Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: InputSprocketSimpleTest.cp |
Contains: xxx put contents here xxx |
Version: xxx put version here xxx |
Copyright: © 1998-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. |
File Ownership: |
DRI: xxx put dri here xxx |
Other Contact: xxx put other contact here xxx |
Technology: xxx put technology here xxx |
Writers: |
(cjd) Chris De Salvo |
(BWS) Brent Schorsch |
(sjb) Steve Bollinger |
Change History (most recent first): |
<SP63> 8/16/99 cjd Fixing a type in the menus. The event test said to hit Control |
to exit. It should have said Command. |
<SP62> 12/1/98 BWS Add test item: get element list for device, then count elements |
of certain type bassing null, then get the elements |
<SP61> 11/6/98 BWS Add version in menutest |
<SP60> 10/20/98 BWS Quit and pause now different |
<59> 7/17/98 BWS fix come comments |
<58> 7/17/98 BWS add sample code header |
<57> 7/17/98 BWS fix needs list, other cleanup for GM SDK |
<56> 7/16/98 BWS fix some constants so works with latest header |
<55> 6/18/98 sjb InputSprocket.h comes from <> place |
*/ |
/************************************************************************************* |
File: InputSprocketSimpleTest.cp |
Copyright © 1996, 1997, 1998 Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved |
You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without |
restriction, though the sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the |
responsibility for its operation is 100% yours. However, what you are |
not permitted to do is to redistribute the source as "DSC Sample Code" |
after having made changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, |
we require that you make it clear in the source that the code was |
descended from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made changes. |
*************************************************************************************/ |
#ifndef DEBUG_DRIVER |
#define DEBUG_DRIVER 0 |
#endif |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include <stdlib.h> |
#include <DeskBus.h> |
#include <InputSprocket.h> |
#include <SIOUX.h> |
#include <CursorDevices.h> |
#include <LowMem.h> |
#include <FixMath.h> |
// (default menu, if none defined) which test (AUTOTEST, DIALOGTEST or MENUTEST) |
#ifndef AUTOTEST |
#ifndef DIALOGTEST |
#ifndef MENUTEST |
#define MENUTEST 1 |
#endif |
#endif |
#endif |
// set the other #defines to 0 |
#ifndef AUTOTEST |
#define AUTOTEST 0 |
#endif |
#ifndef DIALOGTEST |
#define DIALOGTEST 0 |
#endif |
#ifndef MENUTEST |
#define MENUTEST 0 |
#endif |
#include "InputSprocketDriver.h" |
#endif |
const OSType kCreatorCode = 'ISpT'; |
const OSType kSubCreatorCode = '0015'; |
#define kResourceID_setl 128 |
enum |
{ |
kNeedIndex_XAxis = 1, |
kNeedIndex_YAxis = 2, |
kNeedIndex_DeltaAccelerationX = 11, |
kNeedIndex_DeltaAccelerationY = 12, |
kNeedCount = 13 |
}; |
enum |
{ |
kIconSuiteID_XThrust = 129, |
kIconSuiteID_YThrust = 130, |
kIconSuiteID_ZThrust = 131, |
kIconSuiteID_Look = 159, |
kIconSuiteID_Fire = 141, |
kIconSuiteID_SecondaryFire = 142, |
kIconSuiteID_ThrustForward = 147, |
kIconSuiteID_ThrustBackward = 148, |
kIconSuiteID_Pause = 144, |
kIconSuiteID_Scroll = 140, |
kIconSuiteID_DeltaX = 256, |
kIconSuiteID_DeltaY = 257 |
}; |
Boolean gIsSuspended = false; |
Boolean gKeyboardEnabled = false; |
ISpElementListReference gVirtualList = NULL; |
ISpElementReference gVirtualElements[kNeedCount] = {nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil}; |
static ISpNeed gNeeds[kNeedCount] = |
{ |
{ "\pForward Thrust", kIconSuiteID_ZThrust, 0, 1, kISpElementKind_Axis, kISpElementLabel_Axis_ZAxis, kISpNeedFlag_Axis_AlreadyButton, 0, 0, 0 }, |
{ "\pSide Thrust", kIconSuiteID_XThrust, 0, 0, kISpElementKind_Axis, kISpElementLabel_Axis_XAxis, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, |
{ "\pVertical Thrust", kIconSuiteID_YThrust, 0, 0, kISpElementKind_Axis, kISpElementLabel_Axis_YAxis, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, |
{ "\pLook", kIconSuiteID_Look, 0, 0, kISpElementKind_Movement, kISpElementLabel_None, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, |
{ "\pFire", kIconSuiteID_Fire, 0, 0, kISpElementKind_Button, kISpElementLabel_Btn_Fire, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, |
{ "\pSecondary Fire", kIconSuiteID_SecondaryFire, 0, 0, kISpElementKind_Button, kISpElementLabel_Btn_SecondaryFire, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, |
{ "\pThrust Forward", kIconSuiteID_ThrustForward, 0, 1, kISpElementKind_Button, kISpElementLabel_Btn_MoveForward, kISpNeedFlag_Button_AlreadyAxis, 0, 0, 0 }, |
{ "\pThrust Backward", kIconSuiteID_ThrustBackward,0, 1, kISpElementKind_Button, kISpElementLabel_Btn_MoveBackward, kISpNeedFlag_Button_AlreadyAxis, 0, 0, 0 }, |
{ "\pPause", kIconSuiteID_Pause, 0, 0, kISpElementKind_Button, kISpElementLabel_Btn_StartPause, kISpNeedFlag_NoMultiConfig, 0, 0, 0 }, |
{ "\pQuit", kIconSuiteID_Pause, 0, 0, kISpElementKind_Button, kISpElementLabel_Btn_Quit, kISpNeedFlag_NoMultiConfig, 0, 0, 0 }, |
{ "\pScroll", kIconSuiteID_Scroll, 0, 0, kISpElementKind_DPad, kISpElementLabel_None, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, |
{ "\pDelta X", kIconSuiteID_DeltaX, 0, 0, kISpElementKind_Delta, kISpElementLabel_Delta_Cursor_X, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, |
{ "\pDelta Y", kIconSuiteID_DeltaY, 0, 0, kISpElementKind_Delta, kISpElementLabel_Delta_Cursor_Y, 0, 0, 0, 0 } |
}; |
SInt32 gStep; |
char gStepId[255]; |
typedef Boolean (*ISpEventProcPtr) (EventRecord* inEvent); |
Boolean ISpConfigureFilterProc(EventRecord *inEvent); |
Boolean ISpConfigureFilterProc(EventRecord *inEvent) |
{ |
Boolean handled; |
handled = SIOUXHandleOneEvent(inEvent); |
return handled; |
} |
static Boolean Progress(UInt32 inItr, UInt32 inTotal, UInt32 inNumReports, char *string) |
{ |
UInt32 everyNTimes = inTotal / inNumReports; |
if (everyNTimes == 0) { everyNTimes = 1; } |
if (inItr == 0) { return false; } |
if ((inItr % everyNTimes) == 0) |
{ |
UInt32 percent = (inItr * 100) / inTotal; |
sprintf(string, "%d%% [%d of %d]", percent, inItr, inTotal); |
return true; |
} |
return false; |
} |
static void InitStep(char *msg) |
{ |
gStep = 0; |
sprintf(gStepId, "%3d"); |
if (msg == nil) |
{ |
printf("step %s\n", gStepId); |
} |
else |
{ |
printf("step %s %s\n",gStepId, msg); |
} |
} |
static void NextStep(char *msg) |
{ |
long this_app_memory; |
long this_sys_memory; |
static Boolean first_time = true; |
static long last_app_memory; |
static long last_sys_memory; |
gStep++; |
sprintf(gStepId, "%3d", gStep); |
this_app_memory = FreeMem(); |
this_sys_memory = FreeMemSys(); |
if (first_time) |
{ |
first_time = false; |
} |
else |
{ |
long delta_app_memory = last_app_memory - this_app_memory; |
