/* |
File: Controller.m |
Abstract: Main controller class for the application. |
This class is very similar to a controller that you would find in any |
other application with the exception that it dispatches most of |
command processing to functions defined in the startup JavaScript |
where the actual decisions about how to handle the various commands |
received from the GUI are made. |
Version: 1.1 |
Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple |
Inc. ("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following |
terms, and your use, installation, modification or redistribution of |
this Apple software constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do |
not agree with these terms, please do not use, install, modify or |
redistribute this Apple software. |
In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and |
subject to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive |
license, under Apple's copyrights in this original Apple software (the |
"Apple Software"), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple |
Software, with or without modifications, in source and/or binary forms; |
provided that if you redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and |
without modifications, you must retain this notice and the following |
text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software. |
Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple Inc. may |
be used to endorse or promote products derived from the Apple Software |
without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as |
expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or |
implied, are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any |
patent rights that may be infringed by your derivative works or by other |
works in which the Apple Software may be incorporated. |
The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE |
Copyright (C) 2011 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
*/ |
#import "Controller.h" |
#import "Console.h" |
#import "Browser.h" |
#import "Startup.h" |
#import "PageLoad.h" |
#import "Functions.h" |
#import "NSTextViewExtras.h" |
@implementation Controller |
/* synthesized Objective-C 2.0 property accessors */ |
@synthesize consoleWindow, scriptText, consoleText, goBack, goForward, jsWrapper; |
@synthesize goTo, theURL, messageText, progressBar, theWebView, urlOfLoadingPage; |
@synthesize mainJSContext, startupWindow, startupScriptText, browserWindow; |
@synthesize mouseOverURL, pageloadWindow, pageloadScriptText, isLoadingPage; |
/* called after our nib has been loaded */ |
- (void)awakeFromNib { |
/* special font for our text fields */ |
[self.startupScriptText setFont:[NSFont fontWithName:@"Courier" size:12]]; |
[self.scriptText setFont:[NSFont fontWithName:@"Courier" size:12]]; |
[self.consoleText setFont:[NSFont fontWithName:@"Courier" size:12]]; |
[self.messageText setFont:[NSFont fontWithName:@"Geneva" size:10]]; |
/* set the delegte methods for the main WebView */ |
[self.theWebView setUIDelegate: self ]; |
[self.theWebView setFrameLoadDelegate: self ]; |
[self.theWebView setResourceLoadDelegate: self]; |
[self.theWebView setPolicyDelegate: self ]; |
[self.theWebView setUIDelegate: self ]; |
/* add web page loading notifications. */ |
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self |
selector:@selector(webLoadComplete:) |
name:WebViewProgressFinishedNotification |
object: self.theWebView]; |
/* create the Controller's JavaScript context */ |
self.mainJSContext = JSGlobalContextCreate( NULL ); |
/* initialize our javascript calling utility object */ |
self.jsWrapper = [[[JSWrappers alloc] initWithContext: self.mainJSContext] autorelease]; |
/* add some pre-defined methods to the context */ |
/* add a program and version properties read from the info-plist*/ |
[self.jsWrapper addGlobalStringProperty:@"version" withValue: |
[[NSBundle mainBundle] objectForInfoDictionaryKey: (NSString*) kCFBundleVersionKey]]; |
[self.jsWrapper addGlobalStringProperty:@"program" withValue: |
[[NSBundle mainBundle] objectForInfoDictionaryKey: (NSString*) kCFBundleNameKey]]; |
/* Add a our messagbox function definition to the global object. */ |
[self.jsWrapper addGlobalFunctionProperty:@"messagebox" withCallback: MessagBoxFunction]; |
/* add the console, startup, and browsers objects. */ |
[self.jsWrapper addGlobalObject:@"console" ofClass: ConsoleClass() withPrivateData: self]; |
[self.jsWrapper addGlobalObject:@"startup" ofClass: StartupClass() withPrivateData: self]; |
