
#       aevt.c
#       Apple events handler.
#       Author(s):  Michael Marinkovich
#       Modification History: 
#           10/12/95    MWM     Initial coding                   
#       Copyright © 1992-96 Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved
#       You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without
#       restriction, though the sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the
#       responsibility for its operation is 100% yours.  However, what you are
#       not permitted to do is to redistribute the source as "DSC Sample Code"
#       after having made changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source,
#       we require that you make it clear in the source that the code was
#       descended from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made changes.
#include <AppleEvents.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#include "App.h"
#include "Proto.h"
//  Globals
extern Boolean              gDone;
extern AEEventHandlerUPP    gAEOpenAppUPP;
extern AEEventHandlerUPP    gAEQuitAppUPP;
extern AEEventHandlerUPP    gAEOpenDocUPP;
extern AEEventHandlerUPP    gAEPrintDocUPP;
//  AEInit - initialize all the core apple events
OSErr AEInit(void)
    OSErr       err = noErr;
    // allocate UPPs
    gAEOpenAppUPP = NewAEEventHandlerProc(DoAEOpenApp);
    gAEQuitAppUPP = NewAEEventHandlerProc(DoAEQuitApp);
    gAEOpenDocUPP = NewAEEventHandlerProc(DoAEOpenDoc);
    gAEPrintDocUPP = NewAEEventHandlerProc(DoAEPrintDoc);
    if (nil != gAEOpenAppUPP)       //  install auto Open App
        err = AEInstallEventHandler(kCoreEventClass, kAEOpenApplication, 
                                    gAEOpenAppUPP, 0L, false );
    if (noErr == err && nil != gAEQuitAppUPP)           // install auto Quit App
        err = AEInstallEventHandler(kCoreEventClass, kAEQuitApplication, 
                                    gAEQuitAppUPP, 0L, false );
    if (noErr == err && nil != gAEOpenDocUPP)           // install auto Open Document
        err = AEInstallEventHandler(kCoreEventClass,kAEOpenDocuments,
                                    gAEOpenDocUPP, 0L,false);
    if (noErr == err && nil != gAEPrintDocUPP)          // install auto Print Document
        err = AEInstallEventHandler(kCoreEventClass,kAEPrintDocuments,
                                    gAEPrintDocUPP, 0L,false);
    return err;
//  AEDispose - dispose of UPPs 
void AEDispose(void)
    if (nil != gAEOpenAppUPP)
    if (nil != gAEQuitAppUPP)
    if (nil != gAEOpenDocUPP)
    if (nil != gAEPrintDocUPP)
//  DoAEOpenApp - called by the Finder at launch time
pascal OSErr DoAEOpenApp(AppleEvent *event, AppleEvent reply, long refCon)
    #pragma unused( event, reply, refCon )
    return noErr;
//   DoAEQuitApp -  called when the Finder asks app to quit
pascal OSErr DoAEQuitApp(AppleEvent *event, AppleEvent reply, long refCon)
    #pragma unused(event, reply, refCon)
    // set the global quit flag
    gDone = true;
    return noErr;
//  DoAEOpenDoc - called when the Finder asks app to open a document
pascal OSErr DoAEOpenDoc(AppleEvent *event, AppleEvent reply, long refCon)
    #pragma unused(event, reply, refCon)
    return noErr;
//  DoAEPrintDoc - called when the Finder asks app to print a document
pascal OSErr DoAEPrintDoc(AppleEvent *event, AppleEvent reply, long refCon)
    #pragma unused(event, reply, refCon)
    return noErr;
//  GotAEParams - make sure we got proper AE params for an Open 
//                Document from the Finder
OSErr GotAEParams(AppleEvent *appleEvent)
    OSErr           err;
    DescType        type;
    Size            size;
    err = AEGetAttributePtr(appleEvent, keyMissedKeywordAttr,
                            typeWildCard, &type, nil, 0, &size);
    if (err == errAEDescNotFound)
        if (err == noErr)
    return err;