
// ======================================================================================================================
//  LinkData.m
// ======================================================================================================================
#import "LinkData.h"
@implementation LinkData
// ============================================================================================================= LinkData
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- initWithAnnotation
- (id) initWithAnnotation: (PDFAnnotation *) annotation
    // Super.
    [super init];
    // Simple pointer (no retain or release).
    _annotation = annotation;
    return self;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dealloc
- (void) dealloc
    // Instance vars.
    [_text release];
    // Call super.
    [super dealloc];
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- annotation
- (PDFAnnotation *) annotation
    return _annotation;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- text
- (NSString *) text
    // Evaluate lazily and retain.
    if (_text == NULL)
        NSString        *boundedText;
        // Try to get the string enclosed by the annotation bounds - remove linefeeds and the like.
        boundedText = [[[self selection] string] stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet: [NSCharacterSet controlCharacterSet]];
        // If we got back nothing, then we presume there is no text bounded by the link - other wise return the text.
        if (boundedText == NULL)
            _text = [[NSString stringWithString: @"(no text bounded)"] retain];
            _text = [[NSString stringWithString: boundedText] retain];
    return _text;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ selection
- (PDFSelection *) selection
    // Create a PDFSelection using the link bounds (padded out an arbitrary amount so that text is more likely...
    // to fall within the selection/annotation bounds.
    return [[_annotation page] selectionForRect: NSInsetRect([_annotation bounds], -4.0, -4.0)];
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ selection
- (PDFDestination *) destination
    PDFPage         *page;
    NSRect          bounds;
    PDFDestination  *dest = NULL;
    // Somehwat complicated ... we want to represent a point (for the destination) that is above the top-left...
    // corner of the annotation bounds.  If all PDF's were non-rotated this would be trivial.  Though unusual, here...
    // we account for rotations of 90, 180 and 270 as well.
    page = [_annotation page];
    bounds = [_annotation bounds];
    switch ([page rotation])
        case 0:
        dest = [[PDFDestination alloc] initWithPage: page atPoint: NSMakePoint(NSMinX(bounds), NSMaxY(bounds) + 8.0)];
        case 90:
        dest = [[PDFDestination alloc] initWithPage: page atPoint: NSMakePoint(NSMaxX(bounds) + 8.0, NSMaxY(bounds))];
        case 180:
        dest = [[PDFDestination alloc] initWithPage: page atPoint: NSMakePoint(NSMaxX(bounds), NSMinY(bounds) - 8.0)];
        case 270:
        dest = [[PDFDestination alloc] initWithPage: page atPoint: NSMakePoint(NSMinX(bounds) - 8.0, NSMinY(bounds))];
    return dest;