[self.jsWrapper addGlobalObject:@"browser" ofClass: BrowserClass() withPrivateData: self]; |
[self.jsWrapper addGlobalObject:@"pageload" ofClass: PageLoadClass() withPrivateData: self]; |
/* load the startup script and the pageload script using the |
-loadResourceJavaScript: method from the NSTextView category |
defined in NSTextViewExtras.h/m */ |
[self.startupScriptText loadResourceJavaScript:@"startup"]; |
[self.pageloadScriptText loadResourceJavaScript:@"pageload"]; |
/* Run the startup script. use the performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: so that the |
script will run in the next event cycle after the nib loading process has finished. |
this will allow proper window re-ordering in case the startup JavaScript opens any |
windows. */ |
[self performSelector:@selector(runStartupScript) withObject:self afterDelay:0]; |
} |
/* a separate method for running the startup script. We call this method from the |
-awakeFromNib method using performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: to ensure that it |
happens on the very next event cycle after nib initialization is complete. This allows |
JavaScripts to open separate windows. */ |
- (void)runStartupScript { |
/* evaluate the script */ |
NSString *result = [self.jsWrapper evaluateJavaScript: [[self.startupScriptText textStorage] string]]; |
/* if we received a result... */ |
if ( result != nil ) { |
/* call javascript to display the result in the console log */ |
[self appendMessageToConsole: |
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"startup result: %@", result]]; |
} |
} |
/* utility method for adding some text to the console text field in the |
console window. */ |
-(void)appendMessageToConsole:(NSString *)theMessage { |
if ( theMessage != NULL ) { |
NSUInteger p = [[[self.consoleText textStorage] string] length]; |
[self.consoleText setSelectedRange:NSMakeRange(p, p)]; |
[self.consoleText insertText: theMessage]; |
[self.consoleText insertText: @"\n"]; |
} |
} |
/* NSApplication delegate methods */ |
/* So the sample will automatically quit after the main window is closed. */ |
- (BOOL)applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed:(NSApplication *)sender { |
return YES; |
} |
/* NSWindow delegate methods */ |
/* quit when the main window is closed. */ |
- (void)windowWillClose:(NSNotification *)notification { |
[NSApp terminate: self]; |
} |
/* WebUIDelegate delegate methods for the main WebView. */ |
/* -webView:setStatusText: is called when a javascript in the page |
being displayed in the WebView sets the window status message. |
Usually, a script like: window.status = 'message' |
In in the startup.js JavaScript, the message() function is defined as follows: |
function message( theMessage ) { |
console.log( "setting window message to '" + theMessage + "'" ) |
browser.message = theMessage |
} |
- it prints a message in the console indicating the command and then |
it sets the message property on the browser object. |
*/ |
- (void)webView:(WebView *)sender setStatusText:(NSString *)text { |
/* call the message function in the startup JavaScript */ |
[self.jsWrapper callJSFunction: @"message" withParameters: text, nil]; |
} |
/* -webView:runJavaScriptAlertPanelWithMessage:initiatedByFrame: is |
called when a javascript in the page being displayed calls |
the JavaScript alert function. Rather than displaying an alert box |
here, we call the displayalert() function in the startup JavaScript |
and that script, in turn, calls our built in messagebox function that |
we have defined in our runtime JavaScript context. |
In in the startup.js JavaScript, the displayalert() function is defined as follows: |
function displayalert( alertMessage ) { |; |
console.log( "displaying alert message '" + alertMessage + "'" ) |
messagebox( "in page alert: ", alertMessage ); |
} |
- it calls the show() method on the console object to display the console |
window, writes the alert message in the console log, and then calls |
the custom messagebox() function to display the message on the screen. |
*/ |
- (void)webView:(WebView *)sender runJavaScriptAlertPanelWithMessage:(NSString *)message |
initiatedByFrame:(WebFrame *)frame { |
/* call the displayalert function in the startup JavaScript */ |
[self.jsWrapper callJSFunction: @"displayalert" withParameters: message, nil]; |
} |
/* -webView:mouseDidMoveOverElement:modifierFlags: is called when the mouse |
moves over an element. In this method, we query the element that the mouse |
has rolled over to see if it has a link url associated with it. If the link |
