
 Copyright (C) 2017 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
 This is the window controller for our document window. It enables the menu item to toggle the tools view.
#import "LTWindowController.h"
#import "LTViewController.h"
@implementation LTWindowController
#pragma mark Window cascading
- (void)windowDidLoad {
    [super windowDidLoad];
    self.shouldCascadeWindows = YES;
#pragma mark NSMenuValidation
- (BOOL)validateMenuItem:(NSMenuItem *)menuItem {
    LTViewController *ltViewController = (LTViewController *)self.contentViewController;
    if (menuItem.action == @selector(toggleToolsViewShown:)) {
        if (ltViewController.isToolsViewShowing) {
            menuItem.state = NSOnState;
        } else {
            menuItem.state = NSOffState;
    return YES;
#pragma mark API
// Tell the view controller to toggle the tools view.
- (IBAction)toggleToolsViewShown:(id)sender {
    LTViewController *ltViewController = (LTViewController *)self.contentViewController;
    [ltViewController toggleToolsView];