need to extend the selection */ |
shiftDown = (event->modifiers & shiftKey) != 0; /* extend if Shift is down */ |
TEClick(mouse, shiftDown, doc->docTE); |
} else { |
part = FindControl(mouse, window, &control); |
switch ( part ) { |
case 0: /* do nothing for viewRect case */ |
break; |
case inThumb: |
value = GetControlValue(control); |
part = TrackControl(control, mouse, nil); |
if ( part != 0 ) { |
value -= GetControlValue(control); |
/* value now has CHANGE in value; if value changed, scroll */ |
if ( value != 0 ) |
if ( control == doc->docVScroll ) |
TEScroll(0, value, doc->docTE); |
else |
TEScroll(value, 0, doc->docTE); |
} |
break; |
default: /* they clicked in an arrow, so track & scroll */ |
if ( control == doc->docVScroll ) |
value = TrackControl(control, mouse, gVActionUPP); |
else |
value = TrackControl(control, mouse, gHActionUPP); |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
} /*DoContentClick*/ |
/* This is called for any keyDown or autoKey events, except when the |
Command key is held down. It looks at the frontmost window to decide what |
to do with the key typed. */ |
void DoKeyDown(EventRecord *event) |
{ |
enum { minArrowKey = 28, maxArrowKey = 31 }; |
WindowPtr window; |
char key; |
TEHandle te; |
window = FrontWindow(); |
if ( IsDocumentWindow(window) ) { |
te = ((DocumentPeek) window)->docTE; |
key = event->message & charCodeMask; |
/* we have a char. for our window; see if we are still below TextEditÕs |
limit for the number of characters (but deletes are always rad) */ |
if ( key == kDelChar || |
(*te)->teLength - ((*te)->selEnd - (*te)->selStart) + 1 < |
kMaxTELength ) |
{ |
TEKey(key, te); |
if ((key < minArrowKey) || (key > maxArrowKey)) // not a cursor key |
((DocumentPeek) window)->modified = true; |
AdjustScrollbars(window, false); |
} |
else |
AlertUser(eExceedChar); |
} |
} /*DoKeyDown*/ |
/* Calculate a sleep value for WaitNextEvent. This takes into account the things |
that DoIdle does with idle time. */ |
unsigned long GetSleep(void) |
{ |
long sleep; |
WindowPtr window; |
TEHandle te; |
sleep = LONG_MAX; /* default value for sleep */ |
if ( !gInBackground ) { |
window = FrontWindow(); /* and the front window is ours... */ |
if ( IsDocumentWindow(window) ) { |
te = ((DocumentPeek) (window))->docTE; /* and the selection is an insertion point... */ |
if ( (*te)->selStart == (*te)->selEnd ) |
sleep = GetCaretTime(); /* blink time for the insertion point */ |
} |
} |
return sleep; |
} /*GetSleep*/ |
/* Common algorithm for pinning the value of a control. It returns the actual amount |
the value of the control changed. Note the pinning is done for the sake of returning |
the amount the control value changed. */ |
void CommonAction(ControlHandle control, short *amount) |
{ |
short value, max; |
value = GetControlValue(control); /* get current value */ |
max = GetControlMaximum(control); /* and maximum value */ |
*amount = value - *amount; |
if ( *amount < 0 ) |
*amount = 0; |
else if ( *amount > max ) |
*amount = max; |
SetControlValue(control, *amount); |
*amount = value - *amount; /* calculate the real change */ |
} /* CommonAction */ |
/* Determines how much to change the value of the vertical scrollbar by and how |
much to scroll the TE record. */ |
pascal void VActionProc(ControlHandle control, short part) |
{ |
short amount; |
WindowPtr window; |
TEPtr te; |
if ( part != 0 ) { /* if it was actually in the control */ |
window = (*control)->contrlOwner; |
te = *((DocumentPeek) window)->docTE; |
switch ( part ) { |
case inUpButton: |
case inDownButton: |
amount = 24; |
break; |
case inPageUp: /* one page */ |
case inPageDown: |
amount = te->viewRect.bottom - te->; |
break; |
} |
if ( (part == inDownButton) || (part == inPageDown) ) |
amount = -amount; /* reverse direction for a downer */ |
CommonAction(control, &amount); |
if ( amount != 0 ) |
TEScroll(0, amount, ((DocumentPeek) window)->docTE); |
} |
} /* VActionProc */ |
/* Determines how much to change the value of the horizontal scrollbar by and how |
much to scroll the TE record. */ |
pascal void HActionProc(ControlHandle control, short part) |
{ |
short amount; |
WindowPtr window; |
TEPtr te; |
if ( part != 0 ) { |
window = (*control)->contrlOwner; |
te = *((DocumentPeek) window)->docTE; |
switch ( part ) { |
case inUpButton: |
case inDownButton: /* a few pixels */ |
amount = kButtonScroll; |
break; |
case inPageUp: /* a page */ |
case inPageDown: |
amount = te->viewRect.right - te->viewRect.left; |
break; |
} |
if ( (part == inDownButton) || (part == inPageDown) ) |