url has changed since the last time we were called, then we call the mouseover() |
function defined in the startup JavaScript. We call the mouseover() function with an |
empty string to let it know when the mouse has moved away from an item with a link url |
associated with it. |
In in the startup.js JavaScript, the mouseover() function is defined as follows: |
function mouseover( theURL ) { |
console.log("mouse rolled over '" + theURL + "'") |
browser.eval("window.status = '" + theURL + "'") |
} |
- it adds a message to the console log recording the roll over message |
and then it asks the browser to evaluate a JavaScript in the context of |
the current web page that will update the window's status message. Of course, |
that script will in turn call our -webView:setStatusText: method defined |
above to set the status message (as you can see, this shows JavaScriptCore |
deals well with re-entrancy). |
*/ |
- (void)webView:(WebView *)sender mouseDidMoveOverElement:(NSDictionary *)elementInformation |
modifierFlags:(NSUInteger)modifierFlags { |
/* get the url under the mouse. for no url, use the empty string. */ |
NSString *urlUnderTheMouse = [[elementInformation objectForKey:WebElementLinkURLKey] absoluteString]; |
/* convert nil values to empty strings - our logic uses strings. */ |
if ( urlUnderTheMouse == nil ) urlUnderTheMouse = @""; |
if ( self.mouseOverURL == nil ) self.mouseOverURL = @""; |
/* if the url under the mouse has changed... */ |
if ( ! [urlUnderTheMouse isEqual: self.mouseOverURL] ) { |
/* call the mouseover function in the startup JavaScript */ |
[self.jsWrapper callJSFunction: @"mouseover" withParameters: urlUnderTheMouse, nil]; |
/* update the internal copy of the url of the link under the mouse. */ |
self.mouseOverURL = urlUnderTheMouse; |
} |
} |
/* WebFrameLoadDelegate delegate methods for the main WebView. */ |
/* -webView:didReceiveTitle:forFrame: is called as the page is |
being loaded at the time when WebKit has determined what the |
page's title is. If the call is for the main frame, then we |
call the title() function in the startup JavaScript to announce |
the page title. |
In in the startup.js JavaScript, the title() function is defined as follows: |
function title( theTitle ) { |
console.log( "setting window title to '" + theTitle + "'" ) |
browser.title = theTitle |
} |
- it adds a message to the console log recording the new title and then sets |
the title property of the browser object to the new title (this sets the title |
of the browser window). |
*/ |
- (void)webView:(WebView *)sender didReceiveTitle:(NSString *)title forFrame:(WebFrame *)frame { |
/* if we're loading the main frame... */ |
if ( [self.theWebView mainFrame] == frame ) { |
/* call the title function in the startup JavaScript */ |
[self.jsWrapper callJSFunction: @"title" withParameters: title, nil]; |
} |
} |
/* -webView:didFailProvisionalLoadWithError:forFrame: is called when a |
provisional load fails for a request. Name lookups usually fail here and |
other errors that occur while preparing for a transmission are reported here. |
In in the startup.js JavaScript, the error() function is defined as follows: |
function error( errorMessage ) { |
console.log( "error while loading page: '" + errorMessage + "'" ) |
} |
- it adds a message to the console log recording the error |
*/ |
- (void)webView:(WebView *)sender didFailProvisionalLoadWithError:(NSError *)error |
forFrame:(WebFrame *)frame { |
/* call the error function in the startup JavaScript. */ |
[self.jsWrapper callJSFunction: @"error" withParameters: |
[NSString stringWithFormat: @"provisional error: %@", error], nil]; |
} |
/* -webView:didFailLoadWithError:forFrame: is called when a load fails for a |
request. Communication errors that occur during transmission are reported here. |
In in the startup.js JavaScript, the error() function is defined as follows: |
function error( errorMessage ) { |
console.log( "error while loading page: '" + errorMessage + "'" ) |
} |
- it adds a message to the console log recording the error |
*/ |
- (void)webView:(WebView *)sender didFailLoadWithError:(NSError *)error forFrame:(WebFrame *)frame { |
/* call the error function in the startup JavaScript. */ |
[self.jsWrapper callJSFunction: @"error" withParameters: |
[NSString stringWithFormat: @"error: %@", error], nil]; |
} |
/* -webView:windowScriptObjectAvailable: is called when the page has been |
loaded and the JavaScript context is ready. Here we add in the same |
properties and objects we added to the main Controller's JavaScript |
context and then we evaluate the pageload.js script in the |
