
 * JSaver.cp
 * © 1997 Apple Computer, Inc.
 * Written by Steve Zellers
#include "GraphicsModule_Types.h"
#include <JManager.h>
#include "NewAppletDialog.h"
 * Constants
#define URL_BUTTON_MESSAGE  8       /* message that brings up URL chooser dialog */
enum StartupStages {
    eDoInitStage,           // we got our doInit msg
    eCreateSessionStage,    // create a session now
    eCreateContextStage,    // create an AWTContext
    eLocateAppletStage,     // look for the applet
    eLocateAppletNotDone,   // spin till we find it
    eLocatorFailedStage,    // the locator failed to find the applet, or no applets were found.
    eCreateViewerStage,     // create an applet viewer now
    eRunningStage           // just give the VM time - everything is loaded
 * Globals - note that we're specifically only going
 * to excecute one java applet, so we have one
 * Viewer, one Frame and one AWTContext.
static JMSessionRef theSession;
static JMAWTContext theAWTContext;
static JMAppletLocatorRef theLocatorRef;
static JMAppletViewerRef theAppletViewer;
static Rect theViewerBounds;
static Boolean theViewerVisible;
static Boolean theFrameCreated;
static JMFrameRef theJMFrame;
static RgnHandle theUpdateRgn = nil;
static StartupStages theStage = eDoInitStage;
static GMParamBlockPtr theParams;
static Str255 theExceptionString;
static Boolean theFirstDrawFrameGotten = false;
static OSErr checkError(OSErr err)
    if (theExceptionString[0] > 0) {
        if (err == noErr)
            err = -1;
        BlockMoveData(theExceptionString, theParams->errorMessage, theExceptionString[0] + 1);
    return err;
static void setMessage(StringPtr left, StringPtr right)
    static Rect lastRect = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
    if (! EmptyRect(&lastRect))
        FillRect(&lastRect, (ConstPatternParam) &theParams->qdGlobalsCopy->qdBlack);
    if (! (left || right))
        SetRect(&lastRect, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    else {
        if (left == nil)
            left = "\p";
        if (right == nil)
            right = "\p";
        int totalWidth = (StringWidth("\p¥Ê") * 2) + StringWidth(left) + StringWidth("\p ") + StringWidth(right);
        lastRect = theParams->monitors->monitorList[0].bounds; = lastRect.bottom - 14;
        lastRect.left = lastRect.left + ((lastRect.right - lastRect.left) / 2) - (totalWidth / 2);
        lastRect.right = lastRect.left + totalWidth;
        MoveTo(lastRect.left, lastRect.bottom - 4);
        DrawString("\p ¥");
 * JMFrame support - these functions are used to 
 * fill in a paramblock of function pointers.
static void* _frameSetupPort(JMFrameRef frame)
    if (theViewerVisible) {
        if (! theFirstDrawFrameGotten) {
            theFirstDrawFrameGotten = true;
            setMessage(nil, nil);
        OffsetRgn(theParams->qdGlobalsCopy->qdThePort->clipRgn, -theViewerBounds.left,;
        Rect r = theViewerBounds;
        OffsetRect(&r, -r.left,;
    return nil;
static void _frameRestorePort(JMFrameRef frame, void* param)
    OffsetRgn(theParams->qdGlobalsCopy->qdThePort->clipRgn, theViewerBounds.left,;
    SetOrigin(0, 0);
static Boolean _frameResizeRequest(JMFrameRef frame, Rect* desired)
    theViewerBounds.right = theViewerBounds.left + (desired->right - desired->left);
    theViewerBounds.bottom = + (desired->bottom - desired->top);
    return true;
static void _frameInvalRect(JMFrameRef frame, const Rect* r)
    RgnHandle rgn = NewRgn();
    RectRgn(rgn, r);
    UnionRgn(rgn, theUpdateRgn, theUpdateRgn);
static void _frameShowHide(JMFrameRef frame, Boolean showFrameRequested)
    if (theViewerVisible != showFrameRequested) {
        theViewerVisible = showFrameRequested;
        if (theViewerVisible) {
            CopyRgn(theParams->qdGlobalsCopy->qdThePort->clipRgn, theUpdateRgn);
            OffsetRgn(theUpdateRgn, -theViewerBounds.left,;
            JMFrameUpdate(frame, theUpdateRgn);
static void _frameSetTitle(JMFrameRef frame, Str255 title)
static void _frameCheckUpdate(JMFrameRef frame)
    if (! EmptyRgn(theUpdateRgn)) {