amount = -amount; /* reverse direction */ |
CommonAction(control, &amount); |
if ( amount != 0 ) |
TEScroll(amount, 0, ((DocumentPeek) window)->docTE); |
} |
} /* VActionProc */ |
/* This is called whenever we get a null event et al. |
It takes care of necessary periodic actions. For this program, it calls TEIdle. */ |
void DoIdle(void) |
{ |
WindowPtr window; |
window = FrontWindow(); |
if ( IsDocumentWindow(window) ) |
TEIdle(((DocumentPeek) window)->docTE); |
} /*DoIdle*/ |
/* Draw the contents of an application window. */ |
void DrawWindow(WindowPtr window) |
{ |
SetPort(window); |
EraseRect(&window->portRect); |
DrawControls(window); |
DrawGrowIcon(window); |
TEUpdate(&window->portRect, ((DocumentPeek) window)->docTE); |
} /*DrawWindow*/ |
// menu handling utilities |
static void DisableMenu(MenuHandle menu) |
{ |
DisableItem(menu, 0); |
} |
static void EnableMenu(MenuHandle menu) |
{ |
EnableItem(menu, 0); |
} |
static void RemoveMenuCheckMarks(MenuHandle menu) |
{ |
short item; |
for (item = 1; item <= CountMItems(menu); item++) |
{ |
CheckItem(menu, item, false); |
}; |
} |
static void RemoveMenuStyles(MenuHandle menu) |
{ |
short item; |
for (item = 1; item <= CountMItems(menu); item++) |
{ |
SetItemStyle(menu, item, normal); |
}; |
} |
static void EnableItemIf(MenuHandle menu, short item, Boolean condition) |
{ |
if (condition) |
EnableItem(menu, item); |
else |
DisableItem(menu, item); |
} |
// enable and disable menus based on the current state. |
// In general, we set up the menu items only before calling MenuSelect or MenuKey, |
// since these are the only times that a menu item can be selected. However, we |
// also have to set up the menus whenever the front window changes because |
// we enable and disable some menu titles depending on the front window. |
void AdjustMenus(void) |
{ |
WindowPtr window; |
Boolean frontIsDAWindow; |
Boolean frontIsDocWindow; |
Boolean docHasSelection; |
Boolean clipboardHasText; |
Boolean haveContinuousFont; |
MenuHandle menu; |
long offset; |
TEHandle te; |
TextStyle theTextStyle; |
short theFont; |
short mode; |
short item; |
// gather some state information that we'll need to decide which menu items to enable |
window = FrontWindow(); |
frontIsDAWindow = (window != nil) && IsDAWindow(window); |
frontIsDocWindow = (window != nil) && IsDocumentWindow(window); |
if (frontIsDocWindow) |
{ |
te = ((DocumentPeek) window)->docTE; |
docHasSelection = (*te)->selStart < (*te)->selEnd; |
} |
else |
docHasSelection = false; |
clipboardHasText = GetScrap(nil, 'TEXT', &offset) > 0; |
// note that TEGetScrapLength works for the private TextEdit scrap only, which |
// is not used by styled TextEdit |
haveContinuousFont = false; // will really be set when setting up font menu |
// Apple menu is always enabled |
// File menu |
menu = GetMenuHandle(mFile); |
EnableItemIf(menu, iNew, gNumDocuments < kMaxOpenDocuments); |
EnableItemIf(menu, iClose, window != nil); |
EnableItemIf(menu, iPageSetup, frontIsDocWindow); |
EnableItemIf(menu, iPrint, frontIsDocWindow); |
EnableItem(menu, iQuit); |
menu = GetMenuHandle(mEdit); |
EnableItemIf(menu, iUndo, frontIsDAWindow); // can't handle Undo for documents yet |
EnableItemIf(menu, iCut, frontIsDAWindow || docHasSelection); |
EnableItemIf(menu, iCopy, frontIsDAWindow || docHasSelection); |
EnableItemIf(menu, iPaste, frontIsDAWindow || (frontIsDocWindow && clipboardHasText)); |
EnableItemIf(menu, iClear, frontIsDAWindow || docHasSelection); |
EnableItemIf(menu, iSelectAll, frontIsDocWindow); |
menu = GetMenuHandle(mFont); |
RemoveMenuCheckMarks(menu); |
if (frontIsDocWindow) |
{ |
EnableMenu(menu); |
mode = doFont; |
if (TEContinuousStyle(&mode, &theTextStyle, ((DocumentPeek) window)->docTE)) |
{ |
Str255 theName, itemName; |
short itemCount; |
GetFontName(theTextStyle.tsFont, theName); |
itemCount = CountMItems(menu); |
for (item = 1; item <= itemCount; item++) |
{ |
GetMenuItemText(menu, item, itemName); |
if (EqualString(theName, itemName, true, true)) |
{ |
CheckItem(menu, item, true); |
break; |
}; |
}; |
haveContinuousFont = true; |
theFont = theTextStyle.tsFont; |
}; |
} |
else |
{ |
DisableMenu(menu); |
}; |
menu = GetMenuHandle (mFontSize); |
RemoveMenuCheckMarks(menu); |
RemoveMenuStyles(menu); |
if (frontIsDocWindow) |
{ |
EnableMenu(menu); |
mode = doSize; |
if (TEContinuousStyle(&mode, &theTextStyle, ((DocumentPeek) window)->docTE)) |
{ |
switch (theTextStyle.tsSize) |
{ |
case 9: item = iNine; break; |
case 10: item = iTen; break; |