WebView's JavaScript context. Rather than loading the pageload.js |
file every time, we simply use the contents of the page load window. |
This allows for tinkering with the script while the program is running. */ |
- (void)webView:(WebView *)webView windowScriptObjectAvailable:(WebScriptObject *)windowScriptObject { |
/* allocate a wrapper object for the web page's JavaScript context. */ |
JSWrappers *localWrapper = [[[JSWrappers alloc] |
initWithContext:[[webView mainFrame] globalContext]] autorelease]; |
/* add a global property for the program version read from the info-plist */ |
[localWrapper addGlobalStringProperty:@"version" withValue: |
[[NSBundle mainBundle] objectForInfoDictionaryKey: (NSString*) kCFBundleVersionKey]]; |
[localWrapper addGlobalStringProperty:@"program" withValue: |
[[NSBundle mainBundle] objectForInfoDictionaryKey: (NSString*) kCFBundleNameKey]]; |
/* add the console object for accessing the console window. */ |
[localWrapper addGlobalObject:@"console" ofClass: ConsoleClass() withPrivateData: self]; |
[localWrapper addGlobalObject:@"startup" ofClass: StartupClass() withPrivateData: self]; |
[localWrapper addGlobalObject:@"browser" ofClass: BrowserClass() withPrivateData: self]; |
[localWrapper addGlobalObject:@"pageload" ofClass: PageLoadClass() withPrivateData: self]; |
/* run the page load script */ |
[windowScriptObject evaluateWebScript: [[self.pageloadScriptText textStorage] string]]; |
} |
/* WebResourceLoadDelegate delegate method for the main WebView. */ |
/* -webView:resource:willSendRequest:redirectResponse:fromDataSource: is |
called just before WebKit starts loading a new URL. We take this opportunity to |
reset some of our state variables and notify the startup JavaScript that a new |
page is loading by calling the loading() function defined in the startup script. |
In in the startup.js JavaScript, the loading() function is defined as follows: |
function loading( theURL ) { |
browser.progress = true |
console.log("loading url '" + theURL + "'") |
browser.url = theURL |
} |
- it turns on the progress bar in the browser window, adds a note to the console |
log about the new load operation, and sets the browser's url text field to the |
url that is being loaded. |
*/ |
- (NSURLRequest *)webView:(WebView *)sender resource:(id)identifier |
willSendRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request |
redirectResponse:(NSURLResponse *)redirectResponse |
fromDataSource:(WebDataSource *)dataSource { |
/* if we are not currently loading a web page... */ |
if ( self.urlOfLoadingPage == nil ) { |
/* reset the mouseover url */ |
self.mouseOverURL = nil; |
/* save a copy of the page's url */ |
self.urlOfLoadingPage = [[request URL] absoluteString]; |
/* set the loading flag */ |
self.isLoadingPage = YES; |
/* call through to the loading function in the startup JavaScript |
to let the custom script know that a new web page is being loaded. */ |
[self.jsWrapper callJSFunction: @"loading" withParameters: self.urlOfLoadingPage, nil]; |
} |
/* return the request */ |
return request; |
} |
/* WebPolicyDelegate delegate method for the main WebView. */ |
/* -webView:decidePolicyForNavigationAction:request:frame:decisionListener: is |
called before webkit begins processing to allow the application to decide |
if the url should be loaded or not. Here, we ask the filter() function defined |
in the startup JavaScript if we should load the url and then we act on that |
result. |
In in the startup.js JavaScript, the filter() function is defined as follows: |
function filter( theURL ) { |
if ( theURL.match(/http:\/\/[a-z0-9_]+\.apple\.com/i) ) { |
console.log( "url OK: " + theURL ) |
return false |
} else { |; |
console.log( "url filtered: " + theURL + " - can't go there" ) |
console.log( "NOTE: filtering all non urls" ) |
return true |
} |
} |
- this filter function allows urls that match a particular regular expression to |
to load, while displaying a message in the console for urls that do not match |
the regular expression. |
*/ |
- (void)webView:(WebView *)webView decidePolicyForNavigationAction:(NSDictionary *)actionInformation |
request:(NSURLRequest *)request frame:(WebFrame *)frame |
decisionListener:(id<WebPolicyDecisionListener>)listener { |
if ( [self.jsWrapper callBooleanJSFunction: @"filter" |
withParameters: [[request URL] absoluteString], nil] ) { |
[listener ignore]; |
} else { |
[listener use]; |
} |
} |
/* NSNotification methods related to the WebView */ |
/* WebViewProgressFinishedNotification method for the main WebView. |