        JMFrameUpdate(frame, theUpdateRgn);
 * AppletViewer
static OSStatus _ctxRequestFrame(JMAWTContextRef context, JMFrameRef newFrame, JMFrameKind kind,
                    UInt32 width, UInt32 height, Boolean resizeable, JMFrameCallbacks* callbacks)
    callbacks->fVersion = kJMVersion;
    callbacks->fSetupPort = _frameSetupPort;
    callbacks->fRestorePort = _frameRestorePort;
    callbacks->fResizeRequest = _frameResizeRequest;
    callbacks->fInvalRect = _frameInvalRect;
    callbacks->fShowHide = _frameShowHide;
    callbacks->fSetTitle = _frameSetTitle;
    callbacks->fCheckUpdate = _frameCheckUpdate;
    if (kind == eModelessWindowFrame) {
        theJMFrame = newFrame;
        theFrameCreated = true;
    return noErr;
static OSStatus _ctxReleaseFrame(JMAWTContextRef context, JMFrameRef oldFrame)
    if (theJMFrame == oldFrame) {
        theJMFrame = nil;
        theFrameCreated = false;
    return noErr;
static SInt16 _ctxUniqueMenuID(JMAWTContextRef context, Boolean isSubmenu)
    return 0;   // we don't allow for menus
static int strlen(const char* p)
    int len = 0;
    while (*p++)
    return len;
static void _ctxExceptionOccurred(JMAWTContextRef context, const char* exceptionName, const char* exceptionMsg, const char* stackTrace)
    Handle hExceptionString = GetResource('TEXT', exceptionMsg == nil? 130 : 131);
    if (hExceptionString == nil) {
        theExceptionString[0] = 1;
        theExceptionString[1] = 0;
    } else {
        Munger(hExceptionString, 0, "^0", 2, exceptionName, strlen(exceptionName));
        if (exceptionMsg)
            Munger(hExceptionString, 0, "^1", 2, exceptionMsg, strlen(exceptionMsg));
        int maxLen = GetHandleSize(hExceptionString);
        if (maxLen >= 255)
            maxLen = 254;
        theExceptionString[0] = maxLen;
        BlockMoveData(*hExceptionString, &theExceptionString[1], maxLen);
 * After Dark
OSErr DoInitialize(Handle *storage, RgnHandle blankRgn, GMParamBlockPtr params)
    // set up some globals - our actual initialization is staged accross
    // subsequent doDrawFrames.
    theParams = params;
    theExceptionString[0] = 0;
    theStage = eCreateSessionStage;
    theUpdateRgn = NewRgn();
    return noErr;
OSErr DoClose(Handle storage,RgnHandle blankRgn,GMParamBlockPtr params)
    OSStatus result = noErr;
    if (theSession != nil) {
        if (theAppletViewer != nil) {
            if (result == noErr) {
                result = JMSuspendApplet(theAppletViewer);
                if (result == noErr) {
                    if (theJMFrame) {
                        result = JMFrameGoAway(theJMFrame);
                        if (result == noErr) {
                            int i;
                            for (i = 0;  i < 6 && theFrameCreated && theJMFrame;  i++)
                                JMIdle(theSession, kDefaultJMTime);
                result = JMDisposeAppletViewer(theAppletViewer);
                theAppletViewer = nil;
        if (theAWTContext != nil) {
            result = JMDisposeAWTContext(theAWTContext);
            theAWTContext = nil;
        if (theLocatorRef != nil) {
            result = JMDisposeAppletLocator(theLocatorRef);
            theLocatorRef = nil;
        result = checkError(JMCloseSession(theSession));
    if (theUpdateRgn) { 
        theUpdateRgn = nil;
    return result;
OSErr DoBlank(Handle storage, RgnHandle blankRgn, GMParamBlockPtr params)
    OSErr result = noErr;
    // Simply blanks out the area that we are going to draw in.
    FillRgn(blankRgn, (ConstPatternParam) &params->qdGlobalsCopy->qdBlack);
    return checkError(result);
// the control value is between 0 (.5s) and 100 (6s)
#define getTime(xx) \
    ((xx + 1) * 500)
static OSErr createSession()
    JMSessionCallbacks callbacks;
    JMSecurityOptions security;
    // fill in session callbacks
    callbacks.fVersion = kJMVersion;
    callbacks.fStandardOutput = nil;
    callbacks.fStandardError = nil;
    callbacks.fStandardIn = nil;
    // fill in security story - we don't support running
    // within a firewall.