case 12: item = iTwelve; break; |
case 14: item = iFourteen; break; |
case 18: item = iEighteen; break; |
case 24: item = iTwentyFour; break; |
}; |
CheckItem(menu, item, true); |
}; |
if (haveContinuousFont) |
{ |
if (RealFont(theFont, 9)) |
SetItemStyle(menu, iNine, outline); |
if (RealFont(theFont, 10)) |
SetItemStyle(menu, iTen, outline); |
if (RealFont(theFont, 12)) |
SetItemStyle(menu, iTwelve, outline); |
if (RealFont(theFont, 14)) |
SetItemStyle(menu, iFourteen, outline); |
if (RealFont(theFont, 18)) |
SetItemStyle(menu, iEighteen, outline); |
if (RealFont(theFont, 24)) |
SetItemStyle(menu, iTwentyFour, outline); |
}; |
} |
else |
{ |
DisableMenu(menu); |
}; |
menu = GetMenuHandle (mStyle); |
RemoveMenuCheckMarks(menu); |
if (frontIsDocWindow) |
{ |
EnableMenu(menu); |
mode = doFace; |
if (TEContinuousStyle(&mode, &theTextStyle, ((DocumentPeek) window)->docTE)) |
{ |
CheckItem(menu, iPlain, theTextStyle.tsFace == normal); |
CheckItem(menu, iBold, (theTextStyle.tsFace & bold) == bold); |
CheckItem(menu, iItalic, (theTextStyle.tsFace & italic) == italic); |
CheckItem(menu, iUnderline, (theTextStyle.tsFace & underline) == underline); |
CheckItem(menu, iOutline, (theTextStyle.tsFace & outline) == outline); |
CheckItem(menu, iShadow, (theTextStyle.tsFace & shadow) == shadow); |
}; |
} |
else |
{ |
DisableMenu(menu); |
}; |
DrawMenuBar(); |
} |
/* This is called when an item is chosen from the menu bar (after calling |
MenuSelect or MenuKey). It does the right thing for each command. */ |
void DoMenuCommand(long menuResult) |
{ |
short menuID, menuItem; |
short itemHit, daRefNum; |
Str255 daName; |
OSErr saveErr; |
TEHandle te; |
WindowPtr window; |
long scrapLength; |
long offset; |
Handle aHandle; |
long oldSize, newSize; |
long total, contig; |
TextStyle theTextStyle; |
Str255 theFontName; |
short theFontID; |
short theFontSize; |
DocumentPeek theDocument; |
#if qInline |
TSMDocumentID tsmDoc; |
#endif // qInline |
window = FrontWindow(); |
menuID = HiWord(menuResult); |
menuItem = LoWord(menuResult); |
#if qInline |
if (menuID == 0) |
// no real menu command, so we don't want to confirm inline input text |
return; |
#endif // qInline |
if (IsDocumentWindow(window)) |
{ |
theDocument = (DocumentPeek) window; |
te = theDocument->docTE; |
#if qInline |
// for any real menu command, we first confirm inline input text if there is any. |
// This is somewhat controversial - it can be argued that for some commands, e.g. |
// opening a new document, it's not necessary to confirm the text. A user might do |
// some editing in the new document, then come back and continue with the inline |
// input. Then again, this might conflict with the Undo model you use. Test with |
// real users, then use your best judgment. |
tsmDoc = theDocument->docTSMDoc; |
if (tsmDoc != nil) |
(void) FixTSMDocument(tsmDoc); |
#endif // qInline |
}; |
switch ( menuID ) { |
case mApple: |
switch ( menuItem ) { |
case iAbout: /* bring up alert for About */ |
itemHit = Alert(rAboutAlert, nil); |
break; |
default: /* all non-About items in this menu are DAs et al */ |
/* type Str255 is an array in MPW 3 */ |
GetMenuItemText(GetMenuHandle(mApple), menuItem, daName); |
daRefNum = OpenDeskAcc(daName); |
AdjustMenus(); |
break; |
} |
break; |
case mFile: |
switch ( menuItem ) { |
case iNew: |
DoNew(); |
break; |
case iClose: |
(void) DoCloseWindow(FrontWindow()); /* ignore the result */ |
break; |
case iPageSetup: |
PrOpen(); |
if (PrError() == noErr) |
(void) PrStlDialog(gPrinterRecord); |
PrClose(); |
break; |
case iPrint: |
PrintText(te); |
break; |
case iQuit: |
#if qAppleEvents |
PrepareToQuit(); |
#else // qAppleEvents |
Terminate(); |
#endif // qAppleEvents |
break; |
} |
break; |
case mEdit: /* call SystemEdit for DA editing & MultiFinder */ |
if ( !SystemEdit(menuItem-1) ) { |
switch ( menuItem ) { |
case iCut: |
if ( ZeroScrap() == noErr ) |
{ |
PurgeSpace(&total, &contig); |
if ((*te)->selEnd - (*te)->selStart + kTESlop > contig) |
AlertUser(eNoSpaceCut); |
else |
{ |
TECut(te); |
theDocument->modified = true; |
}; |
}; |
break; |
case iCopy: |
if ( ZeroScrap() == noErr ) |
TECopy(te); |
break; |
case iPaste: |
scrapLength = GetScrap(nil, 'TEXT', &offset); |
if ( scrapLength + ((*te)->teLength - |
((*te)->selEnd - (*te)->selStart)) > kMaxTELength ) |
AlertUser(eExceedPaste); |
else |
{ |
aHandle = (Handle) TEGetText(te); |
oldSize = GetHandleSize(aHandle); |
newSize = oldSize + scrapLength + kTESlop; |
SetHandleSize(aHandle, newSize); |
saveErr = MemError(); |
