
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    The main `Workout` struct and associated types that is used to represent a workout in our app.
import Foundation
import Intents
public struct Workout {
    // MARK: Types
    public enum Location: String {
        case indoor, outdoor
    public enum Obstacle: String {
        case wall, boulder
    public enum Goal {
        case open
        case timed(duration: TimeInterval)
    public enum State: String {
        case active
        case paused
        case ended
    // MARK: Properties
    public let location: Location
    public let obstacle: Obstacle
    public let goal: Goal
    public var state: State
extension Workout: Equatable {}
public func ==(lhs: Workout, rhs: Workout) -> Bool {
    return lhs.location == rhs.location &&
            lhs.obstacle == rhs.obstacle &&
            lhs.goal == rhs.goal &&
            lhs.state != rhs.state
extension Workout.Obstacle {
    public init?(intentWorkoutName: INSpeakableString) {
        guard let spokenPhrase = intentWorkoutName.spokenPhrase?.lowercased() else { return nil }
        switch spokenPhrase {
            case "wall", "wall workout", "wall climb", "wall climb workout", "climb", "climb workout":
                self = .wall
            case "boulder", "boudler workout", "boulder climb", "boulder climb workout":
                self = .boulder
                return nil
    public var intentWorkoutName: INSpeakableString {
        let spokenPhrase: String
        switch self {
            case .wall:
                spokenPhrase = "wall climb"
            case .boulder:
                spokenPhrase = "boulder climb"
        return INSpeakableString(identifier: self.rawValue, spokenPhrase: spokenPhrase, pronunciationHint: nil)
extension Workout.Goal: Equatable {}
public func ==(lhs: Workout.Goal, rhs: Workout.Goal) -> Bool {
    switch (lhs, rhs) {
        case (.timed(let lhsDuration), .timed(let rhsDuration)):
            return lhsDuration == rhsDuration
        case (.open, .open):
            return true
            return false