    security.fVersion = kJMVersion;
    security.fVerifyMode = eCheckRemoteCode;
    security.fUseHttpProxy = false;
    security.fHttpProxy[0] = 0;
    security.fHttpProxyPort = 0;
    security.fUseFTPProxy = false;
    security.fFTPProxy[0] = 0;
    security.fFTPProxyPort = 0;
    security.fUseFirewallProxy = false;
    security.fFirewallProxy[0] = 0;
    security.fFirewallProxyPort = 0;
    security.fNetworkAccess = eUnrestrictedAccess;
    security.fFileSystemAccess = eAllFSAccess;
    security.fRestrictClassAccess = true;
    security.fRestrictClassDefine = true;
    setMessage("\pInitializing Java", nil);
     * create a session
    return JMOpenSession(&theSession, &security, &callbacks, 0L);
static OSErr createContext()
    JMAWTContextCallbacks callbacks;
    callbacks.fVersion = kJMVersion;
    callbacks.fRequestFrame = _ctxRequestFrame;
    callbacks.fReleaseFrame = _ctxReleaseFrame;
    callbacks.fUniqueMenuID = _ctxUniqueMenuID;
    callbacks.fExceptionOccurred = _ctxExceptionOccurred;
    setMessage("\pCreating an AWTContext", nil);
    OSErr result = JMNewAWTContext(&theAWTContext, theSession, &callbacks, 0L);
    if (result == noErr) {
        result = JMResumeAWTContext(theAWTContext);
    return result;
static void _locatorCompleted(JMAppletLocatorRef ref, JMLocatorErrors status)
    StringPtr pMsg = nil;
    switch (status) {
        case eLocatorNoErr:
        case eHostNotFound:
            pMsg = "\pThe host could not be found";
        case eFileNotFound:
            pMsg = "\pThe file could not be found";
        case eLocatorTimeout:
            pMsg = "\pThe host could not be reached";
        case eLocatorKilled:
            pMsg = "\pThe locator was killed";
    if (pMsg == nil)
        theStage = eCreateViewerStage;
    else {
        setMessage(pMsg, nil);
        theStage = eLocatorFailedStage;
static OSErr createAppletLocator()
    Str255 urlText;
    Str255 labelText;
    getSelectedURL(urlText, labelText);
    urlText[urlText[0] + 1] = 0;
    setMessage("\pFetching the html page for ", labelText);
    JMAppletLocatorCallbacks locatorCallbacks;
    locatorCallbacks.fVersion = kJMVersion;
    locatorCallbacks.fCompleted = _locatorCompleted;
    return JMNewAppletLocator(&theLocatorRef, theSession, &locatorCallbacks, (const char*) &urlText[1], nil, 0L);
static OSErr createViewer()
    if (theLocatorRef == nil)
        return paramErr;
    if (theAWTContext == nil)
        return paramErr;
    OSErr result = noErr;
    UInt32 count;
    result = JMCountApplets(theLocatorRef, &count);
    if (result == noErr) {
        if (count == 0)
            _ctxExceptionOccurred(theAWTContext, "No applet tags were found on that page.", nil, nil);
        else {
            UInt32 width, height;
            result = JMGetAppletDimensions(theLocatorRef, 0, &width, &height);
            if (result == noErr) {
                Rect* totalRect = &theParams->monitors->monitorList[0].bounds;
                JMAppletViewerCallbacks callbacks;
                theViewerVisible = false;
                theFrameCreated = false;
                theViewerBounds.left = totalRect->left + ((totalRect->right - totalRect->left) / 2) - (width / 2);
       = totalRect->top + ((totalRect->bottom - totalRect->top) / 2) - (height / 2);
                theViewerBounds.right = theViewerBounds.left + width;
                theViewerBounds.bottom = + height;
                callbacks.fVersion = kJMVersion;
                callbacks.fShowDocument = nil;
                callbacks.fSetStatusMsg = nil;
                setMessage("\pCreating the applet viewer and loading classes.", "\p");
                result = JMNewAppletViewer(&theAppletViewer, theAWTContext, theLocatorRef, 0, &callbacks, 0L);
                if (result == noErr)
                    result = JMReloadApplet(theAppletViewer);
    (void) JMDisposeAppletLocator(theLocatorRef);
    theLocatorRef = nil;
    return result;
static OSErr idleSession()
    OSErr result = noErr;
    if (theSession != nil)
        result = JMIdle(theSession, kDefaultJMTime);
    return result;
OSErr DoDrawFrame(Handle storage, RgnHandle blankRgn, GMParamBlockPtr params)
    OSErr result = noErr;
    if (theStage == eRunningStage || theStage == eLocateAppletNotDone) {
        if (theStage == eRunningStage) {
            if (theJMFrame && theViewerVisible)
        result = idleSession();
    } else {
        switch (theStage) {
            case eCreateSessionStage:
                result = createSession();
                if (result == noErr)
                    theStage = eCreateContextStage;
            case eCreateContextStage:
                result = createContext();
                if (result == noErr)
                    theStage = eLocateAppletStage;
            case eLocateAppletStage:
                result = createAppletLocator();
                if (result == noErr)
                    theStage = eLocateAppletNotDone;
            case eCreateViewerStage:
                result = createViewer();
                if (result == noErr)
                    theStage = eRunningStage;
            case eLocatorFailedStage:
                result = fnfErr;
    return checkError(result);
OSErr DoSetUp(RgnHandle blankRgn ,short message, GMParamBlockPtr params)
    Handle hText;
    switch (message) {
        case URL_BUTTON_MESSAGE:
    return noErr;