SetHandleSize(aHandle, oldSize); |
if (saveErr != noErr) |
AlertUser(eNoSpacePaste); |
else |
{ |
TEStylePaste(te); |
theDocument->modified = true; |
}; |
}; |
break; |
case iClear: |
TEDelete(te); |
theDocument->modified = true; |
break; |
case iSelectAll: |
TESetSelect(0, (*te)->teLength, te); |
break; |
}; |
if (menuItem != iCopy) |
AdjustScrollbars(window, false); |
} |
break; |
case mFont: |
GetMenuItemText(GetMenuHandle(mFont), menuItem, theFontName); |
GetFNum(theFontName, &theFontID); |
theTextStyle.tsFont = theFontID; |
TESetStyle(doFont, &theTextStyle, true, te); |
if ((*te)->selEnd - (*te)->selStart > 0) |
theDocument->modified = true; |
AdjustScrollbars(window, false); |
break; |
case mFontSize: |
switch (menuItem) |
{ |
case iNine: |
theFontSize = 9; |
break; |
case iTen: |
theFontSize = 10; |
break; |
case iTwelve: |
theFontSize = 12; |
break; |
case iFourteen: |
theFontSize = 14; |
break; |
case iEighteen: |
theFontSize = 18; |
break; |
case iTwentyFour: |
theFontSize = 24; |
break; |
}; |
theTextStyle.tsSize = theFontSize; |
TESetStyle(doSize, &theTextStyle, true, te); |
if ((*te)->selEnd - (*te)->selStart > 0) |
theDocument->modified = true; |
AdjustScrollbars(window, false); |
break; |
case mStyle: |
switch (menuItem) |
{ |
case iPlain: |
*((short *) &theTextStyle.tsFace) = 0; // see technote TE 16 |
theTextStyle.tsFace = normal; |
break; |
case iBold: |
theTextStyle.tsFace = bold; |
break; |
case iItalic: |
theTextStyle.tsFace = italic; |
break; |
case iUnderline: |
theTextStyle.tsFace = underline; |
break; |
case iOutline: |
theTextStyle.tsFace = outline; |
break; |
case iShadow: |
theTextStyle.tsFace = shadow; |
break; |
}; |
if (menuItem == iPlain) |
TESetStyle(doFace, &theTextStyle, true, te); // doToggle doesn't work for plain |
else |
TESetStyle(doFace + doToggle, &theTextStyle, true, te); |
if ((*te)->selEnd - (*te)->selStart > 0) |
theDocument->modified = true; |
AdjustScrollbars(window, false); |
break; |
}; |
HiliteMenu(0); /* unhighlight what MenuSelect (or MenuKey) hilited */ |
} |
/* Create a new document and window. */ |
void DoNew(void) |
{ |
Boolean good; |
Ptr storage; |
WindowPtr window; |
Rect destRect, viewRect; |
DocumentPeek doc; |
#if qInline |
OSType supportedInterfaces[1]; |
#endif // qInline |
storage = NewPtr(sizeof(DocumentRecord)); |
if ( storage != nil ) { |
doc = (DocumentPeek) storage; |
doc->modified = false; |
#if qInline |
doc->docTSMTERecHandle = nil; |
doc->docTSMDoc = nil; |
#endif // qInline |
window = GetNewWindow(rDocWindow, storage, (WindowPtr) -1); |
if ( window != nil ) { |
gNumDocuments += 1; /* this will be decremented when we call DoCloseWindow */ |
good = false; |
SetPort(window); |
// on a Roman system, the default text size is 0; we need a real size to make the Size menu work |
TextSize(GetDefFontSize()); |
GetTERect(window, &viewRect); |
destRect = viewRect; |
destRect.right = destRect.left + kMaxDocWidth; |
doc->docTE = TEStyleNew(&destRect, &viewRect); |
good = doc->docTE != nil; /* if TENew succeeded, we have a good document */ |
if ( good ) { /* 1.02 - good document? Ñ proceed */ |
TEAutoView(true, doc->docTE); |
doc->docClick = (*doc->docTE)->clickLoop; |
#if powerc |
TESetClickLoop(gClickLoopUPP, doc->docTE); |
#else |
(*doc->docTE)->clickLoop = (TEClickLoopUPP) AsmClickLoopProc; |
#endif |
} |
if ( good ) { /* good document? Ñ get scrollbars */ |
doc->docVScroll = GetNewControl(rVScroll, window); |
good = (doc->docVScroll != nil); |
} |
if ( good) { |
doc->docHScroll = GetNewControl(rHScroll, window); |
good = (doc->docHScroll != nil); |
} |
#if qInline |
if (good && gHasTSMTE) |
{ |
supportedInterfaces[0] = kTSMTEInterfaceType; |
if (NewTSMDocument(1, supportedInterfaces, &doc->docTSMDoc, |
(long) &doc->docTSMTERecHandle) == noErr) |
{ |
TSMTERecPtr tsmteRecPtr = *(doc->docTSMTERecHandle); |
tsmteRecPtr->textH = doc->docTE; |
tsmteRecPtr->preUpdateProc = gTSMTEPreUpdateUPP; |
tsmteRecPtr->postUpdateProc = gTSMTEPostUpdateUPP; |
tsmteRecPtr->updateFlag = kTSMTEAutoScroll; |
tsmteRecPtr->refCon = (long) window; |
} |
else |
good = false; |
}; |
#endif // qInline |
if ( good ) { /* good? Ñ adjust & draw the controls, draw the window */ |
/* false to AdjustScrollValues means musnÕt redraw; technically, of course, |
the window is hidden so it wouldnÕt matter whether we called ShowControl or not. */ |
AdjustScrollValues(window, false); |
ShowWindow(window); |
AdjustMenus(); |
} else { |
DoCloseWindow(window); /* otherwise regret we ever created it... */ |
AlertUser(eNoWindow); /* and tell user */ |
