
// ======================================================================================================================
//  MyWindowController.m
// ======================================================================================================================
#import "LinkData.h"
#import "MyWindowController.h"
#define kHorizontalWindowPadding        80.0
#define kVerticalWindowPadding          120.0
@implementation MyWindowController
// =================================================================================================== MyWindowController
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- windowDidLoad
- (void) windowDidLoad
    PDFDocument *pdfDoc;
    NSRect      visibleScreen;
    NSSize      windowSize;
    // Create PDFDocument.
    pdfDoc = [[PDFDocument alloc] initWithURL: [NSURL fileURLWithPath: [[self document] fileName]]];
    // Set document.
    [_pdfView setDocument: pdfDoc];
    [pdfDoc release];
    // Default display mode.
    [_pdfView setAutoScales: YES];
    [_pdfView setDisplaysPageBreaks: NO];
    // How big to create the window?
    // Visible frame for main screen.
    visibleScreen = [[NSScreen mainScreen] visibleFrame];
    // Taking into account the toolbars, etc. in the UI.
    windowSize.width = visibleScreen.size.width - kHorizontalWindowPadding;
    windowSize.height = visibleScreen.size.height - kVerticalWindowPadding;
    // Set the window size.
    [[self window] setContentSize: windowSize];
    // Clear count field.
    [_linkCount setStringValue: @""];
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dealloc
- (void) dealloc
    // Clean up instance var.
    [_linkList release];
    // Call super.
    [super dealloc];
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- beginScanForLinks
- (void) beginScanForLinks
    _linkList = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity: 10];
    _scanPageIndex = 0;
    // Start number of links at zero.
    [_linkCount setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat: 
            NSLocalizedString(@"Number of URL links found: %d", NULL), 0]];
    // Listen for these (we'll post).
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self selector: @selector(scheduledScanPage:) 
            name: @"scanPageForLinks" object: self];
    // Schedule a notification to begin the scan.
    // This is a way to allow user interaction while the PDF is being processed without using a seperate thread.
    // You don't want to be accessing a PDFDocument from two seperate threads.
    [[NSNotificationQueue defaultQueue] enqueueNotification: [NSNotification notificationWithName: 
            @"scanPageForLinks" object: self] postingStyle: NSPostWhenIdle];
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- scheduledScanPage
- (void) scheduledScanPage: (NSNotification *) notification
    PDFPage     *page;
    NSArray     *annotations;
    BOOL        foundLink = NO;
    // Get the page to scan for annotations.
    page = [[_pdfView document] pageAtIndex: _scanPageIndex];
    // Get page annotations (if any).
    annotations = [page annotations];
    if ((annotations != NULL) && ([annotations count] > 0))
        unsigned int    count;
        unsigned int    i;
        // Walk annotations looking for links.
        count = [annotations count];
        for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
            PDFAnnotation   *oneAnnotation;
            // Link must have a URL associated with it.
            oneAnnotation = [annotations objectAtIndex: i];
            if (([[oneAnnotation type] isEqualToString: @"Link"]) && 
                    ([(PDFAnnotationLink *)oneAnnotation URL] != NULL))
                LinkData    *linkDatum;
                // Wrap in "LinkData" object and add to array.
                linkDatum = [[LinkData alloc] initWithAnnotation: oneAnnotation];
                [_linkList addObject: linkDatum];
                [linkDatum release];
                // Indicate at least one link found for this page.
                foundLink = YES;
    if (foundLink)
        // reflect current number of links found.
        [_linkCount setStringValue: [NSString stringWithFormat: 
                NSLocalizedString(@"Number of URL links found: %d", NULL), [_linkList count]]];
        // Update the table view after every page scanned where a link was found.
        [_linksTable reloadData];
    // Increment page index.
    _scanPageIndex = _scanPageIndex + 1;
    // Are we at the end of the document?
    if (_scanPageIndex < [[_pdfView document] pageCount])
        // Schedule a notification again in order to process the next page.
        [[NSNotificationQueue defaultQueue] enqueueNotification: [NSNotification notificationWithName: 
                @"scanPageForLinks" object: self] postingStyle: NSPostWhenIdle];
        // Done.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- activeAnnotation
- (PDFAnnotation *) activeAnnotation
    // For our purposes, the "active annotation" is the one corresponding to the selected row in the links table.
    if ((_linkList != NULL) && ([_linksTable selectedRow] >= 0))
        return ([(LinkData *)[_linkList objectAtIndex: [_linksTable selectedRow]] annotation]);
        return NULL;
#pragma mark -------- NSTableView delegate methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- numberOfRowsInTableView
- (int) numberOfRowsInTableView: (NSTableView *) aTableView
    // Lazily....
    if (_linkList == NULL)
        // Start to scan for links when the table view is queried for data.
        [self beginScanForLinks];
        return 0;
        // If we have begun (or completed) the scan, return the count.
        return [_linkList count];
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tableView:objectValueForTableColumn:row
- (id) tableView: (NSTableView *) aTableView objectValueForTableColumn: (NSTableColumn *) theColumn row: (int) rowIndex
    // Retrieve data as requested.
    if ([[theColumn identifier] isEqualToString: @"Text"])
        return ([(LinkData *)[_linkList objectAtIndex: rowIndex] text]);
    else if ([[theColumn identifier] isEqualToString: @"URL"])
        return ([[(PDFAnnotationLink *)[(LinkData *)[_linkList objectAtIndex: rowIndex] annotation] URL] absoluteString]);
        return NULL;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tableViewSelectionDidChange
- (void) tableViewSelectionDidChange: (NSNotification *) notification
    int         rowIndex;
    // What was selected. Skip out if the row has not changed.
    rowIndex = [(NSTableView *)[notification object] selectedRow];
    if (rowIndex >= 0)
        PDFAnnotation   *annotation;
        NSRect          annotationBounds;
        // The annotation.
        annotation = [(LinkData *)[_linkList objectAtIndex: rowIndex] annotation];
        // The annotation bounds in "view-space".
        annotationBounds = [_pdfView convertRect: [annotation bounds] fromPage: [annotation page]];
        // If not visible, go there.
        if (NSEqualRects(NSIntersectionRect(annotationBounds, [_pdfView bounds]), annotationBounds) == NO)
            [_pdfView goToDestination: [(LinkData *)[_linkList objectAtIndex: rowIndex] destination]];
    // Redraw (non-optimal, need to only redraw rectangle bounding old link and new).
    [_pdfView setNeedsDisplay: YES];