/* |
Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information |
Abstract: |
An object that implements the `INGetRideStatusIntentHandling` protocol to handle ridesharing tasks. |
*/ |
import Intents |
// The intents whose interactions you wish to handle must be declared in the extension's Info.plist. |
class IntentHandler: INExtension, INGetRideStatusIntentHandling { |
// MARK: - INGetRideStatusIntentHandling |
/* |
There are two kinds of ride status updates: |
- One shot |
- Live observation |
For one shot updates, -handleGetRideStatus will be called. This can be called at any time. |
For live observation, -startSendingUpdates will be called and an observer object specified. |
NOTE: You are allowed only one current ride at a time. |
*/ |
func handle(getRideStatus intent: INGetRideStatusIntent, completion: @escaping (INGetRideStatusIntentResponse) -> Void) { |
/* |
The intent has no data on it since this method is only asking for a current ride's status. |
Query your service to see if there is a current ride in progress. If there is, return the intent response with the .success code and a valid, fully detailed rideStatus object. |
A missing or blank ride option name will cause an error. |
Again, the response codes are similar to list ride / request ride and follow the same semantics. |
Sending a ride status with a completed phase is valid here, but be sure to set the completionStatus. |
If a ride is in the completed state for outstandingPaymentAmount for example, keep sending that status. |
Maps will automatically start to ignore a completed state after a set interval. |
When the user goes to get another ride, however, you can either allow that, or ask them to complete the previous ride by specifying a response code of .failureRequiringAppLaunchPreviousRideNeedsCompletion. |
*/ |
} |
func startSendingUpdates(forGetRideStatus intent: INGetRideStatusIntent, to observer: INGetRideStatusIntentResponseObserver) { |
/* |
It is time for you to start sending updates to the observer. The best thing to do here is to set up a timer to ping your service or some sort of persistent connection to your service. |
NOTE: It is completely possible for -startSendingUpdates to be called, and your extension terminated before -stopSendingUpdates is called. In this case, if your extension is restarted, -startSendingUpdates may be called again if you specify in -getRideStatus that there is a current ride. |
Store the observer in an ivar and send it the -didUpdate message whenever you have updated information about the current ride. |
Maps recommends spacing updates 1-10 seconds apart. Maps will throttle updates as it sees fit. |
*/ |
} |
func stopSendingUpdates(forGetRideStatus intent: INGetRideStatusIntent) { |
/* |
Stop sending updates and nil out your reference to the observer. Probably stop your timer or close your connection to your service. |
*/ |
} |
} |
Copyright © 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2016-09-13