
    File:       LaunchWithDoc2.c
    Contains:   Document-launching sample program
                Loosely based on C.K. Haun's LaunchWithDoc
                This snippet includes these useful routines:
                    finds the creator application for a document, whether or not
                    the app is running, launches the app if necessary, and sends
                    the Apple Event necessary to get the app to open the document
                    searches the mounted volumes for the application which
                    created a document
                    launches an application which is not running and passes it
                    the OpenDocuments event as part of the launch parameters
                    sends an OpenDocuments Apple event to a running program
                    utility function to build an 'odoc' event from a list of 
                Remember that a target application need not be Apple event aware
                in order for the OpenDocuments event to succeed (the System will
                pull "puppet strings", simulating the events necessary to make the
                target app open the document)
                However, LaunchWithDoc must be high level event aware (as set in the
                SIZE resource) in order to send Apple events using AESend
    Written by: Greg Robbins
                modified by Nitin Ganatra   
    Copyright:  Copyright © 1993-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
                You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without
                restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the
                responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute
                this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made
                changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make
                it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source
                code, but that you've made changes.
    Change History (most recent first):
                7/27/1999   Karl Groethe    Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1
#include <QuickDraw.h>
#include <StandardFile.h>
#include <Fonts.h>
#include <Menus.h>
#include <Dialogs.h>
#include <Events.h>
#include <Files.h>
#include <TextEdit.h>
#include <Memory.h>
#include <Errors.h>
#include <Processes.h>
#include <AppleEvents.h>
#include <Aliases.h>
// prototypes
OSErr OpenSpecifiedDocument(const FSSpec * documentFSSpecPtr);
OSErr FindApplicationFromDocument(const FSSpec * documentFSSpecPtr,
    FSSpecPtr applicationFSSpecPtr);
void ReportError(StringPtr messageStr);
// what functions changed since LaunchWithDoc2
OSErr BuildOpenDocumentEvent(ProcessSerialNumber *targetPSN, 
            const FSSpec *theSpecArray, const short numOfSpecs, AppleEvent *odocAppleEvent);
OSErr SendOpenDocumentEventToProcess(ProcessSerialNumber *targetPSN,
            const FSSpec *theSpecArray, const short numOfSpecs);
OSErr LaunchApplicationWithDocument(const FSSpec *applicationFSSpecPtr,
            const FSSpec *theSpecArray, const short numOfSpecs);
// main program
// the main routine raises a std file dialog to let the
// user choose a document and then opens the document
// in the appropriate application
void main(void)
    OSErr retCode;
    StandardFileReply documentStdFileReply;
    SFTypeList mySFTypeList;
    // initialize the toolbox
    InitGraf(&qd.thePort); InitFonts(); InitWindows(); InitMenus();
    TEInit(); InitDialogs(nil); InitCursor();
    // Simplest case: get a document and open it
    StandardGetFile(nil, -1, mySFTypeList, &documentStdFileReply);
    if (documentStdFileReply.sfGood) {
        retCode = OpenSpecifiedDocument(&documentStdFileReply.sfFile);
        if (retCode != noErr) ReportError("\p OpenDocument failed");
    // Another case: get an application to launch and three documents
    // to open on startup
    StandardGetFile(nil, -1, mySFTypeList, &documentStdFileReply);
    if (documentStdFileReply.sfGood) {
        appSpec = documentStdFileReply.sfFile;
        for (index = 0; index < 3; index ++) {
            StandardGetFile(nil, -1, mySFTypeList, &documentStdFileReply);
            if (documentStdFileReply.sfGood)
                docTmpSpec[index] = documentStdFileReply.sfFile;
        retCode = LaunchApplicationWithDocument(&appSpec, docTmpSpec, index);
void ReportError(StringPtr messageStr)
// OpenSpecifiedDocument searches to see if the application which
// created the document is already running.  If so, it sends
// an OpenSpecifiedDocuments Apple event to the target application
// (remember that, because of puppet strings, this works even
// if the target application is not Apple event-aware.)