} |
} else |
DisposePtr(storage); /* get rid of the storage if it is never used */ |
} |
} /*DoNew*/ |
/* Close a window. This handles desk accessory and application windows. */ |
/* 1.01 - At this point, if there was a document associated with a |
window, you could do any document saving processing if it is 'dirty'. |
DoCloseWindow would return true if the window actually closed, i.e., |
the user didnÕt cancel from a save dialog. This result is handy when |
the user quits an application, but then cancels the save of a document |
associated with a window. */ |
Boolean DoCloseWindow(WindowPtr window) |
{ |
DocumentPeek theDocument; |
if ( IsDAWindow(window) ) |
CloseDeskAcc(((WindowPeek) window)->windowKind); |
else if ( IsDocumentWindow(window) ) { |
// ??? check modified flag whether document needs saving |
theDocument = (DocumentPeek) window; |
#if qInline |
if (theDocument->docTSMDoc != nil) |
{ |
(void) FixTSMDocument(theDocument->docTSMDoc); |
// DeleteTSMDocument might cause crash if we don't deactivate first, so... |
(void) DeactivateTSMDocument(theDocument->docTSMDoc); |
(void) DeleteTSMDocument(theDocument->docTSMDoc); |
}; |
#endif // qInline |
if (theDocument->docTE != nil) |
TEDispose(theDocument->docTE); |
/* 1.01 - We used to call DisposeWindow, but that was technically |
incorrect, even though we allocated storage for the window on |
the heap. We should instead call CloseWindow to have the structures |
taken care of and then dispose of the storage ourselves. */ |
CloseWindow(window); |
DisposePtr((Ptr) window); |
gNumDocuments -= 1; |
} |
AdjustMenus(); |
return true; |
} /*DoCloseWindow*/ |
// PrintText prints the text in the edit record. It opens a printer port, calculates |
// the number of lines per page (which may be different for each page depending on the |
// text styles) and then calls TEUpdate for the page, scrolls a page and calls TEUpdate, |
// etc. |
static void PrintText(TEHandle theText) |
{ |
const short kMargin = 20; // page margins in pixels |
const Rect zeroRect = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; |
short totalLines; |
GrafPtr oldPort; |
Rect oldViewRect; |
Rect oldDestRect; |
Rect viewRect; |
Rect updateRect; |
Rect clipRect; |
short totalHeight; |
short currentLine; |
short scrollAmount; |
TPrStatus thePrinterStatus; |
Boolean printManagerIsOpen = false; |
Boolean userHasCancelled = false; |
short viewHeight; |
TPPrPort thePrinterPort; |
if (gPrinterRecord != nil) |
{ |
PrOpen(); |
if (PrJobDialog(gPrinterRecord)) |
{ |
GetPort(&oldPort); |
oldViewRect = (*theText)->viewRect; |
oldDestRect = (*theText)->destRect; |
thePrinterPort = PrOpenDoc(gPrinterRecord, nil, nil); |
printManagerIsOpen = (PrError() == noErr); |
}; |
}; |
if (printManagerIsOpen) |
{ |
SetPort((GrafPtr) thePrinterPort); |
// re-wrap the text to fill the entire page minus margins |
viewRect = (*gPrinterRecord)->prInfo.rPage; |
InsetRect(&viewRect, kMargin, kMargin); |
(*theText)->inPort = (GrafPtr) thePrinterPort; |
(*theText)->destRect = viewRect; |
(*theText)->viewRect = viewRect; |
TECalText(theText); |
totalLines = (*theText)->nLines; |
totalHeight = TEGetHeight(totalLines, 0, theText); |
(*theText)->destRect.bottom = (*theText)-> + totalHeight; |
currentLine = 1; |
while ((!userHasCancelled) && (currentLine <= totalLines)) |
{ |
PrOpenPage(thePrinterPort, nil); |
scrollAmount = 0; |
clipRect = (*gPrinterRecord)->prInfo.rPage; |
ClipRect(&clipRect); |
viewHeight = (*theText)->viewRect.bottom - (*theText)-> + 1; |
while (((scrollAmount + TEGetHeight(currentLine, currentLine, theText)) <= viewHeight) |
&& (currentLine <= totalLines)) |
{ |
scrollAmount += TEGetHeight(currentLine, currentLine, theText); |
currentLine++; |
}; |
(*theText)->viewRect.bottom = scrollAmount + kMargin; |
TEDeactivate(theText); // avoid printing selections |
updateRect = (*theText)->viewRect; |
TEUpdate(&updateRect, theText); |
ClipRect(&zeroRect); // prevent TEScroll from redrawing the text |
TEScroll(0, -scrollAmount, theText); // scroll so we can print the next page |
(*theText)->viewRect.bottom = viewRect.bottom; // reset to full page; |
if (PrError() == iPrAbort) |
userHasCancelled = true; |
PrClosePage(thePrinterPort); |
}; |
PrCloseDoc(thePrinterPort); |
if ((*gPrinterRecord)->prJob.bJDocLoop == bSpoolLoop && PrError() == noErr) |
PrPicFile(gPrinterRecord, nil, nil, nil, &thePrinterStatus); |
PrClose(); |
SetPort(oldPort); |
(*theText)->inPort = oldPort; |
(*theText)->viewRect = oldViewRect; |
(*theText)->destRect = oldDestRect; |
