Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: Hose.h |
Contains: interface to the hose routines |
Written by: Richard Blanchard and Ingrid Kelly |
Copyright: Copyright © 1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved. |
You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without |
restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the |
responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute |
this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made |
changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make |
it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source |
code, but that you've made changes. |
Change History (most recent first): |
7/26/1999 Karl Groethe Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1 |
*/ |
#ifndef __HOSE__ |
#define __HOSE__ |
/*** Constants ***/ |
/* The size and number of buffers to use when writing PostScript to a file. |
*/ |
#define kPrinterHoseBufSize (8 * 512) // For a quantem 8 printer. |
#define kPrinterHoseMinBufs 2 // We need at least this many buffers. |
#define kPrinterHoseMaxBufs 16 // Don't allocate more that this many buffers. rb891 |
/* The PAP code sets ioResult to 1 while an operation is pending. |
*/ |
#define kPAPBusy 1 |
/* Our queues use the following constant as the queue type. |
The type really doesn't matter, but it can ease debugging. |
*/ |
#define kMemQueueType 84 |
/*** Variable Types ***/ |
/* The format of our queue elements. We allocate the queue elements |
seperately from the actual buffers. This means we make twice as many |
allocations (bad), but the code is more flexible (good) in that we can switch |
to handles for the buffers or we can allocate multiple buffers in a single NewPtr |
call. |
*/ |
typedef struct MemQElem{ |
QElemPtr qLink; // Used by Enqueue and Dequeue. |
short qType; // Our constant (kMemQueueType) to identify our queues. |
struct BufIO *bufIO; // So we can recover buffer information. |
Byte *buf; // Pointer to the allocated buffer. |
SInt32 maxBytes; // The size of the block pointed to by 'buf' |
SInt32 nBytes; // Number of valid bytes in 'buf'. |
Boolean eoj; // true if the data is followed by an end of job. |
Boolean inQOnly; // This buffer should be used only for the input routines. |
}MemQElem, *MemQElemPtr; |
/* We track the state of the connection using these state constants. |
*/ |
typedef enum{ |
kConnClosed = 0, // We start in this state. |
kConnOpening, // This is the state while we wait for the printer to accept the connection. |
kConnOpen, // This is the state while we do reads and writes to the printer. |
kConnClosing // This is the state while we wait for the connection to close |
}ConnState; |
/* When the hose's async routines complete, they should call PrStream's routines |
via the following procedures. The hose passes the memory element of the |
buffer that just completed reading or writing. The hose also passes an |
error parameter to indicate problems with the channel. |
*/ |
typedef void (*FinishedWriteProc)(MemQElemPtr memElem, OSStatus err); |
typedef void (*FinishedReadProc)(MemQElemPtr memElem, OSStatus err); |
typedef struct{ |
FinishedWriteProc finishedWrite; |
FinishedReadProc finishedRead; |
}BufCallbacks; |
typedef OSStatus (*HoseOutProc)(void *refcon, MemQElemPtr memElem); |
typedef OSStatus (*HoseInProc)(void *refcon, MemQElemPtr memElem); |
typedef OSStatus (*HoseIdleProc)(void *refcon); |
typedef OSStatus (*HoseCloseProc)(void *refcon); |
typedef ConnState (*HoseConnProc)(void *refcon); |
typedef OSStatus (*HoseStatusProc)(void *refcon, StringPtr statusStr); |
typedef OSStatus (*HoseDisposeProc)(void *refcon); |
typedef OSStatus (*HoseCancelProc)(void *refcon); |
/* Support for the HoseCancelProc is new in PrintingLib 8.6.5. |
When a job is being terminated abnormally, if the hose exports |
a function with the name "hoseCancel" then that routine |
is invoked prior to the HoseCloseProc and HoseDisposeProc. |
*/ |
/* The HoseInfo structure is filled out by a hose open procedure. The |
structure describes the buffer requirements of the hose as well as |
the function pointers for reading, writing, and closing the hose. |
*/ |
typedef struct{ |
HoseOutProc out; // The procedure to call with a filled buffer. |
HoseInProc in; // The procedure to call to send a buffer. |
HoseIdleProc idle; // The procedure to call when we get a chance. |
HoseCloseProc close; // The procedure to call when we are done printing. |
HoseConnProc connState; // This procedure returns the state of the current connection. |
HoseStatusProc status; // Use this procedure to get the hose's current status string. |
HoseDisposeProc dispose; // The hose should free up all of its memory. //rb2198 |
Size bufSize; // The size of each allocated data buffer. |
long minBufs; // We need at least this many buffers or we return an out of mem error. |
long maxBufs; // We'll never allocate more buffers than this. |
void *refcon; // A pointer that will be passed to the data handling routines. |
}HoseInfo; |
typedef OSStatus (*HoseOpenProc)(HoseInfo *hoseInfo, BufCallbacks *callbacks, Collection hints, Handle papaH); // DMG500 |
/* The entry point for a hose library. |
*/ |
#pragma import on |
#endif |
OSStatus hoseOpen(HoseInfo *hoseInfo, BufCallbacks *callbacks, Collection hints, Handle papaH); |
#pragma import off |
#endif |
#endif // __HOSE__ |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-03-26