OSErr OpenSpecifiedDocument(const FSSpec * documentFSSpecPtr)
    OSErr retCode;
    ProcessSerialNumber currPSN;
    ProcessInfoRec currProcessInfo;
    FSSpec applicationSpec;
    FInfo documentFInfo;
    Boolean foundRunningProcessFlag;
    // verify the document file exists and get its creator type
    retCode = FSpGetFInfo(documentFSSpecPtr, &documentFInfo);
    if (retCode != noErr) goto Bail;
    // check the current processes to see if the creator app is already
    // running, and get its process serial number (as currPSN)
    currPSN.lowLongOfPSN = kNoProcess;
    currPSN.highLongOfPSN = 0;
    currProcessInfo.processInfoLength = sizeof(ProcessInfoRec);
    currProcessInfo.processName = nil;
    currProcessInfo.processAppSpec = &applicationSpec;
    foundRunningProcessFlag = false;
    while (GetNextProcess(&currPSN) == noErr) {
        if (GetProcessInformation(&currPSN, &currProcessInfo) == noErr) {
            if (currProcessInfo.processSignature == documentFInfo.fdCreator) {
                foundRunningProcessFlag = true;
    // if the creator is running, send it an OpenDocuments Apple event
    // since there is no need to launch it
    if (foundRunningProcessFlag)
        retCode = SendOpenDocumentEventToProcess(&currPSN, documentFSSpecPtr, 1);
    // else if the creator is not running, find it on disk and launch
    // it with the OpenDocuments event included as a part of the
    // launch parameters
    else {
        retCode = FindApplicationFromDocument(documentFSSpecPtr, &applicationSpec);
        if (retCode == noErr)
            retCode = LaunchApplicationWithDocument(&applicationSpec,
                documentFSSpecPtr, 1);
    return retCode;
// LaunchApplicationWithDocument
// given an application and any number of documents, 
// LaunchApplicationWithDocument launches the application and passes the 
// application an OpenDocuments event for the document(s)
OSErr LaunchApplicationWithDocument(
    const FSSpec        *applicationFSSpecPtr,
    const FSSpec        *theSpecArray,
    const short         numOfSpecs)
    OSErr retCode;
    LaunchParamBlockRec launchParams;
    AppleEvent theAppleEvent;
    AEDesc launchParamDesc;
    ProcessSerialNumber targetPSN;
    // to simplify cleanup, ensure that handles are nil to start
    launchParams.launchAppParameters    = nil;
    theAppleEvent.dataHandle            = nil;
    launchParamDesc.dataHandle          = nil;
    if (theSpecArray != nil) {
        // because 'odoc' events require a address descriptor, I just 
        // grab the PSN for the current process.  It doesn't matter what
        // it is, because it's never used.
        (void) GetCurrentProcess(&targetPSN);
        // build an 'odoc' event given the array of FSSpecs and the ProcessSerialNumber
        retCode = BuildOpenDocumentEvent(&targetPSN, theSpecArray, numOfSpecs, &theAppleEvent);
        if (retCode == noErr) {
            // coerce the AppleEvent into app parameters, for _LaunchApplication
            retCode = AECoerceDesc(&theAppleEvent, typeAppParameters, &launchParamDesc);
            if (retCode != noErr) goto Bail;
            // fill in the launch parameter block, including the
            // Apple event, and make the launch call
            HLock((Handle) launchParamDesc.dataHandle);
            launchParams.launchAppParameters =
                (AppParametersPtr) *(launchParamDesc.dataHandle);
    launchParams.launchBlockID      = extendedBlock;
    launchParams.launchEPBLength    = extendedBlockLen;
    launchParams.launchFileFlags    = launchNoFileFlags;
    launchParams.launchControlFlags = launchContinue;
    launchParams.launchAppSpec      = (FSSpecPtr)applicationFSSpecPtr;
    retCode = LaunchApplication(&launchParams);
    // dispose of everything that was allocated
    if (theAppleEvent.dataHandle != nil)     (void) AEDisposeDesc(&theAppleEvent);
    if (launchParamDesc.dataHandle != nil)   (void) AEDisposeDesc(&launchParamDesc);
    return retCode;
// SendOpenDocumentEventToProcess
// given an application's serial number and any number of documents, 
// SendOpenDocumentEventToProcess passes 
// the application an OpenDocuments event for the document
OSErr SendOpenDocumentEventToProcess(
    ProcessSerialNumber         *targetPSN,
    const FSSpec                *theSpecArray,
    const short                 numOfSpecs)
    OSErr retCode;
    AppleEvent theAppleEvent, theReplyEvent;
    theAppleEvent.dataHandle = nil;
    retCode = BuildOpenDocumentEvent(targetPSN, theSpecArray, numOfSpecs, &theAppleEvent);
    if (retCode == noErr)
        retCode = AESend(&theAppleEvent,
    // dispose of the AppleEvent if it was allocated    