TECalText(theText); |
updateRect = (*theText)->viewRect; |
TEUpdate(&updateRect, theText); |
}; |
} |
#if qAppleEvents |
// handle the Quit menu command or Apple event by closing all windows, and |
// setting gQuitting if successful. |
static void PrepareToQuit(void) |
{ |
WindowPtr aWindow; |
gQuitting = true; |
aWindow = FrontWindow(); |
while (gQuitting && (aWindow != nil)) |
{ |
gQuitting = DoCloseWindow(aWindow); |
aWindow = FrontWindow(); |
}; |
} |
#if qInline |
static void ExitApplication(void) |
{ |
if (gHasTextServices) |
(void) CloseTSMAwareApplication(); |
// set global fontForce flag so other apps don't get confused |
(void) SetScriptManagerVariable(smFontForce, gSavedFontForce); |
ExitToShell(); |
} |
#endif // qInline |
#else // qAppleEvents |
// handle the Quit menu command by closing all windows, and quitting if successful. |
static void Terminate(void) |
{ |
WindowPtr aWindow; |
Boolean closed; |
closed = true; |
aWindow = FrontWindow(); |
while (closed && (aWindow != nil)) |
{ |
closed = DoCloseWindow(aWindow); |
aWindow = FrontWindow(); |
}; |
if (closed) |
ExitToShell(); // exit if no cancellation |
} |
#endif // qAppleEvents |
/* Return a rectangle that is inset from the portRect by the size of |
the scrollbars and a little extra margin. */ |
void GetTERect(WindowPtr window, Rect *teRect) |
{ |
*teRect = window->portRect; |
InsetRect(teRect, kTextMargin, kTextMargin); /* adjust for margin */ |
teRect->bottom = teRect->bottom - 15; /* and for the scrollbars */ |
teRect->right = teRect->right - 15; |
} /*GetTERect*/ |
/* Update the TERec's view rect so that it is the greatest multiple of |
the lineHeight that still fits in the old viewRect. */ |
void AdjustViewRect(TEHandle docTE) |
{ |
TEPtr te; |
te = *docTE; |
te->viewRect.bottom = (((te->viewRect.bottom - te-> / te->lineHeight) |
* te->lineHeight) + te->; |
} /*AdjustViewRect*/ |
/* Scroll the TERec around to match up to the potentially updated scrollbar |
values. This is really useful when the window has been resized such that the |
scrollbars became inactive but the TERec was already scrolled. */ |
void AdjustTE(WindowPtr window) |
{ |
TEPtr te; |
te = *((DocumentPeek)window)->docTE; |
TEScroll((te->viewRect.left - te->destRect.left) - |
GetControlValue(((DocumentPeek)window)->docHScroll), |
(te-> - te-> - |
GetControlValue(((DocumentPeek)window)->docVScroll), |
((DocumentPeek)window)->docTE); |
} /*AdjustTE*/ |
/* Calculate the new control maximum value and current value, whether it is the horizontal or |
vertical scrollbar. The vertical max is calculated by comparing the number of lines to the |
vertical size of the viewRect. The horizontal max is calculated by comparing the maximum document |
width to the width of the viewRect. The current values are set by comparing the offset between |
the view and destination rects. If necessary and we canRedraw, have the control be re-drawn by |
calling ShowControl. */ |
// for styled text, we cannot rely on the line height being constant, so we |
// have to use pixels instead of nLines |
void AdjustHV(Boolean isVert, ControlHandle control, TEHandle docTE, Boolean canRedraw) |
{ |
short value, max; |
short oldValue, oldMax; |
oldValue = GetControlValue(control); |
oldMax = GetControlMaximum(control); |
if (isVert) |
max = TEGetHeight((*docTE)->nLines, 0, docTE) - |
((*docTE)->viewRect.bottom - (*docTE)->; |
else |
max = kMaxDocWidth - ((*docTE)->viewRect.right - (*docTE)->viewRect.left); |
if (max < 0) |
max = 0; |
SetControlMaximum(control, max); |
if (isVert) |
value = (*docTE)-> - (*docTE)->; |
else |
value = (*docTE)->viewRect.left - (*docTE)->destRect.left; |
if ( value < 0 ) |
value = 0; |
else if ( value > max ) value = max; |
SetControlValue(control, value); |
/* now redraw the control if it needs to be and can be */ |
if ( canRedraw || (max != oldMax) || (value != oldValue) ) |
ShowControl(control); |
} /*AdjustHV*/ |
/* Simply call the common adjust routine for the vertical and horizontal scrollbars. */ |
void AdjustScrollValues(WindowPtr window, Boolean canRedraw) |
{ |
DocumentPeek doc; |
doc = (DocumentPeek)window; |
AdjustHV(true, doc->docVScroll, doc->docTE, canRedraw); |
AdjustHV(false, doc->docHScroll, doc->docTE, canRedraw); |
} /*AdjustScrollValues*/ |
/* Re-calculate the position and size of the viewRect and the scrollbars. |
kScrollTweek compensates for off-by-one requirements of the scrollbars |
to have borders coincide with the growbox. */ |
void AdjustScrollSizes(WindowPtr window) |
{ |