long delta_sys_memory = last_sys_memory - this_sys_memory; |
printf("step %s ending app mem = %d sys mem = %d\n", gStepId, this_app_memory, this_sys_memory); |
printf("step %s delta app mem = %d sys mem = %d\n", gStepId, delta_app_memory, delta_sys_memory); |
} |
if (msg == nil) |
{ |
printf("step %s\n", gStepId); |
} |
else |
{ |
printf("step %s %s\n",gStepId, msg); |
} |
printf("step %s starting app mem = %d sys mem = %d\n", gStepId, this_app_memory, this_sys_memory); |
last_app_memory = this_app_memory; |
last_sys_memory = this_sys_memory; |
} |
static void FailMsg(char *failure) |
{ |
printf("step %s FAILED reason = %s\n", gStepId, failure); |
} |
static void FailCode(OSStatus errorCode) |
{ |
printf("step %s FAILED errorCode = %d\n", gStepId, errorCode); |
} |
#define FAILMSG(x) { FailMsg(x); return; } |
#define FAILCODE(x) { FailCode(x); return; } |
#define FFAILMSG(x) { FailMsg(x); return false; } |
#define FFAILCODE(x) { FailCode(x); return false; } |
static void StatusMsg(char *msg) |
{ |
printf("step %s status msg = %s\n",gStepId, msg); |
} |
void ShowFourByte(OSType fourByte); |
void ShowFourByte(OSType fourByte) |
{ |
putchar(((fourByte & 0xff000000) >> 24)); |
putchar(((fourByte & 0x00ff0000) >> 16)); |
putchar(((fourByte & 0x0000ff00) >> 8)); |
putchar(((fourByte & 0x000000ff) >> 00)); |
} |
void ShowStr63(const Str63 &theStr); |
void ShowStr63(const Str63 &theStr) |
{ |
int i; |
int len = theStr[0]; |
if (len > 63) { len = 63; } |
for(i=1; i <= len; i++) |
{ |
putchar(theStr[i]); |
} |
} |
static void AppendStr63(char *string, const Str63 &theStr) |
{ |
char *c = string; |
int i; |
// find the end of the string |
while(*c != nil) { c++; } |
for(i = 1; i <= theStr[0]; i++) |
{ |
*c = theStr[i]; |
c++; |
} |
*c = 0; |
} |
void PrintEvent(ISpElementEventPtr theEvent); |
void PrintEvent(ISpElementEventPtr theEvent) |
{ |
ISpElementInfo info; |
ISpElement_GetInfo(theEvent->element, &info); |
OSStatus status; |
const char* s = "¥UNKNOWN¥"; |
printf("when = [%lu] [%lu]\n", theEvent->when.hi, theEvent->when.lo); |
switch (info.theKind) |
{ |
case kISpElementKind_Delta: |
float inches = (Fixed) theEvent->data; |
inches /= 0xffff; |
printf("data = 0x%lx (%f inches) \n", theEvent->data, inches); |
break; |
case kISpElementKind_Button: |
switch (theEvent->data) |
{ |
case 0: |
s = "released"; |
break; |
case 1: |
s = "pressed"; |
break; |
} |
printf("data = 0x%lx (%s)\n", theEvent->data, s); |
break; |
case kISpElementKind_DPad: |
switch (theEvent->data) |
{ |
case kISpPadIdle: |
s = "kISpPadIdle"; |
break; |
case kISpPadLeft: |
s = "kISpPadLeft"; |
break; |
case kISpPadUpLeft: |
s = "kISpPadUpLeft"; |
break; |
case kISpPadUp: |
s = "kISpPadUp"; |
break; |
case kISpPadUpRight: |
s = "kISpPadUpRight"; |
break; |
case kISpPadRight: |
s = "kISpPadRight"; |
break; |
case kISpPadDownRight: |
s = "kISpPadDownRight"; |
break; |
case kISpPadDown: |
s = "kISpPadDown"; |
break; |
case kISpPadDownLeft: |
s = "kISpPadDownLeft"; |
break; |
} |
printf("data = 0x%lx (%s)\n", theEvent->data, s); |
break; |
case kISpElementKind_Axis: |
float temp1 = ((float) theEvent->data)/((float) 0xFFFFFFFFU); |
float temp2 = 2.0*temp1-1.0; |
printf("data = 0x%lx (%f%) (%f%)\n", theEvent->data, temp1, temp2); |
break; |
case kISpElementKind_Movement: |
printf("data = 0x%lx\n", theEvent->data); |
ISpMovementData movementData; |
if (ISpElement_GetComplexState(theEvent->element, sizeof(ISpMovementData), &movementData) == noErr) |
{ |
switch (movementData.direction) |
{ |
case kISpPadIdle: |
s = "kISpPadIdle"; |
break; |
case kISpPadLeft: |
s = "kISpPadLeft"; |
break; |
case kISpPadUpLeft: |
s = "kISpPadUpLeft"; |
break; |
case kISpPadUp: |
s = "kISpPadUp"; |
break; |
case kISpPadUpRight: |
s = "kISpPadUpRight"; |
break; |
case kISpPadRight: |
s = "kISpPadRight"; |
break; |
case kISpPadDownRight: |
s = "kISpPadDownRight"; |
break; |
case kISpPadDown: |
s = "kISpPadDown"; |
break; |
case kISpPadDownLeft: |
s = "kISpPadDownLeft"; |
break; |
} |
float horz = 2.0*(((float) movementData.xAxis)/((float) 0xFFFFFFFFU))-1.0; |
float vert = 2.0*(((float) movementData.yAxis)/((float) 0xFFFFFFFFU))-1.0; |
printf("state = (%f,%f) (%s)\n", horz, vert, s); |
} |
break; |
} |
printf("element = 0x%lx\n", theEvent->element); |
printf("refcon = %lx\n", theEvent->refCon); |
printf("label = "); |
ShowFourByte(info.theLabel); |
printf("\n"); |
printf("kind = "); |
ShowFourByte(info.theKind); |
printf("\n"); |
printf("string = "); |
ShowStr63(info.theString); |
printf("\n"); |
{ |
UInt32 data; |
status = ISpElement_GetSimpleState(theEvent->element, &data); |
if (status == noErr) { printf("polled = %x\n",data); } |
} |
printf("\n\n"); |
} |
void PrintElementBlock(ISpElementReference *theElementReferences, UInt32 count); |
void PrintElementBlock(ISpElementReference *theElementReferences, UInt32 count) |
{ |
printf("count = %d\n"); |
int itr; |
for(itr = 0; itr < count; itr++) |
{ |
printf(" element #%d\n",itr); |
ISpElementInfo info; |
ISpElement_GetInfo(theElementReferences[itr], &info); |
printf(" label = "); |
ShowFourByte(info.theLabel); |
printf("\n"); |
printf(" kind = "); |
ShowFourByte(info.theKind); |
printf("\n"); |
printf(" string = "); |
ShowStr63(info.theString); |
printf("\n\n"); |
} |
} |
// if whichList is NULL then we use the global list |
static void GetAndPrintEvents(ISpElementListReference whichList) |
{ |
OSErr err; |
if (whichList == NULL) |
{ |
err = ISpGetGlobalElementList(&whichList); |
if (err) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ ISpGetGlobalElementList returned error (%ld)\n",err); |
return; |
} |
} |
err = ISpElementList_Flush(whichList); |
if (err) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ ISpElementList_Flush returned error (%ld)\n",err); |
return; |
} |
printf("getting events (press command to end)\n"); |
while(1) |
{ |
ISpElementEvent event; |
Boolean wasEvent; |
err = ISpElementList_GetNextEvent(whichList, sizeof(event), &event, &wasEvent); |
if (err) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ ISpElementList_GetNextEvent returned error (%ld)\n",err); |
return; |
} |
if (wasEvent) |
{ |
PrintEvent(&event); |
} |
KeyMap theKeys; |
GetKeys(theKeys); |
if ((theKeys[1] & 0x8000)) |
{ |
break; |
} |
SIOUXHandleOneEvent(nil); |
} |
} |
static void TestListOfDevices(void) |
{ |
ISpDeviceReference theDevices[100]; |
UInt32 deviceCount; |
UInt32 deviceBufferSize = 100; |
UInt32 deviceItr; |
OSErr err; |
err = ISpDevices_Extract(deviceBufferSize, &deviceCount, theDevices); |
if (err) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ ISpDevices_Extract returned error (%ld)\n",err); |
return; |
} |
printf("# of devices = %ld\n",deviceCount); |
for(deviceItr = 0; deviceItr < deviceCount; deviceItr++) |
{ |
printf(" device #%ld\n",deviceItr); |
