
 * Apple Worldwide Developer Technical Support
 * A simple example of how to obtain the mouse location using the Mac OS Toolbox through JDirect 2.
 * File:
 * <CODE>PointStruct</CODE> is a class which mimics the C struct <CODE>Point</CODE> defined in <CODE>MacTypes.h</CODE><BR><BR>
 * This class contains a get and set method for each field in <CODE>Point</CODE>.<BR><BR>
 * Using JDirect 2.0, a <CODE>PointStruct</CODE> can be passed to a native toolbox function
 * that expects a pointer to a <CODE>Point</CODE> by using the <CODE>getByteArray()</CODE> method. 
 * @author Apple Computer, Inc.
 * Copyright ©1999 Apple Computer, Inc.
 * All rights reserved.
 * @version 1.0
 * 4/15/1999 Shipped as 'JDirectMouse' sample.
 * You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without
 * restriction, though the sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the
 * responsibility for its operation is 100% yours.  However, what you are
 * not permitted to do is to redistribute the source as "Apple Sample
 * Code" after having made changes. If you're going to re-distribute the
 * source, we require that you make it clear in the source that the code
 * was descended from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made changes.
public class PointStruct extends ByteArrayStruct
     * Constructs an uninitialized <CODE>PointStruct</CODE>
    public PointStruct() {
     * Constructs a <CODE>PointStruct</CODE> and initializes it with the data in another <CODE>Struct</CODE>. 
     * Useful when a C struct <CODE>Point</CODE> is embedded in another C struct and you want to
     * copy it out. 
     * @param src the <CODE>Struct</CODE> containing the data to be copied
     * @param offsetInSrc the offest in of the data in <CODE>src</CODE>
    public PointStruct(Struct src, int offsetInSrc) {
        byte[] bytes = src.getBytesAt(offsetInSrc, sizeOfPoint);
        this.setBytesAt(0, bytes);
     * Used only by subclasses of <CODE>PointStruct</CODE>
    protected PointStruct(int size) {
     * in C: <CODE>short v</CODE>
     * @return field <CODE>v</CODE> of <CODE>struct Point</CODE>
    public final short getV() {
        return getShortAt(0);
     * in C: <CODE>short v</CODE>
     * @param v sets field <CODE>v</CODE> of <CODE>struct Point</CODE>
    public final void setV(short v) {
        setShortAt(0, v);
     * in C: <CODE>short h</CODE>
     * @return field <CODE>h</CODE> of <CODE>struct Point</CODE>
    public final short getH() {
        return getShortAt(2);
     * in C: <CODE>short h</CODE>
     * @param h sets field <CODE>h</CODE> of <CODE>struct Point</CODE>
    public final void setH(short h) {
        setShortAt(2, h);
     * Size of <CODE>struct Point</CODE> in bytes
    public final static int sizeOfPoint = 4;
    public int getValue() {
        return getIntAt(0);