
 Copyright (C) 2017 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
  The Click Tracker informs the view of single and double clicks. A single click is defined as a mouse down with a clickCount less than or equal to 1. A double click is a mouse up with a clickCount equal to 2. Tip: A view can easily change its behavior in response to a click by changing the action property. The owning view must route mouseDown: and mouseUp: responder messages to this tracker. 
#import "InputTracker.h"
@interface ClickTracker : InputTracker {
    SEL _action;
    SEL _doubleAction;
    NSPoint _location;
    NSUInteger _modifiers;
// The method to call on the view in response to a click.
@property SEL action;
// The method to call on the view in response to a double click. The method should have one paramenter (ClickTracker *) and a void return.
@property SEL doubleAction;
// The location of the cursor in the view's coordinate space during a click action.
@property NSPoint location;
// The modifier flags of the last event processed by the tracker. The returned value outside of the scope of the action or doubleAction callbacks is undefined.
@property NSUInteger modifiers;