ISpDeviceDefinition theDfn; |
err = ISpDevice_GetDefinition(theDevices[deviceItr], sizeof(ISpDeviceDefinition), &theDfn); |
if (err) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ ISpDevice_GetDefinition returned error (%ld)\n",err); |
return; |
} |
printf(" name = "); |
ShowStr63(theDfn.deviceName); |
printf("\n"); |
printf(" class = "); |
ShowFourByte(theDfn.theDeviceClass); |
printf("\n"); |
printf(" device identifier = "); |
ShowFourByte(theDfn.theDeviceIdentifier); |
printf("\n"); |
printf(" permanent id = %ld\n",theDfn.permanentID); |
printf("\n\n"); |
} |
} |
static void TestElementList_ExtractByKind(void) |
{ |
ISpDeviceReference theDevices[100]; |
UInt32 deviceCount; |
UInt32 deviceBufferSize = 100; |
UInt32 deviceItr; |
OSErr err; |
err = ISpDevices_Extract(deviceBufferSize, &deviceCount, theDevices); |
if (err) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ ISpDevices_Extract returned error (%ld)\n",err); |
return; |
} |
printf("\n\nChoose a device:\n"); |
for(deviceItr = 0; deviceItr < deviceCount; deviceItr++) |
{ |
printf(" %ld) ", deviceItr+1); |
ISpDeviceDefinition theDfn; |
err = ISpDevice_GetDefinition(theDevices[deviceItr], sizeof(ISpDeviceDefinition), &theDfn); |
if (err) |
printf("¥¥¥ ISpDevice_GetDefinition returned error (%ld)", err); |
ShowStr63(theDfn.deviceName); |
printf("\n"); |
} |
printf("Selection: "); |
char theString[32]; |
gets (theString); |
UInt32 theChoice = atoi(theString); |
if (theChoice < 1 || theChoice > deviceCount) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ Invalid choice (%ld)\n", theChoice); |
return; |
} |
ISpElementListReference deviceElementList = 0; |
err = ISpDevice_GetElementList(theDevices[theChoice-1], &deviceElementList); |
if (err) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ ISpDevice_GetElementList returned error (%ld)\n",err); |
return; |
} |
printf("\nGot the element list for device %ld, (%lx)\n", theChoice, (UInt32) deviceElementList); |
printf("\nChoose a kind:\n"); |
printf("1) Button ('butn')\n"); |
printf("2) Direction Pad ('dpad')\n"); |
printf("3) Axis ('axis')\n"); |
printf("4) Delta ('dlta')\n"); |
printf("5) Movement ('move')\n"); |
printf("6) Virtual ('virt')\n"); |
printf("Selection: "); |
gets (theString); |
theChoice = atoi(theString); |
ISpElementKind theKind; |
switch (theChoice) |
{ |
case 1: theKind = kISpElementKind_Button; break; |
case 2: theKind = kISpElementKind_DPad; break; |
case 3: theKind = kISpElementKind_Axis; break; |
case 4: theKind = kISpElementKind_Delta; break; |
case 5: theKind = kISpElementKind_Movement; break; |
case 6: theKind = kISpElementKind_Virtual; break; |
default: |
printf("¥¥¥ Invalid choice (%ld)\n", theChoice); |
return; |
} |
UInt32 elementOfKindCount = 0; |
err = ISpElementList_ExtractByKind(deviceElementList, theKind, 0, &elementOfKindCount, nil); |
if (err) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ ISpElementList_ExtractByKind returned error (%ld)\n",err); |
return; |
} |
printf("%ld elements counted (with zero count null buffer)\n", elementOfKindCount); |
err = ISpElementList_ExtractByKind(deviceElementList, theKind, 0, &elementOfKindCount, nil); |
if (err) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ ISpElementList_ExtractByKind returned error (%ld)\n",err); |
return; |
} |
printf("%ld elements counted (with zero count null buffer)\n", elementOfKindCount); |
const UInt32 kElementListSize = 300; |
ISpElementReference elements[kElementListSize]; |
err = ISpElementList_ExtractByKind(deviceElementList, theKind, 0, &elementOfKindCount, elements); |
if (err) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ ISpElementList_ExtractByKind returned error (%ld)\n",err); |
return; |
} |
printf("%ld elements counted (with zero count)\n", elementOfKindCount); |
err = ISpElementList_ExtractByKind(deviceElementList, theKind, 1, &elementOfKindCount, elements); |
if (err) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ ISpElementList_ExtractByKind returned error (%ld)\n",err); |
return; |
} |
printf("%ld elements counted (with one count)\n", elementOfKindCount); |
err = ISpElementList_ExtractByKind(deviceElementList, theKind, kElementListSize, &elementOfKindCount, elements); |
if (err) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ ISpElementList_ExtractByKind returned error (%ld)\n",err); |
return; |
} |
printf("%ld elements counted (with %ld count)\n", elementOfKindCount, kElementListSize); |
err = ISpElementList_ExtractByKind(deviceElementList, theKind, kElementListSize, &elementOfKindCount, elements); |
if (err) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ ISpElementList_ExtractByKind returned error (%ld)\n",err); |
return; |
} |
printf("%ld elements counted (with %ld count)\n", elementOfKindCount, kElementListSize); |
printf("\npress return key to continue\n"); |
gets (theString); |
} |
static void TestListOfElements(void) |
{ |
ISpElementListReference globalList; |
OSErr err; |
err = ISpGetGlobalElementList(&globalList); |
if (err) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ ISpGetGlobalElementList returned error (%ld)\n",err); |
return; |
} |
ISpElementReference theElementReferences[200]; |
UInt32 bufferSize = 200; |
UInt32 count; |
err = ISpElementList_Extract(globalList, bufferSize, &count, theElementReferences); |
if (err) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ ISpElementList_Extract returned error (%ld)\n",err); |
return; |
} |
PrintElementBlock(theElementReferences, count); |
} |
static void TestListOfButtons(void) |
{ |
ISpElementListReference globalList; |
OSErr err; |
err = ISpGetGlobalElementList(&globalList); |
if (err) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ ISpGetGlobalElementList returned error (%ld)\n",err); |
return; |
} |
ISpElementReference theElementReferences[200]; |
UInt32 bufferSize = 200; |
UInt32 count; |
err = ISpElementList_ExtractByKind(globalList, kISpElementKind_Button, bufferSize, &count, theElementReferences); |
if (err) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ ISpElementList_Extract returned error (%ld)\n",err); |
return; |
} |
PrintElementBlock(theElementReferences, count); |
} |
static void TestListOfDPads(void) |
{ |
ISpElementListReference globalList; |
OSErr err; |
err = ISpGetGlobalElementList(&globalList); |
if (err) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ ISpGetGlobalElementList returned error (%ld)\n",err); |
return; |
} |
ISpElementReference theElementReferences[200]; |
UInt32 bufferSize = 200; |
UInt32 count; |
err = ISpElementList_ExtractByKind(globalList, kISpElementKind_DPad, bufferSize, &count, theElementReferences); |
if (err) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ ISpElementList_Extract returned error (%ld)\n",err); |
return; |
} |
