
 * File:        MRJTalker.java
 *  Contains:   Implementations of a simple Speech Manager class for Java
 *                  using the MRJ JDirect Implementation.  Requires the Speech
 *                  Manager extension to be present to run.
 *  Version:    1.5
 *  Technology: System 7.6.1 or later
 *  Package:    Mac OS Runtime For Javaª SDK 2.0.1
 *  Copyright:  © 1984-1998 by Apple Computer, Inc.
 *                  All rights reserved.
 *  Bugs?:      If you find a problem with this file, report them to mrj_bugs.
 *                  Include the file and version information (from above)
 *                  in the problem description and send to:
 *                  Internet:   mrj_bugs@apple.com
 * This class is a re-implementation of the NativeLibrary example, MRJTalker.
 * It uses Apple's JDirect technology to access the speech library directly.
import  com.apple.jdirect.SharedLibrary;
import  com.apple.mrj.jdirect.JDirectLinker;
public interface MRJTalkerLibrary extends SharedLibrary {
    static Object libraryInstance = JDirectLinker.loadLibrary("SpeechLib");
public class MRJTalker implements MRJTalkerLibrary {    
     * We don't allow anyone to instantiate us
    protected MRJTalker() {
     * Because the default speech channel is a system resource
     * and we must limit access to it, we act as a "factory" object
     * and only ever return one instance of it.
     * Note that loadLibrary is case sensitive, and the name
     * of the code fragment must match precisely - we use the
     * CFM to resolve these names, as described in
     * "Inside Macintosh: PowerPC System Software"
    static MRJTalker theTalker = null;
    public static MRJTalker getTalker() {
        if (theTalker == null) {
            theTalker = new MRJTalker();
        return theTalker;
     * The method that does the talking is synchronized
     * so that only one person can say something at a time.
    public synchronized void speakString(String s) {
        // turn the string into a pascal string array of bytes
        byte b[] = toStr255(s);
        // call the native method
        // block until the speech is done
        while (SpeechBusy()) {
            try { 
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    /** converts a Java string to a Pascal-style string. */
    private static byte[] toStr255(String str) {
        int length = str.length();
        if (length > 255) length = 255;
        byte result[] = new byte[length + 1];
        result[0] = (byte)length;
        str.getBytes(0, length, result, 1);
        return result;
     * The JDirect implementation
    /** Declare the native methods that we're accessing */
    private native static void SpeakString(byte b[]);
    private native static boolean SpeechBusy();