Rect teRect; |
DocumentPeek doc; |
doc = (DocumentPeek) window; |
GetTERect(window, &teRect); /* start with TERect */ |
(*doc->docTE)->viewRect = teRect; |
MoveControl(doc->docVScroll, window->portRect.right - kScrollbarAdjust, -1); |
SizeControl(doc->docVScroll, kScrollbarWidth, (window->portRect.bottom - |
window-> - (kScrollbarAdjust - kScrollTweek)); |
MoveControl(doc->docHScroll, -1, window->portRect.bottom - kScrollbarAdjust); |
SizeControl(doc->docHScroll, (window->portRect.right - |
window->portRect.left) - (kScrollbarAdjust - kScrollTweek), |
kScrollbarWidth); |
} /*AdjustScrollSizes*/ |
/* Turn off the controls by jamming a zero into their contrlVis fields (HideControl erases them |
and we don't want that). If the controls are to be resized as well, call the procedure to do that, |
then call the procedure to adjust the maximum and current values. Finally re-enable the controls |
by jamming a $FF in their contrlVis fields. */ |
void AdjustScrollbars(WindowPtr window, Boolean needsResize) |
{ |
DocumentPeek doc; |
doc = (DocumentPeek) window; |
/* First, turn visibility of scrollbars off so we wonÕt get unwanted redrawing */ |
(*doc->docVScroll)->contrlVis = kControlInvisible; /* turn them off */ |
(*doc->docHScroll)->contrlVis = kControlInvisible; |
if ( needsResize ) /* move & size as needed */ |
AdjustScrollSizes(window); |
AdjustScrollValues(window, needsResize); /* fool with max and current value */ |
/* Now, restore visibility in case we never had to ShowControl during adjustment */ |
(*doc->docVScroll)->contrlVis = kControlVisible; /* turn them on */ |
(*doc->docHScroll)->contrlVis = kControlVisible; |
} /* AdjustScrollbars */ |
// When the user selects text by dragging, TextEdit repeatedly calls a click loop routine which |
// it gets from the TERecord's clikLoop field. TextEdit's default routine does some useful things, |
// such as scrolling the text being selected, but it doesn't know about our scroll bars. |
// Therefore, we replace the routine with one that calls both the old routine and an add-on routine |
// which handles the scroll bars. Unfortunately, the way this works is very different for 68K and |
// PowerPC. On 68K, we have to be aware that the original click loop routine has a register-based |
// interface, so our replacement is easier to write in assembly. For PowerPC, we can let routine |
// descriptors handle the argument conversions, and do everything in the C routine ClickLoopProc. |
#if powerc |
pascal Boolean ClickLoopProc(TEPtr pTE) |
{ |
CallTEClickLoopProc(GetOldClickLoop(), pTE); |
ClickLoopAddOn(); |
return true; |
} |
#endif |
// The ClickLoopAddOn routine handles the scroll bars during drag-scrolling. |
pascal void ClickLoopAddOn(void) |
{ |
WindowPtr window; |
RgnHandle region; |
window = FrontWindow(); |
region = NewRgn(); |
GetClip(region); /* save clip */ |
ClipRect(&window->portRect); |
AdjustScrollValues(window, true); /* pass true for canRedraw */ |
SetClip(region); /* restore clip */ |
DisposeRgn(region); |
} |
// GetOldClickLoop returns the address of the default click loop routine that we put into the |
// TERec when creating it. |
pascal TEClickLoopUPP GetOldClickLoop(void) |
{ |
return ((DocumentPeek)FrontWindow())->docClick; |
} |
// Check whether a window is a document window created by the application. |
// These windows have the windowKind userKind, so we can distinguish them from |
// desk accessories, dialogs, and other windows. |
Boolean IsDocumentWindow(WindowPtr window) |
{ |
return (window != nil) && (((WindowPeek) window)->windowKind == userKind); |
} |
// Check whether a window belongs to a desk accessory. |
// These windows have negative windowKinds. |
Boolean IsDAWindow(WindowPtr window) |
{ |
return (window != nil) && (((WindowPeek) window)->windowKind < 0); |
} |
/* Display an alert that tells the user an error occurred, then exit the program. |
This routine is used as an ultimate bail-out for serious errors that prohibit |
the continuation of the application. Errors that do not require the termination |
of the application should be handled in a different manner. Error checking and |
reporting has a place even in the simplest application. The error number is used |
to index an 'STR#' resource so that a relevant message can be displayed. */ |
void AlertUser(short error) |
{ |
short itemHit; |
Str255 message; |
SetCursor(&qd.arrow); |
/* type Str255 is an array in MPW 3 */ |
GetIndString(message, rErrorStrings, error); |
ParamText(message, (ConstStr255Param) "", (ConstStr255Param) "", (ConstStr255Param) ""); |