PrintElementBlock(theElementReferences, count); |
} |
static void TestListOfAxes(void) |
{ |
ISpElementListReference globalList; |
OSErr err; |
err = ISpGetGlobalElementList(&globalList); |
if (err) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ ISpGetGlobalElementList returned error (%ld)\n",err); |
return; |
} |
ISpElementReference theElementReferences[200]; |
UInt32 bufferSize = 200; |
UInt32 count; |
err = ISpElementList_ExtractByKind(globalList, kISpElementKind_Axis, bufferSize, &count, theElementReferences); |
if (err) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ ISpElementList_Extract returned error (%ld)\n",err); |
return; |
} |
PrintElementBlock(theElementReferences, count); |
} |
static void TestListOfXAxes(void) |
{ |
ISpElementListReference globalList; |
OSErr err; |
err = ISpGetGlobalElementList(&globalList); |
if (err) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ ISpGetGlobalElementList returned error (%ld)\n",err); |
return; |
} |
ISpElementReference theElementReferences[200]; |
UInt32 bufferSize = 200; |
UInt32 count; |
err = ISpElementList_ExtractByLabel(globalList, kISpElementLabel_Axis_XAxis, bufferSize, &count, theElementReferences); |
if (err) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ ISpElementList_Extract returned error (%ld)\n",err); |
return; |
} |
PrintElementBlock(theElementReferences, count); |
} |
static void TestSuspend(void) |
{ |
OSErr err; |
err = ISpSuspend(); |
if (err) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ ISpSuspend returned error (%ld)\n",err); |
return; |
} |
gIsSuspended = true; |
} |
static void TestResume(void) |
{ |
OSErr err; |
err = ISpResume(); |
if (err) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ ISpResume returned error (%ld)\n",err); |
return; |
} |
gIsSuspended = false; |
} |
static void TestCreateNeeds(void) |
{ |
OSErr err; |
if (gVirtualList == NULL) |
{ |
printf("creating virtual elements\n"); |
err = ISpElement_NewVirtualFromNeeds(kNeedCount, gNeeds, gVirtualElements, 0); |
if (err) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ ISpElement_NewVirtualFromNeeds returned error (%ld)\n",err); |
return; |
} |
err = ISpElementList_New( |
kNeedCount, // count |
gVirtualElements, // needs |
&gVirtualList, // virtual elements |
0); // flags |
if (err) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ ISpElementList_New returned error (%ld)\n",err); |
return; |
} |
err = ISpInit(kNeedCount, // count |
gNeeds, // needs |
gVirtualElements, // virtual elements |
kCreatorCode, // app |
kSubCreatorCode, // sub (we are using as a versioning) |
0, // flags |
kResourceID_setl, // set list resource id |
0); // reserved |
if (err) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ ISpInit returned error (%ld)\n",err); |
return; |
} |
} |
} |
static void TestDestroyNeeds(void) |
{ |
OSErr err; |
if (gVirtualList != NULL) |
{ |
err = ISpElementList_Dispose(gVirtualList); |
gVirtualList = NULL; |
if (err) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ ISpElementList_Dispose returned error (%ld)\n",err); |
return; |
} |
err = ISpStop(); |
if (err) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ ISpStop returned error (%ld)\n",err); |
return; |
} |
err = ISpElement_DisposeVirtual(kNeedCount, gVirtualElements); |
if (err) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ ISpElement_DisposeVirtual returned error (%ld)\n",err); |
return; |
} |
} |
} |
static void TestNeedsEvents(void) |
{ |
TestCreateNeeds(); |
if (gVirtualList != NULL) |
{ |
GetAndPrintEvents(gVirtualList); |
} |
} |
static void TestConfiguration(void) |
{ |
OSErr err; |
TestCreateNeeds(); |
err = ISpConfigure(nil); |
if (err) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ ISpConfigure returned error (%ld)\n",err); |
return; |
} |
} |
static void EnableDeviceClass(OSType deviceClass, Boolean enable) |
{ |
enum { |
kDeviceList_COUNT = 100 |
}; |
OSStatus err; |
UInt32 count; |
ISpDeviceReference deviceList[kDeviceList_COUNT]; |
// NOTE: This is not the correct way to handle the list count thing. We |
// should actually call once with NULL for the device list, malloc a list of |
// that size, and call again. |
err = ISpDevices_ExtractByClass( |
deviceClass, |
kDeviceList_COUNT, |
&count, |
deviceList); |
if (err) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ ISpDevices_ExtractByClass returned error (%ld)\n",err); |
return; |
} |
if (count > kDeviceList_COUNT) |
{ |
count = kDeviceList_COUNT; |
} |
if (enable) |
{ |
err = ISpDevices_Activate( |
count, |
deviceList); |
if (err) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ ISpDevices_Activate returned error (%ld)\n",err); |
return; |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
err = ISpDevices_Deactivate( |
count, |
deviceList); |
if (err) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ ISpDevices_Deactivate returned error (%ld)\n",err); |
return; |
} |
} |
if (deviceClass == kISpDeviceClass_Keyboard) |
{ |
gKeyboardEnabled = enable; |
} |
} |
static void TestAllocateDeallocate(void) |
{ |
OSErr err = noErr; |
UInt32 count = 0; |
char theString[32]; |
UInt32 itr; |
ISpElementReference virtuals[kNeedCount]; |
Boolean done = false; |
printf("allocate/dellocate how many times>"); |
gets( theString ); |
count = atoi( theString ); |
printf("allocating/deallocating %ld times\n",count); |
for(itr = 0; itr < count; itr++) |
{ |
if ((itr % 100) == 0) { putchar('.'); fflush(stdout); } |
if ((itr % 1000) == 0) |
{ |
long normal = FreeMem(); |
long system = FreeMemSys(); |
printf("%ld / %ld (app = %ld) (sys = %ld) \n",itr,count,normal,system); |
} |
SIOUXHandleOneEvent(nil); |
err = ISpElement_NewVirtualFromNeeds(kNeedCount, gNeeds, virtuals, 0); |
if (err) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ itr = %d ISpElement_NewVirtualFromNeeds returned error (%ld)\n",itr, err); |
done = true; |
} |
err = ISpElement_DisposeVirtual(kNeedCount, virtuals); |
if (err) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ ISpElementList_Dispose returned error (%ld)\n",err); |
return; |
} |
if (done) { return; } |
} |
} |
#define MAX_ELEMENTS 1000 |
#define MAX_DATASIZE 1000 |
static void TestAllocatePushData(void) |
{ |
char theString[32]; |
OSErr err = noErr; |
UInt32 elementCount = 0; |
UInt32 dataSize; |
UInt32 count; |
UInt32 elemItr, itr; |
ISpElementReference elements[MAX_ELEMENTS]; |
UInt8 state[MAX_DATASIZE]; |
printf("how many elements>"); |
gets( theString ); |
elementCount = atoi( theString ); |
printf("data size>"); |
gets( theString ); |
dataSize = atoi( theString ); |
printf("count>"); |
gets( theString ); |
count = atoi( theString ); |
printf("%ld elements, data size = %ld, count = %ld\n", elementCount, dataSize, count); |
if ((elementCount > MAX_ELEMENTS) || (dataSize > MAX_DATASIZE)) |
{ |