-webLoadComplete: is called whenever a web page load finishes. |
Here, we update some of our internal state variables and then |
we call the complete() function in the startup JavaScript |
to notify it about the finished page load. |
In in the startup.js JavaScript, the complete() function is |
defined as follows: |
function complete( theURL ) { |
console.log("finished loading url '" + theURL + "'") |
browser.eval("ShowPageInfoInConsole()") |
browser.progress = false |
} |
- it puts a note in the console log, asks the browser object to |
evaluate a JavaScript in WebView's JavaScript context, and turns |
off the progress indicator in the browser window. You will notice |
that the script calls the ShowPageInfoInConsole() function that was |
installed in our pageload.js JavaScript that was run when |
-webView:windowScriptObjectAvailable: (defined above) was called |
while the page was being loaded. |
In in the pageload.js JavaScript, the ShowPageInfoInConsole() function |
is defined as follows: |
function ShowPageInfoInConsole() { |
console.log( "this page contains: " |
+ window.document.anchors.length + " anchors, " |
+ window.document.images.length + " images, and " |
+ window.document.links.length + " links." ) |
console.log( "the document url is: " + window.document.URL ) |
console.log( "the document title is: " + window.document.title ) |
} |
- it prints some basic information about the web page to the console log. |
*/ |
- (void)webLoadComplete:(NSNotification *)aNotification { |
/* we're done, so stop loading */ |
[self.theWebView stopLoading:self]; |
/* reset the flag */ |
NSString *urlThatWasLoading = self.urlOfLoadingPage; |
/* reset the loading state vars */ |
self.urlOfLoadingPage = nil; |
self.isLoadingPage = NO; |
/* adjust the back and forward buttons */ |
[self.goForward setEnabled: ([[self.theWebView backForwardList] forwardItem ] ? YES : NO)]; |
[self.goBack setEnabled: ([[self.theWebView backForwardList] backItem ] ? YES : NO)]; |
/* tell JavaScript that the load is complete */ |
[self.jsWrapper callJSFunction: @"complete" withParameters: urlThatWasLoading, nil]; |
} |
/* Interface Builder Action methods. */ |
/* -goBackAction: is called when the user clicks on the back button |
in the browser window. Here, if there is an item to go back to |
in the browser's history, then we call the back() function in the |
startup JavaScript. |
In in the startup.js JavaScript, the back() function is defined as follows: |
function back( theURL, theTitle ) { |
console.log( "going back to " + browser.backlink |
+ " (" + theTitle + ")" ) |
browser.back() |
} |
- it prints a message in the console indicating the command and then |
it calls the back method on the browser object. |
*/ |
- (IBAction)goBackAction:(id)sender { |
WebHistoryItem *backItem = [[self.theWebView backForwardList] backItem]; |
if ( backItem != nil ) { |
[self.jsWrapper callJSFunction: @"back" |
withParameters: [backItem URLString], [backItem title], nil]; |
} |
} |
/* -goForwardAction: is called when the user clicks on the forward |
button in the browser window. Here, if there is an item to go |
forward to in the browser's history, then we call the forward() |
function in the startup JavaScript. |
In in the startup.js JavaScript, the forward() function is defined as follows: |
function forward( theURL, theTitle ) { |
console.log( "going forward to " + browser.forwardlink |
+ " (" + theTitle + ")" ) |
browser.forward() |
} |
- it prints a message in the console indicating the command and then |
it calls the forward method on the browser object. |
*/ |
- (IBAction)goForwardAction:(id)sender { |
WebHistoryItem *forwardItem = [[self.theWebView backForwardList] forwardItem ]; |
if ( forwardItem != nil ) { |
[self.jsWrapper callJSFunction: @"forward" |
withParameters: [forwardItem URLString], [forwardItem title], nil]; |
} |
} |
/* -goToAction: is called when the user clicks on the Go! button |
in the browser window. Here, we call the goto() function in the |
startup JavaScript. |
In in the startup.js JavaScript, the goto() function is defined as follows: |
function goto( theURL ) { |
console.log("request for " + theURL + " received") |
if ( theURL.match( /http:\/\//i ) ) { |
browser.load( theURL ) |
} else { |
console.log( "fixup url as: http://" + theURL) |
browser.load( "http://" + theURL ) |
} |
} |
- it prints a message in the console indicating the command and then |
checks the url to make sure that it has a http:// prefix at the beginning. |
If there is no prefix, if adds one and makes a note in the console log |