itemHit = Alert(rUserAlert, nil); |
} /* AlertUser */ |
#if qAppleEvents |
// Apple Event Support |
static OSErr GotRequiredParameters(const AppleEvent *theAppleEvent) |
{ |
OSErr myErr; |
DescType returnedType; |
Size actualSize; |
myErr = AEGetAttributePtr(theAppleEvent, keyMissedKeywordAttr, typeWildCard, &returnedType, |
nil, 0, &actualSize); |
if (myErr == errAEDescNotFound) |
return noErr; |
else if (myErr == noErr) |
return errAEParamMissed; |
else |
return myErr; |
} |
pascal OSErr HandleOAppEvent(const AppleEvent *theEvent, const AppleEvent *reply, long refCon) |
{ |
#pragma unused(reply, refCon) |
OSErr theError; |
theError = GotRequiredParameters(theEvent); |
if (theError == noErr) |
DoNew(); |
return theError; |
} |
pascal OSErr HandleDocEvent(const AppleEvent *theEvent, const AppleEvent *reply, long refCon) |
{ |
#pragma unused(theEvent, reply, refCon) |
OSErr theError; |
AEDescList docList; |
long itemsInList; |
long index; |
AEKeyword keyword; |
DescType returnedType; |
FSSpec theFileSpec; |
Size actualSize; |
theError = AEGetParamDesc(theEvent, keyDirectObject, typeAEList, &docList); |
if (theError == noErr) |
{ |
theError = GotRequiredParameters(theEvent); |
if (theError == noErr) |
{ |
theError = AECountItems(&docList, &itemsInList); |
if (theError == noErr) |
{ |
for (index = 1; index <= itemsInList; index++) |
{ |
theError = AEGetNthPtr(&docList, index, typeFSS, &keyword, &returnedType, |
(Ptr) &theFileSpec, sizeof(theFileSpec), &actualSize); |
if (theError == noErr) |
{ |
if (refCon == kAEOpenDocuments) |
// we don't open documents yet, but here's what it would look like: |
// theError = OpenDocument(theFileSpec); |
; |
else |
// we don't print disk documents either (we can't read them), |
// but here's what it would look like: |
// theError = PrintDocument(theFileSpec); |
; |
}; |
}; |
}; |
}; |
(void) AEDisposeDesc(&docList); |
}; |
return theError; |
} |
pascal OSErr HandleQuitEvent(const AppleEvent *theEvent, const AppleEvent *reply, long refCon) |
{ |
#pragma unused(reply, refCon) |
OSErr theError; |
theError = GotRequiredParameters(theEvent); |
if (theError == noErr) |
{ |
PrepareToQuit(); |
if (!gQuitting) |
theError = userCanceledErr; |
}; |
return theError; |
} |
static OSErr InstallRequiredAppleEvents(void) |
{ |
OSErr result; |
gHandleOAppUPP = NewAEEventHandlerProc(HandleOAppEvent); |
FailNilUPP((UniversalProcPtr) gHandleOAppUPP); |
gHandleDocUPP = NewAEEventHandlerProc(HandleDocEvent); |
FailNilUPP((UniversalProcPtr) gHandleDocUPP); |
gHandleQuitUPP = NewAEEventHandlerProc(HandleQuitEvent); |
FailNilUPP((UniversalProcPtr) gHandleQuitUPP); |
result = AEInstallEventHandler(kCoreEventClass, kAEOpenApplication, |
gHandleOAppUPP, 0, false); |
if (result == noErr) |
result = AEInstallEventHandler(kCoreEventClass, kAEOpenDocuments, |
gHandleDocUPP, kAEOpenDocuments, false); |
if (result == noErr) |
result = AEInstallEventHandler(kCoreEventClass, kAEPrintDocuments, |
gHandleDocUPP, kAEPrintDocuments, false); |
if (result == noErr) |
result = AEInstallEventHandler(kCoreEventClass, kAEQuitApplication, |
gHandleQuitUPP, 0, false); |
return result; |
} |
#if qInline |
// this TSMTEPreUpdateProc only works around a bug in TSMTE 1.0, which has |
// been fixed in 1.1. For other possible uses, see technote TE 27. |
static pascal void MyTSMTEPreUpdateProc(TEHandle textH, long refCon) |
{ |
#pragma unused(refCon) |
long response; |
ScriptCode keyboardScript; |
short mode; |
TextStyle theStyle; |
if ((Gestalt(gestaltTSMTEVersion, &response) == noErr) && (response == gestaltTSMTE1)) |
{ |
keyboardScript = GetScriptManagerVariable(smKeyScript); |
mode = doFont; |
if (!(TEContinuousStyle(&mode, &theStyle, textH) && |
FontToScript(theStyle.tsFont) == keyboardScript)) |
{ |
theStyle.tsFont = GetScriptVariable(keyboardScript, smScriptAppFond); |
TESetStyle(doFont, &theStyle, false, textH); |
}; |
}; |
} |
// this TSMTEPostUpdateProc makes sure that our scrollbars and scroll information |
// are consistent with what TSMTE is doing. For other possible uses, see technote TE 27. |
static pascal void MyTSMTEPostUpdateProc(TEHandle textH, long fixLen, long inputAreaStart, |
long inputAreaEnd, long pinStart, long pinEnd, long refCon) |
{ |
#pragma unused(textH, fixLen, inputAreaStart, inputAreaEnd, pinStart, pinEnd) |
AdjustScrollbars((WindowPtr) refCon, false); |
AdjustTE((WindowPtr) refCon); |
} |
#endif // qInline |
#endif // qAppleEvents |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-01-14