return; |
} |
for(elemItr = 0; elemItr < elementCount; elemItr++) |
{ |
err = ISpElement_NewVirtual(dataSize, &(elements[elemItr]), 0); |
if (err) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ ISpElement_NewVirtual returned error (%d)\n",err); |
err = ISpElement_DisposeVirtual(elemItr, elements); |
if (err) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ ISpElement_DisposeVirtual returned error (%d)\n",err); |
} |
return; |
} |
} |
for(itr = 0; itr < count; itr++) |
{ |
AbsoluteTime time = {0, TickCount() }; |
if ((itr % 100) == 0) { printf("."); } |
if ((itr % 1000) == 0) |
{ |
long normal = FreeMem(); |
long system = FreeMemSys(); |
Ptr temp = NewPtr(1000); |
DisposePtr(temp); |
printf("%ld / %ld (app = %ld) (sys = %ld) \n",itr,count,normal,system); |
} |
SIOUXHandleOneEvent(nil); |
for(elemItr = 0; elemItr < elementCount; elemItr++) |
{ |
err = ISpElement_PushComplexData(elements[elemItr], dataSize, &state, &time); |
if (err) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ ISpElement_PushComplexData returned error (%d)\n",err); |
return; |
} |
} |
} |
printf("\ndisposing elements\n"); |
err = ISpElement_DisposeVirtual(elementCount, elements); |
if (err) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ ISpElement_DisposeVirtual returned error (%d)\n",err); |
} |
} |
#endif /* DEBUG_DRIVER */ |
static void TestArbitraryAllocate(void) |
{ |
char theString[32]; |
OSErr err = noErr; |
UInt32 elementCount = 0; |
UInt32 dataSize; |
UInt32 elemItr; |
ISpElementReference elements[MAX_ELEMENTS]; |
printf("how many elements>"); |
gets( theString ); |
elementCount = atoi( theString ); |
printf("data size>"); |
gets( theString ); |
dataSize = atoi( theString ); |
printf("%ld elements, data size = %ld\n", elementCount, dataSize); |
if ((elementCount > MAX_ELEMENTS) || (dataSize > MAX_DATASIZE)) |
{ |
return; |
} |
printf("allocating elements\n"); |
for(elemItr = 0; elemItr < elementCount; elemItr++) |
{ |
err = ISpElement_NewVirtual(dataSize, &(elements[elemItr]), 0); |
if (err) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ ISpElement_NewVirtual returned error (%d)\n",err); |
err = ISpElement_DisposeVirtual(elemItr, elements); |
if (err) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ ISpElement_DisposeVirtual returned error (%d)\n",err); |
} |
return; |
} |
} |
printf("\ndisposing elements\n"); |
err = ISpElement_DisposeVirtual(elementCount, elements); |
if (err) |
{ |
printf("¥¥¥ ISpElement_DisposeVirtual returned error (%d)\n",err); |
} |
} |
#define MTemp 0x828 |
#define RawMouse 0x82c |
#define CrsrNewCouple 0x8ce |
static void TestAcceleration(void) |
{ |
TestCreateNeeds(); |
ShowCursor(); |
Point where = * ( Point * ) RawMouse; |
float deltaX = 0; |
float deltaY = 0; |
while(1) |
{ |
gVirtualElements[kNeedIndex_XAxis]; |
gVirtualElements[kNeedIndex_YAxis]; |
UInt32 forward; |
UInt32 side; |
OSStatus status; |
float temp; |
SInt8 amt; |
status = ISpElement_GetSimpleState(gVirtualElements[kNeedIndex_XAxis], &forward); |
if (status == noErr) |
{ |
temp = forward; |
temp -= kISpAxisMiddle; |
temp /= kISpAxisMiddle; |
temp *= 25; |
deltaX += temp; |
if (deltaX >= 1) |
{ |
amt = deltaX; |
where.h += amt; |
deltaX -= amt; |
} |
else if (deltaX <= -1) |
{ |
amt = -deltaX; |
where.h -= amt; |
deltaX += amt; |
} |
} |
status = ISpElement_GetSimpleState(gVirtualElements[kNeedIndex_YAxis], &side); |
if (status == noErr) |
{ |
temp = side; |
temp -= kISpAxisMiddle; |
temp /= kISpAxisMiddle; |
temp *= -25; |
deltaY += temp; |
if (deltaY >= 1) |
{ |
amt = deltaY; |
where.v += amt; |
deltaY -= amt; |
} |
else if (deltaY <= -1) |
{ |
amt = -deltaY; |
where.v -= amt; |
deltaY += amt; |
} |
} |
HideCursor(); |
* ( Point * ) RawMouse = where ; |
* ( Point * ) MTemp = where ; |
* ( short * ) CrsrNewCouple = -1 ; |
ShowCursor(); |
KeyMap theKeys; |
GetKeys(theKeys); |
if ((theKeys[1] & 0x8000)) |
{ |
break; |
} |
unsigned long aLong = ::TickCount(); |
while (aLong == TickCount()) { ; } |
} |
} |
static void TestAcceleration2(void) |
{ |
TestCreateNeeds(); |
ShowCursor(); |
while(1) |
{ |
Point where = * ( Point * ) RawMouse; |
Fixed horzPos = where.h * fixed1; |
Fixed vertPos = where.v * fixed1; |
Fixed horzDelta = 0; |
Fixed vertDelta = 0; |
OSStatus status; |
status = ISpElement_GetSimpleState(gVirtualElements[kNeedIndex_DeltaAccelerationX], (UInt32 *) &horzDelta); |
status = ISpElement_GetSimpleState(gVirtualElements[kNeedIndex_DeltaAccelerationY], (UInt32 *) &vertDelta); |
if ((horzDelta != 0) || (vertDelta != 0)) |
{ |
HideCursor(); |
horzPos += 72 * horzDelta; |
vertPos -= 72 * vertDelta; |
where.h = horzPos / fixed1; |
where.v = vertPos / fixed1; |
* ( Point * ) RawMouse = where ; |
* ( Point * ) MTemp = where ; |
* ( short * ) CrsrNewCouple = -1 ; |
ShowCursor(); |
} |
KeyMap theKeys; |
GetKeys(theKeys); |
if ((theKeys[1] & 0x8000)) |
{ |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
#define FVERIFY(x) if (x) { FailCode(x); return false; } |
#define FVERIFY2(x, y) if (x) { char VERIFY2_DEBUG_STATUS[512]; \ |
sprintf(VERIFY2_DEBUG_STATUS,"%s got %d",y,x); \ |
FailMsg(VERIFY2_DEBUG_STATUS); return false; } |
// true if ExtractByClass works |
// false otherwise |
// |
static Boolean VerifyExtractByClass(void) |
{ |
ISpDeviceClass deviceClass; |
const UInt32 kNumDeviceClass = 8; |
ISpDeviceClass kDeviceClassArray[kNumDeviceClass] = { kISpDeviceClass_SpeechRecognition, |
kISpDeviceClass_Mouse, |
kISpDeviceClass_Keyboard, |
kISpDeviceClass_Joystick, |
kISpDeviceClass_Wheel, |
kISpDeviceClass_Pedals, |
kISpDeviceClass_Levers, |
'junk' |
}; |
UInt32 deviceClassItr; |
OSStatus err; |
UInt32 result1, result2, result3; |
const UInt32 kFixedBufferSize = 100; |
ISpDeviceReference fixedBuffer[kFixedBufferSize] = { 0 } ; |
ISpDeviceReference *exactBuffer; |
UInt32 verifyItr; |
char debug_status[255]; |
NextStep("broad band ISpDevices_ExtractByClass verification"); |
for(deviceClassItr = 0; deviceClassItr < kNumDeviceClass; deviceClassItr++) |
{ |
deviceClass = kDeviceClassArray[deviceClassItr]; |
sprintf(debug_status, "device class = %c%c%c%c", (deviceClass & 0xff000000) >> 24, (deviceClass & 0xff0000) >> 16, |
(deviceClass & 0xff00) >> 8, (deviceClass & 0xff) >> 0); |
StatusMsg(debug_status); |
// result 1 |
err = ISpDevices_ExtractByClass(deviceClass, 0, &result1, NULL); |
if (err) { FailMsg("ISpDevices_ExtractByClass failed with a null buffer"); return false; } |
sprintf(debug_status, "found %d devices of that type",result1); |
StatusMsg(debug_status); |
// result 2 |
err = ISpDevices_ExtractByClass(deviceClass, kFixedBufferSize, &result2, fixedBuffer); |
if (err) { FailMsg("ISpDevices_ExtractByClass failed with a fixed buffer"); return false; } |
for(verifyItr = 0; ((verifyItr < result2) && (verifyItr < kFixedBufferSize)); verifyItr ++) |
