
#       Proto.h
#       This file contains the prototypes for the apps procs and funcs
#       Author(s):  Michael Marinkovich & Guillermo Ortiz
#                   marink@apple.com
#       Modification History: 
#           4/3/96      MWM     Initial coding                   
#       Copyright © 1992-96 Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved
#       You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without
#       restriction, though the sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the
#       responsibility for its operation is 100% yours.  However, what you are
#       not permitted to do is to redistribute the source as "DSC Sample Code"
#       after having made changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source,
#       we require that you make it clear in the source that the code was
#       descended from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made changes.
#include <Displays.h>
#include <ImageCompression.h>
//  JPEG
OSErr           ReadJPEG(FSSpec spec, CGrafPtr *newWorld);
OSErr           ConvertJPEG(Handle image, CGrafPtr *newWorld);
OSErr           ReadJPEGHeader(short refNum, ImageDescriptionHandle desc, Rect *bounds);
UInt8           FindNextMarker(long refNum);
OSErr           HandleAPPOMarker(UInt8 marker, long refNum, ImageDescriptionHandle desc, Boolean *readingExtension);
OSErr           HandleSOFMarker(long refNum, ImageDescriptionHandle desc, Boolean readingExtension);
void            HandleSOSMarker(long refNum);
UInt8           ReadByte(short refNum);
UInt16          ReadWord(short refNum);
void            SkipLength(long refNum);
OSErr           NewJPEGWorld(GWorldPtr *theWorld, short depth, Rect theRect);
OSErr           SaveJPEG(WindowRef window);
pascal OSErr    DataUnloadProc(Ptr data, long bytesNeeded, long refCon);
pascal OSErr    DataLoadingProc(Ptr *data, long bytesNeeded, long refCon);
//  Aevt
OSErr           AEInit(void);
void            AEDispose(void);
pascal OSErr    DoAEOpenApp(AppleEvent *event, AppleEvent reply, long refCon);
pascal OSErr    DoAEQuitApp(AppleEvent *event, AppleEvent reply, long refCon);
pascal OSErr    DoAEOpenDoc(AppleEvent *event, AppleEvent reply, long refCon);
pascal OSErr    DoAEPrintDoc(AppleEvent *event, AppleEvent reply, long refCon);
OSErr           GotAEParams(AppleEvent *appleEvent);
//  Initialize
OSErr           Initialize(void);
void            ToolBoxInit(void);
void            CheckEnvironment(void);
OSErr           InitApp(void);
void            MenuSetup(void);
//  Main
void            HandleError(short errNo,Boolean fatal);
void            HandleAlert(short alertID);
//  Events
void            EventLoop(void);
short           MyGetSleep(void);
void            CustomWindowEvent(short eventType,WindowRef window,void *refCon);
void            DoEvent(EventRecord *event);
void            DoIdle(WindowRef window, void *refCon);
void            HandleMouseDown( EventRecord *event );
void            HandleMenuChoice( WindowRef window, void *refCon );
void            HandleContentClick( WindowRef window, void *refCon );
void            HandleZoomClick( WindowRef window, void *refCon );
void            HandleGrow(WindowRef window, void *refCon);
void            UpdateWindow(WindowRef window);
void            DoActivate(WindowRef window, void *refCon);
//  Windows
WindowPtr       CreateWindow(short resID, void *wStorage, Rect *bounds, Str255 title,
                            Boolean visible, short procID,short kind, WindowRef behind,
                            Boolean goAwayFlag,long refCon);
OSErr           RemoveWindow(WindowRef window);
void            NewWindowTitle(WindowRef window, Str255 str);
OSErr           InitWindowProcs(WindowRef window, short windKind);
GWorldPtr       PictToWorld(PicHandle pict, OSErr *rtnErr);
void            DrawWindow( WindowRef window, void *refCon );
void            DrawAboutWindow( WindowRef window, void *refCon );
void            DoResizeWindow (WindowRef window);
short           GetWindKind(WindowRef window);
Boolean         GetIsAppWindow(WindowRef window);
Boolean         GetIsAboutWindow( WindowRef window );
//  Displays
OSErr           InstallAEDMNotification(void);
pascal OSErr    WorldChangedProc(AppleEvent event,AppleEvent reply,long refCon);
OSErr           HandleNotification(AppleEvent *event);
OSErr           HandleDeviceChange(DisplayIDType displayID, Rect *newRect);
Boolean         OutOfBoundsRect(Rect windRect, Rect screenRect);
void            MoveInbounds(WindowRef window, GDHandle gd, Rect screenRect);
void            ResizeInbounds(WindowRef window, GDHandle gd, Rect screenRect);
GDHandle        GetGreatestDevice(WindowRef window);
void            ResetStdState(WindowRef window);
short           GetWTitleHeight(WindowRef window);
//  Scrolls
void            InstallScrollBars(WindowRef window, DocHnd doc);
void            AdjustScrollValues(WindowRef window);
void            AdjustScrollbars(WindowRef window, Boolean resize);
pascal void     ScrollActionProc(ControlRef control, short part);
void            ScrollPict(short hAmount,short vAmount,WindowRef window);
void            MyScrollPicture(WindowRef window, short hs, short vs);
void            GetContRect(WindowRef window,Rect *contRect);
//  Utils
void            DoOpenNew(void);    
PicHandle       ReadFile(FSSpec spec);
void            ZeroRect(Rect *r);
void            pstrcpy(StringPtr dst, StringPtr src);
void            pstrcat(StringPtr dst, StringPtr src);