Read Me About ListMania.txt

Read Me About ListMania for CodeWarrior 
(ProjectBuilder is below)
This sample demonstrates a variety of techniques for using Open TransportÕs (in Carbon) list utility routines.  Specifically, it shows how to use OTLIFO lists in a simple producer/consumer application.  The code from this sample is featured in the latest release (v1.2) of the book ÒInside Macintosh: Open TransportÓ.  
Packing List
The package contains the following items items: 
¥ ListMania.mcp Ñ A project to build the PPC version. 
¥ ListMania(PPC) Ñ A compiled version of the above which is carbonized and will run on OS9 and OSX.
¥ ListMania.c Ñ Source code to the project.
Sample Requirements
I tested this code with Carbon 1.2.5 running under Mac OS 9 and on Mac OSX.  The code should run just fine with Carbon 1.2.5 (or newer) and Universal Interfaces 3.3.2 (or newer).  
Running the Sample
To run the sample, simply double click the application and follow the onscreen instructions.
Building the Sample
The sample was built using the Metrowerks CodeWarrior IDE 4.1 environment Carbon SDK 1.2.5 and Universal Interfaces 3.3.2.  Both the Carbon SDK and Universal intefaces can be downloaded from Apple website at :
To rebuild the sample, first open the project and change the ÒAccess PathsÓ to point to the interfaces and libraries from the Carbon 1.2.5 SDK (or newer) and the Universal Interfaces 3.3.2 (or newer).  Then choose Make from the Project menu.
Credits and Version History
If you find any problems with this sample, mail <> with ÒAttn: QuinnÓ as the first line of your mail and IÕll try to fix them up.
Version 2.0 Carbonized the Sample.  
Share and Enjoy
Quinn ÒThe Eskimo!Ó
Apple Developer Technical Support
Networking, Communications, Hardware
2 Sep 1997
Read Me About ListMania For ProjectBuilder
This sample demonstrates a variety of techniques for using Open TransportÕs (in CoreServices under OSX) list utility routines.  Specifically, it shows how to use OTLIFO lists in a simple producer/consumer application.  The code from this sample is featured in the latest release (v1.2) of the book ÒInside Macintosh: Open TransportÓ.  
Packing List
The package contains the following items items: 
¥ ListMania.pbproj Ñ Project Builder Project.
¥ build/ListMania Ñ The runnable sample code for OSX. 
¥ main.c Ñ Source code to the project.
Sample Requirements
I tested this code with CoreServices under OSX .  
Running the Sample
To run the sample, simply double click the application "build/Listmania' and follow the onscreen instructions.  Or you can run it at the command line inside the terminal application.
Building the Sample
The sample was built using ProjectBuilder which is included in developer package with OSX. 
To rebuild the sample, first open the project.  Then choose Make from the Project menu.
Credits and Version History
If you find any problems with this sample, mail <> with ÒAttn: QuinnÓ as the first line of your mail and IÕll try to fix them up.
Chad Jones
Happy Coding
Feb 16, 2001