about that. Then, it asks the browser object to load the url by calling |
it's load() method. |
*/ |
- (IBAction)goToAction:(id)sender { |
[self.jsWrapper callJSFunction: @"goto" |
withParameters: [self.theURL stringValue], nil]; |
} |
/* -reloadAction: is called when the user clicks on the reload button |
in the browser window. Here, we call the reload() function in the |
startup JavaScript. |
In in the startup.js JavaScript, the reload() function is defined as follows: |
function reload() { |
browser.load( browser.url ) |
} |
- it asks the browser object to load whatever url is being displayed in |
the url field in the browser window. |
*/ |
- (IBAction)reloadAction:(id)sender { |
[self.jsWrapper callJSFunction: @"reload" |
withParameters: [self.theURL stringValue], nil]; |
} |
/* -openConsoleWindowAction: is called when the user clicks on the show |
console button in the browser window or selects the Console... command |
in the file menu. Here, we call the openconsole() function in the |
startup JavaScript. The console window allows the user to view and |
edit the console log and run small JavaScripts. |
In in the startup.js JavaScript, the openconsole() function is defined as follows: |
function openconsole() { | |
} |
- it asks the console object to show the console window by calling its |
show() method. |
*/ |
- (IBAction)openConsoleWindowAction:(id)sender { |
[self.jsWrapper callJSFunction: @"openconsole" withParameters: nil]; |
} |
/* -openPageLoadWindowAction: is called when the user clicks on the show page |
load button in the browser window or selects the Page Load... command |
in the file menu. Here, we call the openpageload() function in the |
startup JavaScript. The pageLoad window allows the user to view and |
edit the pageload.js JavaScript. |
In in the startup.js JavaScript, the openpageload() function is defined as follows: |
function openpageload() { | |
} |
- it asks the pageload object to show its associated window by calling its |
show() method. The pageload script is evaluated in the WebView's JavaScript |
context, not the main Controller's JavaScript context. |
*/ |
- (IBAction)openPageLoadWindowAction:(id)sender { |
[self.jsWrapper callJSFunction: @"openpageload" withParameters: nil]; |
} |
/* -openStartupScriptWindowAction: is called when the user clicks on the show |
startup button in the browser window or selects the Startup... command |
in the file menu. Here, we call the openstartup() function in the |
startup JavaScript. The startup window allows the user to view, edit, |
and re-evaluate the startup.js JavaScript. |
In in the startup.js JavaScript, the openstartup() function is defined as follows: |
function openstartup() { | |
} |
- it asks the startup object to show its associated window by calling its |
show() method. |
*/ |
- (IBAction)openStartupScriptWindowAction:(id)sender { |
[self.jsWrapper callJSFunction: @"openstartup" withParameters: nil]; |
} |
/* -evaluateConsoleScriptAction: is called when the user clicks on the Run Script |
button in the console window. Here, we call the evalconsole() |
function in the startup JavaScript. |
In in the startup.js JavaScript, the evalconsole() function is defined as follows: |
function evalconsole() { |
console.log( "script result = ", console.eval( console.script ) ) |
} |
- it asks the console object to evaluate the contents of the script field |
in the console window and then prints the result in the console log. The script |
is evaluated in the Controller's JavaScript context, not the WebView's |
JavaScript context. |
*/ |
- (IBAction)evaluateConsoleScriptAction:(id)sender { |
[self.jsWrapper callJSFunction: @"evalconsole" withParameters: nil]; |
} |
/* -evaluateStartupScriptAction: is called when the user clicks on |
the re-evaluate button in the startup script window. Here, we call |
the reevalstartup() function in the startup JavaScript. |
In in the startup.js JavaScript, the reevalstartup() function is defined as follows: |
function reevalstartup() { |
console.log( "startup script result = ", console.eval( startup.script ) ) |
} |
- it asks the console object to evaluate the contents of the script field |
in the startup window and then prints the result in the console log. The script |
will be evaluated in the Controller's JavaScript context, not the WebView's |
JavaScript context. |
*/ |
- (IBAction)evaluateStartupScriptAction:(id)sender { |
[self.jsWrapper callJSFunction: @"reevalstartup" withParameters: nil]; |
} |
@end |
Copyright © 2011 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2011-08-03