
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    A struct that defines a contact that can receive payments from our app.
import Intents
public struct Contact {
    private static let nameFormatter = PersonNameComponentsFormatter()
    public let nameComponents: PersonNameComponents
    public let emailAddress: String
    public var formattedName: String {
        return Contact.nameFormatter.string(from: nameComponents)
    public init(givenName: String?, familyName: String?, emailAddress: String) {
        var nameComponents = PersonNameComponents()
        nameComponents.givenName = givenName
        nameComponents.familyName = familyName
        self.nameComponents = nameComponents
        self.emailAddress = emailAddress
public extension Contact {
    static let sampleContacts = [
        Contact(givenName: "Anne", familyName: "Johnson", emailAddress: ""),
        Contact(givenName: "Maria", familyName: "Ruiz", emailAddress: ""),
        Contact(givenName: "Mei", familyName: "Chen", emailAddress: ""),
        Contact(givenName: "Gita", familyName: "Kumar", emailAddress: ""),
        Contact(givenName: "Bill", familyName: "James", emailAddress: ""),
        Contact(givenName: "Tom", familyName: "Clark", emailAddress: ""),
        Contact(givenName: "Juan", familyName: "Chavez", emailAddress: ""),
        Contact(givenName: "Ravi", familyName: "Patel", emailAddress: ""),