{ |
StatusMsg("verifying on list 2"); |
if (fixedBuffer[verifyItr] == nil) |
{ |
FailMsg("ISpDevices_ExtractByClass failed to verify non nil with a fixed buffer"); |
return false; |
} |
} |
// result 3 |
exactBuffer = (ISpDeviceReference *) NewPtrClear(sizeof(ISpDeviceReference) * result1); |
if (exactBuffer == nil) { FailMsg("Problem with test program not the sprocket, test program needs more memory!"); return false; } |
err = ISpDevices_ExtractByClass(deviceClass, result1, &result3, exactBuffer); |
if (err) { FailMsg("ISpDevices_ExtractByClass failed with an exact buffer"); return false; } |
for(verifyItr = 0; verifyItr < result3; verifyItr ++) |
{ |
StatusMsg("verifying on list 3"); |
if (exactBuffer[verifyItr] == nil) |
{ |
FailMsg("ISpDevices_ExtractByClass failed to verify non nil with an exact buffer"); |
return false; |
} |
} |
DisposePtr((Ptr) exactBuffer); |
if ((result1 != result2) || (result1 != result3)) |
{ |
FailMsg("the three results were not all the same!"); |
return false; |
} |
} |
return true; |
} |
static Boolean VerifyActivateDeactive(void) |
{ |
const UInt32 kMaxDevices = 100; |
ISpDeviceReference devices[kMaxDevices]; |
OSStatus err; |
UInt32 numDevices; |
char debug_status[512]; |
NextStep("Running Enable/Disable test"); |
UInt32 deviceItr; |
UInt32 enableDisableItr; |
const UInt32 kNumEnableDisableAttempts = 100; |
err = ISpDevices_Extract(kMaxDevices, &numDevices, devices); |
FVERIFY2(err,"ISpDevices_Extract") |
for(deviceItr = 0; deviceItr < numDevices; deviceItr++) |
{ |
ISpDeviceReference thisDevice = devices[deviceItr]; |
Boolean wasActive; |
ISpDeviceDefinition thisDefinition; |
err = ISpDevice_IsActive(thisDevice, &wasActive); |
FVERIFY2(err, "ISpDevice_IsActive"); |
if (wasActive) |
{ |
err = ISpDevices_Deactivate(1, &thisDevice); |
FVERIFY2(err, "ISpDevices_Deactivate") |
} |
err = ISpDevice_GetDefinition(thisDevice, sizeof(ISpDeviceDefinition), &thisDefinition); |
FVERIFY2(err, "ISpDevice_GetDefinition") |
sprintf(debug_status,"working on device "); |
AppendStr63(debug_status, thisDefinition.deviceName); |
StatusMsg(debug_status); |
for(enableDisableItr = 0; enableDisableItr < kNumEnableDisableAttempts; enableDisableItr++) |
{ |
if (Progress(enableDisableItr, kNumEnableDisableAttempts, 10, debug_status)) |
{ |
StatusMsg(debug_status); |
} |
err = ISpDevices_Activate(1, &thisDevice); |
FVERIFY2(err, "ISpDevices_Activate") |
err = ISpDevices_Deactivate(1, &thisDevice); |
FVERIFY2(err, "ISpDevices_Deactivate") |
} |
StatusMsg("100%"); |
if (wasActive) |
{ |
err = ISpDevices_Activate(1, &thisDevice); |
FVERIFY2(err, "ISpDevices_Activate") |
} |
} |
return true; |
} |
static void WaitForAnyKey(void) |
{ |
KeyMap theKeyMap; |
GetKeys(theKeyMap); |
while((theKeyMap[0] == 0) && (theKeyMap[1] == 0) && (theKeyMap[2] == 0) && (theKeyMap[3] == 0)) |
{ |
SIOUXHandleOneEvent(nil); |
GetKeys(theKeyMap); |
} |
} |
#define VERIFY(x) if (x) { FailCode(x); return; } |
static void AutoTest(void) |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
char debug_status[512]; |
debug_status; |
Boolean success; |
InitStep("press any key to begin AutoTest"); |
WaitForAnyKey(); |
NextStep("getting the version of input sprocket"); |
{ |
NumVersion version = ISpGetVersion(); |
sprintf(debug_status, "version = %x %x %x %x\n",version.majorRev, version.minorAndBugRev, version.stage, version.nonRelRev); |
StatusMsg(debug_status); |
} |
NextStep("verifying that this is the first initialization"); |
{ |
if (gVirtualList != NULL) |
{ |
FailMsg("this was not the first time a test was run for this launch of the application"); |
return; |
} |
} |
NextStep("starting up"); |
{ |
err = ISpStartup(); |
VERIFY(err); |
} |
NextStep("looping on startup / shutdown"); |
{ |
const UInt32 kStartShutAttempts = 20; |
UInt32 startShutItr; |
for(startShutItr = 0; startShutItr < kStartShutAttempts; startShutItr++) |
{ |
err = ISpShutdown(); |
VERIFY(err) |
err = ISpStartup(); |
VERIFY(err); |
if (Progress(startShutItr, kStartShutAttempts, 10, debug_status)) |
{ |
StatusMsg(debug_status); |
} |
} |
} |
NextStep("single ISpSuspend (low level)"); |
err = ISpSuspend(); |
VERIFY(err); |
NextStep("single ISpResume (low level)"); |
err = ISpResume(); |
VERIFY(err); |
NextStep("testing suspend/resume repeatedly (low level)"); |
{ |
UInt32 kSuspendResumeLLCount = 1000; |
UInt32 suspendResumeLLItr; |
for(suspendResumeLLItr = 0; suspendResumeLLItr < kSuspendResumeLLCount; suspendResumeLLItr++) |
{ |
if (Progress(suspendResumeLLItr, kSuspendResumeLLCount, 5, debug_status)) |
{ |
StatusMsg(debug_status); |
} |
err = ISpSuspend(); |
VERIFY(err); |
err = ISpResume(); |
VERIFY(err); |
} |
} |
NextStep("looping on startup / shutdown w/ a suspend in the middle"); |
{ |
const UInt32 kStartShutAttempts = 20; |
UInt32 startShutItr; |
for(startShutItr = 0; startShutItr < kStartShutAttempts; startShutItr++) |
{ |
if (Progress(startShutItr, kStartShutAttempts, 10, debug_status)) |
{ |
StatusMsg(debug_status); |
} |
err = ISpSuspend(); |
VERIFY(err); |
err = ISpShutdown(); |
VERIFY(err) |
err = ISpStartup(); |
VERIFY(err); |
} |
} |
NextStep("creating virtual elements"); |
{ |
err = ISpElement_NewVirtualFromNeeds(kNeedCount, gNeeds, gVirtualElements, 0); |
VERIFY(err) |
} |
NextStep("looping on disposing/recreating elements"); |
{ |
const UInt32 kDisposeCreateVirtualAttempts = 1000; |
UInt32 disposeCreateItr; |
for(disposeCreateItr = 0; disposeCreateItr < kDisposeCreateVirtualAttempts; disposeCreateItr++) |
{ |
err = ISpElement_DisposeVirtual(kNeedCount, gVirtualElements); |
VERIFY(err) |
err = ISpElement_NewVirtualFromNeeds(kNeedCount, gNeeds, gVirtualElements, 0); |
VERIFY(err) |
if (Progress(disposeCreateItr, kDisposeCreateVirtualAttempts, 10, debug_status)) |
{ |
StatusMsg(debug_status); |
} |
} |
} |
NextStep("creating an element list"); |
{ |
err = ISpElementList_New( |
kNeedCount, // count |
gVirtualElements, // needs |
&gVirtualList, // virtual elements |
0); // flags |
VERIFY(err) |
} |
NextStep("initializing input sprocket once"); |
{ |
err = ISpInit(kNeedCount, // count |
gNeeds, // needs |
gVirtualElements, // virtual elements |
kCreatorCode, // app |
kSubCreatorCode, // sub |
0, // flags |
kResourceID_setl, // set list resource id |
0); // version |
VERIFY(err) |
} |
NextStep("looping on ISpInit / ISpStop"); |
{ |
const UInt32 kStartStopAttempts = 20; |
UInt32 startStopItr; |
err = ISpStop(); |
VERIFY(err) |
for(startStopItr = 0; startStopItr < kStartStopAttempts; startStopItr++) |
{ |
if (Progress(startStopItr, kStartStopAttempts, 10, debug_status)) |
{ |
StatusMsg(debug_status); |
} |
err = ISpInit(kNeedCount, gNeeds, gVirtualElements, kCreatorCode, kSubCreatorCode, 0, kResourceID_setl, 0); |
VERIFY(err); |
err = ISpStop(); |
VERIFY(err) |
} |