    if (theAppleEvent.dataHandle != nil)  
        (void) AEDisposeDesc(&theAppleEvent);
    return retCode;
// FindApplicationFromDocument uses the Desktop Database to
// locate the creator application for the given document
// this routine will first check the desktop database of the disk
// containing the document, then the desktop database of all local
// disks, then the desktop databases of all server volumes
// (so up to three passes will be made)
OSErr FindApplicationFromDocument(const FSSpec * documentFSSpecPtr,
    FSSpecPtr applicationFSSpecPtr)
    enum { documentPass, localPass, remotePass, donePass } volumePass;
    DTPBRec desktopParams;
    HParamBlockRec hfsParams;
    FInfo documentFInfo;
    short volumeIndex;
    Boolean foundFlag;
    GetVolParmsInfoBuffer volumeInfoBuffer;
    OSErr retCode;
// dkj 12/94 initialize flag to false (thanks to Peter Baral for pointing out this bug)
    foundFlag = false;
    // verify the document file exists and get its creator type
    retCode = FSpGetFInfo(documentFSSpecPtr, &documentFInfo);
    if (retCode != noErr) goto Bail;
    volumePass = documentPass;
    volumeIndex = 0;
    do {
        // first, find the vRefNum of the volume whose Desktop Database
        // we're checking this time
        // if we're on the initial pass (documentPass) just use
        // the vRefNum of the document itself
        if (volumePass == documentPass)
            desktopParams.ioVRefNum = documentFSSpecPtr->vRefNum;
        // otherwise, find the vRefNum of the next volume appropriate
        // for this pass
        else {
            // convert the volumeIndex into a vRefNum
            hfsParams.volumeParam.ioNamePtr = nil;
            hfsParams.volumeParam.ioVRefNum = 0;
            hfsParams.volumeParam.ioVolIndex = volumeIndex;
            retCode = PBHGetVInfoSync(&hfsParams);
            // a nsvErr indicates that the current pass is over
            if (retCode == nsvErr) goto SkipThisVolume;
            if (retCode != noErr) goto Bail;
            // since we handled the document volume during the documentPass,
            // skip it if we have hit that volume again
            if (hfsParams.volumeParam.ioVRefNum == documentFSSpecPtr->vRefNum)
                goto SkipThisVolume;
            // call GetVolParms to determine if this volume is a server
            // (a remote volume)
            hfsParams.ioParam.ioBuffer = (Ptr) &volumeInfoBuffer;
            hfsParams.ioParam.ioReqCount = sizeof(GetVolParmsInfoBuffer);
            retCode = PBHGetVolParmsSync(&hfsParams);
            if (retCode != noErr) goto Bail;
            // if the vMServerAdr field of the volume information buffer
            // is zero, this is a local volume; skip this volume
            // if it's local on a remote pass or remote on a local pass
            if ((volumeInfoBuffer.vMServerAdr != 0) !=
                (volumePass == remotePass)) goto SkipThisVolume;
            // okay, now we've found the vRefNum for our desktop database call
            desktopParams.ioVRefNum = hfsParams.volumeParam.ioVRefNum;
        // find the path refNum for the desktop database for
        // the volume we're interested in
        desktopParams.ioNamePtr = nil;
        retCode = PBDTGetPath(&desktopParams);
        if (retCode == noErr && desktopParams.ioDTRefNum != 0) {
            // use the GetAPPL call to find the preferred application
            // for opening any document with this one's creator
            desktopParams.ioIndex = 0;
            desktopParams.ioFileCreator = documentFInfo.fdCreator;
            desktopParams.ioNamePtr = applicationFSSpecPtr->name;
            retCode = PBDTGetAPPLSync(&desktopParams);
            if (retCode == noErr) {
                // okay, found it; fill in the application file spec
                // and set the flag indicating we're done
                applicationFSSpecPtr->parID = desktopParams.ioAPPLParID;
                applicationFSSpecPtr->vRefNum = desktopParams.ioVRefNum;
                foundFlag = true;
        // if retCode indicates a no such volume error or if this
        // was the first pass, it's time to move on to the next pass
        if (retCode == nsvErr || volumePass == documentPass) {
            volumeIndex = 0;
    } while (foundFlag == false && volumePass != donePass);
    return retCode;
// BuildOpenDocumentsEvent
// General utility to turn a ProcessSerialNumber and a list of FSSpecs into
// an 'odoc' AppleEvent with the ProcessSerialNumber as the target
// application.  Used by SendOpenDocumentEventToProcess, and
// LaunchApplicationWithDocument.