err = ISpInit(kNeedCount, gNeeds, gVirtualElements, kCreatorCode, kSubCreatorCode, 0, kResourceID_setl, 0); |
VERIFY(err); |
} |
NextStep("counting all the devices (verying size buffer) + isActive"); |
{ |
const UInt32 maxExtractBufferSize = 1000; |
ISpDeviceReference buffer[maxExtractBufferSize]; |
UInt32 deviceCount; |
UInt32 bufferSizeItr; |
UInt32 bufferItr; |
Boolean isActive; |
for(bufferSizeItr = 0; bufferSizeItr < 1000; bufferSizeItr++) |
{ |
if (Progress(bufferSizeItr, maxExtractBufferSize, 5, debug_status)) |
{ |
StatusMsg(debug_status); |
} |
// step 1 put the buffer into a known state |
for(bufferItr = 0; bufferItr < maxExtractBufferSize; bufferItr++) |
{ |
buffer[bufferItr] = (ISpDeviceReference) 0xd0d0babe; |
} |
// step 2 call extract |
err = ISpDevices_Extract(bufferSizeItr, &deviceCount, buffer); |
if (!err) |
{ |
for(bufferItr = 0; ((bufferItr < deviceCount) && (bufferItr < bufferSizeItr)); bufferItr++) |
{ |
if ((UInt32) buffer[bufferItr] == 0xd0d0babe) |
{ |
sprintf(debug_status, "bufferSizeItr = %d deviceCount = %d, bufferItr = %d",bufferSizeItr, deviceCount, bufferItr); |
StatusMsg(debug_status); |
} |
err = ISpDevice_IsActive(buffer[bufferItr], &isActive); |
if (err) { break; } |
} |
} |
VERIFY(err) |
// step 3 verify the buffer contents |
for(; bufferItr < maxExtractBufferSize; bufferItr++) |
{ |
if (((UInt32) buffer[bufferItr]) != 0xd0d0babe) |
{ |
sprintf(debug_status,"spilled off the end loc = %d cnt = %d",bufferItr,deviceCount); |
StatusMsg(debug_status); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
NextStep("verifying all the devices (100 size buffer) w/ ISpDevice_GetDefinition"); |
{ |
UInt32 deviceCount; |
ISpDeviceReference buffer[100]; |
UInt32 itr; |
ISpDeviceDefinition outStruct; |
err = ISpDevices_Extract(100, &deviceCount, buffer); |
if (!err) |
{ |
for(itr = 0; itr < deviceCount; itr++) |
{ |
err = ISpDevice_GetDefinition(buffer[itr], sizeof(ISpDeviceDefinition), &outStruct); |
if (err) { break; } |
} |
} |
VERIFY(err) |
} |
NextStep("searching for all the devices of class kISpDeviceClass_Mouse"); |
{ |
UInt32 deviceCount; |
ISpDeviceReference buffer[100]; |
err = ISpDevices_ExtractByClass(kISpDeviceClass_Mouse, 100, &deviceCount, buffer); |
VERIFY(err) |
} |
NextStep("searching for all the devices of class kISpDeviceClass_Keyboard"); |
{ |
UInt32 deviceCount; |
ISpDeviceReference buffer[100]; |
err = ISpDevices_ExtractByClass(kISpDeviceClass_Keyboard, 100, &deviceCount, buffer); |
VERIFY(err) |
} |
NextStep("searching for all the devices of class kISpDeviceClass_Joystick"); |
{ |
UInt32 deviceCount; |
ISpDeviceReference buffer[100]; |
err = ISpDevices_ExtractByClass(kISpDeviceClass_Joystick, 100, &deviceCount, buffer); |
VERIFY(err) |
} |
success = VerifyExtractByClass(); |
if (!success) { return; } |
success = VerifyActivateDeactive(); |
if (!success) { return; } |
NextStep("bringing up the configuration screen (devices disabled, dialog warning you there are no devices is OK)"); |
{ |
err = ISpConfigure(nil); |
VERIFY(err) |
} |
NextStep("enabling all the devices of class kISpDeviceClass_Mouse"); |
{ |
UInt32 deviceCount; |
ISpDeviceReference buffer[100]; |
err = ISpDevices_ExtractByClass(kISpDeviceClass_Mouse, 100, &deviceCount, buffer); |
if (!err) |
{ |
err = ISpDevices_Activate(deviceCount, buffer); |
} |
VERIFY(err) |
} |
NextStep("enabling all the devices of class kISpDeviceClass_Keyboard"); |
{ |
UInt32 deviceCount; |
ISpDeviceReference buffer[100]; |
err = ISpDevices_ExtractByClass(kISpDeviceClass_Keyboard, 100, &deviceCount, buffer); |
if (!err) |
{ |
err = ISpDevices_Activate(deviceCount, buffer); |
} |
VERIFY(err) |
} |
NextStep("bringing up the configuration screen"); |
{ |
err = ISpConfigure(nil); |
VERIFY(err) |
} |
NextStep("bringing up the configuration screen w/ filter proc"); |
{ |
err = ISpConfigure(ISpConfigureFilterProc); |
VERIFY(err) |
} |
NextStep("getting the global list"); |
{ |
ISpElementListReference globalList; |
err = ISpGetGlobalElementList(&globalList); |
VERIFY(err) |
} |
NextStep("flushing the global list (and pausing)"); |
{ |
ISpElementListReference globalList; |
unsigned long ticks; |
const number_of_seconds_to_pause = 2; |
err = ISpGetGlobalElementList(&globalList); |
if (!err) |
{ |
ticks = TickCount(); |
ticks += number_of_seconds_to_pause * 60; |
while(ticks > TickCount()) |
{ |
err = ISpElementList_Flush(globalList); |
if (err) { break; } |
} |
} |
VERIFY(err) |
} |
NextStep("testing getting events, please press a button or move an axis"); |
{ |
ISpElementListReference globalList; |
ISpElementEvent event; |
Boolean wasEvent; |
err = ISpGetGlobalElementList(&globalList); |
if (!err) |
{ |
wasEvent = false; |
while(!wasEvent) |
{ |
err = ISpElementList_GetNextEvent(globalList, sizeof(ISpElementEvent), &event, &wasEvent); |
if (err == kISpBufferToSmallErr) { err = noErr; } |
if (err) { break; } |
} |
} |
VERIFY(err) |
} |
NextStep("flushing the need list (and pausing)"); |
{ |
unsigned long ticks; |
const number_of_seconds_to_pause = 2; |
ticks = TickCount(); |
ticks += number_of_seconds_to_pause * 60; |
while(ticks > TickCount()) |
{ |
err = ISpElementList_Flush(gVirtualList); |
if (err) { break; } |
} |
VERIFY(err) |
} |
NextStep("testing getting need events, please press a configured button or move an axis (escape should always work)"); |
{ |
ISpElementEvent event; |
Boolean wasEvent; |
wasEvent = false; |
while(!wasEvent) |
{ |
err = ISpElementList_GetNextEvent(gVirtualList, sizeof(ISpElementEvent), &event, &wasEvent); |
if (err) { break; } |
} |
VERIFY(err) |
} |
NextStep("single ISpSuspend"); |
err = ISpSuspend(); |
VERIFY(err); |
NextStep("single ISpResume"); |
err = ISpResume(); |
VERIFY(err); |
NextStep("testing suspend/resume repeatedly (high level)"); |
{ |
UInt32 kSuspendResumeCount = 1000; |
UInt32 suspendResumeItr; |
err = ISpSuspend(); |
VERIFY(err); |
err = ISpResume(); |
VERIFY(err); |
for(suspendResumeItr = 0; suspendResumeItr < kSuspendResumeCount; suspendResumeItr++) |
{ |
if (Progress(suspendResumeItr, kSuspendResumeCount, 5, debug_status)) |
{ |
StatusMsg(debug_status); |
} |
err = ISpSuspend(); |
VERIFY(err); |
err = ISpResume(); |
VERIFY(err); |
} |
} |
NextStep("disabling all the devices of class kISpDeviceClass_Mouse"); |
{ |
UInt32 deviceCount; |
ISpDeviceReference buffer[100]; |
err = ISpDevices_ExtractByClass(kISpDeviceClass_Mouse, 100, &deviceCount, buffer); |
if (!err) |
{ |
err = ISpDevices_Deactivate(deviceCount, buffer); |
} |
VERIFY(err) |
} |
NextStep("disabling all the devices of class kISpDeviceClass_Keyboard"); |
{ |
UInt32 deviceCount; |
ISpDeviceReference buffer[100]; |
err = ISpDevices_ExtractByClass(kISpDeviceClass_Keyboard, 100, &deviceCount, buffer); |
if (!err) |
{ |
err = ISpDevices_Deactivate(deviceCount, buffer); |
} |
VERIFY(err) |
} |
NextStep("stopping input sprocket"); |
{ |
err = ISpStop(); |
VERIFY(err) |
} |
} |
void main(void) |
{ |
// tell SIOUX to shut up |
SIOUXSettings.autocloseonquit = true; |
SIOUXSettings.asktosaveonclose = false; |
AutoTest(); |
UInt32 who_cares; |
scanf("%d",&who_cares); |
} |
#endif |
void main(void) |
{ |
OSErr err = noErr; |
NextStep("verifying that this is the first initialization"); |
{ |
if (gVirtualList != NULL) |
{ |
FailMsg("this was not the first time a test was run for this launch of the application"); |
return; |
} |
} |
NextStep("creating virtual elements"); |
{ |
err = ISpElement_NewVirtualFromNeeds(kNeedCount, gNeeds, gVirtualElements, 0); |
VERIFY(err) |
} |
NextStep("creating an element list"); |
{ |
err = ISpElementList_New( |
kNeedCount, // count |
gVirtualElements, // needs |
&gVirtualList, // virtual elements |
0); // flags |
VERIFY(err) |
} |
NextStep("initializing input sprocket once"); |
{ |
err = ISpInit(kNeedCount, // count |
gNeeds, // needs |
gVirtualElements, // virtual elements |
kCreatorCode, // app |
kSubCreatorCode, // sub |
0, // flags |
kResourceID_setl, // set list resource id |
0); // version |
VERIFY(err) |
} |
NextStep("enabling all the devices of class kISpDeviceClass_Mouse"); |
{ |
UInt32 deviceCount; |
ISpDeviceReference buffer[100]; |
err = ISpDevices_ExtractByClass(kISpDeviceClass_Mouse, 100, &deviceCount, buffer); |
if (!err) |
{ |
err = ISpDevices_Activate(deviceCount, buffer); |
} |
VERIFY(err) |
} |
NextStep("enabling all the devices of class kISpDeviceClass_Keyboard"); |
{ |
UInt32 deviceCount; |
ISpDeviceReference buffer[100]; |
err = ISpDevices_ExtractByClass(kISpDeviceClass_Keyboard, 100, &deviceCount, buffer); |
if (!err) |
{ |
err = ISpDevices_Activate(deviceCount, buffer); |
} |
VERIFY(err) |
} |
NextStep("enabling all the devices of class kISpDeviceClass_SpeechRecognition"); |
{ |
UInt32 deviceCount; |
ISpDeviceReference buffer[100]; |
err = ISpDevices_ExtractByClass(kISpDeviceClass_SpeechRecognition, 100, &deviceCount, buffer); |
if (!err) |
{ |
err = ISpDevices_Activate(deviceCount, buffer); |
} |
VERIFY(err) |
} |
NextStep("bringing up the configuration screen"); |
{ |
err = ISpConfigure(nil); |
VERIFY(err) |
} |
NextStep("disabling all the devices of class kISpDeviceClass_Mouse"); |
{ |
UInt32 deviceCount; |
ISpDeviceReference buffer[100]; |
err = ISpDevices_ExtractByClass(kISpDeviceClass_Mouse, 100, &deviceCount, buffer); |
if (!err) |
{ |
err = ISpDevices_Deactivate(deviceCount, buffer); |
} |
VERIFY(err) |
} |
NextStep("disabling all the devices of class kISpDeviceClass_Keyboard"); |
{ |
UInt32 deviceCount; |
ISpDeviceReference buffer[100]; |
err = ISpDevices_ExtractByClass(kISpDeviceClass_Keyboard, 100, &deviceCount, buffer); |
if (!err) |
{ |
err = ISpDevices_Deactivate(deviceCount, buffer); |
} |
VERIFY(err) |
} |
NextStep("stopping input sprocket"); |
{ |
err = ISpStop(); |
VERIFY(err) |
} |
NextStep("shutting down InputSprocket"); |
err = ISpShutdown(); |
VERIFY(err) |
} |
#endif |
void main(void) |
{ |
OSErr err = noErr; |
// tell SIOUX to shut up |
SIOUXSettings.autocloseonquit = true; |
SIOUXSettings.asktosaveonclose = false; |
printf("starting up...\n"); |
NumVersion version = ISpGetVersion(); |
printf("version = %x %x %x %x\n",version.majorRev, version.minorAndBugRev, version.stage, version.nonRelRev); |
NextStep("starting up InputSprocket"); |
err = ISpStartup(); |
VERIFY(err); |
Boolean theDoneFlag = false; |
EnableDeviceClass(kISpDeviceClass_SpeechRecognition, true); |
while( !theDoneFlag ) |
{ |
UInt32 theChoice; |
printf("\n\n\n############################################################\n"); |
if (gIsSuspended) |
{ |
printf("¥ SUSPENDED ¥\n"); |
} |
if (gVirtualList != NULL) |
{ |
printf("¥ NEEDS ARE ACTIVE ¥\n"); |
} |
printf("Please select from the following tests:\n"); |
printf("\t 1. Exit\n"); |
printf("\t 2. Run all tests automatically\n"); |
printf("\t 3. Test ISpElementList_ExtractByKind\n"); |
printf("\t 4. List all devices\n"); |
printf("\t 5. List all elements\n"); |
printf("\t 6. List all buttons\n"); |
printf("\t 7. List all directional pads\n"); |
printf("\t 8. List all axes\n"); |
printf("\t 9. List all X-axes\n"); |
printf("\t10. Get events (stop when Command key pressed)\n"); |
printf("\t11. Suspend\n"); |
printf("\t12. Resume\n"); |
printf("\t13. Create needs\n"); |
printf("\t14. Destroy needs\n"); |
printf("\t15. Get needs events\n"); |
printf("\t16. Configuration dialog\n"); |
printf("\t17. Enable mouse and keyboard\n"); |
printf("\t18. Disable mouse and keyboard\n"); |
printf("\t19. Reinitialize ADB bus\n"); |
printf("\t30. Allocate/Deallocate test\n"); |
printf("\t31. TestAllocatePushData test\n"); |
#endif |
printf("\t32. TestArbitraryAllocate test\n"); |
printf("\t33. TestAccelration\n"); |
printf("\t34. Enable speech\n"); |
printf("\t35. Disable speech\n"); |
printf("\t36. Acceleration test # 2\n"); |
printf("\n\tSelection: "); |
Boolean keyboardEnabled = gKeyboardEnabled; |
if (keyboardEnabled) |
{ |
EnableDeviceClass(kISpDeviceClass_Keyboard, false); |
} |
char theString[32]; |
gets( theString ); |
theChoice = atoi( theString ); |
if (keyboardEnabled) |
{ |
EnableDeviceClass(kISpDeviceClass_Keyboard, true); |
} |
printf("\n\n"); |
switch( theChoice ) |
{ |
case 1: |
theDoneFlag = true; |
break; |
case 2: |
AutoTest(); |
break; |
case 3: |
TestElementList_ExtractByKind(); |
break; |
case 4: |
TestListOfDevices(); |
break; |
case 5: |
TestListOfElements(); |
break; |
case 6: |
TestListOfButtons(); |
break; |
case 7: |
TestListOfDPads(); |
break; |
case 8: |
TestListOfAxes(); |
break; |
case 9: |
TestListOfXAxes(); |
break; |
case 10: |
GetAndPrintEvents(NULL); |
break; |
case 11: |
TestSuspend(); |
break; |
case 12: |
TestResume(); |
break; |
case 13: |
TestCreateNeeds(); |
break; |
case 14: |
TestDestroyNeeds(); |
break; |
case 15: |
TestNeedsEvents(); |
break; |
case 16: |
TestConfiguration(); |
break; |
case 17: |
EnableDeviceClass(kISpDeviceClass_Mouse, true); |
EnableDeviceClass(kISpDeviceClass_Keyboard, true); |
break; |
case 18: |
EnableDeviceClass(kISpDeviceClass_Mouse, false); |
EnableDeviceClass(kISpDeviceClass_Keyboard, false); |
break; |
case 19: |
ADBReInit(); |
break; |
case 30: |
TestAllocateDeallocate(); |
break; |
case 31: |
TestAllocatePushData(); |
break; |
#endif |
case 32: |
TestArbitraryAllocate(); |
break; |
case 33: |
TestAcceleration(); |
break; |
case 34: |
EnableDeviceClass(kISpDeviceClass_SpeechRecognition, true); |
break; |
case 35: |
EnableDeviceClass(kISpDeviceClass_SpeechRecognition, false); |
break; |
case 36: |
TestAcceleration2(); |
break; |
default: |
printf("\nhuh?\n"); |
break; |
} |
printf("\nThank you, please drive through.\n"); |
} |
} |
#endif |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-10-14