OSErr BuildOpenDocumentEvent(
    ProcessSerialNumber     *targetPSN, 
    const FSSpec            *theSpecArray, 
    const short             numOfSpecs,
    AppleEvent              *odocAppleEvent)
    OSErr           retCode;
    AppleEvent      theAppleEvent;
    AEDesc          targetAddrDesc, docDesc;
    AEDescList      docDescList;
    AliasHandle     docAlias;
    short           counter;
    FSSpecPtr       specIterator;
    // to simplify cleanup, ensure that handles are nil to start
    targetAddrDesc.dataHandle   = nil;
    theAppleEvent.dataHandle    = nil;
    docDescList.dataHandle      = nil;
    docDesc.dataHandle          = nil;
    docAlias                    = nil;
    // create an address descriptor based on the serial number of
    // the target process
    retCode = AECreateDesc(typeProcessSerialNumber, (Ptr) targetPSN,
        sizeof(ProcessSerialNumber), &targetAddrDesc);
    if (retCode != noErr) goto Bail;
    // make a descriptor list containing just a descriptor with an
    // alias to the document
    retCode = AECreateList(nil, 0, false, &docDescList);
    if (retCode != noErr) goto Bail;
    // start at the beginning of the FSSpec list, and start adding
    // them to the document list descriptor
    // NOTE: we need to make sure we dispose of the aliases and the
    // AE descriptor in this loop, otherwise there will be memory
    // leaks.
    specIterator = (FSSpecPtr)theSpecArray;
    for (counter = 0; counter < numOfSpecs; counter ++) {   
        retCode = NewAlias(nil, &specIterator[counter], &docAlias);
        if (retCode != noErr) goto Bail;
        HLock((Handle) docAlias);
        retCode = AECreateDesc(typeAlias, (Ptr) *docAlias, 
            InlineGetHandleSize((Handle) docAlias), &docDesc);
        HUnlock((Handle) docAlias);
        if (retCode != noErr) goto Bail;
        // the alias is now in the AEDescriptor, so dispose of it
        DisposeHandle((Handle)docAlias); docAlias = nil;
        retCode = AEPutDesc(&docDescList, 0, &docDesc);
        if (retCode != noErr) goto Bail;
        // the alias is now in the AE document list, so dispose of it
        retCode = AEDisposeDesc(&docDesc);
        if (retCode != noErr) goto Bail;
    // now make the 'odoc' AppleEvent descriptor and insert the 
    // document descriptor list as the direct object
    retCode = AECreateAppleEvent(kCoreEventClass, kAEOpenDocuments,
        &targetAddrDesc, kAutoGenerateReturnID, kAnyTransactionID,
    if (retCode != noErr) goto Bail;
    retCode = AEPutParamDesc(&theAppleEvent, keyDirectObject, &docDescList);
    if (retCode != noErr) goto Bail;
    *odocAppleEvent = theAppleEvent;
    // dispose of everything that was allocated, except the return AE
    if (targetAddrDesc.dataHandle != nil)  (void) AEDisposeDesc(&targetAddrDesc);
    if (docDescList.dataHandle != nil)  (void) AEDisposeDesc(&docDescList);
    if (docDesc.dataHandle != nil)  (void) AEDisposeDesc(&docDesc);
    if (docAlias != nil)  DisposeHandle((Handle) docAlias);
    return retCode;